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BACKING FOR THE BRADLEY ENTRY. The saanaarimcat of i:. H. Bradley that be would htart both Bradleys Choice and Black Toney la the Kentucky Derby, aad expected to wia the great turf classic, attracted much attention among horsemen and gave ■ aew angle of riew to the prosper! af iln- famous ran-. While the attention of turfmen and the public generally lias been tocnaed on old Boaebud, Ii" lg... Ralph and other prominent eligibles at Churchill Downs, Mr. Bradleys trainei baa beea quietly preparing, his candidates on the long stretcbea f blue graaa sod at his Idle Hour Farm near this city, aad trying them Oat on his private seven furlongs tracks nt the farm with no outsiders to look on. The gallops on the turf en aided tin- Bradlej boraea to be steadUy hardened with regular exercise on the had day- when their rivals al the regular tracks were fretting in their stalls and. therefore, Mr. Bradley has bad :i good opportunity to gel ■ private line on ins Derby can didates, aa advantage which other owners have no aad UN announcement shows bow well he thinks of their chances, bul it N understood that Mr. Bradlev did a«4 make this announcement until be bad safe! iuveated a sang sum at iii - cream "i the odds in the winter book. It is believed to have beea Mr. Bradleys money, qaietly placed, which rradoallj brought down the pri big entry from it, to i to is to i. ami anally to m to i. Al this latter Bgnre ■ day .r two ago a small syndicate of voting turfaaea about this elty gol on 30 to win and the saaae amount to show- on the Bradley pall through a quiet lip from Mr. Bradley, who had already placed his own money. The price "il til Bradley entry, ii la understood, has now dropped t | io i. Lexington Correspondence Louisville i .in ier Journal.