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PENNANT OUT OF DORVAL DERBY. Whitney Crack Goes Lame After Trial at Belmont Park — Piogicssive an Easy Winner. New York. .lime ft. — Todays urogram at Belmont Park was composed mainly of seliini; races, the nearest approach Io a feature licing the fourth race, in which ii fair band of platers came together at .me mile. Progress! ve. showing a reversal of form, turned up an easy wiiinet over Oakhurst and Loin ngrin. Progressive showed high speed throughout. Water WelhM, Edith W. and Gordon came to the finish closely aligned in the second race, the former winning h.v a scant head, with Kdith W. the same distance in advance of Gordon. Sea Shell beat a fair lot of two year olds in the third, although she ran extremely wide in the final eighth. Garbage, the favorite, raced disappointingly. Progressive, after winning the fourth race, was advanced from » to ,306 by T. F Sheedy and lnrame his property. It was the tirst runup of Ihe meeting. On account of the recent death of Mrs. Wilsons I a I her. Ihe hoises ol K. T. Wilson will iu the future be raced under Ihe name of Ihe Moiitpelier Stable. lb. steeplechase racer Gnu Cotton will be shipped Io Ottawa b William Garth. W. Allen will ri.h al Coimaughl Park for the Garth Stable. He leaves within a few days for Oltaw... After San Vega won his race Monday trainer lack Adkins slated thai In- mav ship the colt M l.alonia Io start in the l.alonia Derby. thai 1. Itonlau, winner of the Withers and the I. ■rebmout, will not be shipped to Montreal, owner Meaner* having decided to retain him for his numerous stake engagements iu thi- aeeUaa. Henry Morris had pi.viously leased him for the Dorvul Park Derby, hut the lease was subject to a coii ting.iicv that would allow Or. Messervy the option ol declaring the coll out of the big event. Aft.-.- Pennant had worked a mile and a quarter in 2:10 Monday, trainer .lames Rowe did not think In- would be warranted in sending the colt to Montreal to start ill the Dorval Derby, as he was quite lame after cooling out. Mr. Bowe thinks he either stepped on a stone or in a hole. I. .1. Ah. -am purchased Dakota from 1". K. Hitch coeh privately.