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Juarez Entries and Past Performances for Tuesday, December 15. WEATHER CLEAR. TRACK FAST. o o hid. Horse. Wt. Roc. A.Wt.IIaii. The figures under the heading "Rec." in the! 18610s Helen Raybould ...109 1:01 102.. 710 entries bolow show the best time of each horso I 133U7 Hav M 102.. 700 at tho distance, since January 1, 1911, no matter 18583 Miss Fielder 104 1:00 107. .700 where it finished. In cases where record was I 1315C Obolus M 109 1:03 107. .090 made on other than a fast or good track, abbre- Frokemlale. b. c, viations show track conditions. I by Oruiondale o : o Froken 107 Raring starts at 2:00 p. m. Chicago time. 3:00. Third Race 5 1-2 Furlongs. XRuns well in mud. Superior mud ruuncr. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. Ml maidens. Apprentice allowance. Track record: 13GS7 1:03 i 150. First Race 5 1-2 Furlongs. 1S612 Oiimar Lad 107 1:05 5 10SX725 3-vear-olds and upward. Selling. 1S025 Kenneth 105 1:00 4 IOSV.20 Track record: 13087 1 : 0-150. 1? lor ; 101 1:07 tf. 4 10SX.2O h.,1 Horse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.Han. JWdJ Amolmlko 104 l:tm 5 JOS-.... IS-Ifi" Vii-inlt s- 100 1-09 3 103X705 LS..4 Dr. Neufer lh. 1:07 o 103XilO 18-71 Rm-T- d-f 10ni:u I IK. .700 -Tudge Sheens ....110 1:07 3 103X710 let Azurei 10 l 07V; 4 108x700 ,17200 CIt0I"lt 107 1:07 S 103X710 IFViO o if S7 1- 5i i03X70O lH5i Parnell Girl .1111:00 6 1 OS X 705 Kl.. n.S020 Adenu 1:07 0 10SX705 770 P Va Iloru"::::::il2 S 70l .108 U.28 I tSora ::::::t05 1:07 " 5H3X700 ft O-Day ....100 1:08 lllIJJ- 18023 Amar.en.cnt 100 1:07 3 108. .700 . i 1"1..; :?- . -? 1S023 Russ Sand M .;105 1:00 3 103X005 IHftf Elsie .reeii 02 0, ; 18023 Eva Padwiek ....107 1:07 6103. .600 Capt. Druse 112 1:0. -v. o Ht. .0 17S273 Dew Drop .108 1:08 4 10SX600 .tJ, ,, 7 j. N.. Doll Boy Ill lflPr. 0 10... .WW 175: Elect rowan 107 1:07 7 J OS X 000 J. Nolan 112 1:00 x 3 0S0W Fourth cUoe 5 1-2 Furlongs. .18500 Janiel .110 l:0Sa, .". 103X085 All Ages. Handicap. V 1S4S5 Bad Prospect 100 1:00 " 10S..0S5 Track record: 130871:03 0150.1 , 18580 Renwnr M 100 1:0! 3 0S..iSQ 1S5S35 Orover Hughes ..ill3 1:05 6 112X735 Second Race-5-8 Mile. ":! "..ft 8andv HUo Allowances. Jv-l-n ?m, 1,1:1 U I ?.-!? 1801..1 Fathom 00 1:0. V. 3 O.X.2.. ... 0 UlYiel- record- OIIOO -108 .".-. .-.8V- il.itl. Mj.iiii. !.. .-., 1CS3 ltl-irniV 1,,mu III! l-O-.K- ! inv725 1 S3 12- Tokay , ,,,.....105 1:01 112X725 V ., 18020- Carrie Orme ...... I0! 1 ;01f. 107 X 72O Fifth Race .-8 Mile. 18010 Nobleman 112 1;00 107X720 All Ages. Selling. i8225i Rex Beach 11S i;oi 105. .715 Irack record: 13412 1 :23 .110. 1S0V0 Bat elder 107 1 :01 f. 102. .715 18000 High Street 112 1:21 S 107725 WW pU pHvjes ...... ;400 ;02 U2.,71o W Wry mVf ....,07 ? 9 105XT80 Intl. Horse. Wt. Uec. A.Wf.IInii. Ind. Horse. Wt. Ilec. A.Wt.IIan. 1SG15 OtUo 11- 1:27 8 110X715 1S5S0 Eiderdown 2 00.. 085 1S50. Knight of Pylbia. 2 92X715 lSSll Patriotic 101 1:28S 9 110X0S3 1SG30 Delaney 110X715 Sitl, Race 1 Milo. 18G0O Lady Loudon I 112x715 :: year-olds ami upward. Selling 1S5S43 Frazzle Hi 1:2S 5 110X710 Track record: 13724 l::!lii 3 10-.. 1S62G Calcium HI 1:31 -1 11."X71 1S0243 GENERAL MARCH- 1S573 Prince Conrad 107 l:29f. 5 110X710 MONT 114 1:3S S 100X725 ISTu.i C W. Kennon 107 1:25 7 112X705 1S0112 Weyanoke 90 l.riSif; 4 111X715 1SC.:! Star Berta 105 l:2Sy5 4 105X705 1SG32 Gordon Russell ...112 1:40 4 111X715 1X55.V I-oscar 115 1:29 105G90 ISCOl Voladay Jr !5 l::;s 5 105X710 18512 Notmaker "0 l:-!045 :; IIOXODO 1S552 Florin :: !HiX705 FIRST RACE 5 12 Furlongs. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. 13587 1 :03- 0150. Index Course Dist TimeTckOdds W St M Str Fin Jockeys Started Order of Finish 1 VIRGINIA S., blk. f. 3 103 By Dick "Welles Fulvia W. St. Vincent. 1X503 l-inrez 51 f l:094,slow 3 104 4 5 G C U51 M Mthews 0 L. Knight, C.W.Kenn. Compton 180 Vcouver 51 l:llhvy 22-5 105 4 4 4 4 331" G Molesth 4 Dotty. The Feller, J.Crawfd 1S039 Vcouver 5-4 1:21 mud 3-2 107 1 11 l1 li A Pickens 7 Faneuil Ilnll. Oblivion, Lehigh nttsi Vcouver 5-8 l.OSslow 12-5 101 2 4 4 42 45 II Clark 5 J.Crawford, Ancestors, Nat. Son. 17947 Vcouver 3-1 l:18livy 31-20 104 2 1 1 2s 221 II Clark 5 Ambri, Sweetbait, Durin 177SG Vonuver 5-S l:06mud 57-10 107 3 5 5 "1 2l II Clark D Zenotek. Frazzle. Jake- Argent 17751 Vcouver 3-4 l:21mud 11-10 103 1 11 ll li II Clark 0 Al.Wormwd. HhStrt, S.ODay 176S3 Vcouver 3-4 l:16hvy 11 103 1 2 3 3s 1- II Clark O Sweetbait, HighStreet, Ambri 17C66 Vcouver 5-S l:05hvy 5 10G 3 1 1 21 15 H Clark 7 D.Ray, V.May, D.Montgomery 17079 D Lodge 5-S l:04good 9-5 104 1 11 l1 1 M Mthews 0 M. heeler. T. Faust, Binocular 10937 D Lodge 3-4 1:17 fast G 96 5 5 5 5 515 G 13ezansn 7 Golf Hall, Kid Nelson. Superl ltTZS nacda F C r:12-fast 4 100 a 5 4 51 53J R Booker 10 Tim Judge, Eastman, Binocular lfifiGG Anacda 5-S l:01fast 7 99 2 3 3 321 341 G Beztnsn S B. Prospect. M.McKce. A.IIcinze 1G599 Anacda 51 f l:10fast 11-6 105 9 7 7 61 2t M MthcwslO ErncstH.. F. G. Hogan, Kingsley ROCKDALE, b. g, 6 103 By The Roman Corinne Unland W. H. Tulley. 18571 luarez 51 f 1:09 good 100 105 7 7 7 7 71R Booker 7 Miuco Jinimie, ButterBall, Envy l4r "luarez 1 1:3S fast 20 104 5 1 1 1 1 331 R Booker 7 Ft. Sumter, Acumen, OceanQuecn l"r,oh luarez 1 l:39V;fast 5 10S 2 3 2 1 l 11 H Woods S C. AV. Kennon, Mazurka, Pfract VVil Juarez 3-4 l:ll-fast 15 112 8 8 6 7 Sl H "Woods S Butter Ball. Janus, An. Interest l-7-4 luarez 3-4 1:13 fast 2 115 8 6 1 1 1 W Mclnre 8 HazelC. Troj.Belle. H.Hawkins i10C luarez 51 f l:06V4fast 4 109 2 G 2 2 2J W Mclnrel4 Zulu, Brightstone. Frazzle rciS luarez 3-4 1:13 fast 4 103 11 10 9 93 10lSlBooker 11 Emerald Isle. Zulu. Sigurd ?ioi Helena 3-4 l:l4fast 109 2 E Cotton 7 Decency, Fancy, Angelus rJm He ena 5-S l:01fair - 10S lt W Mclurel2 B.Bettie, L.Haronll., N.Capital rOCO Helena 5-S 1:01 fast 117 21 Sielaff 10 A. Interest, Angelus. Clara W. 11439 GreatFalls 5-S l:02fast 3-5 110 Is Woods C Lyte Knight, Say, Ada Anne AZUREA b f 4 108 By Joe Carey Admit N. K.- Moody, itfil" In irez 5?. f l:C6fast 40 110 S 5 6 9 122 A Mott 14 Orimar Lad. ToyBoy, A.Intercst i-iss vvouver 3-4 l:17hvy 31-20 110 3 2 2 3t 45 A Mbtt G ChiltnTrance. FarCathay, Min.F. 17120 Vcouver 3-4 1:16 slow 6 109 2 111 l-J A Mott S Felina. RussellMcGill. SamRank 1GSS1 Vcouver 5S f 1:0S fast 1G-5 105 4 2 2 3 2J A Mott S Laura Clay, Burl. Mawr Lad Ififi4 Vcouver 51 l:14andfast 3 10G 0 6 G 4 74J A Mott 9 J. Marrs, M. Kennedy. ValadolM r-Ai Vcouver 5. f 1:08 fast 11-10 106 6 5 5 33 25 A Mott 7 M.Hebert. V.Forty, Ethelburgll. 1.3 Vcouver 5i f l:07Afast 12 9S G 4 4 4 3 A Mott 9 Stelcliff. ElsieGreen. T.WoTffarrh 15970 Butte 5-S 1:01 fast S 10G 5 A Mott S Palm Leaf, Marta Mac, S.s Hill lr794 Butte 51 f 1:07 fast 4-5 100 2i A Mott i O. Smile, R. Esther. Electrowan I771r Butte and-S l.Olfast 3-2 104 IS A Mott S Briton, Rosiris. Evelina 13477 Butte 0-8 1:02 good S-5 104 2 A Mott 7 Angelus, Letitia. Nifty 15401 Butte 5-S 1:01 fast G 107 2J R Carter S Lescar. Etlielbgll,, O.Cungham OOMA blk. f. 3 103 By Cesarion Sneerwell J. M. Shilling. 1S550 Juarez 5-S l:05hvy -li 5 4 4 41 u10jv urines 10 RyeStraw, Elsie Green, Calcium 1S1S5 luarez 5-S l:07hvy 15 107 1 2 4 4J 5141W Ormes 7 Curlicue. FdaJohnson. B.Barnes lVfiii Helena 5-S 1:01 fast 100 4 4 5 1 I1 M. AI thews 8 Briton, Orimar Lad, Joe Busher i7-.7: Helena 5-S 1-02 fast 108 5 5 7 115 10 M Garner 12 LaCazadora, L.Stalwt, Casames li;Hr,7 Anacda 5-S 1:04 mud 15 105 5 5 7 71 8JW Ormes 9 Thistle Belle. Rosiris. Clara W. Irr54 Butte 5-S l:01fast 3-2 102 10" M Mthevsl2 K.Stanlield, Sainest, Mar.McKee v-! luarez 5!. f 1:0G fast 20 93 8 3 4 7 8J B Marco 15 Rosemary, Pajarolta. Miss Sly r747 luarez 5!t f 1:0G fast 13-5 91 4 3 3 5s 7s A Mott 8 T. Belle. Ethelda. Sidney Peters i4t7 Tiirez 5:. f 1.05-fast 3 S7 C 3 3 2! 