Dorval Park Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1914-06-10


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— _ M , — ,i, ing _ _ ~ » 1 J 1 — | _ 1* li » 1 r 1 1 . , 1 j 7 j ! , J J , ;, 1 1 , .. a * - h _ ■ _ 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 h 1 1 / 0 _ - 1 t " 24 , - j •1 - j KKt 5 U 1 I jj . • " j "; , 35 ■ . N " 18 , , ~t l7l 10 l / -4 ■ 25 i ; 10 lb . 07 93 !»;: i I 1 i t - £t 100 Of. i is i 0 10 •• f« .;r, M H t", v ., » t t -; 9 » to |„. he .1, ,., i„. - up m rt uhi : 18-6 3-5 11 M 38 81 s iw - | I DORVAL PARK FORM CHART. , ___ MONTREAL. QUE., TUESDAY. JUNE 9. 1914. Second day. Dorval Jockey Club. Spring Me. ling of 7 days. i.;7 books on. i Weather cloudy. Presiding Steward, Joaanh A. Murphy. Presiding Judge. Francis Nelson. Starter. James Milton. Rae- Secretary, Joseph M.Lenuau. Racing stars :u 2:.W p. m. Chicago time 1:80 p. mi. *Indicat. s apprentice allowance. — FIRST RACE-4 1-2 Furlongs. 1 lt;.s3— 57%— 2 1 12. Purse $.-.00. :: year olds. 1/frr/Vry rt I J I Mai.b 11-. Fillies. Special Weights. Net value to winner ; second. 0: third. 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt 14 % 54 Str Fin Jockeys Owners 0 H C P S ~ 14405 MARGARET G. w 110 10 L 1- 1" 1- li G Gould D Hill 10 li 15 I 14588!MRS. CAMPBELL. w 110 4 4 Q 8J 8* Z :; C Grand R J Allison 2 2 8-5 7-102-5 14588 HABERDASH w 110 11 I 8* 3"k 31 8" J Frach F Feitner 3i 5 u L 1 14588 BAGATELLK w 110 1 1 2 41 4* 4i J CallahanMrs J F Hammerti «i 6 -. 7-5 14286 CELEBRITY w 110 7 I 8*8 V B"» R Pickett J B Tyree JO SI LO 8 I 14654 GOLDHAVE.N" w 110 :: :: !nk J i»k 0* J HanoverW L. Oliver S 10 5 2 1 14410 DOLL GIRL w 110 8 S 10- lo- s«t 7aa j Collins J W Fuller 6 12 M E S| DAZZLING RAY w 110 5 7 41 V 7- H C Clement MrsLALivgston 18 li 15 0 3 14558 SANTA MARIA wb 110 8 11 81 6?. 9i 93 C VanDunH A Cotton 60 tiO 88 M 10 14001 MISS FLSSY w 110 2 1o 11 11 10« lo3 F Murphy J H McCarren M 40 30 lo 8 14588 STILL DAY w 110 ti i «i» 7MI 11 W Taylor R J Austin 30 50 40 15 8 I8aw, 24, 49%. 57%. Track fast. Winner — Cii. f, by Stalwart -Christmas trained by D. Hill. Went to post al 2:40. At |Kjst 5 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driv- ing. MARGARET ti. left the barrier with a rush and drew away into a hang lead in the first quarter and. While tiring in the stretch, easily outstayed MRS. CAMPBELL. The latter was oil in a tangle and closed big gap. bui tired in the last sixteenth. HABERDASH was forced wide for the entire way and ran 1 g.»..l race. BAGATELLE and CELEBRITY ran fairly well. GOLDHA VEN closed a gap. -| A ry/iQ SECOND RACE— 3-4 Mile. 14iSi- 1:15 II 10. Purse 00. :: year-olds and up ll I /O ward. Selling. Net value to winner M: second. 0: third. $:!o. index Horses AWtPPSt Vi % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P S I0:5 DICK78 PET wn :; KK :. lo 0". I1 1 j 1 .1 Smyth O Pons r, i ii vT 14«*ft»TOY BOY w 10 KM; 1 I St i| Sal 2 T Collins J V Fuller 2 2 17 107-101 -.; 14010 CAMBL wit 8 114 lo 8 X- 2 :;.. R Pickett J II McCarren IS J* .0 8 4 14556 TODDLING w f. 111 t 4 El 8 «.. 41 S Davis J U Strode S 10 10 1 2 14503 LAIOLON w I 101 I ! k SU 7 5nk F Murphy A B Davidson 4 4 4 S-5 7 10 II635 GIMLI an SIM Z 2 :ink 71 s- i1 Harlow H D Poyneer 10 12 10 4 2 il44S4LOFTUS w 3 102 .