Latonia Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1914-06-10


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_ - 1 LATONIA FORM CHART. t " I abulia Jockey Club. Spring Meeting of 24 , LATONIA, KY.. TUESDAY. JUNE 9. 1914. Decani day. Te.i.jStewar.LVharles F. Price. Presiding Judge. W. H. Shelby. Start-r. Harry Morrissey. Rae in; Seiielarv, K. W Maginn. - Raring starts »t 2:31 p. in. Chicago time -J:3t p. in. 1. "indicates appreutee allowance. m rj /V1 FIRST RACE 5-8 Mile. «HW- 88 2 W0. 8000 added. 2 year olds Maidens. 4 I J X Spectol Weighls. x.-i vain.- p, wteserJMgOlJf£P?JilSi ll"r1- g j TuTiT HoTsTT A Wl PPSt S :■ ■". Sir Fin Jo. keys Owners Bgrta. OjjsStrM •1 - j TZm*+T5 vv.i-it. n vSTTt" . 4 i* • vTT* D ConnollyG M Hendrie 130 KKt 5 46: i !;HKsfKinuN n-nfll I 3 " I " P Kef* ; ?*?*?** " U 1 I liiliUKHOIilS w 112 1 1 li 4; :: V A Neylon Ct J Lou jj . • MISS BELLAMY - Kj . 5 6 5 %£%J « "»« J " j ta mutuels paid. Rand,, -r. ...i«» -tiaisht. Sir.7l. pla.e. fZM *OW; ChlStUlllS, ..70 place. .40 show; "; , "nirakttooking odds- Rancher. ISO to 100 Straight, 88 I" HO place, 1« b IOO show; Chesterton. 35 ■ to lOO place. -Mi p. KM. gbow; Rhodes. 30 to PMI show. KANCHBBt0cannr wltt*." im-iu.Icl VarTwcl. .,,lcd ia his rtrlda and interfer wHb HETBRTON . N When an eiahth out when passing him, but drew away and won In a canter. CHESTERTON ran a good " race and ftniabed gamely. RIloHLS came last at the end. GONDOLINe showed Hue speed m 18 , for the tir t half MISS RKLAMY was knocked out of contention at the start. Scratched— 14150 Ha/./.aza, U 9. a r7 Art SBCOND RACK 3-4 Mile. 8881— 1:11* -8 — 1ML Pncae 888* 3year .lds and up t± J J Jj ward. Selling. Net value to winner 50. second. "": third. 8jft , ■|,„j.x n rs.. VWtPPSt-t ■■■ StrFiu Jockeys Owners Egniv. Odds Strt ~t J4623-*oH.GAN w 3 M 4 3 p. J, P y A Mott J !;»»" Jg l7l ii-.RricnnF poT w 4 110 i " 51 .3 -■ A Neylon J w Haj * l _ 10 l / -4 14«S CALLKV SLAVE W 7 112 7 1 *■ V - 4 F Keogh Lt Mi* ■ 25 4«-»4 criLLHTE W 5 Mi 17 7 tii 5 o" D Connelly J Degman i ; tx-7 miSTACB w 3 101 2 I q li « 8*1 W W TIotO J Long 10 lb l«oi TRANSPORT wn 4 109 3 . 8 8 8 7- WOb.rt J T Hughes . 07 l«*M llftc, UBWllNU npSTHTO nil I r, |it5 7 8 E Martin Mrs T M Irvin 93 !»;: Tin,.: 23%. 47/5. 1:13. Track fast. mutucN paid. .llMgan. .90 straight. |SJi place. .70 show: Cubic Pant, 8*80 place, .90 i riWllquentbookbV,odds OHagan, 345 to 100 straight. M ta MM pteec, ■■■: to MB show; GnM. I Post 215 to KM place. 15 to KM HbOW: Veliuhee, 13 to 1 H show. iiuici p. r bv Oddfellow- Ruhu- trained by B. Cmminghaiu . V 10 dok it ; 04 t D081 3 minntei Start good and slow. riving: second and thud 1 the same OHAGAN W «5J Iolwlrlly , taking .he h UWOSed of ,;AI LEY SLAVF „, i the tirs, half but had to do his best t tstay CHIDE POST. The tetter came last in the last t eighth Tand wonld have won at a longer distance. YENGHEB was outpaced early and hurshed teat GALLBY SLAVS ran a ned half and tired. CURLICUE was caoght m a Jam soon alt-r the stait. iiie winner, -nler. .1 for M . was bid up to 8L0Q0 and sold to B. 1. j Otton. T A TV r€ THIRD RACE 5-8 Mile. i!.02ii7 59 2 IOO.. *fe0 add- d. 2 year-olds. Fillies. ± ± | /0 Selling. Net value to winner 10: second. 3C: third. :ji«4. - I |lluex Horses WtPPSI , ■■ t Sir Fin Jock-ys Owner- Eqniv. Odds Strt £t . 