2" A Mott 12 Miss Sly, Hazel C, Cloak 1:;C:1 luarez 3-4 l:13fast 5 98 3 1 1 22 912 A Neylon 11 Ethelda. Chilla. Anna Reed i:-.79 luarez 5i f l:07Agood 41 100 2 3 2 21 21 A Neylon 8 Panhachapi. Dalston. Thos. Hare 1"M4 luarez CI f l:0Cfast 3 97 5 6 7 5 41 A Neylon 11 B.Lumax. CrlstmasEve. L.sTail li!i;"5 Juarez 51 f l:06fast 8 100 5 7 6 4 31 E Haynes 10 Aunt.Curl. DuskyDave, B.Lumax TUfl ln-irez Oi l:06fast 3 93 4 4 4 63 74i A Mott ! Superl, Auntie Curl, Big Lumux yh-A luarez 6-8 1:00 fast 4 85 10 10 9 8s 11 A Mott 11 Palatable. Par. Girl. Thist. Bella 1 MM Juarez 5-S 59 fast 7 87 10 8 C 2" 2 A Mott 14 Auntie Curl. Veno Von. Leford VAN HORN, eh 5 103 BF Ivan the Terrible Van Tassel D. Huestis. j. if. v rmiver 5.. t x:12mud 43 iii, 5 5 G C-i dj G in 7 Amohalko, Mr. Mack, Faustina 17 SO Vcouver 3-4 l:17mud 2S 111 4 6 5 Gl S5 G Molesth 9 Willis, Valadolid, VelieForty VVouver 3-4 1:14 fast 26 111 2 11 21 4 J Murohy 8 LottaCreed. E.Davis. Mcrcurium e.rr, Vcouver 3-4 1:14 fast 7 109 4 4 4 41 5 J Murphy 9 Swede Sam, Minnie F.. Regards KC41 Vcouver 3-4 l:14fast 25 111 G 7 7 4h 3J J Murphy 10 Old Gotch. Muy Buena. Fan.IIall 1057r Vcouver 1 l:40fast 55 111 7 3 3 3 7 S1- J Murphy 9 Lady Young. Bredwell, Brando ir-Trh Vcouver 5. f l:0Sfast 3 112 5 2 2 1111 J .Murphy S JoeFrank, TheGardener. H.Scott IfiillR Vcouver 7-S 1:2S fast 8-5 112 5 11 1 3 3 It Carter 7 Lehigh, Cliaries Fox, Sake if ;iV, Vcouver 3-4 l:13fast 22 109 9 9 9 9 9" G Molesth 9 S. Shapiro. Gil. Rose. Alchemist iW Vcouver 3-4 1:14 fast S 107 S 7 6 4- 4s G .Molesth 8 Fort.Tolmson Sterlin, XntiveSbn 15912 Vcouvpr 3-4 1:14 fast 49 114 4 4 4 31 31 ; Molesth 7 Little Jane. Bobby Cook, George LA CAZADORA, ch. m, 5 113 By Bearca:tcher Model II. D. K. Carter. Tiu-8 marev. 5i f l:J fast 100 lws S S S S S3iL. -Morse Js fanliacliapi, K. lting, Ann Tillv 161" luarez 51 f l:0Gfast 100 110 14 14 14 14 U" L Morse 14 Orimar Lad. ToyBoy, A. Interest 17S"1 Msouia 41 f 5G fast 115 2 C Kirschm 7 MarthaMcKee, Ypress, Midsmer 17S1S Msoula; 41 f 55fast 114 2 J Donavon 7 Rosiris Ed Luce, Orimar Lad 1761S Helena 5-S l:01fast 119 8 10 10 CI 3: T Nolan 11 Belle Bird, Ed Luce, Letitia 17-77G Helena 5-8 1:02 fast 5 119 G 3 4 11 1 T Nolan 12 L.Stalwt, Casames, M.Canomann 1TMG D Lodge 5-8 1:03 fast 41 114 4 4 2 21 2 AV Leeds 5 Stella Graine. Briton. Old Coin 17147 ID Lodge 5-S 1:02 fast 31 113 5 6 G 6 53 W Rosen 0 Francos G.. OnParole. BelleBird 17131 D Lodge 41 f 55fast 2 115 5 2 2 25 2- J Donavon 7 Orimar Lad. Eliz. Reed, Zool 1717 d Lodge 5-8 1:02 fast 5 116 5 3 3 3 3 J Donavon C J. II. Barr. R. Mantell, D. Dave 170S5 D Lodge 5-8 l:03good 7 115 2 2 3 3l 3s G Willis 7 Miss Clark., Little Maid H;67 DLodge 51 f l:09fast 9-5 114 3 3 3 2 2 J Donavon 7 Ori.Lad, KidNelson, L.Stalwart 1GS95 1 Lodge 5-S 1:03 fast 7 116 2 2 5 5 4- W Rosen S R.Mantell, OnParole, MissClark lf,S75 D Lodge 51 f 1:03 fast 2 112 2 . 1 1 1. 1 W Rosen 8 Little Maid. Lady Mint. Ethel P. J TCTTTXiiacda 51 f l:0Sfast 31 103 2 1112 2U W Ormes 10 Saltigrade, Idun. MaxineWheeler f AMAZEMENT, cli. B, 3 108 By Ogden Unterock R. V. Haymaker. GSlUarez 51 f l:0Sfast 5 111 14 14 14 14 14 F Jackson 14 Choctaw, M. Coghill. M. Donlin 18r."i0 luarez 5-S l:05hvy 12 112 S 8 S. S S-1F Jackson 10 RyeStraw, ElsieGreen, Calcium 1GSS4 Vcouver 3-4 l:13fast 9 104 4 2 2 3t 6l L Gentry 5 Gor. Russell. Maj. Belt, BirdMan lfiC!S Vcouver 3-4 l:14fast 63-10 109 3 5 5 52 531 F Jackson 0 Thaka. Maj. Belt, AdaKennedav lfr-94 Vcouver 3-4 1:14 fast 2 108 1 5 5 55 4 F Jackson 0 Mrs. Me, Major Belt. Rose Ring If-.IO Vcouver 3-4 1:14 fast 2S-5 112 2 11 1 2 F Jackson 0 Fireside. Fairly. Dalston 15434 Vcouver 3-4 l:13fast 20 109 S 7 7 73 7" F Jackson S Orb, Francis. Thaka 16383 Vcouver 3-4 1:14 fast 27-10 1 03 3 4 3 21 1 L Gentry 7 Rose Ring, Mrs.Mc, Little Jane lG-GS Vcouver 51 f l:0Shvy 11-5 113 4 4 3 3 31 F Jackson 5 Mrs. Mc. LaEstrella, ElsieGreen 157S0 Vcouver 3-4 1:14 fast 3-2 110 2 4 4 2h 31 C Grand S Anytime. Brighouse. Fireside 157" Vcouver 3-4 l:14fast G-o no 4 2 2 21 l1! C Grand 7 Judge Gheens. LaEstrella, Thaka 1-.CSS Vcouver 51 f l:07t;good 7-5 104 3 1 1 l1 Is L Gentry 7 II Terror, Greenbrae, Milky Way 1S013 Conght 51 f l:0Sfast 10 103 3 3 5 S1 7 O VanDun 9 Elma, Dr. Dougherty, Amoret 14037 Conght 3-4 l:16andfast 41 95 3 2 1 Is 21 J Meate 9 Amoret, Thesiercs, Elma 14615 BlueBon. 3-4 l:lGVsSlow 4 102 2 2 2 2- l I J. Mi-DonMlO Mockery, Contido, Fuzzy Wuzzy TOISS SAND, b. S. 3 103 By Wadsworth II. Alice Piatt M. E. Dawson, fstif Juarez 51 f l:0Sfast S 103 2 1 1 .31 4 W W Tlorl4 Choctaw. M. Coghill, M. Donlin 1S3S0 Juarez 3-4 l:13fast 5 109 1 1 1 23 2s J McCabe S Forge, GolfBall. Eiderdown iKVOTuarez 51 f l:09Vfcgood 6 103 10 S 9 9 9-lJ CallahanlO F.Drew, C.W.Kennon, Bksheen 1R50- Juarez 51 f l:09slow 25 9S 1 1 1 3s 3 S McGraw ! L.desCognts. L.Yng, Beaumont 1211S Victoria 4i"f l:00VsSlop 11-10 112 2n Pauley 7 M.IIelmer. Conchifero. R.Powers : IT962 Victoria 5-S l:01fast 7 107 2 3 3 3 3 OBrien G Hester, Med. Boy, Ruth Powers ; 11901 Victoria 1-2 51fast 11-10 112 4 A Martin fi J. Hayes. A. L. Maid R. Powers 1 11502 Vancouver 41 f 57 good 15 10S 3 6 7 C-t 3-1 Corey S SaucyNcll. Renwar, S.McNamara EVA PADWICK. "br. m. 6 103 By Mortlake Catharine the First C. W. Jackson. Juarez 31 f l:tSfast 10 104 4 6 7 S- ti8l H Clark Ul iioctaw. Coghill, M. iionm 18316 Dallas 3-4 1:14 fast - ICG 1 1 1 I 1 H Garner 5 Isa.Valle, Pros.Lad, D.Stearne? is-C8 Da as 3-4 1:13 fast - 106 9 3 5 10- Faulk 13 Flor. Kripp. Arrowshaf t. Janicl is59iDal as 51 f 1:0S1 fast - 102 S 7 6 7U 51 H Garner 12 Gt Friar. FoKane; SenoritaDana 1-055 Juarez 55 f 1:08 fast 10 115 11 8 14 14 132 H Woods 15 Piet. Dale. Stevesta. L. Vma 789 Tuarez 5-S 1:05 livy 8 110 6 5 7 8 91L Gentry 9 Ida Lavinia. Art Rick. C. Browr 154 Tuarez 51 f l:05fast 20 107 8 4 4 41 4i F Stevens 11 Herpes. Gimli. Bob Lvnch liV.9 Okla.City 3-4 l:16good 108 3 Burns 5 OrimarLad. Mintanka, ElMolino 11791 Okla.City 3-4 l:20hvy 109 5 Feeney 7 Inquieta. Husky Lad, Roy. Dolly H730 Okla City 3-4 1:15 fast - 109 1J Brady 7 Visible. Royal Dolly. Iron Queer TiPW DROP. "b. f. 4 108 By Blanudes Sparkle Esher H. D. Burnett. vtuili 3-4 l:lGfast - 109 3 R Imes 9 OrimarLad, Medio, Idun i7V" Msoula ::-4 l:15fast 109 G McCkey 5 LewIIill. Sliarp.Knight. Medio - isA soS a 41 f 55fast - 111 G McCkey 7 Rosiris, IaCazadoraTEdLuie 17618 Helena 5-8 l:01fast - WS 10 6 9 S2 S-i A Ilullcoatll Belle Bird, E.l Luce LaCazadora i4vin Helena 51 f 1:0G fast 10S 7 5 7 7 712 G .McCkey 8 PayStreak. StIaGraine. Fitzgerd r$ utltna 51 f 1:07 fast - 105 10 10 8 S1 30 McCkeylO Wild Bear. Klivy. Sharp.KniSl.t rlGl H na 3-4 l:l slow - 111 3 3 6 7 71G McCkey S HardBall. Fltzgrld, SwartsIIill ni Anacda 5-S 1:01 fast 12 114 8 S 7 S 7s J Montour 8 This.Be.lo, Wildliear. PavStreal 1 Anacda F C l:10fast 40 108 3 4 4 41 710 MeCskey 7 Bermudian, Thistle BclTeMartr- irnii Rutte 3-4 l:12fast 15 92 61 G Bezans n 7 N. Haven. Kootenav, Pav Streali i-7: Burte 51 f 1:07 fast 3 104 4 B McBride 7 T. Belle, G. Russell, J. Graham Butte 3-4 l:13ifast 13-5 110 G-sjD Bauer 7 Barsac, Fitzgerald, M. Hkstone ir-n Putte 3-4 1:15 slop C 96 31 G McClky G Blarney, Kootenay. New Haven 1144 Butte 5-S l:O0fast 9 107 31 G McCthy 8 Manganese. Dominica, A. Curl IV-W Denver 5-8 l:00fast 3-5 117 5 4 3 l1! I2 E Dominkll Fred Cross. Bur. Bess. II Terroi vtvctrowaN b. m, 7 108 By Joe Terry Quartre I. N. Womach. .m; Helena 7-S fast lu4 3 4 4 4 4i 11 , w 1n,"s 10 Krror IIele Hkins, No Quarter TOHelen F C 1 lli fast HI 8 5 5 52 32MV Ormes 9 Idun. Dovie, Real Worth 174 Helena 3-4 1:14 fast - 105 1 5 4 32i 35 W Ormes 13 Bob Farley, Sen. James, Roy