* E 4i 4"k 4l 7- G W CarllJ B Respess 6 » 8 :; 8-5 14400+FASTOSO i •• w 12 lit 7 i 71 I3 8" s". C Grand A D Worley JO 88 ::» 1 I afl liaOOTHOhtAS HARK w 8 MB 11 7 10 lo M »■ .1 CaUahanl Striker 81 B 40 15 x 14502 KGO w B 100 8 3 l1 8*8 lo W Tavlor B Fit/.gerald 20 80 15 I :: 11500 LADY INNOCNCB W 1 15 I Left at the post. R Shilling P F Gloss 30 40 40 15 8 vSent out !n entrleaaa raaees. Time. 24%. 49, 1:16%. Track fast. Winner— B. f. bv B;:tts--Kittv Belle Brooks Grained bv A. L. Austin.. Went to at 3:00. At i.ost 4 minutes. Start aqod and slow for all but LADY INNOCENCE Won handily: second and third driving. DICKS PET waaoaT slowly, but steadily worked her way upon the out :.le and raced to the front with a rush while rounding the last turn, but was ridden out at the end to out stay TOY BOY. The latter was taken back on the far turn and was crowded against the fence when eu-L ring the homestretch and was then taken to the middle of the track and finished fast and gaining. CAMEL closed a big gap in the tirst quarter and finished close up. I.AIGLON was off slowly and made up much ground. TODDLING ran fairly well. rjQQ and I.QFTFS showed speed, but quit. rj fC THIRD RACE— 3-4 Mile. I I lllW 1 :15- 4 — 1 10. Purse 00 . ..year olds and up IA 4JL I " "«r ward. Belling. Wej value to winner : vr I. : tnii.l. 880. Index Horses AWtPPSt U _• % Sir Fin J.M-keys Owners O H 0 P 8 143ft8*SALESlA w 5 104 1 1 4 2 1. 1 ". .1 Collins Mrs ."FliainmerK H I 1 14499 RLFE JAY wb i 111 13 1 C I1 Zl ." W Scott 10 M 18 « I 14S35-SACKCLOTH w I lot X 5 V ;,h |i ;t.k B" Murphy F Feitner 8J :■$ 8| 2 I 14610 HALDEMAN w is 8 114 1 8 ■ * i- V th C Grand W Birnie 8 8 8 3 8-:. 14407 PCESS THORPE wn 7 100 11 12 U« ID 71 S* G WC.ull.l W McGue S 8 7 Ji 7-5 14888 *GILBERT Rose w 7 lot. : 7 5i 81 V ov A Cfcaver 8 Polk E 8 E Z 1 14878GENL WARREN WB 3 102 8 9 7"1- S-- U 7- J Smyth W Stormont 10 18 10 4 9430 CHEER it w 5 111 6 S 10*10= 9-- 81 J CallahanD Raymond _0 30 » 12 6 14437 ■CONSTITUENT w 4 114 4 3 2h D 3" :• C Peak Dr Phillips 8 12 S 4 2 14501 M ASALO WB 5 111 3 10 8nk »i ip p.- w Gargan VV Gargan Sr 30 50 50 28 12 14497 FUNDAMENTAL w 8 111 E J t»* 7 W» 11* J Frach E L Fitzgerald 15 88 M 12 « 14523-TASCLS wb 4 114 7 II 2 18 18 1- R Pickett C Reed 12 20 20 S 4 Tim.-. 24. 49. 1:16%. Track fast. Winner -Ch. m. by Stalwart Portia Swett trained by J. Nichols. Went to post at :::40. At post 8 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; BBCSBMl and third dnv lllg. SALES1A. off forwardly. raced in close pursuit of the pacemakers to liie stretch, then passed the leaders ia the last ei.iili and won going away. BLUB JAY gained steadily after working his way up on the outside. SACKCLOTH ran well throughout, but was tiring at the finish. HALDEMAN eras on the out side all the way and. closing a big gap. finished with a rush. PRINCESS THORPE also made up much groaaal. FUNDAMENTAL ami CONSTITUENT quit after alternating in pacemaking to the stretch. fT -| /"h FOl RTH RACE— 5-8 Mile. 11340 -1.03—2 — 105. First Running Juvenile Stakes. 1/j 4lr I _LVJ 81,000 ad.b.l. 8-year eMa. Allowances. Net value to winner ,400 :seeond. |aW; third. . index Horses AWtPPSt j jj g Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P S 14634STIR UP w 101 7 0 4i 41. 