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NORTH AMERICAS LONGEST ESTABLISHED STAKE RACE ABOUT TO BE RUN FOR THE FIFTY-FIFTH TIME * ■ ■+■ The Kings Piate Is not Canadas most valuable raee, but it is ils most fashionable and keeniy coveted •v tit. Moreover, it is vested with the distinetion of being he longest established raee of unbroken annual running of North Ameriean turf history, having first been contested as far back as I860. Then Qqeen ii-loria gave the fifty guineas that comes eacli year from the soother eountry as a part of its endowment and it was the Queens Plate from that year down to 1901, when she died. In its earlier years of running ii retained but Iittl" more than the fifty guineas to owners of the winning horses and was run over various tracks. Finally il became a fixture at Woodbine Iark and the Ontario Jockey Club has so fostered it and II --M-ased its value frotik time to time that it is now the uncontested chief race of the Canadian turf. Its incision is awaited in Canada with the vivid interest with which hicagpaus formerly regarded the out-1 Hue of the American Derby aud. iike the latter, it is made the occasion for a display of feminine raiment to the limit of fashion as it changes from year to year, the ladies of Toronto vicing with their sisieis from all over the Dominion in making Kings Plate day an occasion long to be remembered. It is scheduled • i In- run the coming Saturday, the opening day of the Canadian racing season at Woodbine and its record ir.1111 1001 to dale is as follows: ear. First. Age. Jockeys. Wt. Second. Age. Wt. Third. Age. Wt. Val. Tlaae. I-M Vice Chancellor 4 Brown..]!.", Jessie McCiilloiigii 01.118 Athlete Uj ll!t$ 340.O0 2:53 isZ 1 annv Wiser 4. .A. E. Gates. .112 Williams 4 U.I Tullamore 5 .110 400.00 2:51 IS83 Bhody Priugle 3 Smith.. !»7 Williams 120 Peess Looise395 42O.O0 2:."i2y. I.SS4 Williams ii Martin. .121 Marquis o 121 Modjeska 5. ..118 415.00 2:50% IS«5 Willie W. I4| Jamieson. .llo 1 r-d Henry lai 121 Edmonton 4. .120 470.00 2:iS iss. ; Wild Rose 4 . Butler.. .11* Fred Henry aj 121 Wild Brace 3 97 490.00 8:40 ., IJA7 Bonnie Duke 5 Wise. .110 Fred Henry ia 1 122 Aunt Alice 7. 117 357.50 2:19 1888 Henry Cooper 4 ..C. oT.ia.v.ns bvangeiine 4 113 Cast OB .ri...H7 407.50 2:18% 1 M8» Colonist 3 U. Ol eaiv. .me. Boa ino :; lol Long Shot C.. 120 322.50 2:10 I89U Kite String 13 Coleman . . 103 la Blanche 4 117 Flip Flap 4. .117 327.50 2:22 I8U1 Victorious 3 Gorman.. 10G I. a Blanche .0 121 Moyama ". ..101 407.50 2:14% 1802 ODonohoe 3 Horton..l06 Queen Mary 3 101 Ilea. Ploom :.101 422..% 2:22 I8M3 Marlello 4 . . 1 10 thal.i |.;» 103 Ilea. I.loom 4117 830.00 2:14 1 v.i 1 Joe Miller 4 Booker.. 122 Bel Deiuonto 5 125 MaJ.Geaeral3 100 705.00 2:28 u I8!I5 Bonuiefield 3 .Booker .. 109 Millbrook :: iih; Locbinvar 4. .110 995.00 2:17% Millhri.ok 4i Lewis. .122 Kprlngal ■: 102 Dictator 5 ..126 975.00 2:19 ;vi7 Ferdinand 13 Lewis.. loti I, on ino 3 101 Wicker CI loo 1,015.00 2:13 IM:S Don Ino 4 B. Williams. .117 Dalmoor 4i 122 Maritana II. 31 101 1,010.00 2:1. isoo Batter Scotch "i Mason. .101 Dalmoor ." 120 Toddy Ladle 3 100 1.331.00 2:15% MM Dalmoor ttl Lewie. .126 The Provost 3 108 BeUcoart 4. ..117 1,395.50 2:14 IlKtl John Buakin 3 Vltltoe. . 