Jr. 17n D I o Ige 7-S 1:32 good 6 114 5 4 3 2 3.l f W Ormes G McAlan, Tim Judge, H.Hawkins 17151 DLodSe 3-1 l:17Afast S 1 2 5 4 4 31 3 W Ormes 7 Darkey. Briton, Dennis Stafford DLodce 3-4 1-.1S good 8 110 6 4 2 2-k 3J F Andersn 7 F. Johnson, Electrowan, Medio 16777 Anac;da 51 f l:09fast 31 10S 7 7 5 61 lh J .McBride 8 S. Blue. S.Berta. Or.Cunningham ; nacda 5-8 l:0llfast 15 102 10 11 S .V 4 It Booker 31 MarthaMcKee, OnParole, Sainesl 16559 Anacda 51 f 1:11 mud 5 111G 6 4 421 41 I Boland Jo Lescar, Ed Luce. Sheffield VfiVO Anac a" F" C l:14slow 25 103 2 4 5 5 4i L Hartwell 9 Safrnr, AdaAnne, SwartsIIill 16 17 Anacda F C l:13fast 6 112 5 5 2 321 3" It Booker 7 .S.Connor, D.Stearnes, VirginiaS, 16031 Butte 51fl:07fast 15 102 32J It Booker S Rosiris, Wiltrude S.. SupeH t tjolan ch ir 3 98 By Stalwart Stormy Petrel J. W. Goldblatt. luarez 3-1 1:14 fast 20 102 5 7 C G 6"1P Louder S BobLynch. AnnaReed, Ancestors 1K56" Juarez 1 l:45slow 6 34 5 4 3 3 4 3 P Louder 5 Nannie McDee. Polls. Transact 74 Tuarez 1 l:52lhvy 2 99 1 1 4 5 5 4" A Mott 5 N. McDee, C.McDougall, Sleepld IS- i aton a lm70y l:43fast 29 107 6 6 6 7 1 7J J Metcalf 10 Bes.Latimer, Billows. HighCIasi iV? Church 1 lm70yl:5l hvy 11 1001 4 G 5 5 32 31 J Collins 5 The Gander, Boly Hill. Bob R. i? Church 11-10 1:51 hvy 24 103 1 G G 7 7 728 J Collins S J. Deibold. Marshon. C.McFerrat rr9 Church 3-4 l:14fast fid 101 3 7 9 81 S3 J Collins 12 Kate K.. Toy Boy. Edith W. Tk 1 excton 3-4 1:19 hvy 92 1081 5 7 G G1 G11 J McCabe 9 Tsportation, T.Norman. Merricl KincEd. Gl f l:22fast 10 107 G 9 Fell. J Minton 10 Cleopat. Blue Jay. Poutefract inlns K ncEd 3-4 l:23shvy 1 111 1 4 41 31 J Minton G Parcel Post. Flask, Colfax S KingEd. Gl f 1:28 fast 2 102 2 1 1 l J Minton S Largo, Thos. Hare. Drawn 15S32 Empire 3-4 l:13Sfast 7 107 5 7 4 3 34 J McCabe S Walters. Water Lily. Stentor 7A7JTEL ch f. 3 103 By Prospero Lena J. J. L. Beckham. ivi luarez 3-4 l:14fast 7 104 4 4 4 5 PJ C Gross 9 Vireo. Adena. Marie Coghill iWi uarez 51 f l:09good 10 104 4 4 4 C GUC Gross 10 F.Drew, C.W.Kennon, Bkshee 1S4S- luarez 5-8 l:07hvy 20 107 6 6 5 5 412 W W Tlor 7 Curlicue. FdaJohnson. B.Barne: IS-CS Dallas 3-4 1:13 fast 101 6 S 81 3 H Garner 13 Flor. Kripp, Airowshaft. G. Bal isr-l Da las 51fl:0Slfast 102 10 11 8 101 101 D Stirling 12 Gt Friar, FoKane. SenoritaDam M" Ju-rez 5-S 1:00 good GO 100 6 0 C 6 016 J Collins G Othello. Orb. Hodge Tuarez TA f 1:07 fast 15 110 1 G 5 52 53 R Feeney G Alvis, Fool o Fortune. Othello 33032 Juarez 3-4 l:12fast 15 90 6 G 6 6 C-2 E Haynes C Bing. Milton Rohlee. Superl t" a-n PROSPECT, blk. g. 3 108 By Dick "Welles Mary Graves J. Greene. TIt luarez 5-8 l:07hvy 5 109 5 5 G C 61J McCabe 7 Curlicue. FdaJohnson. B.Barnei il-u I atonia 3-4 1:13 fast 117 99 10 Pulled up. A Mott 10 Oakland, T. M. Green, Lnria I -ilonla 3-4 l:13Vfast 39 103 1 3 4 12 12" F Murphy 13 Charmeuse, M.Kruter, J.Louis ciiurchl 3-4 1:1G hvy 35 102 5 7 7 7 7" B Ott 7 Bermudian. D.Kendall. HelenM T exgton 3-4 l:14f;good 39 101 7 7 2 21 45 F Murphy 11 D.Piatt, C.McFerran, J.D.Wfie.i W Vrm Analda 5-S l:01fast 8 107 2 6 5 31 U J Montour 10 Rosiris. Letitia. Miss Clark i?6C6 Anacda 5-8 l:01fast 8-5 109 4 2 2 2- lJ J Montour S .At. MeKee. Virginia S.. A Heinz 3fi598 Anacda F C l:12Vifast G 104 1 1 1 l6 l7 J Montour 0 Superl. Aug. Heinze. RealWort PVOTAR ch. g, 3 98 By Doctor Boots Sewing Girl J. D. English. Sjuawlz i-4 1:13fast 15 107 S C C 7" 7 T Rice S Forge. Russ Sand. Golf Ball luarez 31 f l:0Sgood 30 103 10 10 10 10 10" G W Car 1U0 Sir Dyke, Auto Maid. Tempos i5jj7 Tunrez 3-4 l:125fast 10 93 Refused to run. A Mott 15 Lemon Joe. P. Winter Dahlgi-eu J S 51fl 07fast 12 100 8 7 5 andi S11 W W Tlorl4 DrolU Rubicon II.. Francis lW5Tuar!z 5-8 1:01fast 12 104 13 13 13 13 13" F Benton 14 Anar. Lemon Joe. Right Little hvi Juarlz 5-S 1:00 fast 15 103 4 G 5 52 G12JF Benton 12 L.Will. AuntElsie. ChristmasEv vr-o inlirandz 5-8 1:00 fast 12 109 4 4 3 3 5i F Benton 14 Panhachapi, Droll. Dr. Ballev vn liiarez 5-S 59fast 50 105 5 5 5 3 4-iF Benton 10 Scar.Oaks. AuntElsie. B.IIeusle i-no luarez 51fl:07fast 8 J03 1 2 3 C2 7. F 15,-nton 8 Di;iin. Baltimore. Malay hHr. Vancouver 1-2 4SVgood U 102 5 Benton 5 Du-kvDave. LaEstrella. Conjur ll--o" Va couver 41 f 57 good 61 101 2 4 2 2. 21 I.enton 8 S. Nell. Russ Sand. S. McNamar: s $ lC "" SECOND RACE 5-S Mile. 2-year-olds. Allowances. "95190 5SM; 0-lOS: TOKAY, b. g, 2, 112 By Marchmont II. Tokalom J. W. Fullor. 1S31- Latonla 51 f 1 tdG-ifast 11-5 UN 3 3 3 2l 2s J Metcalf 0 Waterulusr-oiii. ll.ODay. Grccit 1S2SI Uitonla 0?. f 1:07 fast 1 109 3 2 I1 2 J MetcalC 1:5 Converse, Auut.Iosie, Dr.Cariucii 1555S Windsor 5-S l:01slow 31 110 2 4 3 2J 2 G Burns . Ba.ko. Lady-Curzou, Rancher 13469 FortEric 51 f l:07ftfast S-5 110 3 2 1 l"" 13 G Burns ! Sam McMeekhi, Eagle, Cclto 15395 FortErie 5-S l:00tfast 5 103 4 5 5 51 Z- W W Tlor S Crystal, Balko, Carbide 15333 FortErie 5-S l:O0fast 7 105 5 4 5 41 2"s P Ford II Heenan, Eag.c, Sam McMeekin 150S4 Hamton 5-8 l.OOandfast 10 108 9 8 6 51 581 P Ford 11 Ed Cruinp. Costal. Ida Claire 14591 BlueBon. 5-8 l:01!jfast 7 105 3 5 5 51 2 J Collins 7 Commonada. Tarzan. Heenan 14471 Wdbine 5-8 1:01 fast 11 110 6 6 6 5l 6J J Collins 8 Sir Edgar, Ed Crump, Crystal 13799 Juarez 1-2 47fast 8 108 5 2 1J 1J1 A. Mott 7 Supremacy, M. OBrien, D.Cortez 13098 Juarez 3-8 34fast 6-5 114 6 3" 21 C Gross 8 L.Capricious, Trulane. Comett 1.3054 Juarez 3-8 34Hfast 3 109 3 1 11 V Knr,l 11 Bons Rrntlier. Mex. Yal CARRIE ORME. ch. f . 2 107 Monsieur de LOrme Mum E. J. OConhell. 1S629 Juarez 51 f l:0ofast 31 102 3 1 1 II 2 G W Car 11 S Inez, Bens Brother, Typo 1S5G3 Juarez 51 f 1:11 slow 7 101 5 3 2 2-1 2- G W Carll 0 Inez, Billy Joe. Stolen, Ante 18500 Juarez 5-S l:04hvy 21 103 1 11 ll 2J G W Carll G Inez, MakeGood, Category 1S347 Latonia 3-4 1:13 fast 29 103 9 4 2 2 4 C VanDunl.; Sunset, Christie For Fair 1S2G4 Latonia 51 f l:07fast fid 107 4 2 2 5 4i C VanDunll Cardigan, Sunset, Billy Joe 17902 Bowie 51 f l:0Sfast 10 109 4 2 2 31 31 J Howard 9 Encore. Cardigan, Ilaliz 17858 Bowie G-S 1:02 fast 4 110 2 1 2 31 31 J Howard 7 J.B.Harrell. MamieK.. Celebrity 17734 Bowie 51 f l:0Sfast 4 109 3 1 1 Ill1 J Howard 9 Sunno. Harlequin, Nellie C. 17565 Bowie 51 f 1:08 fast 41 107 Left at the post. G Carll 7 Encore. Mamie K.. Nellie C. 17445 Wdbine 5-8 l:01good 21-5 109 1 1 1 l2 l1 C VanDuull L.Cpricious, B.Brother. NelllcC. NOBLEMAN, ch. g. 2 107 By Boanerges Royal Child f.W. G. Yanke. 1S6I0 Juarez 5-S l:00fast 7-10 112 3 6 4 2l l1 R Small 8 Charity Ward, 11. Ruybould. Ida ltt"4 Juarez 5-S 1:01 good 3-2 112 1 2 3 22 32 R Small -S BcusBmthcr. Gertruile B., Ida 1S365 Latonia 51 f 1:07 fast 51 102 5 5 3 21 l1! F Murphy 12 Chitia, Dondreary, Tctrtn 1S244 Latonia 3-4 l:13fast 9 107 5 4 6 2l 22 T Rice 12 Cannonade, W. Crown, W. Witch 1S02S Churchl 51 f l:0Shvy 1 971 6 4 2 3 25 F Murphy G Lit. String. B.sBrrtthcr, T.Mald 179G5 Church 1 3-4 l:16mud 5 109 10 7 7 2i 32 F MUrplij- 12. MCjVdoo.. Foxy Griff. Talebearer 17SS7 Churchl 51 f l.OSmud 9 109 1 G 3 2h 2: F Murphy 12 Christie. Betterton. LittleStrlinr REX BEACH, br. c. 2 105 By Conjuror Teo Beach O. G. Parke. 1S225 Dallas 5-8 1:01 fast US 1 1 1 Is l1 F Matts 4 Batchler. F. Article, SndieWood 1S219 Dallas 5-S 1:01 J good 10S 2 1 I l3 l4 J Groth S MakeGood. S.Beckham. Batchler BATCHLER, b. e, 2 102 By Marchmont II. Fay House H. T.-Batchler. 18629 Juarez 51 f l:06fast 15 108 4 4 7 61 56i A Hollister S Inez. Carrie Drine, B. Brother 1S2S8 Dallas 3-4 1:131 fast 104 .1 1 1 Is 1 A Hollister 5 S.Beckham, M.Franklin, L.Mack 1SW5 Dallas 5-S 1:01 fast 107 3 2 2 23 21 A Hollister 4 RexBeach, F.Artic.e, Sudh-Wooil IS19 Dallas 5-8 1:011 good 105 1 G 5 52 481 A Hollister S Rex Beach, M. Good, S.Beekliani 1G749 Anacda 41 f 54fast S 102- 7 7 7 51 5s W Ormes S A.N.Akin. I. Lavinia. Heidelberg 1637G Anacda 1-2 4Sfast 4 103 2 2 21 2nt W Ormes 7 A.N.Akin. M. Franklin. Avocado 13949 Butte 41 f 55fast 9-5 103 Is A Hollister S 1 press. Petit Bleu, Belcolore DAD DAVIES, ch. c, 2 102 By Prospero Lena J. S. A. Beckham. 