5 ij A Claver MrsLALivgston 15 0 5 I I 14591 TA RZAN w 108 4 2 3i 2 k z± j»k J HanoverH P Whitney S-5 8-5 3-3 1-2 1-4 14633 i LINSIN w 105 5 1 A D IJ 3J J CallahanC S Campbell to 7 »i 8-5 7-P 14501 COMMONA I w 118 2 3 5« 5- 3° 4i G Burns It J Austin I i 6 2 7-10 14501 SIR EDGAR w 118 5 4 21 S 4U .", E Taplin H G Bedwell 8J 3 3 1 8-6 14240 SHYNESS w 106. I 1 7 7 84 0" G Rowley T Clyde M .7 6 8-5 7-10 14135 RELIANCE w 99J 3 7 61 ti3 7 7 E AmbroseQuincy Stable 15 20 10 4 - f Coupled in betting: no separate place or show betting. Time. 24. 48*5, l:024s new track record.. Track fast, Winner It. c. by lldiiu -Skirts trained by M. Feakcsi. Went to past Si 1:0ft. At | 3 minutes. Start gixnl and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. STIR IP was oil slowly but moved up with a rush after entering the home stretch and bumping his way through at the eighth i ost won drawing clear under punishment. IARZAN was forced to run wide all the way and hung on gamely after having swerved over against the winner at the eight post. LINSIN showed the most early sp ml aud set a fast pace, but tired in the final drive, SIR EDGAR, knocked out of any chance when the jam occurred at the eighth Bant. COMMONADA ran well and finished close up. Overweights- Shyness. :;i._. pounds: Reliance. | i. T7 ~ -| FIFTH BACl— 1 Mile ami 70 Yards. 10867—1:80% 4 1081 Purse ,00. 1-year olds IA 4ir I _L X and upward. Selling. Net value to winner M : second. 0: third. 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt lj z :-j Str Fin .Jockeys Owners O H C I* S I 4000 IR. GENTLEMAN WB 8 111 8 S 2n f 1» 11 W Quinn J II Mead jo 5 30 7 81 14ggt7 JACOB P.UNN WB 1 sM ■■ I lil5 2* 2- 2- J Smyth J H McCarren 8 13 10 21 4-5 lltinI.llVNUMAH wb 4 KMi 3 ••. 3k B* 5K 4nk 3- F Murphy H Penny 7-5 3-2 13-103 5out 11485 EDDA w 0 110 I 4 4nk 4-1 11 .".,; 4 | J Hanover.1 W Schorr Li V_. 3 1 13 11020 RASH wb « 115 1 1 8" 3i 33 V B* W AndressGallaher Bros 4 5 31 1 2-5 1401" JUST RED wb 5 114 5 « 6 8 « 6 C R Pickett G B Mor.lan.l IS 30 38 S 3 Time. 25. 491i. 1:16. 1:43. 1:48 new track record. Track fast. Winner— R. h. by McGee — The Lady Grained by J. H. Mead. Went to pest al 4:27. At post 2 minute-. Start good snd -low. Won ea-ily: sscenil and third dnv ing. IRISH GENTLEMAN raced in closest pursuit of the early pacemaker lo Mi. hisl turn", then ea-ily |M-».l him when hi- rider was ready and was easing iq. throngs: the last Sixteenth. JACOR BUNN -bowed the most early -peed and set a pace, but tired after going three quarters in the lead. RRYNLIMAH dropped out of lorward contention in the tirst half, then closed up with a belated rush when of uo avail. F.DDA and RASH tired after racing well to the stretch. Overweight — Irish Gentleman, 3 pounds. rT "I C SIXTH RACE 3-4 Mile. 11080 — 1:15—4— 110. Purse 8MM. :: year-olds. Selling. IA 4t I JL A Net value to winner 00: second. 0: third. $:.». index Hor-e AWtPPSt 4 a 4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P S 14511 -LAURA w 107. 1 3 at 4;. ::- p. E Taiilin H G lied well r, ~, 1 -i «-5 I463H HARBARD WB 114 11 l1 3l Ink I"1 A Claver P Sheridan 15 15 7 3 8-8 14562 SCRAPPER w 100 4 1 31 ]h ;nk :;h C Peak J Krause 4 5 41 S-5 4-5 I403S KIN".-, IfcDOWLL ws 110 r, ti 7- 6 4". 