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NIMBUS AND OTHER FRENCH CRACKS. That Frcmb people, and Parisians especially, arc becoming more and more devoted to racing wa-provod on Sunday, Vpril 5. when, despite tbe dreary weather, an enormous crowd went to I.ongcbainp for the opening of tbe spring Meeting, it had rained heavily -ill the Morning, and tbe skies remained gray throughout the afternoon: nevertheless, tbe ree-. ipts at the gate were as big as ever, and then eras a turnover at the Pari-matnel of 66,929. This -how- ■ siinill falling off from last year, when Ihe weather waa mack more favorable. Ihe great at traction was. of course, the meeting of Ninihiis. lhigor and Shannon in the Irix flea Sahlons. The victory of M. Aumonts coll shows bow unlucky be was to have met with the mishap, either in the Kpsoin Derby or Immediately on his return te France, which necessitated his heing put by far the whole of the summer, so missing several valu ihie eng agesaeats. Thanks to George Caanlngtons ■are and patience. Nimbus is now as sound as ever: I,,- ought to have a mo -1 prosperous year, and I shall tn- greatly surprised if lie does not bring hack to France a trophy from Ascot. The distance of bis race yvas one mile ami a ipi.-irter. and it yvas run ai 1 good pace, old Tetnplier III. bringing tbem along for the first Are furlongs. In the straight line for home. Milton Henry drove Nimbus to the front, and at the di-t:ince he was resolutely challenged bv DagOT, but the leader managed to hold him at hay. and won by a half length. Nimbus is certainly the best horse in France at the present moment. I am glad to say that Ttruleitr. which was stopped in his work a fortnight ago through 1 slight mishap, i- now all right again and there is every probability of bis running in the Prix du Cadrati next month. This race is now worth S20.000. and is for berets four and live years of age. of all countries, and I cannot understand why -ome good Lnglish horse i-1 no entered for it. laigli-h owners who have scruples about running their buses on a Sunday may he reminded that this race takes place •■11 a week day. gad will he run tiii- year on Thitrs-day. May 7. Among horses -tin left iu an- Nimbus, Dagor, Bruleur, Shannon. Romagny, Amadou. Kcuen. Opolf and Pete Marquette. Among the horses that ran on Sunday, and produced a good Impression. yas Isard II.. a gray four-v irobl belonging to Harm de Rothschild. He is nor. of cour-e. of tbe same CUSS a- Niinbii-. but I think he could have finished third instead of Shannon had ONeill persevered with him. Isard II. is a horse worth following this season: be is hv l.e Snmarit tin out of Irish Idyll, sad he won four rate- la-f year worth over SI..oOO -Paris fitter to s,„„ting Life.