16926 Vcouver 5-S 1:01 fast 16-5 106 1 3 4 31 71U R Feeney 7 MakeGood. Vlanrter. I.Cumniings 16S25 Vcouver 41 f 54fast 29-10 112 1 11 11 l1 It Feeney 5 CharltyWaid, Fels, Emma J. S. 14S95 Denver 41 f 55fast 21 115 3 S 5 31 54J L Gentry 10 B.Johuson, Lukemae. M.Franklin 11SG0 Denver 1-2 4Sfast 26 111 5 -4 41 2s L Gentry S 15. A. Jones. Mnznik. Lukemae HELEN RAYBOULD. br. f. 2 102 By Cesarion Big Goose K. Spcnce. 1S610 Juarez 5-S l:00fast 5 103 S S G 421 331 J Collins S Nob.eman,, Cnaiity Ward. Ida 1S572 Jaurez 51 f l:09good 6-5 105 2 1112! 121 E Martin 5 Day Day. Chevron, Breezer 1S314 Juarez 5-S l:01good 12 109 2 4 4 51 31 E Martin 12 Tower, Kn.ofPythias. M.OBrien 1S300 Juarez 5-S l:04hvy 40 102 6 6 6 6 610 E Martin G Inez. CarrieOrme. MakeGood 17998 Churchl 51 f l:09hvy 421 97 6 S 8 S10 813U Sloan 9 Grecian, Pan Maid. Dortch 17506 Douglas 51 f l:0Syandfast 30 103 6 3 3 8 82 W W TlorlO Mar. Lee, M. Pearl, L. Invalidcs HAY, br. c. 2 102 By Leonid Dolly Hayman W. McXemore. 13S97 Juarez 31 f 40fast G 103 6 6 6i G Molesth G B. Brother, M.Fielder. M.Barber 1330G Juarez 31 f 391,4fast 15 113 2 5 5,,J2G Molesth 5 Supremacy, Busy Edith, Trulano 13132 Juarez 3-S 34fast 6 112 4 421 42i J Groth 9 Superhuman, B.Bther. L.Ilowd MISS FIELDER, ch. f. 1 107 By Prince of Melbourne Dainty F. D. Weir. 1S3S3 Juarez 51 f l:03fast 15 93 7 7 7 6 61 B Marco i" Othello, Groverllughes, SirDyko 1S149 latonia 3-4 l:12fast 36 105 G 6 7 54 58 J Metcalf 7 Chalmers, Solly, Pif Jr. 1S030 Latonia 51 f l:0Gfast 27-5 107 7 0 3 52 5?i J McCabe 7 Filigree, Casaba, Ormulu 18100 Latonia 51 f l:07fast 5-4 112 3 2 2 l1 l1! J Metcalf S Sunset. Tory Maid. Pan . Maid 17940 Churchl 3-4 l:13hvy 19 ICG 5 5 5 4 3- J McCabe 5 Chalmers, Grecian. To tan 17SS9 Churchl 3-4 l:13mud 47-10 10G1 7 5 5 44 4I0J.T McCabe 7 Vogue. Grecian. Aunt Josie 17603 Douglas 3-4 l:12fast 71 10G 3 4 3 1 1 J McCabe 7 Liberator, Tory Maid, Marlinos 17546 Douglas 51 f 1:07 fast 23 106 5 5 5 5 53J J McCabe 5 Vogue. Auut.Iosie. Waterblossom 17471 Douglas 61 f 1:07 fast 41 10G 10 3 3 31 4C J McCabe 11 Liberator, Vogue. Aunt Josie 17209 Lexgton 51 f l:07fast 41-5 102 2 4 4 21 24 A Neylon 4 Solly, Geo. Roesch. Dr. Carmen 170G1 Lexgton 3-4 l:13good 42-5 104 2 3 3 2 23 J McCabe 4 Liberator, Geo. Roesch. IloosIIoo OBOLUS. b. g, 2 107 By Oddfellow Kcnmoie Queen J. W. Goldblatt. 15156 Latonia 51 f l:0S?5fast 16 100 9 7 7 72 6 W W Tlorll Sprudel, Dundreary, St.Cliar.i-ole 14948 Latonia 51 f 1:09 fast 24 109 5 U 11 10 10" W W Tloi-12 Bus.Agent. Rhodes. Sr.Clinrleote 14S32 Latonia 5-S l:00fast 100 109. 7 7 7 G1 C"1W W TlorlO Chalmers. Chesterton. Il.Itlionld FROKENDALE, b. c, 2 107 By Ormondale Froken Field Bros.. First start. THIRD RACE 5 1-2 Furlongs. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. 130871:03 G-pI.50.,- ORIMAR LAD, ch. g. G 108 By Orimar Lulu Marr Mrs. C. I. CrippenY. 1SG12 Juarez 51 f l:0Gfast S 110 4 11 121 12 R Feeney 14 Toy Boy. An. Interest, TijrhtRor 1S564 Juarez 2-4 l:17slov S 103 3 1 1 23 3J P Louder 14 L.lndou, II. Street, SweileSa 111 1S30G Juarez 51 f 1:09 slow 2 103 1 2 2 2i 22 II Breseh 5 Envy. Anna Reed Martv Lou 1S47G Juarez 5-S l:0Shvy 5 114 5 3 2 23 22 H Bresch 10 Andrew ODav, Rosiris." Nifty 17827 Msoula 3-4 l:16Vfefast 109 1 M Mthews J Medio, Dew Drop, Idun 17S18 Msoula 41 f 55fast 114 S Smith 7 Rosiris. La Cazadora,, Ed .Luce 1781C Msoula 41 f 56fast 115 1 S Smith 5 Helen Hawkins. Roy Jr., Dovie 1.619 Helena 5-S 1:01 fast 114 5 3 2 22i 24 T Nolan S Briton, Joe Busher, Sainest 17572 Helena 51 f 1:07 fast 108 1 3 3 41 S- T Nolan 10 Wild Bear, Envy, Sliarp.Knight 174G7 Helena 51 f 1:10 slow 109 9 9 0 51 581 M Mthews ! Wild Bear. Darkey, Decencv 17131 D.Lodge 41 f 55fast 4-5 115 3 3 1 ll 1 M Mthews 7 La Cazadora, Eliz. Reed, Zool I70S5 D.Lodge 5-S 1 :03good 3-2 114 1 1 1 23 21 W Rosen 7 MissClark, LaCazadora, Lit.Maid 1C9C7 D.Lodge 51 f l:09rast 6-5 109 1 11 l2 l2 S Smith 7 LaCazadora, K.Nelson, LiStalwt KENNETH, ch. g. 4 10S By Box Dinah Shad C. W. GasSer. 1SG25 Juarez 51 f l:09mud 6 112 7 2 3 4 6 W W Tlor 8 Gemmell, Bob Lvnch, Fred Drew 15515 Juarez 51 f 1:08 good 11-5 105 1 1 tl 1J l" W W Tlor 8 MartaMac. F. Johnson. Choctaw 17C03 Douglas 3-4 l:13fast 63 101 S 6 9 9 9131L Hartwelll2 Oakland. Eustace. Colle 14949 Latonia 3-4 1:13 fast SO 108 4 4 G SI 71 F Robinsnll Carmeuse, J.B.Riisoh, Serenata 15516 Juarez 3-4 l:llfast 10 102 3 1 1 3s 43i W W Tlor 9 Napa Nick. Pay Streak, Cantem 13825 Juarez 61 f 1:06 fast 2 105 2 1 1 l1 l1 J McCabe 4 Dominica, Envy, Ben Stone 13733 Juarez 51 f l:05fast 3-2 103 6 2 3 34 6S1 L Gentry 11 Mrs. Gamp. Toy Boy, Yuba 13GS3 Juarez 3-4 l:llfast 6 100 3 2 2 21 33J G W Carll 9 Gor. Rusi ell. Seneca, Dominica 13347 Juarez 51 f l:06fast 5 105 6 3 3 11 21 A Claver 13 Quid Nnn!. Visible. Hardy FORGE, b. g, 4 108 By John F. Blessed Damozel Moots and Stewart. 1S5S0 Juarez 3-4 l:13fast 8 110 3 2 2 l2 l8 S McGraw 8 RussSand, Golfliall.Eiderdown 18551 Juarez 5-S l:06y3hvy 20 110 7 4 5 9 9111S McGraw 9 Tower, Frazzle Marie OBrien 18487 Juarez 5-8 l:0Ghvy 20 107 2 3 3 3- 5J3 S McGraw 0 Mcrcurium. Par. Post P Cournl 1847G Juarez 5-8 l:0Shvy 10 119 7 9 S 8 71 J Howard 10 AndrcwODay, Orim.Lad. hosiiis 1S127 Vocuver 7-S l:36mud 12-3 106 3 3 .3 3 3 3 II Clark 3 SempsIIIa. Southern Gold 18060 Vcouver 7-S l:33M;mud 7-10 112 4 4 2 1 I2 11 J OBrien 5 Pce Conrad. Ambri. DickBenson 1S00S Vcouver 7-S l:33Vandmud 2 105 5 5 3 3 31 l4 II Clark 8 Cordova. Cisko. Sweetbait 1794S Vcouver 51 f 1:12 hvy 7-5 107 3 4 2 45 36i II Clark .7 Sou.Gold, D. Bson. Mandadero 17835 Vcouver 7-8 1:36 mud 14-5 104 4 3 1 1 l3 l4 II Clark 5 Sou. Gold. D.BcnsoiL Downland 17744 Vcouver 3-4 l:21mud 24-5 103 2 2 5 5 4J H Clark 5 Felina, Fcr Cathav. The "Feller 17GC7 Vcouver 5-8 1:05 hvy 9-10 107 4 3 3 31?. 43i-II Clavk G J.Crawford, T.Feiler. G.Karme AMOHALKO, ch. m. 6 108 By Abe Frank Tex Anna W. L, Stanfieldl, 1SG12 Juarez 51 f 1:0G-H;fast 10 115 5 2 -2 41 58J D Stirling 1- Orimar Lad. TovBov Alntere:!- 1 1S554 Juarez 5-S l:C5hvy 6 115 2 2 4 6 6 D Stirling 7 JudgeGheens, Lit.Bit Wivei-in- ; 1S525 Juarez 51 f l:07good 41 108 3 1 1 l2 1 D Stirling OWiuifred B., Compton Lit I-m 1S497 Juarez 51 f l:12hvy 4 112 2 2 2 22 l3 D Stirling G L. des Cognets, Nobby Calcium 18476 Juarez 5-S l:0Shvy 50 116 10 1 3 33 G D Stirling 10 And. ODay. OrimarLad Rn 1S251 Vcouver 5-8 1:03 hvy 27-10 112 . 2 1 1 21 6131W Mondon S Little Bit,. RaraVez JIKei " neilv 1S197 Vcouver 51 f 1:15 hvy 10 114 3 1 1 IS ! W .Mondon 5 Little Bit. Joe Frank Can 1S18D Vcouver 51 f l:15mud 15 H4 4 11 11 4f W Mondon G Triste, Jake Argent. LottaCreed DR. NEUFER, b. g, 5 103 By Edinborough La Roma C. "W. Mondorff ; 1S554 Juarez 5-S l:03hvy 8 115 3 4 2 2s 51 C Gross 7 JudgeGheens. Lit.Bii vivprin" 1S523 Juarez 51 f l:07good 13-5 109 1 2 2 221 3 J Groth S Rosiris. Gemmell. Ancestors 1S499 Juarez 51 f l:10hvy 8 112 1 1 1 l4 2 J Groth G Wavering, And.ODav Rnvoeo 1S473 Juarez 6-8 l:08y5hvy 4 112 1 1 1 12 2t J Groth Li Wavering. Anna Reed B B-irne-1 17G1S Helena 5-8 l:01fast 111 3 5 4 51 651 R Pauley 11 Belie Bird, Ed Luce LaCazailori 17467 Helena 51 f 1:10 slow 109 5 4 9 9 913 R Pauley 9 Wild Bear, Darkey Decenev 1739S D.Lodge 51 f l:0Sfast 4 107 4 4 4 41! 3 M Mthews .7 Rosiris. Robt. Mantell Decencv 17266 D.Lodge 5-8 l:03slow 21 115 5 3. 