1134«.AI.KA.NKT wTR 1 7 V $ ■■_ [j C DlaRinoaJ WhtoF 115 100 Of. I I -.,... iriToi u lat 1 1 51 ::■ -• 21 D Oonnellyj. w J Dissell i i is JlM- F l" U.II.ES 5 J 1. V 3 n F Keogh D W Scott W UAPO.fLoIE CROCKET w 98 6 5 A 2| 1 V F »»*»insnM C Mejw 0 10 • ■•tii: rtcKx n .vn tkPwk is • g i ., U A Neylon E K Braowj •• ,« GmLaWALASSIBRw»l« T I S - g V ... DomtakR F Carrnan f« .;r, ii.u-» uvi.i-i it m IAS - " s.1, 7. 7. 7. K Martin P J Kelle M H lUS.hrTiK Z aOH I ■;■ V 81 si A Ktl J BMjdasi ., t", v BLANCHE LEWIS w 108 10 lo 11 11 M 91 M .finer A.I Gorey » I X- ril/HII "1U PEYTON v 10218 11 I" 10 I M3 E Pool 1- Peyton t 14411 lA I l-r: , ,.L , |, n« r Denny Mrs f M inrin t -; llfitil MISTY MORN waist 318 11 M 12 12 V W Tloi .1 .1 Flannigan 9 » tliiii.el field Time 233A. 48y5. 1:01. Track fast. 82 inntnete Jaid, Alkanet, .9.» "tialght. W3* place » -lew: Idiola. 1.70 place. .«0 show: U* l!:pdva11.Sl-"king odds--Alkanet. 145 to 100 -Iraight. 75 lo KM. plac, ... to 188 show; Idiola, 485 to KM place 1KO ! • loo show : Lea Invalidc-.. Iimi to 100 anew. Winner— R f, by st. i.avin Alanarka trained by j. . May. Start g.,.«l and -low. Won driving: second and ,,,•,,, thud |„. he Went to .... t al 3:38. At post 5 minutes. saiue lkankt began Mlowlj and was outrun to the stretch, bat awted np wila a rush m the test eighth .1, IDIOLA, bowing macs speed and proniiara trom the start hnished ,., and gol up to win in the last stride. fist and barely failed to win. l.LS INVALIDBS snowed the m-i -l-;7 ■»« ;« «■. .,aft l" "tUu- U"-. i„. » I .-I FLOSSIE CBOCK.ET tired m the H.i.l, and - • did BIB AND 11 I overweight- Cddei l---ic. t pounds: Blanche Lewis. 2: FltzalMih Peyton. 1 . - A rT/"a/i KiHRiH i:ci:— 3-4 Mile. 8981—1:11%— 5—110. 1 Parse JOOf. 3 -yeat olds and up m £- | Yjqt ward. Special Weights. Net value to winner 50: s mi. ; third. Q. ~lndpx flor e- A~VvTTrPSI . --4 Sir Fiu Jockeys Owners Egmv. odd-Strt rt 14.SR:t-LMY MOONET WB S 102 1 4 ■■■ V S 1* W Oberl WTfi Walsh - "« uhi IIstS , a ii.-i id v " 101 t • 1 p. P 2* E Martin • W ■"Mldatt : ilil- v!" wlm I i » 21 ■■■ 3= A Neylon H R Bradley 18-6 3-5 iii«« 51 41 4 4- M Griner E C Arnold 11 - ni 1st- PV17T. w 4 110 3 f, il ROBERT KAY wb 3 101 4 3 4* 8* 6* 5= F Keogh WL Lawi. M 38 i*i- ; ..IMTI.LY WBlMB i; « ; « « D Conmlly.l Ma.Manus 81 s -1- lim. 23.. 47. 112,. Track fuM. saatahta paid, m.h.u. t 83 » -iiaigbi. $£.*« place, and « Sot ; oiu.lio. snon place, ff.88 ahaw: iw - B" riiv.inVb. kn,u adjdS Lad] M..onc. 2!M« to 111. Straight, 45 lo KM Place. 10 to KM shOWl Othello. I 50 to 100 phi. •■ 15 to 100 show: Rae. 27. lo KM show. wtunei C f, bj Wet Well =— Kboaet trained by 3. V . LaUy, | Mat same. thr in in OT1 The The Z_~ IA JL I In* 14 14, i ]41 "141 |Z nj 84.00 T Tea. J A Into ■* wide wl was Wl __ — 1 J. j, — M 9 * 1 g M j ] |J Ti ,|, he til the • » OF — Went lo jmisI at 4:10. At post 1 minute. Stall good and slow Won driving: second and third the LADY MOOVET moved up fast after going a half mile and. in a game finish, outstayed OTHELLO tbtongh the asi sixteenth OTHELLO showed high speed in pacctuaking for the first hall, but tired I i-t the stretch drive BAC was going fast and about lo pass iulo he lead on the stretch turn when OTHELLO cut him off and he was in close quarters through the stretch, but was Ivcst and should liave won. others wes itpaced. Overweight* Lady .Moonct. 2 pound-: Rubci t K.. I: ORcilly. 