4= J HanoverJ W Schorr 10 10 S 4 1 14557RlSTLING BRASS wb 105 11 12 11- 1 l 5- .1 Smyth A Turnty t 4 18-67-8 7-lo 14487 = • HILL STREAM w bt 9 ■ «»| 8* 8" 6 J Collins F Feitner "■ 7 I 21 8-8 183B78 P T B1CK wb 107 10 13 12* 11» Wl 7 .1 Frach Smith - Farrar :;o oo M 35 I: _« 14000 ZoIUAC w 102 « E 10«1 8 1 :.• 8s F Murphy R Parr lo 18 12 i 1 14655 COLORS srg 100 ! 4 2" 8» 0- Hi R ShillirtgE McBride S lo M 4 1 |4484*THFj SPIRIT w 100 7 7 9- 0- Totpii .1 McDonitN Maefarlane 18 M M 1 f job .1 .IES w 114 :: b 13 13 13 I1: YanDunW T Anderson M ■ - • M E l48MS18ALON wb 109 12 11 S- 12- 12H12 I. M.-ripobJ W Hedrick Jr M M M lo f, 1165.V1 NCLE ED wr. 105 15 I «b 7-11-13 B Carter W Walker 30 .» 88 M M " Time. 24/s. 48*5. 8:8* Track fast. Winner — Rr. f. b Woolsthorpi — Incendiary trained by H. G. Redwelli. Went to post at 4.52. At p.r-l 5 minute-. Start good and slow. Wou driving: second and third driv |; ... f UR was taken hack and saved for the first half, then responded with a good burst of -peed when led .,n an.!, w. ion HARBARD down, .unearned him al the end. 11 ARP. l!l t«»* Ike bad quicklv ud s.-tiinu ■ fjst pane, hang on well under punishment in the Baal drlre. s rapper raced finwardly. hat Was liritu: at the end KING McDOW DLL made up ground and close up. Bl Sil.lN., F.ltASS. ■i slow begi r cloned a bl* rap. HILL STREAM raced well lo the stretch and .put. Snatched— 14475 R..y. 105: 14Ik» Bird Man. 110. Over weights— Laura, it pounds. 14 7 19 si: i:ru back 1 1-8 Miles. 14888 1:88*4 I 168. Pane 9S68. 3-year-oMa tad ri_i 1 O apwatd. s. iiinsi Met value " ""_"■ jjggj secml, .y7«»; liQrO. y:;n. "in.l.-v ll,..-,-- AWiilSI , c." ,~Str tin Jockeys Owners O H C P M l46S82KUOL U POKTUNKw 3 98 7 3 S 3 4 ;:■ i* J CallahTuiM Foley 2~: 2i 11-39-101 - -J 1 1UM SXOWFLiAKEJS u 4 164 t; 9 4* -1" H 1*21 J Smyth O Pons 2] 16-513-56-5 1-2 r i 14888* CISKO w I Mi I G I1! •".- "," | 1 J» A claver S Polk I M I 4 2 f 1 4888 DYNAMITE k .", lili 1 1 8* 2 1 2» 2* # R Watts V Walker I Ml 3 8 5 148I4*BEN ITNCAS WB 6 M8 i I B« 8:: 8" $ .". J Collins .1 M Stowe I M 9 3 9 5 1 J 14814** ELLA GRAM; u 4 1"! 2 2 1 1 1 D* 5 V P Murphy N B Davis lo 10 8 :: 8-.J 1451 I" r.Nil.E BEN W Ml E T ■?■* «?. o . B T; R Shilling JFAHSNewman 12 1" M 1 - i 14039 BFFEND1 w 8 114 8 4 ;- 7- 7 7 8 B Taplin 11 G Bed well M S U I I i 14591 BILLIE BAKER w 4 ion 4 I ■ :» :i I I a Davis .1 U Strode 15 M 38 I 4 Time. 26. 51. 1:17*5. 1:45. l:583/5. Track last. Winner — B. •. by Chilton — Australlna itvai i by h. Bower*. i Weiii to pout ai 5:18. .VI po»l 2 minute-.. Start good ami slow. Won driving: seeontl and third llie j **ae. Moil. IV riiKHM-:. miner slight restraint, fo lowed the lenders until ttratghtened onl in the home-. iiMum. then cloned np gamelj through the last eighth and outstayed snovvi- LAKES ai the end. The hit -ki .is t .ii in i ... i ;1| the start and carried wide on the irsl tarn ami tired after closing a Ms cap. dSKn 1 :is ;i forward contender all the way and linished [aaarlT DYNAMITE tired after racing in nearest pur 1 Miit i.. the homestretch. Bl.I.A QRANE tired ami .|iiit after getting the paee to tin stretch. 1 — — — — — ~- zz==rzzrzr=r 1 = i - ■

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Local Identifier: drf1914061001_2_5
Library of Congress Record: