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" o 1 : J t i J j j j i j i : i i i i ; THIRTY LEADING MONEY-WINNING HORSES OF 1914 : : 4- In the American raeing of last year thirteen horses won 0,000 or more. This year fourteen have already done so and several more are still racing which arc so close to that sum in earnings that, with a bit of luck helping, they may easily step over the line. Then the top sum of 0,037 stood to the credit of Old Rosebud. This year the three-year-olds, Reamer, Luke McLuke and David Craig have each won in excess I of 0,000. Next to them come four two-year-olds, of which Regret, Comely and Pebbles would rank as stars in any year. Trojans .victory in the Futurity alone served to give him his high standing and it is not assured that he classes anywhere near- the other three. It is noticeable that with one exception the winners of 0,000 or more are two and three-year-olds, Buckhorn being the only older horse to win that much. In this there is augury of high-class handicap horses for the big events of that description in 1015, better than for several years past, unless injuries intervene to mar the present cheerful outlook. The thirty leading winners of the year and their records to date are the following: Horses. Age. Pedigree. Owners. Sts. 1st. 2d. 3d. Unp. Won. 1 Roamcr 3 Knight Errant Rose Tree II A. Miller 1G 12 1 2 1 0,105 Luke McLuke ... 3 Ultimus Midge J. W. Schorr 6 4 1 1 0 22.050 1 David Craig 3 Peep oDay Avon II J. W. Schorr 1G G 1 5 4 21,000 Regret 2 Broomstick Jersey Lightning H. P. Whitney 3 3 0 0 0 17,300 Trojan 2 Sir Wilfred Bohemia Quincy Stable 5 1 1 0 3 1G.0S0 Comely 2 Disguise Pretty Maiden J. Butler ...14 4 G 1 3 14,400 Pebbles 2 Ben Brush Running Stream J. Butler 10 5 1 2 2 14,323 Waterbass 3 Waterboy Basseting A. Turney .10 G 0 0 7 14,105 Beehive 3 Bassetlaw My Honey H. Giddings 12 S 1 2 1 12,710 Luke 2 Peter; Quince Amy J J. N. Camden 11 5 1 2 3 11,550 Buckhorn 0 Broomstick Thirty-third R. J. Mackenzie ...IS G 4 2 G 11,175 Sea Shell 2 Star Shoot Hying Ship ..R. J. Mackenzie ...IS 5 3 2 S 10,007 Gainer 3 Martinet Druid Greeutree Stable ...25 5 0 3 8 10,445 High Noon 2 Voter Noonday J. Butler ..10 5 2 1 2 10.115 Bd Crump 2 Peep oDay Bvaline J. W. Schorr 22 7 G 4 5 0 SG0 Old Rosebud 3 Uncle Ivory Bells H. C. Applegate . . . 3 2 0 0 1 0,575 Leochares 4 Broomstick Leayonara J. W. Schorr 24 10 G 3 5 0,575 Chalmers 2 Peter Quince Lady Hope J- S. Hawkins 10 S 2 1 5 0.533 Barnegat 4 Broomstick Jersey Lightniug R. B. Watkins 28 5 4 7 12 0,475 Lady Barbary.. . 2 Galveston Barbary Belle R. F. Carman .18 G 5 1 0,440 Great Britain ... 4 The Commoner Touch Not G. M. Hendrie 11 G 2 1 2 0,425 Charlestonian .... 3 Woolsthorpe Espionage J. W. Messervy 15 5 1 G 3 0,320 Flving Fairy 4 Aeronaut Millie A. ....E. B. Cassatt 21 7 3 5 G 0,225 Garbage 2 Aeronaut Trash..... E. B .Cassatt 1G 5 0 0 11 S.070 Stromboli 3 Fair Play St. Priscilla A. Belmont 10 8 G 0 5 8,870 Kaskaskia 2 Yankee Kiamcsha Oneck Stable S 4 3 1 O 8,707 John Gund 3 Peep oDay My" Gyps A. Baker 11 4 3 1 3 8,573 Grover Hughes .. G Handsel Stamen . ..Umensetter and Fink.. 31 13 3 7 8 S.530 Tippecanoe 3 Goldfinch Tongcse Brookdale Stable 11 5 2 1 3 S.4G5 Buskin 4 Hamburg Slippers C. H. Robbins 15 4 4 3 4 7,810