1. fT IF* FIFTH RACE 3-4 Mile. S9S1 1:11--. 5—110. 1914.sh00 added, .year-olds and upward. TC I JtJ Selling. Net value to w inner V5: second. 21: third. 1914.sh4. In.lev Horses AWtPPSt U . Sir Fiu Jockeys Owners E.pilv. Odds Sti I 14B47-C o.N DELIVERY w S 113 - E S V 1- P A Neylon J Livingston NMR I44»3 KOTAL TEA w I I KK :: 1 2« 4- 4 J . F Keogh W H Baker :6 I442»*ELLA BRTBON w H 110 « 1 l1 31 8J V C DishmonR F Carman ■ 1453! BEAU CH1I/TON wit 7 108 4 « V Li 8* ciM Griner B C Arnold 14581 J. D. WAKFlEEDwit 5 104 E 8 :: B» 5« a I Conn. Mm w GMaaer f 14082 OREEX w 5 102 I 1 t! fi i fi WWTlorCVV Riedinger »• Time. 23%. 47V4, 1:18%. Track fast. miiluels paid. Cash on Delivery. 84.00 straight. $::.K place. .30 show: Royal Tea. :i.S0 [.lace. show: Ella Rryson. .70 show. Equivalent booking odds Cash on Deliverv. KM! to KM straight. 55 to 100 place. 13 to KM show j Roval 990 to KM place, ISO to KM show: Ella Rryson. 36 to 100 show. Winn. u P.Ik. g. by Santello — El Sonera trained by . llammon. Went to post at 4:42. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and I bird driflng. CASH ON DELIVERY moved up test after going three-eighths and. saving much ground when turning the Stretch, drew away and won as his rider pleased. ROYAL TEA ran a good race and ..utgauud ELLA RRYSON for second place in the final stride. ELLA RRYSON showed the most early speed, hut ran on the stretch turn and lost ground. JOHN D. WAKEFIELD was always outpaced. BEAF CHILTON speedy and ran well to the stretch. Scratched 14070 Vmir. 105. rT fC± SIXTH RACE 1 1-16 Miles. 5220- 1:13«£ :: 110. .M» added. 4 yeai -olds and lip" IA 4j I V/O ward. Selling. Net vain.- lo winner 9 : second. 24: third. 1914.sh0. Index Horses AWtPISl jj ■_. % Str Fin Jockey- Owners Eqniv. Odds Sir I 14331 CARPAIH IA w 4 9S E I D. 1 1 | ll 1 F Robbins Ross and Looney 12S8-M8 14052-COLD. TREASFREw 6 111 " 1 2* :: V lx V E Martin E Horton 4 400ft z SAM HIR8CH w 4 97 7 4 41 4 4J 3 :.- A Mott W J Young 9-r, 14«04*STAR OF DANlUEw 4 100 « 2 3- JO. J1?. 4i 4" A Neylon J C Milam 78-20 14053 NANNIE McDEE w 5 104 1 « 71 7° 51 ." 5 J DominkKeith and Spence 75 14433 EEOPOLD w 6 106 8 7 - 52 6* «2 6* «: W Obert W O Yanke s. lo 14024 .1. KAVANAUGH wit 3 104 1 5 8 S 8 7= 71 T Carter S B McMillan 131 13828 POLL,S wn 7 114 4 S fit :M 7 8 S W W TlorJ T Hughes l Time. 24%, 48%, 1:13%. 1:39%, 1:46. Track fast. mutuels paid. Oarpnthia. 0.40 straight. 1. M place, .00 show: Colden Treasure. .70 place. .•S2.!M show: Sam Ilirsch. .00 show. BqaiTaleat booking odds -Carpathia, 1220 to 100 straight. 450 to Kki place. KK to 100 show: Col.lcn Treasure. 185 Ul KM place, 45 to KM show: Sam Ilirsch. 88 to M0 show. Winner Br. f. by Slar Shoot — Janowood trained by .1. P. Ross. Went to post al 5:1.:. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving: second ami third driving. CARPATHIA moved into the lead in the Oral quarter and. setting a good pace to die end. held GOLDEN TREASURE safe in the final drive. GOLDEN TREASURE was a forward conlender ali uav and made a game finish. SAM HIRSCH was outpaced, but finished fast and gamely. STAR. DANUBE quit in the last quarter after racing in chaaa pursuit to the stretch. Overweights- Jack kavanaugh, 2 pounds.

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Local Identifier: drf1914061001_2_4
Library of Congress Record: