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. . . - DEER LODGE FORM CHART. DEER LODGE, Mont., September 10. 1914. Thirteenth day. . Powell County Racing and Fair Associations Meeting of 14 days. G books on. Weather cloudy. Presiding Judge, A. T. Dobson. Starter, B. Ezcll. 17343 First Race 5-S Mile. Purse 00. All Ages. Maidens. Selling. Net value to winner 150; second, S35; third, 5. Did. Horse. AArt. Fin. Jockey. Op. CI. 17262 Ethel P. 112 ll W Leeds 3-2 "J-5 172G23Kryptok 107 2 D Weber 2i 2 17079 .T.M.Campbl 110 S-J M Matthews S 10 17 144 2 Little Harry 102 4J G Bezanson 3-2 2 . 17144 Marie C. 104 5a W Ormes S 10 17202 Alwilda. 110 C H Mempa G 8 Time. 25s, 51, 1:05. Track fast. Ethel P., 1-2 place, out show; Kryptok, 3-5 place, out show; J. M. Campbell, 3-2 show. AVlnner E. E. Kirkmans ch. in. 0, by McLight Alarys Garter trained by E. E. Kirkman. Start good. Woii driving; second and third the same. The winner was entered for ?200; no bid. Overweights Alwilda, 3 pounds; Marie C, 2. 17344 Second Race 5-8 Mile. Purse 200. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. Net value to winner 150; second. 35; third, 15. Hid. Horse. Arf.- Fin. Jockey. Op. CI. 17124M. Wheeler 112 1J J Robbins 2 25 17134 Evelina 112 23 AV Leeds 4 4 SGl-Miss Tempo 101 3S AV Ormes 3-2 4-5 lG911Idun 112 4 M Matthews 21 4 16571 Sainville 112 5 D Weber C 8 17132 Jnny Hayes 114 CI AV Rosen 10 20 17132 Tillinghast 112 7 G Eezanson C 10 10041 Hooray 112 S.J Donavon 10 20 Time, 25, 51, 1:04. Track fast. Maxine Wheeler, 4-5 place, 2-5 show; Evcllua. S-5 place, 4-5 show; Miss Tempo, out show. AVinner T. Rules br. 111. 7, by Col. AAhoelcr Napamax trained by D. S. Fountain. Start bad. AVon drivjng; second and third the same. Tho winnerwas entered for 100; no bid. Overweights Johnny Hayes, 5 pounds. 17345 Third Race 3-1 Mile. Purse 200. 4-year-olds and upward. Selling. Net value to winner 150; second, 35; third. 15. Ind. Horse. wt. Fin. Jockey. Op. CI. 17134sStar Berta 107 1JJ M Matthows 3-2 7-10. 17307 Miss Daniels 107 2J AV Ormes 15 25 17267 Star Blue 110 3 AV Leeds 2J Si 17306 Clint Tucker 107 4" G Bezanson 3 3 172C7 Calcium 110 5 D Weber 2 3 Time. 25. 50. 1:17. Track fast. Star Berta, 2-5 place, out show: Miss Daniels, G-l place, 2-1 show: Star Blue. 2-5 show. Arinncr I. J. McNamaras ch. f. 4, by Star Shoot Lady Alberta trained by G. J. Milcr. Start bad. Won easily: second and third driving. Tho winner was entered for 200; no bid. 17346 Fourth Race 5-S .Mile. Purse 250. 3-ycar-olils and upward. Selling. Net value to winner 190; second. 40; third. 20. Ind. Horse. AVr. Fin. Jockey. Op. CI. lOOGGStella GrainelOS 1 M Matthews 3-5 3-5 17147 La Cazadoralll 2 AV Leeds 3 4J 17151-Briton 114 3!J AV Rosen 5 8 17151 Old Coin 111 4 J Donavon C 7 17085Miss Clark 114 5 D Weber 2 21 Time, 25, 50, 1:03. Track fast. Stella Graine, 1-3 place, out show; La Cazadora, 7-5 place, 7-10 show; Briton, even show. ATinner C. AV. Mondorffs br. f. 3, by FiligraLnci Owe trained by C. AV. Mondorff. Start good. Won easily: second and third driving. The winner was entered for 00: no bid. 17347 Fifth Race 1 Mile and 20 Yards. Purse 200. 3-year-olils and upward. Selling. Net value to winner 150; second, 35: third. 15. Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. .Tocker. Op.-CI. 17135 Montk Don 114 Is .T Donavon 3 4 173073Mamac 114 2J W Rosen 3 3 17303 Bcllsnicker 114 3h AV Ormes S S 17303McAlan 114 4J Ar Leeds 4-5 7-10 172C3IFootloosc lit C M Matthews 4 5 J 7 12G Deal Carroll 106 C G Bezanson 7 10 Time. 25. 5iy5. 1:19. 1:45. 1:47. Track fast. Montank Don, 3-2 place, 3-5 show; Maniac, even place. 2-5 show: Bellsnicknr. 0-5 show. Winner P. J. ONeills ch. g, 9, by Folsom Miss Farrell trained by P. J. ONeill. Start fair. Won easily: second and third driving. TbC WlWeF Wi5 entered, for SRQ; no, bjd, 17348 Sixth Race 5-8 Mile. Purse 200. 3 year olds and upward. Selling. Net value to winner 150; second, 35; third. 5. Ind. Horse. AVt. Fin. Jockey. Op. CI. 17302Medio 111 l10 AV Rosen 2 7-5 17302 -Midsummer 112 22 J Donavon 4 3 17130Hinocular 107 3i M Garner C. 10 172G5 Lay Low 115 41 G Bezanson 10 10 17125E1 Pcrfecto 112 on AV Leeds 1 S-5 17205JHar. Scarum 100 6l M Matthews S 17302 3Real Worth 110 7 H Mcmna 1 7 Time, 25, 49, 1:02. Track fast. Medio, 1-2 place, out show; Midsummer, even place, 1-2 show: Binocular, 2-1 show. AVinner 5. AV. Straussers b. 111, 8. bv Bannock-burn LuciFe Bramble trained by B. L. Strausser Start good. AVon cantering: second and third dW ing. The winner was entered for 100: no bid. W Overweights .Medio, 2 pounds; Real Worth. 4. 7