1 21 2 C Kirschm 5 BelleBird. WildBear Sen iI-Viiim 1 1712S D.Lodge 51 f l:09fast 6 112 4 3 2 22 2J1 R Pauley S Swarfs Hill. BelleBird. ClaraW JUDGE GHEENS. b. g. 3 103 By- Marta Santa Betties Deceiver E. J Eamwvl 1SS30 Juarez 51 f 1:0G fast 15 110 S 4 6 74 7102J OBrien 8 Clarlbel. Minco Jinunie ItoslrU 18554 Juarez 5-S l:05hvy 20 110 5 1 1 l1! 1J J OBrien 7 Little Bit, Wavering Rosii-iJ 17432 Vcouver 5-8 1:04 mud 31-10 108 6 1 2 5 721 J OBrien 7 Dotty, Forge. Auntie Curl 17321 Vcouver 5-S 1:04 slop 7-5 110 4 11 121 l1! J OBrien 5 J.Crawfd, .T.B.Mavlow Zenr.te- I 17206 Vcouver 5-8 l:04hvy 6-5 107 1 1113 l1 J OBrien 7 Ethelburg II . Felina IisVlV.,iu. 17118 Vcouver 0-8 1:02 slow 11-10 108 3 1111 l2 J OBrien 7 Auntie Cur. J.Gaitens AiiioVilk-n 16973 Vcouver 5-8 l:00fast 13-20 109 3 1 1 l1 2h J OBrien 7 ParnellGirl. EckDavis Diii ii. : 1679S Vcouver 5-S 1:01 fast 9-10 108 2 1 1 1-5 1 J OBrien 7 M.Kcildy. B.Mfson Eth ell "TI 1 16763 Vcouver 5-8 l:00fast 1 107 3 2 1 l1 1. J OBrien 8 AlWrmwood, Ya-IIy-Yip, Stbait : CLEOPAT, b. m. 8 103 By Canopus Atlantis J, B. Gray, 17200 Dufferin 7-8 l:31fast 1 115 1 1 112 V, J Howard 7 Dicie Jackson, IrishKid AComt ! 17093 Dufferin 61 f 1:25 fast 1 111 2 1112 l2 J Howard S Dicie Jackson Largo Coif a v 1G626 Conght 51 f 1:09 fast 20 109 8 9 9 94 S"R NemderlO Colors. Tor Bov IluJkv r i.i . 16192 KingEd. 61 f l:22fast 3 107 3 1112 J Howard 10 Blue Jay, "Pontefract I oi-iloli-i 16310 KingEd. 61 f 1:24 fast 21 113 2 3 7 S J Howard 8 Pierre Dumal Blue Jay Si o n 16244 Dufferin Ab5-S l:00fast 21 111 1 4 41 541 J Pengast 7 Curious. Par. Post V 161S1 Dufferin 61 f 1:24 fast 1 ICS 1 1 1 Is 11 J Howard 7 K. Radford, L.Lanier T IIo l-in.l 16087 Dufferin 01 f 1:27 slow 21 110 Left at the post. T McCugh 8 Ben Stone, Pontefract ilii i-i-ir 16030 Dufferin 61 f 1:25 fast 4 106 1 2 4 33 21 E McEwcn S Daddv Gip Bursal- Mothir 15G50 Windsor 3-4 l:12fast 20 10S 2 12 G2 913 E McEwcn 10 D.R.L.Sengcr li BV-ide -:rit.-fr 15374 Denver 3-4 l:13good 2 112 1 1111 mt E McEwcn 5 Goldiinn. Iligii Strecl Roe Rir?-- PARNELL GIRL. ch. m. 6 108 By Kis Lordship Belle Felix J. Randolrh" ! 1SG12 Juarez 51 f l:0Gfast 10 110 7 11 9 71 782 L Gentry I t Orimar Lad. TovBov A Inferos 18554 Juarez 5-S l:05hvy 20 115 4 6 G 7 713 L Gentry 7 JudgeGheens, Lli tBit W-ivei-fi 1711G Vcouver 5-S l:01slow 31-10 111 3 I 1 lh 2. L Genlry 7 BirdMan, J. B. Mavlow T Vlnrrs 16973 Vcouver 5-8 l:00fast 11 114 2 2 2 21 1 G Warren 7 JudgeGheens EckDavis Durin 16916 Vcouver 5-8 1:01 fast 21-5 111 4 3 2 621 77J L Gentry 9 Dominica, U. Da vis B MasterVnn 16794 Vcouver 51 f l:07fast 7 117 5 5 9 9 S8 L Gentry 9 J. Marrs, M. Kemiedv Sal OMV?-16546 Vcouver 51 f l:07?ifast 27-10 106 3 1 2 61 7" L Gentry 7 5fc.-i.otek. Adena Auto APiI.l " 16450 Vcouver 5-S l:01fast 3-10 117 1 1 1 l3 l3 L Gentry 7 Delcassy. E. Samson Piirsi lnw 1G2S0 Vcouver 5-S l:02hvy 7 102 1 2 2 43 61L Gentry 7 Gilbert Rose. Dotty JolMSSS 15640 Vcouver 5-8 l:00fast 41 107 1 2 3 31 23 L Gentry S Eliz. Ilarwood. Dotiv ienol.l" 3 15376 Denver 5-8 l:00good53-10 110 6 6 C, 63 6 G Warren 7 Dominica. Au t Elsie 152T.8 Denver 5-S l:00fast 5 113 3 2 1 121 l2 F Jackson 9 Orimar Lad, Canana Old f V, , 1 15176 Denver 51 f l:07fast 3-5 119 1 .3 3 11 l4 E Jackson 7 Osage Chief. nnivYoiin- TiSnn, 15147 Denver 51 f l:0Gfast 19-5 112 3 2 2 221 221 F Jackson 8 Un.J.Gray; Ibold Island ! Queen ADENA, br. m. 9 108 B.vSidney Lucas Balance H. Tigue and Cunning- 1S626 Juarez 51 f l:09mud 4 10S 1 4 3 32 1 w W Tlorl2 Hazel C. Ancestors Ito-se Rln- 1S399 Juarez 3-4 l:14fast 3-2 108 3 11 l2l 22 J Kederis 9 Vireo, Mar.Co-hm S-imCoi ,r" lSi-51 Juarez 5-S l:06hvy 12 115 8 3 3 42 8 W Ormes 9 Tower, toalT irl. OlS?. 1, 18525 Juarez 51 f l:07good 8 108 7 5 4 3 6 W Ormes . An.olialko WiVufn 1I Con tn 1S518 Juarez 51 f 1:08 good G 10S 2 3 3 32 53 W Ormes 8 Kenth, Marta Mac F lol.ns . P 18501 Juarez 51 f l:llhvy 15 112 6 G 6 6 6J W Ormes G Safrannr Fr-izz 1 Voniu s 1S252 Vcouver 5-S 1:04 hvy 7 112 3 4 4 4 4 G Warren 4 Frances. Bottv TennlV Cr for.l 1 1S005 Vcouver 5-S l:04mud 4 112 2 4 5 5 5!G Warren .7 Dotty. Bird I Man The Feller 1 17959 Vcouver 51 f 1:10 slow 4-5 112 1 2 2 21 l1 G Warren 5 Hester. And o"l"av The IVllor 17954 Vcouver 51 f l:10hvy 23-10 112 2 2 1 121 I2 G Warren G Melts.! Zenotck S?iWshr ANDREW ODAY, ch. g, 3 103 By Andrew Mack Light of Day Hogan and Holn-m 1S366 Juarez 3-4 l;17andslow 10 107 6 7 5 551 453 L Hartwell S Clarlbel Falrlv aIon 1S499 Juarez 51 f l:10hvy 31 102 2 3 .3 33 31 L Hartwell G Wavering, Dr Neiifer Ruvneo s 1S476 Juarez 5-S l:0Shvy 10 110 1 7 7 5 1? L Hart welllO .Orimar Lad Rosiris Nifn" 1S040 Vcouver 7-S 1:34 mud 8 103 4 4 2 2 22 2i II Clark 3 S fiold rnnflnr iL p e 17939 Vcouver 51 f 1:10 slow 19 105 4 5 5 41 3 H Clark 5 Adena. Hester The FelleC Uiar . 17S33 Vcouver 3-4 1:21 mud 13-5 103 5 5 4 31 2U II Clark .1 Mr llaet I W v If u d 17783 Vcouver 51 f l:13mud 11-5 104 3 3 3 11 l2 II Clark B Neb llv T Mn Anv t V.l?,1 AaV 17743 Vcouver 3-4 1:21 mud 16-5 104 4 3 3 42 2" H Clark G Fan Halt L InwVn MJtn2?ffniCe e 17712 Vcouver 51 f l:1254mud 3-2 103 1 6 fi 41 4 II C rk 7 L vVgent LaEstM la 1 L n SlL b 17613 Vcouver 3-4 l:21hvy 12-5 107 4 5 3 31 21! A Pickens 7 BtcSnnle SletbSlt Mnr?ml?p 17403 Vcouver 5-8 UOS-iimud 33-10 10S 5 6 5 42 1U E Haynes 7 E. Davis B DeKalh Vp1?i F.i-t J 17361 Vcouver 51 f l:llmud 5 109 3 6 1 l2 l4 E Hayjies ! ElsieGreen. Miu?Belt Mr AlSicfe it BRITON, br. g, 6 108 . By. Lithos Lady Winkle D. Jt McDermidl 1S626 Juarez 51 f l:09mud 30 11.2 10 9 12 12 1013 W Ormes 12 -Adena, Hazel C Sirs 17619 Helena C-S 1;01 - fast 22 1112 1 1 l1! I4 R Pauley 8 Orimar Lad. Joe Busi er Hnest 175SG Helena 7-8 V.261. fast - ,39 9 G G G WPiJl Garner 10 Krror IWei e 1749.3 Helena 51 f 1:07 fast - 98 11 11 10 91 9"1M Garner 11 Decency; Stell t rjhie Art tie 17.34G D.Lodge 5-S1-.03 fast 8 114 1 .3 4 3h 3 W Rosen r. Stelh,Grainc J, Car for i O Pnln y 17151 D.Lodge 3-4 4 112 1 1 1 l1 22 R Pauley 7 Darkey. l"fotrow 16S94 D.Lodge 5-S lfast 2 111 2 1112 l3 .7 McBride 8 LavLow. Mi l""i mr Kf S v 10721 Anacda 5-S l:01fast 6 104 11 7 7 Gl S12 L Hartwcllll JlarthaMcKi-r. n .ir-.i . c 1 , 16C02 Anacda 3 I 1:17 fast G-5 10S 5 11 22" 44 L Harlweli 7 SiTBttufe ELSIE GREEN, br. f. 3 98 By Bowling Green Com-I-Cut G. S. Martin. I 1S003 Juarez 51 f 1 :0lrast "0 103 7 7 7 7 7IT B Marco 8 Hosiris, Theodorita, Oelnuey 1 1S5.30 Juarez 5-8 l:03hvy 12 103 4 1 1 12J 2t J Acton 10 RyeStraw, Calcium. Miss Tempo 1 1SOS0 Vcouvcr 5-S 1:07 mud C 109 4 4 5 6,:iP Feeney G Geo. Karmc. Danfield, J.Marrs 1 1S036 A"couver 5 fl:13mud 13-5 109 1 2 7 7" 7 R Feeney S Hound Up. Holsington, Hegards 1 74"9 Vcouver hi f 1:12 mud 21 109 2 3 2 3l 33 R Feeney 6 L.lnnocce, M.Knedy, Valadolid 1 17375 Vcouvcr 5-S l:04mud Gl-10 107 2 3 3 2s 2i R Feeney 0 Ethelbgll., Mr.Maek. WaterLad 1 17261 Vcouver 51 f l:lia-mUd 31-10 109 1 3 2 2 K Feeney G And. ODay, Maj.Belt, Mr. Mack 1 17319 Vcouver 3-4 1:19 slop 13 103 1 2 7 7 753D Stirling 7 Willis, Frazzle. Medford Boy 1 17:;02 Vcouver 5-S 1:01 livy 21-10 103 2 5 4 31 2s D Stirling 7 Jen.Crawfd,- VelieFrty, Amohko 1 CAPT DRUSE, b. g, 5 108 By Ben Howard Satinet J. Wilkfns. C C. 13943 Tulsa Ab 5-S l:05hvy 3 109 4 7 7 G tiJ A Hunt S T. Step. Light Knight, StrikoOut 1! 12413 Dallas 3-4 1-16 last 114 G 6 5 4and 2 Drc.vcr S Col. Austin. Myr.Dixon, BlazeB. H 1334 Dallas 5-8 1:02 fast 119 10 6i 73J Pegs 17 Doc Allen, Doll Boy, Follane 1! 12S6 Dallas 61 E 1:3GJ mud 101 1 3 5 6 512lHunt SI M.TilgUuian! Zandia. TlieVlsitoi 1! 11-341 Vancouver 5and f l:074,4good 21 112 2 5 5 41 4J Gentry 0 Droini. Sal. ODay. Edm. Adams 1! lHsHancouver 51 f l:09livy 41 109 2 G 7 S 8lMoleswh S Unc.J.Gray, BenStone, TheMonk 1! 103SO Vancouver 51 f l:07fast IS 109 6 2 1 2t 4 Gentry 10 Dromi. Ben Stone. Cliil. Trance li 10S37 Vancouver 5 fliOGVsfast 62 112 4 6 G 0 G1 Grotli 10 S. ODay. M. Jimmie. Hazel C. 1J lOSOO Vancouver 7-S l:2Sast 2S 112 9 5 3 4 71 9llMoleswh ! Stoneman, Frieze. II. Hawkins 1! 