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•-K i- •• - - AMERICAN SUCCESSES IN FRANCE. At Hainan * I.aiiiti.-. May lJ. tiny Qamer wea two one being a .fL«HHl slake. M. MeCee Won a race Ihe -aine day. V. Powers won a steeplechase handicap at Saint on, ti. May -:i M. htfGee won two race- at the Bois de Hon bigne. May 24. one being a *i;. nk» slake. Frank ONeill won a race the same day. lamer won a race at Saint cioud. Mav 2.". At Saint Oiien. May 2*. Fr.-.l Williams won the Mm s-_ nisi lri Killartiey. Johnny BetS won a *1. hk ra.e at I.e Trem-l.liiv. Mav -7. and the following .lav al the I.ois d.- Boulogne Item. ONeill ami McOee each piloted a winner. Ihe -tandint: f the five kadtng steeplechase jockeys iu Hratnce, up to May 2.".. was a- follows: Jockey. Firsts. .lo.key. Firsts. V. Powers 2ft A. Carter gg W. Head 2ft ■*• Williams tji 1 irl r. incut 24 Ihe record of the live leading riders on the flat. up I" May --. was as follow-: Jockey. Mta.rata. Jaekey. mi-i-t- K. ONeill 215 41 Shane 154 24 M l.i:,e l.;o M J. Keill 138 IS «-i. lamer I."j5 25