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DENVER RACING OFFICIALS ANNOUNCED. Denver. Col.. May 19.— The Denver Fair mid Bac ing Association hi- anoouaced the aaaeiabi for its niiieieeu days snniiii -r meeting, startini. Saturday, June 13, under license from the Colorado Stale Racing Commission. These officials are: Presiding Judge. P. A. Brady; associate judge. A. T. Dobson: lacing secretary, Bobert F. Leiguton; starter, Kd Tribe: assistant starter, W. Tribe. The Ave directors of tin- Denver Fair and Racing Association an- now al! on the ground ami actively engaged in completing arrangements for tin- initial meei ing. Tic- directors an-: V. T. llirecn. a prominent Vancouver, B. c. business man. pries] dent: George il. Preedlander, a prominent Cueur dAlonc. Idaho, banker, secretary and treasurer: W. A. Bead, a successful Vancouver, B. C. business man. general manager: V. W. I-inn. of Coeur liAlene, well known as the builder of several race tracks, and in chaigc of construction al Overland, ami Ra ing Secretary and Handlcapper, Bobert F. Li -isrliton. i: . 1-11 1 Overland arrivals are F. M. Phiilipa, with /.enol.-k ami Maiiilailero; W. A. McKinm v. will: Burlington Bess, Lehigh and Bal cliff; Lawn Pros.. i!ii r..0i: Lil Doyle, of St. Loads, with Myth, Choctaw ami Valadslid; Henrv Perkins, with Miss Hawkstone am! Bertodano; Louis Meago, with Bck l»ai: .1. w. McLaaghlin, with Arbutus; J. F. Mil ler. will. Jim Benson; D. II. Burnett, with Dew Drop; W. II. Bradford, with Andrea ODay, Bertha V. and Quick Trip; J. B. Short, with Ilex: viti toe and White, with Preewlll; .1. c lenis. with Nlciaa, Dalstou, Pel ua. Thaka, Hester. Vi ander. Superiority, Winifred D. and an unnamed two-year-old by Marathon Sorrel lop. and .1. B. Cloher. v.ith Violet May and .1. I.. Mayhew. The Denver meeting will have plenty of lenses for . rood racing, in the opinion of Bacing Secretarj It. i" il I. Leigfaton, who would be satisfied with 55o 1 horses. one day lasi week tiflytv.o n arrived iii one afternoon ami the count thai night showed [ •.,, horses already 011 t in ground, with many others in transit ami still ethers with stall reservations for later arrival*. Present estimates are that there will be oxer li!t ih ■■:. year-olds eligible to the Colorado Derby, worth S2.HIU.. stabled at Overland Pnrk by Junei. when 1 1 he em lies dose. There will 1..- about forty I wo year-olds eligible for tin- Juvenile Handicap, a tive furlongs event for two-year-olds worth ,000. Tim largest number of starters in any previous Derby hen was .li veil, in 1900, when Jockey Vickery won wilh The Case. The mile and a quarter distance of the Derby this year is the longest lb,- horses have ever been askcl to go in this event. The track record "f 2:07, for this distance, was made in September, Btio. by Frank Labbock. Something unique in the way of an inaugural is planned to Introduce the public t.. racing after a lapse of several years here. On Saturday, May SO, tie- Gentlemens Driving and Killing Club, which regularly holds its free matinee at tin- city Park nail mile track will conduct, jointtj with the Den rer Fair and Bacing Aasociatloa, a joint free matinee ai the Overland mile track. The park will be open loi visitors .mil picnicera all day. Musi,- uiH he provided, there will be harness and running races and a parade of the horse, at the Hack in front of the gram Island.