10534 Vancouver 5-S 1:01 fast 20 112 5 5 G 4 431 Gentry 7 E.Adams. OnParole. B.oflroqus 1! 10484 Vancouver 3-4 l:13fast 25 112 S 3 G S Sl2iGentry 8 Philllstina. F.JoImson. E.Adams s 10-3S Vancouver 51 f 1:0S fast 11-10 112 3 3 5 41 22 Molcswh 7 Yo Solo, Florences.. Lilllaultay 10033 Vancouver 3-4 l:14fast 15 112 4 3 2 ll 12 Jackson J Blondy, High Range, Mazurka l: JOHN KJJRIE. blk. g. 4 108 By Right Royal Etta Gilroy H. T. Batchler. V ICTSOAnacda 3-4 l:14fast G 1UU 2 4 G 72 1021A Holllsterll Tight Boy, Superl, Holy Hill 1 16119 tnacda" F C l:12fast 3-2 114 4 2 2 3 21 D Boland 8 Swarfs Hill. Tight Boy. O.Smile 1 ISIT1 Anaeda F C 1:12 fast 11-5 107 5 4 4 31 2 L Hartwcll C D. Dave, Pccss Janice, Decency 1 16073 Butte F C l:llfast 5 10S 2" F Steveus 8 Sharper Knight, Briton. Letitia 1 13073 Butte 3-1 l:14fast 5 113 2 A Hollister 0 Fancy. O.Cningham, Mercurium 1 15744 Butte 7-S l:27fast 12 109 714 A Ilollisterll Stellata, OraMcGce, Transparent 1 1562G Butte 3-4 1:15 fast 4 110 l1 A Hollister S Gomul, OrbaSmile. John It. Clay 1 DOLL BOY b. g. 6, 103 By Marchmont II. Dolly J. W. Fuller. L 16657 Con gilt 3-1 l:16fast 10 103 1 1 2 9 II1 F Murphy 13 Rubicon II., Centaur, P. Ahmed 1! 12394 Dallas 5-S 1:02 fast 119 1 2 21 Maddox 17 Doc Allen. FoKanc, Amohalko 1! 1-S7 Dallas 3-1 l:27i mud 109 -2 4 5 7 731 Maddox 7 El Pato, Russell McGill, Visible 11 1I9G0 Ok City Ab5-S 59good 10 111 - Srl Venters 12 G.s Favorite. W.Irish. M.QDay 1! IIOIO Ok City Ab5-S l:02good 109 i-i Donly 7 Beverstein. Rio Pecos. Follaue 1 11C0S Tulsa Abo-S l:02ysgood S-5 111 l1 Fogg li Foucoii. Ilzie. Lady Mattltt 1 11517 Tulsa Ab5-S l:03slow S-5 101 l1 Feeney 7 Rio Pecos, Night Mist, Deerfoot 1 1 FOURTH RACE 5 1-2 Furlongs. All Ages. Handicap. 13GS7 1:03 G 150. li 1 G ROVER HUGHES, ch. g, 6 112 By Handsel Stamen J. Umensetter. 1S5S3 Juarez 51 f l:00fast 5 114 1 1 2 2 2 J Howard 7 Othello, Sir Dyke, Orb j. 18"83 Latonia 1 l:3Sfast 63-20 110 2 5 5 5 4 42 J Metcalf G L.Father, Brooktield, Ienghee i 18161 Latonia 3-4 l-.12fast 17 112 5 4 4 4l 32 J Howard 5 Bringliurst, Gip.Lovc, Glencairn i 1S131 Latonia 3-4 1:12 fast 3S-5 113 1 2 1 53 5" E McEwen 7 Buckhorn. GipsyLove, Casuarina j 1S018 Churchl 1 l:43hvy 2 112 3 11 1 2 f f K Martin 4 Hocnir. Leo Skolny, Coy Lmi t 17967 Churchl 1 1-16 l:48mud 3-5 109 2 1 1 1 l3 1 I Keogh L.Father, B.ofB.Mwr. L.Pchita i 17S35 Churchl 3-4 1:13 mud 31-5 114 1 2 2 2 3i F Keogli C Leochares. H. Barbee. P.Hcrmis 1 1"606 Douglas 3-4 l:llfast 10 113 1 3 4 4l Al V Keogh i PanZareta. L.Skolny, Leochares f 17472 Douclas 1 1:39 fast 3-20 107 1 1 1 1 li IV F Keogli 5 DorotuyDean, Hash. Pcellerinis 17161 Lexgton 3-4 l:12fast 41-20 112 3 3 2 2s 2 F Keogh J Hel?n Barbee, nawthorn. Hocnir J 1RB31 Saratoga 1 1:39 fast 11-5 110 1 2 1 1 Is 1 F Keogh 5 Montresor, Jawbone, Wood.Shoes J Saratoga 1 l:39fast 5 117 5 2 2 1 l1 lh F Keogh C Ambrose, Crossbun, Spearhead lfi00 Saratoga 7-8 l:259fcslop 7-10 10S 2 3 3 1 1! 1J 1! Marco 4 Pomette Bleu, Bac. Hurakan 10067 Saratoga 1 1:39 fast 16-5 1 OS 4 3 4 4 Zh 33 B Marco G B. of Bryn Mawr. Bac. Andes , 15833 Empire 11-16 1:45 fast 2J 105 1 2 1 1 lJ l1 J McCabe 5 Guy Fisher, B.Tuistie, V. Welles 15807 Empire 3-4 1:13 slow 3 110 1 1 2 2l 3J C Turner 5 FrederickL., Pom.Bleu. Altamahs j tDe.Kl heat: imrse divided. GIPSY LOVE. b. f. 3 110 By Cesarion Chinela W. G. Yanke. ISG13 Juarez 5-S 59 fast 1 112 2 5 5 4 25 li Small 5 Joe Blair, Fathom, Flor.Hoberts fi lc,,13 I atonia 3-4 l:llfast 12-5. 99 2 2 2 210 22 F Murphy 3 Leochares, Benanet ; 18161 Latonia 3-4 l:12fast 3 S9 3 a 5 2 2" A Mott ii Bringliurst, G.Hughes, GTencairn 18131 Latonia 3-4 1:12 fast 3 100 4 4 5 2 21 F Murphy 7 Buckhorn, Casuarina, T.Norman J 17890 Churchl 3-4 l:13mud 7-5 103 3 3 3 2i 1" F Murphy 4 Hodge, Lady Moonet, Aeon i7filG Douclas 3-4 l:12fast 27-10 101 6 4 2 l4 1 F Murphy S Hocnir, Furlong, Bob Hensley a74GS Douclas 3-4 1:12 fast 6-5 107 G 4 3 33 3i R Goose 10 The Norman. Furlong, Sosius 77212 Le-scton 3-4 l:13fast 27-20 115 1 4 3 2 2J C Borel G Casuarina, Well Known, M.Gayle i 1K987 LeVgton 3-4 l:13fast 12-5 112 7 6 4 3 2i C Borel 8 Furlong, AdelaideT., TkeNorman 15545 Empire 3-1 1:14 slow 13-10 100 2 2 2 2 2i W W Tlor 3 Isidora, Belray 15504 Emmre 3-4 1:12 fast 8 103 3 4 5 5i 6i J Kederis 8 Hes.Prynue, L.Skolny, Snrprisg 14951 Latonia 3-4 1:12 fast 8-5 94 3 3 2 24 In" A Mott 4 Hawthorn. Benanet, PceHermis i 14S0G Latonia 3-4 l:llfast 3 101 4 2 12 2 A Mott 7 Granite. The Norman. M. Thorpe 1467S Latonia 3-4 1:12 fast 2S-5 97 5 5 5 2J 2l A Mott G Granite, Morristown, Ymlr L 14386 Douglas 3-4 1:12 fast 17-10 102 6 4 4 2lb ln W Obert 7 Mortown. T.Norman. L.Pnchita 1425S Churchl 3-4 1:13 fast 2i 105 2 3 2 l1 11 J Kederis S Mimorioso, Lace, First Degree JOE BLAIR ch. g, 3 102 By Bonnie Joe Hiss Blair G. 8. Martin. liijlS Juarez u-8 59 fast S 1 1 1 Is i2 li Uezansn 5 Gipsy Love. Fathom, P. Hoberts C 17710 Vcouver 1-2 50 mud 107 2 1 ll l3 It Feeney 5 Seneca, Dotty, Francis l 171-,8 Vcouver 5-S 1:05 mud 7-5 109 1 11 Is 1 li Feeney S BenWilsou, Dantield. Pros.Lad 1 1GS01 Vcouver 1-2 47fast 13 110 7 6 62 G8 II Clark 7 Seneca, Lackiose, Ami Tilly i 1G457 Vcouver 5-y 1:00 fast 31 103 G 6 6 0 GOJC Kelly G De.aney, Brighouse. P.ofLisniore 1 1G83 Vcouver 5-S 1:03 hvy 17 10:t 4 2 " 2h 43 L Gentry 4 Brighouse, Ann Tilly, Orb 1 ira Vcouver 5-S l:00fast 3-2 110 2 3 2 21! 2J J Dreycr G Orb, Bertha V.. Auntie Cnrl I 13SS1 Vcouver 5 f l:0Gfast 5 107 4 1 1 21 4a D Stirling 4 Delaney, P.ofLisniore. Lackrose 1 15777 Vcouver 5-S 1:00 fast 37-5 10 3 3 2 2l 23 D Stirling 5 A. Tilly. Metropolitan. Simpsilla 1 13954 H deGce 5-S 1:01 mud S 97 1 2 3 i" ii W Hinphy 7 Isidora, Progressive, Mater 1 1393 James n 51 f l:0Sgood 1 114 2 11 l3 ll H Hinphy 4 D. of Shelby, lone, W. Waddell 1 13392 Charlen 5i f 1:09 good 3 103 4 1 1 1" 51 J Callahan S C. Cannell, 11. Stream, I.Garduer , FATHOM, ch. o. 3 97 By Ethelbert Ferment F. S, Hackett. 1SG13 Juarez 5-S 59 fast 30 loo 5 4 4 5 3 J Callahan r Joe Blair. Gipsy Love, F. Hoberts I 17737 Bowie 3-4 l:14fast 1 109 3 2 2 l on E Ambrose 8 Batwa. Dr. Dougherty. Chilla 1 17600 Bowie 51 f l:07fast 9-5 109 4 .5 G 42 33s E Ambrose 8 Anton, Colors, Useeit 1 17501 H deGce 3-4 l:13ysfast 20 98 5 5 5 52 631 D Steward 7 Isidora, J. Wright, II. Prynno 1 17393 HdeGce. 51 f 1:06 fast 20 104 6 4 6 63 G121M Buxton 7 Pomette Bleu, Tartar, Isidora : WZ FortErie 3-4 l:14mud 10 100 6 6 6 6 G23JJ Callahan G Back Bay, Kn.Differ, Leochares : l.V39 Hamton 51 f l:06fast 18-5 102 2 4 4 i 2 J Callahan 5 Back Bay, Marjorie A., Useeit 15042 Con ght 1 l;41fast 11-5 103 4 1 1 1 21! 55 J Callahan G Pardner. Polly H.. Sir Blaise BLARNEY, b. c. 3 102 By First Chip Kittie Piatt H. T. Batchler. 1S583 Juarez 5?. f l:0Gfast 60 105 6 4 C 7 7131A Hollister 7 Othello, Grovcrllughes. SirDyke 15571 Butte 5 f l:07rast 3 110 G A Hollister G Kootenay, PayStreak. Mimorioso 15511 Butte 3-4 1:15 slop 4 107 l4 A Hollister C. Kootenay.Dew Drop, NewHaveu ICIK Denver 3-4 l:12fast 11 105 7 7 4 31 33J A Hollister 8 Lady Pancliita, Ruvoco, Seneca 15031 Denver 1 1-4 2:09 "fast G-5 117 1 1 1 1 310 3 J Groth 4 Dalston, Judge Gheens, Hester 14972 Denver 1 l:43goodl3-10 US 1 1 1 1 l5 121 J Murphy 4 Dalston, Kick. Mr. Mack lS7li Juarez 3-4 l:13fast 5 114 2 3 4 421 3i C Gross 0 Osaple. Manganese. Edith W. 17G3 Juarez 5. f 1:05 fast 2 11G 1 2 2 2ll 21 C Gross 5 Manganese. Em. Gem, Bird Man "S91 Juarez 5 f l:03fast 41 112 1 11 13 l1 Gross 9 Edith W.. Bird Man. Manganese 12617 Juarez 51 f l:05fast 6-5 105 5 3 2 lk l1 Gross 0 Hedpath, Paw, Ortyx FIFTH RACE 7-8 Mile. All Ages. Selling. 