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DEER LODGE FORM CHART. DEER LODGE, Mont., September 17, 1914. - Fourteenth and last day. Powell County Racing and Fair Associations Meeting of 14 days. 4 books on. AVeather clear. Presiding Judge, A. T. Dobson. Starter, B. Ezcll. 1739G First Race 4 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 200. All Ages. Selling. Net value to winner ; second, 35; third, 5. Ind. Horse. AVt. Fin. Jockey. Op. CI. 17307 AVatso 119 1 W Rosen 3 3 17145 Saucy Nell 113 1-1 AV Ormes f ; 10941 G. HoganllO 32 M Matthews 2 2 171453Mack. Belie 11C 4 C Kirschbaum 2 "J 17302 Go On Sam 119 5 D AVcber 3 2 172G5 The Fad 119 C1 J Donavon 10 1-. 17343 2 Kryptok 115 7 G AVillis 10 1Z Time, 25, 50, 57. Track fast. AAatso, even place, 1-2 show; Saucy Nell, 21 place, even show; Frank G. Hogan, 2-5 show. Winner AV. Gemmells ch. g, 4, by Marta Santa Maria Louise trained by J. K. Iloppas. Start poor. Won driving; second and third the same. The winner- was entered for 00; no bid. Overweights Kryptok, 5 pounds; Mackinaw Belle, 3. 17397 Second Race 7-S Mile. Purse 200. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. Net value to winner 50; second, 35; third, 15. Hid. Horse. AVt. Fin. Jockey. Op. CI. 17301 Sam Connor 114 lsi AV Rosen 4 - 0 7-10 17150 Mar. Coghill 114 23 AV Leeds 8 10 17304 3Rake 114 3- J Robbins S 10 lG9373Super! 108 41 D AVeber 2 31 17304 Ceos . Ill u M Matthews 3 i 17344 3Mlss Tempo 10S fi M Garner 5 i Time, 253, 50, 1:16, 1:30. Track fast. Sam Connor, 1-3 place, out show; Marie Coghill, 3-1 place, 3-2 show; Rake, 3-2 show. AVinner J. Ilennessys ch. g, 5, by Sam Phillips Katherine Connor trained by J. Hennessy. Start bad. W011 easily: second and .third driving. Tho winner was entered for 00; no bid. 17398 Third Race 5 1-2 Furlongs. Tursc 250 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. Net value to winner 190; second, 40; third, 0. Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Op. CI. 17133Rosiris 117 1 C Kirschbaum 4 51110 17127Rob.Mantell 109 23 AV Leeds 2J 3 172GG2Dr. Neufer 107 3h M Matthews 3 4 173042Decency 114 4J J Donavon 3 2 1734G Miss Clark 114 5 AV Rosen B 10 Time, 24, 49, 1:08. Track fast. Rosiris, 1-3 place, out show: Robt. Mautcll, 4-5 place. 1-3 show; Dr. Neufer. 2-5 show. AVinner C. R. Richards b. f, 4, by Joe Carey Saindora trained by F. McMahon. Start poor. AVon easily: second and third driving. Tho winuer was entered for 00; no bid. Overweights Robt. Mantell, 5 pounds; MIs3 Clark, 4. 17393 Fourth Race 7-S Mile. Purse 300. 3-yvar-olds and upward. Handicap. Net value to winner 225; second, 50; third, 25. Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Op. CI. 17148 Low Hill 10S l2 J Donavon 5 4 17305 Electric 105 2 1 AVeber 7 1 7304 AVild Bear 93 33 M Garner 1 1 173052Fitzgerald 9S 4n G Bezanson 3-2 " 171482Fort Sumter 102 52 AV Ormes 1-1 i 17305 Kelsctta 109 G2 J Robbins 2 17305 Manganese 101 7 M Matthews 2J 3 jCoupled In betting as J. N. Mbuuce entry. No separate place or show betting. Time, 21, 49, 1:15, 1:29. Track fast. Lew Hill, 2-1 place, oven show: Electric, 2 1 place, even snow; J. N. Mouhcc. entry, 7-10 show AVinner W. Gemmells hlk. g, G, by ilsjr it;"! gcrtield Buddhist trained by J. E. Iloppas. Start bad. Won easily; second and third ilririiislH Overweights Fort Sumter, 2 pounds; Lew nill.Tr 3; Manganese, 5. 17400 Fifth Race 1 Milo and 20 Aards. Purse 250. 3-ycar-olds and upward. Selling. Net value to winner 190; second, 10; third, 0. Ind. Horse. AVt. Fin. Jockey. Op. CI. 17151Darkey 114 ll W Rosen 2 2 170472Bogart 103 2 J Donavon 4 5 7-5 17207 Bob Farley 117 3 M Matthews 5 0 17348Mcdio 117 4J D Weber B 2 17301 Flying 114 52 AV Ormes 5 C 17151 D. Stafford 109 G AV Leeds G S Time, 25, 61, 1:17, 1:44, 1:46., Track fast. Darkey, 3-5 place, out show; IJogart, 3-5 place, 1-3 show; Bob Farley, even show. AVinner McClintock and AVilsons b. g. 4. by Mo-dred Zirl trained by AV. M. McClintock. Start good. AVon easily: second and third driving. The winner was entered for 200; no bid. 17401 Sixth Race 5 1-2 Furlongs. Furs 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. Net value to winner 150; second, 35; third, 5. Ind. Horse. AVt. Fin. Jockey. Op. CI. 17347 2Mamac 114 12J W Rosen 3 4 17344 Sainville 111 23 D AVeber 10 7 173483BInocuIar 109 3h M Garner 3 2 5-5 17344 Idun 114 4 M Matthews 3 2 3-2 17343EtheI P lit 52 AV Leeds 4 G 17344 Tillinghast 114 G G Bezanson S 12 Time, 25, 51, 1:10. Track last. Mamac, 0-5 place, 1-2 show; Sainville, 3-1 place, even show; Binocular, out show. AVinner Anaconda Stables br. g, 6. by Macy or Major Dalngerfield Mancttie trained by J. Hen-nessy. Start good. Won easily: second and third driving. The winner was entered for 00; no bid.