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WILL NOT LACK FOfi HORSES " CHARLESTON MEETING TO BE FAVORED WITH ABUNDANCE OF RACING MATERIAL. o Reservations Made at Palmetto Bark for Stalls for 1 More Than Five Hundred Horses Stake En- tries Notable for Quality. : J t Charleston, S. C, November 14. The outlook i for a successful meeting at Palmetto lark next month is excellent. Martin Nathanson, who is to serve as racing secretary, lias arrived from the J north and is busily engaged in attending to the j preliminary work in connection with the opening j of the thirty-day meeting, which is scheduled to -take place December 2. Mr. Nathanson is espeel- j ally pleased with the quality of the material which will be available for the tilling of the daily cards, i as revealed by the entries for the recently closed stakes. Reservations have been made for over live j hundred horses and it is evident that there will be no lack of numbers, as well. Owners from Kentucky who have engaged stalls at Ialmetto Park and the number of horses they will race there are: John Hogau, S; W. Walker, 12; T. .T. Crown, i 8; E. II. Parsons, 3: O. Ilak, 2; Louis Tauber, .": : .1. W. Schorr, 5: Frank Coring, Jr., .r; William i Gust, S; J. S. Evermau. 12; K. Brewster, 4; W. 1. Reed, 3; Capt. J. T. Williams, 3; V. Staton, 2; 1. Vittitoe. a; J. Brown. 2; Morgan and. Newman, i 12;. X. B. Davis, 10; W. II. Horton, 3; C. R. An- i derson, 2; A. K. House, 2; P. II. Jones, 2: J. A. Gibson, 2; J. W. McCue, 1; F. Burton. 2; Tom i Scott, 4; J. Coffey. 1: K. J. Salt, 3; B. T. Colton. ; 3; W. J. Speirs. 1; W. F. Taylor, 4; B. Windier. 2; Dr. Hauley. 2; A. T. Crum, 2; G. W. J. Bissell. 12; T. C. McDowell, S; T. P. Hayes, G; James Baker, 10; J. M. Goode. S; Bob Campbell, 2. The following horsemen now racing in Maryland have made these reservations: James Arthur, 10; It. J. Allison, 7: O. B. Pons. 2; J. L. Paul, 4; J. W. Paugle, 5; II. Penny, 5; J. A. Burttschell. 3; G. R. Bryson, 10: II. G. Bed-well. 38: F. B. Brown. G: A. G. Blakeley, G: W. A. Burttschell. 0: C. B. Brant, 2: Brollier and Stire. 2; R.V. Haymaker. 2; J. W. Hedrick. 10; F. A. Herald, 12; F. Rostock, 1; P. S. P. Randolph. 8: . C. B. Rogers, 5;J. L. Jones, 5; G. B. Cochrane. r: L. J. .Curev, 7; W. Cahill, 3; R. 1. Carter. ."I: r syr.- "0.--CappX 3; -T- v- Sweeney 7: R. B. Steele. -V i;; w. M. Sheedy, ; J. M. Stowe, 2; J. U. Strode. 8; A. F. Dayton. 12; W. C. Daly. 4: R. I. Miller, f 3: W. Martin, G; B. Moore, 7; F. Musante, 2; B. .MeBride, 10; B. Trueman. 3; J. 0. Talbott, 24: J. Farrell. Jr.. G; B. L. Fitzgerald, 5; W. P. Fine. 4; II. Neustattler. 4; J. B. Nash, 4; A. C. Niehaus, 3; S. Veitch, 1; J. Whalen, S; B. F. Wright. 0: R. B. Watkins, 7; W. L. Oliver, 2; J. S. Own-bey, G. ,