106J Beilcoart 5 121 Pernietickle 3101 1,570.50 2:18% U02 l.vddiie :jj Waluwrlgut..l«l Fly-in-Aranei 4i iii optmtia ."i ...12:4 1.725.00 2:1.". 1903 Tbessalon .: Castro. .104 Neslo ., ■ 100 iold.Cust 1.JI7 1,960.00 2:15% 19U4 Sapper 3 I. Walsh. .10:; Nimble Dick 2 106 War Whoop C510G 1,975.00 2:12 1903 Inferno 3 II. Phillips . . 100 Will King 3 100 H.SeaaOver 3. 108 2,002.00 2:12 I90O Slaughter . Trenhel. .106 Court Martial 3 1 k; Harako S ...101 3.395.00 2:11% 1907 Kelvin 3 Foley. .106 Half t Crown 3 KM; Bilberry 5 123 3,707.00 2:12% IbtiS Seismic 3 Falrbrftther..l06 Sbimonese 3 101 U.-a-Crown 14. 122 3,050.00 2:11 Ifitet Shiinoiieso 4 Gilbert. .119 Tollendal 3 10S Fort Carry !3.108 3,250.00 2:10% |91 » Parmer "0 J. Wilson. .105 Comn.ola 3 104J Jane Shore 3. 103 3.332.50 2:12% l»ll sr. Pass CI E. Dugan. .100 Powderman 3 105 Jane Shore 4. 119 3.395.00 2:00% 1942 Heresy 3 Small. .108 Aiuherlte 31 103 Hustling 3. ..103 4.535.00 2:11 1913 Hearts of Oak 13. .X Wilson. .113 Maid of Prome f3 1«S Gold Hud 4. .118 4,335.00 219% ■Qoeens Plate prior to this year and run as sucu from I860 to 1901. Harry G hidings champion Canadian two year-old of las! season. Beehive, an libra I en wlanei of m races, is nataralrj an overwhelming favorite for next Saturdays renewal of the Plate, the revised li.-t of eligibiea for which. foPowlng declarations on May 1, is made upas fellows: llorse. Sex. A. Pedigree. Owner. Wt. A. in-.inn b. g. 3 Inferno -Court Maid 11 Bennett, W.. Toronto 105 , Mail Order b. c. :: lougorder— Miss Morgan Brookdale Stable, Barrie 10fi . Bean Cheval eh. e. 3 Tongorder Do;, mils Brookdale stable. Barrie 100 , Gold Bud eh. m. 5 Alles dor odd Spot Davies. Bobert, Todmorden 12: Roguish I . f. •". Bolsover— Mischief Maker Davies, Bobert, Todmorden KM Beehive it. c 3 Basset law My Honey Giddlngs, H., Oakvllle 1 1 •"• Marion Gaiety b. f. 3 Martimaa — Miss Gaiety Giaaseo, i:.. Windaor 100 j Lad of Windsor b. g. 3 Makaiaad — Ode Classen, K.. Windsor MB . Gerald G eh. g. :: David Garriek -Kelpie Gorman. J. ... Ottawa 106 . Voivode Or. g. 4 V|isilanii II. -Chinks Gorman, P., Ottawa 12i Slipper Day br. f. 3 Martimas Blue Qrooae Hendrie, Col., Hamilton los s Porcupine br. g. 5 Martimaa -Loslola Hamillon. J. I.., Smlthvllle ....121 Lady Havoc b. f. 3 Havoc -Xenia Hamilton. .1. L. Smlthvllle ....163 1 Hartalla eh. g. 3 Martimas lalua Le Boy, Milton, Toronto 10S Hope Des b. f. :; Vpsiuint] li. Primavera Lowery, George G.. Toronto 103 obi Ueiiabb- b. c :; David Garriek 43ampan Miutz, Sol.. HamUton 113 . i e.iar Ilnndley b. g. :: Cedarstrome -Hundley Newell. It.. Toronto 10.. Percv Ryan . ch. g. :• ypnilanti II. -Coquille Obernesaer, .. Dnndas 105 • Kamio . br. c. :: Bassetutw — Widows Mite Phelau. T. P., Toronto los 1 Maiisolus br. g. 4 Stanhope II.— Meadowley Boberts, If. II.. SImcoe 121 I — »it b. g. 3 Havoc — Fron Proa Seagram. J B., Waterloo llo Sea I.o.d br. g. :: Vpsilanti II. —Sea Wall Seagram. .T. F.. Waterloo 105 Va tatio b. l. :: Havoc Devia Seagram. J. ]•:.. Waterloo 105 Meissen b. f. :i Inferno Royal china Seagram. J. 1-... Waterloo los Da b Itosah-i-.i in-, f. 3. Havoc — Irish Lass Seagram, J. I-:.. Waterloo los K Kx r I . g. 4 i:elaniation--Myra Muella Stewart. A. T.. Fort Frio 121 ■ Plauiltort b. f. 4 Manuhs l.a Turl Thotusou. J. A.. Haniilton 119