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WINTER RACING IN BERMUDA CONSIDERED. The possibility of winter racing in Bermuda has been under discussion for some time, and it is quite possible that an undertaking iu this liuc may lip launched for next season. The .journey "from frost to flowers is easily and quickly made now, and the traiisiMirtal ion facilities are to be greatly increased as a result of the grauling of a subsidy to the Canada Steamship Lines, which company now owns the Berniudian. and is under contract to put on another larger and faster ship. The project, so far as it has come under consideration, is simplv to inerease the attractiveness of that beaut i ful isle of the sea for the tourists who visit it during the height of the season, and not to have an extended winter meeting. The racing conditions would not appeal to tlie class of owners who have no other means than are represented in their horses, and Ihe meeting would in no way eeaaaete with regular winter meetings like Charleston.