13412 1:23 0110. HIGH STREET, br. Z. 8 107 By Highlander Pearl Street T. Hatfield. 1SGW Juarez 3-4 l:13fast 8-5 ill 5 4 2 22i 21 J Collins 7 Gemmell, BerthaV.. MaryEmily 18584 Juarez 3-4 l:13fast 3 110 G 4 6 3 ll J Collins S SwedeSam, Frazzle, Fre.Jolmson 18564 Juarez 3-4 l:17slow 8 10S 9 10 S 41 251 A Green 14 L. London, Oihnar Lad, Sw.Sam 1849S Juarez 1 l:47hvy S 103 4 2 2 2 23 27 A Green 4 J.Sale. Ft. Sumter. BculahS. 18IS9 Juarez 1 l:51hvy S-5 107 1 .3 3 4 44 4,s A Green 5 Sleepland, Lescar, Melts 1S-35 Vcouver 6?. f 1:2 hvy 9-10 107 2 1 1 1 l4 1 A Green G Oblivion, FaneuilHall. MollicCad 13- Vcouvcr 61 f 1:26 hvy 13-10 107 4 1 1 1 l2 l4 A Green 5 Ambri. L.VanZandt. Far Cathay 1S199 Vcouver 6J f 1:28 hvy 26-5 107 3 1 1 2 31 3C1 A Green 4 Durin. Oblivion, Ambri 1818G Vcouver 51 f llandmud 5 107 2 2 1 11 22 A Green 5 G. Karme, M.Kennedy, D.Benson 181S0 Vcouver ul f 1:14 mud 19-5 107 3 2 3 3 i" A Green 5 The Feller, Geo.Karme, InDutch 1S1U7 Vcouver 51 f l:14mud 8 109 3 1 2 2 2l A Green 5 Bird Man, G.Karnie, JohnMarrs MARY EMILY, ch m, 5 105 By Nasturtium Highland Princess J. Pelter. 1SG0O Juarez 3-4 l:13fa,5t 4 109 4 3 3 43 4 T Rice 7 Geminel, HighStreet, BerthaV. 18517 luarfz 51 f 1:08 good 40 10S 2 5 4 32 2J J OBrien S Hosiris, GoldUnn, Minco Jimmie 17K4! Vcouver 3-4 l:21hvy 11 107 3 3 1 41 43i H Clark 7 BtCandle, And.ODay, Swcetbait 17319 Vcouver 3-4 1:19 slop 10 107 5 G 4 3 51 II Clark 7 Willis, Frazzle. Medford Boy lffit"7 Vcouver 3-4 l:13fast 19-10 107 S 7 6 41 25 II Clark 8 Swede Sam. Vlreo. Stcrlin IGS4 Vcouver 7-S l:2Glfast 7-5 107 3 4 4 4 2f 21 H Clark 7 Santa Call, Vireo, ProsperoSon G771 Vcouver 7-S 1:27 fast 4 10G 4 1 1 1 1 1 J Dreyer 7 Cisko, South.Gold. AdaKenheday lG3a Vcouver 3-4 l:14M;fast 29-10 102 6 2 1 2i lh A Mott S Stevesta, Eck Davis, Regards 1C3S6 Vcouver 7-S l:27fast 4-5 107 2 2 2 2 31 21 L Gentry 7 Quick Trip, Delmas, Wap 11771 Vcouver 1 l:41fast 31-10 109 4 3 2 2 21 72S L Gentry S Hardy. Lady Young, Gerds 1F716 Vcouver 3-4 1:14 fast 14-5 109 3 3 4 5 53i L Gentry 7 J. of Asia. Auto Maid. Lone Star 1259 Denver 1 l:40fast 19-5 107 G 3 4 5 510 4s E McEwen G High Street. Acumen, B. Candle 15072 Denver 7-S l:27fast 51 112 2 2 1 1 l2 21 J OBrien 9 Acumen, High Street, George OTILO ch. g. 8 110 By Leonid Prue H. Fink. 1S- luarez 1 l:402,ifast 50 114 3 4 3 3 73 6 W Ormes D Transact. PoEs. Fairlv is-!fi Juarez 3-4 1:1S slow 20 10S 10 12 10 10 10,J W Ormes 13 C.W.Kennon, Comptou Oblivion 1S5"7 Juarez 5i f l:08good S 10S 1 G 7 72 G21V Ormes 10 Sir Dyke. Auto Maid, Tempest 1715 D Lodge 7-S l:2Stast 4 112 2 1 1 2 3ll 4,1R Pauley 7 Tony Koch, Sam Connor, Flying 170S1 nLodire 01 f 1:12 good 21 114 1 6 4 4l 5 V Rosen S Old Coin, Saltigrade, ClintTuckr 1fifl40 DLodge 1 1-1G 1:50 fast 11-10 115 1 6 6 6 6- 7" j Mulligan 7 Lew Hill, Darkey. Flying 1GR99 ntod-e 7-S l:29ysfast 15 111 1 2 2 2 22 23 J Mulligan G Transparent, T. Cinder, ClaraW i?-7S1 Anaeda 1 l:41fast S-5 115 1 2 2 3 53 5"1C Peak 7 Bogart. Bob Farley, Flying 1fi7?S Anaeda 7-S l:2Sfast 4 113 2 4 3 3 4t 5 C Peak G Ora McGee, Mon. Don. S. Knight lf4 Anaeda 1 l:43fast 7 117 7 4 1 1 34 21 C Peak 7 The Cinder, Bogart. Tony Koch 10420 Anaeda 7-8 l:29fast 6-5 113 4 4 4 -4 5i 51 C Peak 7 Montauk Don, Sir Barry, Fancy KNIGHT OF PYTHIAS, br. g, 2 93 By Boanerges Carcanet II. W. G. Yanke. iwt iTifirez 5?. f l:0aAgoodll-10 101 C 4 1 l3 l4 E Martin S Wheat, Osmonde, Finalee 18314 Juarez 5-S l:01good 2 109 1 3 2 22 21 R Small 12 Tower, H.Haybould. M. OBrien isniK riuirchl 3-4 l:17ihvy fid 102 8 7 4 31 43 F Murphy 11 AnnaKruter, Jester, Hat.Burtou 17560 Douglas 3-4 l:13fast fid 10S111 11 11 11 11"U Hanover 12 Don Cortez. One Step. Amazon DELANEY. br. g, 6 HO By Kilkerran Talpa J. W. Healey. IS?! Juartz u. f 1:06 fast 3 103 2 S S S S1- L Hartwell .v Chirihel, Minco Jimmie. Hosiris 1S60! luarez 51 f l:06i4fast 11-5 103 1 3 3 3 331 J Callahan S Hosiris. Theodorita, Wild Bear iStiH Pimllco 3-4 l:14fast 41 111 3 7 7 74 33 C Bgame 12 Joe Finn, DicksPet, Un. Jimmie lR-S4P mlico 3-1 l:13andfast 41-5 US S 7 6 61! 7111H Troxler 12 W.Pitzer, Honey Bee, Gold Cap iSSi Pimlico 3-4 1:14 fast 31 116 S 6 4 31 2 R Troxler 11 Besom, Chas. Cannell, Chilla 173G5 H deGce 3-4 l:13fast 9 109 2 1 4 63 5CJ J Dreyer 11 Striker, Laura.PhylllsAntoinette ifi4r,7 vcouver 5-S 1:00 fast 18-5 116 5 5 5 41 1" G Warren G Bghouse. P.ofLismre, Sempsilla 1G?S4 Vcouver 3-4 1:13 fast 6 111 4 3 3 32 23 A Mott 5 Lady Panehita, Seneca, Lackrose 1G1S7 Vcouver 3-4 l:12fast 7-10 112 3 2 2 ll l1 G Warren 5 Truly, P. of Lismore, Simpsilla 1G00- Vcouver 5S f l:05ysfast 5 114 4 5 5 41 421 W Mondon 7 Lackrose, lsngnouse, Seneca r,SKl Vcouver 51 f l:0Gfast 1910 112 1 3 3 33 l2 G Warren 4 P.ofLismore, Lackrose. .ToeBlair iaiB Vcouver 3-4 l:12fast 17-10 ill 4 11 l1 l2 G Warren 7 Gasket, High Street, Acumen 13757 Vcouver 51 f l:06ifast 23-10 109 2 2 2 22 l2 G Warren 5 Kiva, Little Birdie, Gasket 15715 Vcouver 5-S l:01fast 7-5 112 2 2 2 11 l2 G Warren S M. Kennedy. Cus.House, V.Forty LADY LONDON, br. f. 4 112 By Hermis Lida B. Smith and Farrar. isfiK luarez 3-4 l:13fast 11-5 115 7 7 7 7 I4JA Mott 7 Gemmell, HighStreet, BerthaV. 18504 luarez 3-4 l:17slow 4 103 1 2 2 ll 121 M MthewsU HighStreet. OrimarLad, Sw.Sam 1S517 luarez 5?- f 1:0S good 7 103 6 Threw rider. M M thews S Hosiris, Mary Emily, Goldtinn iKrll luarez 5- f l:llhvy 3 ICS 4 3 4 52 331 M Mthews G Safranor, Frazzle, Par.Post irtjg Latonia 3-4 l:124fast 14 10S 7 4 3 P 23 A Mott 14 The Heach, Rio Brazos, Triiler 1S43 Latonia 3-4 l:124fefast 13 111 5 5 5 7 71 A Mott 13 Miss Kruter, Birka, Coy 1S120 Latonia 3-4 l:13fast 26 109 1 2 2 2 2i A Mott G Colle, Jessie Louise, Coy FRAZZLE, blk. m. 5 HO By Plaudit Pleasant Girl J. F. Ferguson. isx4 luarez 3-4 l:13fast 20 11; 7 S 7 GJ 6- L Gentry S HighStreet, Sw.Sam, Fr.-Tohnson 18351 Juarez 5-S l:06hvy 4 115 2 G C 22 2 W "W Tlor 1 Tower, Marie OBrien, A. Heed 18301 Juarez 5 f l:ll?sbvv 4 103 1 4 3 3 221 L, Gentry G Safranor. L.Loudon, Par.Post 1S47- Tnarez 51 f 1:15 hvy 15 107 4 5 5 5 4s L Gentry Bermudian. Thistle Belle. Othei: 177S6 Vcouver 5-S l:0S1smud 23-5 11? 2 3 4 21 3i H Stuart 5 Zenotek, VirgiuiaS.. JakeArgent S Vcouver 3-4 l:17mud 4 109 3 2 1 21 2 E Haynes G Bertodano, AuntieCurl. Willis 17319 Vcouver 3-1 1:19 slop 5-4 112 7 7 G 4 2 C Knight 7 Willis MedfordBoy. TheFeller 17"04 Vcouver 3-11:18 hvy 21-20 112 1 2 3 ll 2 E Domink G D. Benson. Willis. Sadie Shapiro Vcouvcr 3-4 1:14 fast 71 103 2 1 3 21 lt D Stirling John Marrs, Adcna, Forge 1BSG3 Vcouver 3-4 l:13fast 18 10S 4 12 4 3 D Stirling 7 Stelcliff, E.Harwood. M.Hkstone 16610 Vcouver 3-1 l:13fast 51-10 103 6 7 7 7s 5 D Stirling 9 Zenotek. Hardy. Light Knight lTS4 Vcouvcr 7-8 l:30hvy 37-10 106 7 3 2 2 l2 2i L Gentry 7 Cflagration. S.Shapiro. Bredwell 15990 Vcouver 3-4 l:13ifast 22 1V 7 4 3 2h 3: y Mandrs 7 But. Ball, J. of Asia, Mandadero OAXCIUM, b. c, 4 H5 By Joo Carey or Nealon Ellen Atkin T. OBrien. 1S66 Juarez 5- f l:0973mud 6 110 .5 3 7 71 :U1L Gentry 12 Adeua, Hazel C, Ancestors 1S3GS luarez 5i f 1:10 good 4 lit 1 2 2 l2. IX J McCabe S Eck Davis, Nobby, Elma 18550 Juarez 5-S l:05hvy 3 113 7 5 3 32 Z L Hartwell 10 Rye Straw. E.Green, M. Tempo 185"0 Juarez 5i f l:09Vsgood 5 113 3 1 2 32i 4 A Walsh 10 F.Drew, C.W.Kennon. Hksheen 1S497 Juarez ol f l:12,fchvy 4 111 6 5 4 42i 4? A "Walsh 5 Amlko, L.d.Cgnts, Nobby IS 04 Dalla" 3-4 1:174 slow H J 12 11 11 1 12" J Robbins 13 C. W. Kennon, GtFriar. A.Maid 17570 HeleiVi 51 fl:0S" fast - 116 2 .! G 7J S" A Hulleoat 9 Frances G., M. McKee. Angelas 17213 D Aoii-P 3 11:17 fast 3 110 2 3 4 4ut 5TJ D Weber r. Star Berta. Miss Daniel. X.Bliie 17;,o7 D Lodge 3 4 I -lSl.slow 4 115 Wheeled. D Boland S Kid Nelison. MeAlan. SauiC.imior 17146 D Lodge 2-4 1 21 112 3 3 3 2 43i D Boland ! Kid Nelson, Clint Tucker. .Sierra llWOO Anaeda 3 1 15 11G 2 I 4 4s 5T J Montour A.lnleiest, O.Cingham. O. Smile 1G33 Anaeda 3-4 l:13V.fiist 12 If. 1 2 2 2 41 JI Cavagh S Art Hick. Kid Ne.son. Angelus 1650S Anaeda Bl f l:llslow 5 117 1 2 2 2J 2" D Bolaud ll Letitia. Clint Tucker, Susan F. I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 C C. 1! H 1! 1! 1! 1! li 1J 1! 1! s l: V 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 L 1! 1! 11 1! 1 1 1 1 li 1 j. i i j t 1 i f J J , j fi ; J i i L C l 1 i 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 , I 1 1 1 : : puttmpt nnTinATt oh and i 110 Bv Kismet Kate Campbell H. Foss. J iWsuarezlwIgood 8 "? 4 6 7 7 cfU C Gross S Black Mate, Melts, lrad, llSl Vcouver tI llmud 11 1 4 4 3 3 33 II Stuart 4 JudgeSale. Oblivion, GaleneGale mV Vnn vor 4 J 23 U 4 4 311 23 H Stuiirr G Mercurium. Willis. Ancestors sloo Vcouver l:37mud 4 11- 2 2 3 3 22 l3 H Stuart G Downland. Fanelliall. Mol.Cad lo60 Vcouver 7-S livsmud tc, kill 3 2 22i 11 Stiuirt i Forge Ambri Kfon 1S007 Vcouver 7-S 1:31 mud 27-10 109 2 0 5 4 o- li J OBrien 0 2iiikand, Lotto . Cued. Tiiste 179S2 Vcouver 7-S l:29slow 5-4 109 3 5 4 3 3i 3. G Warren G ILStreet, B. W ilson. ater Lad W. KENNON. b. s 7 112 By Dick Welles Nearest A. C. McCafferty. 1S573 Juarez 1 l:42?igoVd 8 110 5 G 5 S S S A Hollister S lilack Mates Jte ts, Brando 1S56 Juarez 3-4 1-18 slow 4 ll9 5 7 5 21 11 A HollisterKI Compton, Oblivion, Blaeksheep 1S520 Juarez 51 f l:09feo6d 6-5 108 2 6 5 2ns 21 A Hollister 10 FredDrew, Blaeksheep, Calciiim 1S503 Juarez 51 f l:09Silow 8 10S1 G 5 5 21 A Hollister 0 L.Knlght. Compton, Joe Busher 184S7 Juarez 5-8 l:06hvy 6 112 4 4 5 6 63 L. Gentry G Mercurium, Par. Post, P-Conrad 18272 Dallas 7-S 1-963 fast 109 1 1 1 1 l3 ll A Hollister 5 Transparent, S.Connor, A.Alico IS26 Dallas 7-8 1:6 fast 107 2 5 5 4 32 4J A Hollister G Stelcliff. Ruvoco. Acumen 1804 Dallas 3-4 1:171 slow 109 4 7 Gl 1 A Hollisterl3 Great Friar, Auto Maid. Lescar 13938 Tulsa lmOv l:573fhvv 2J 112 4 4 4 4 45 21 J OBrien 7 S. Northcut, Freewill. Fastoso 13789 Juarez T 1-8 1:55 fast 10 106 2 2 3 2 33 731 J OBrien - 8 Phil!istina. Mar. TJlghman. Defy . STAR BERTA ch. f. 4 105 By Star Shoot Lady Alfcorta D. J. McNamara. 1 1SG33 Juarez 1 1:41 fast 40 105 5 1 1 1 21 71S M Mthews b Acumen. L. innocence. Barnard 17827 Msoula 3-4 l:16tast 109 J McBride 9 OrimarLad, Medio. ewDrop 17820 Msoula 3-4 l:16y5fast 109 1 J McBride 5 ClaraW., JoeBusher, KidNelson 175SC Helena 7-S 1:261 fast 104 Wheeled. J McBride 10 Error. Helen IPkins, No Quarter 17494 Helena 3-4 1:14" fast 107 11 12 12 123 13" D Weber 13 Bob Farley, Sen.James, Electwn 17345 D.Lodge 3-4 1:17 fast 7-10 107 1 11 lS l2i M Mthews 5 .MissDanie!s, StarBIue. C.Tucker 17134 D.Lodge 3-4 l:16fast 6-5 114 1 4 2 22J 33 W Leeds S II. Hawkins, Gomul, Rose Sweet 170S4 D Lodge 3-4 1:18 good 4 110 1 2 3 33 26 W Leeds 7 FredaJohusn, Eleetrowan, Medio 1C969 D.Lodge lm20yl:45fast 21 106 6 6 S 9 9 98 F Stevens ! Eastman, Gomnl, Medio 16777 Anaeda 51 f l:09y5fast 13-5 101 6 5 6 5"t 31 L Hartwell S Eleetrowan, S.BIue. O.Cningham LESCAR, b. g, 6 105 By Filigrane Short Cake J. N. Mounce. 18555 Juarez 1 l:47hvy 15 100 S 2 3 9 10 1021M Garner 10 Curlicue. L. Innocence, Ambri 1S30G Juarez 51 f 1:09 slow 12 103 4 G 6 51 5"1M Garner G Envy, Orimar Lad, Anna Heed 1S4S9 Juarez " 1 l:51hvy 6 103 5 1 2 2 2" 28 M Garner r Sleepland. Melts, High Street 1S474 Juarez 1 l:52Mshvy S 107 5 3 2 3 42 5 M Garner u N.McDee, C.McDougail, SlecpId 1S224 Dallas 51 f 1:081 fast 119 2 4 3 2t Ink r Pauley r Visible, Princess Janice, Quick 1S204 Dallas 3-4 1:171 slow 109 5 6 5 423 R Pauley 13 C. W. Kennon. GtFriar. A.Maid 1G87S D.Lodge 51 f 1:09 fast 8 114 S 8 8 8 S24 R Pauley 8 Decency, Belle Bird. Salnest 16559 Anaeda 51 f 1:11 mud 5 112 1 11 23 1" G Willis 9 Ed Luce. Sheffleld. Eleetrowan 10533 Anaeda 1 l:44fast 6 107 2 1 3 3 52i 6J H Pauley 8 Gomul, McAian, Nan. McKinney KETMAKER, br. c. 8 -110 By Aeronaut Netta F. S. Hackett. 1S612 Juarez 51 f l:0Gfast GO 10S 13 13 11 12 11" J Callahanl4 Orimar Lad. Toyitoy, A.Iutcrcst 1SS55 Pimlico lm70y l:46fast 19 . 92 12 12 12 10 5o 43J F McAtee 13 Aftergw, lTndercover, B.Quiucc 1S302 Pimlico 1 1:43 fast 34 : 9S 4 C S 7 42 2i F McAtee 9 Camellia, J.Laxon, J.H.IIghton 18207 Laurel 1 1-16 1:46 fast 37 103 11 11 10 7 31 3s F McAtee 12 B.Around, H.Brother, Spellbond 181G8 Laurel 1 1-16 l:47fast 211 100 7 7 7 7 7 5ri F McAtee 7 Quick Start. Uncle Ben, Autumu 1S021 Laurel 1 1-16 l-.StsmUd SO 103 4 5 4 3 - 4 4J F McAtee 9 Yodeling. D. of Shelby, Woof 17907 Bowie 1 1-16 l:51Vt;fast 25 1CG1 S 7 8 S 8 8lelC Jackson S O.tlieSanils. S. Hirsch. V.Strome 17885 Bowie 1 1-16 l:50fast 4 103 9 9 9 S 71 63J.T Connors 9 Kinmuhdy. Frontier, The Monk 17780 Bowie 7-S 1:30 fast 10 110 9 9 9 61 3J M Nathan 10 Aware, Servicence, Hcnpeck EIDERDOWN, b. f, 2 90 By McGee Inlet I, Striker. 1S5S0 Juarez 3-4 l:13fast 10 92 6 5 5 4l 4103B Marco 8 Forge, Huss Sand. Golf Ball 1S569 Juarez 51 f l:095good 100 102 S S S 6 53 J Mulhare S KnhtofPythias, Wheat, Osmde 18550 Juarez 5-S l:05hvy 60 90 9 10 10 10 1023 J Mulhare 10 ItyeStraw, Elsie Green, Calcium 17917 Hthorne 51 f 1:12 good 4 109 310U Mulhare 3 Santa Maria. Miss Possum 17SS5 Hthorne 3-1 l:15fast 10 101 23 C White G Santa Maria, L. May. P. Cunard 17697 Hillcrest Ab5-8 l:0OVsfast 21 115 0 5 51 62 J Russell G Brookcress, Little Pete, Mona G. 17268 Dufferin 61 f l:26fast 2 112 3 4 4 32 43 J Russell S Doni Moran. BrinyDecp. NelMcC. 17136 Dufferin AbG-8 l:0iysfast 15 110 Lost rider. W Dkson S Utelus, B:uo Wing. Ormead 16674 Hillcrest Ab5-S l:01fast 4 115 5 3 32 33S Russell 8 Louise May, Blue Wing. S.Maria 161S7 KingEd. Ab5-8 l:00fast 4 112 2 4 2 11 A Walsh 11 LadyMay. NellleC. Nevall.Goriu PATRIOTIC, ch. in. 9 110 By Bannockburn America Bliss and Rooney. 18641 Juarez 3-4 l:13fast S 112 7 14 14 14 is1" F Jackson 14 laiv Vomig, Marty Lou, uryad 1SGS2 Juarez 3-1 1:14 fast 30 115 4 4 4 42 41F Stevens 8 BobLynch, An. Heed, Aniestor.s 17823 Msoula 3-4 l:15?sfast 109 A Hulleoat 5 LewHill, Sharp.Knight, Medio 17623 Helena lm70y 1:471 fast 111 5 6 5 5 521 45 H Booker 9 Ceos, Flying McAian 175S3 Helena 1 l:4l" fast 111 4 5 5 G 8 715 A Hulleoat S Bob Farley, Tim Judge, Sav 17466 Helena 1 1:44 slow 111 6 4 7 7 71 7" A Hulleoat 9 Say, Tim Judge, Superl 167S2 Anaeda 7-S 1:28 fast 30 101 2 3 5 G 3i 5s i 11 Booker S C:ark M.. The Cinder. D.of Shelby 16730 Anaeda 1 l:41fast 8 107 3 2 3 4 1and 2 R Booker 7 The Cinder. Bogart. Gomul 16560 Anaeda 1 l:46mud 1 111 2 1 1 2 33 39 D Boland G Rake. Susan F.. Footloose 16534 Anaeda 1 l:43fast 31 106 2 5 6 6 G2 58i F Stevens 7 The Cinder, Otilo, Bogart 16350 Anaeda 1 l:42fast 21 ICG 7 4 4 3 lt l1 R Booker 8 Tony Koch, H.Hawkins, S.Berta 16127 Butte 11:41 fast 7 10S 2 It Booker S Flying. Ceos, Rose Sweet 1601S Butte lm20y 1:41 fast 3 107 l4 J Collins 10 II. Hawkins. Defy, M. Musgrave SIXTH RACE 1 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. 13724 1:30 3 102. GENERAL MARCHMONT, b. g. 3 100 By Marchmont II. Nina F, J. Lowe. 1S624 Juarez " 3-4 l:16mud 6 105 3 4 4 4 3 A Mott i aiKiose. rfaic Pay Streak 17S19 Msoula 1 1-16 l:19fast 112 1 M Mthews 5 Say, Decency. Mamac 17621 Helena lm70y 1:45 fast 103 2 6 G G 32i 3J M Mthews 9 Barsac, Electric, . Fort Sumter 171G1 Helena 3-4 1:16 slow 112 S 8 S 8 S31D Boland S HardBall, Fitzgrld, Swartsllill 16S97 D.Lodge lm20yl:44fast 2 10S 3 2 2 2 23 21 M Mthews 4 Kelsetta, Electric, Ft. Sumter 16737 Anaeda 1 l:41fast 11-5 103 3 2 5 5 31 1H L Hartwell 9 Fzgerald, D.ofShelby. AVeyanoke 16672 Anaeda lm70y 1:45 fast 3 103 1 4 4 3 2" 321 F Stevens 7 F.Sumter. O.McGee, L.Mchmont 16JS4 Anaeda 51 f l:0Sfast 16-5 101 1 G 5 41 341 L Hartwell G T.Belle, Manganese, DuskyDave 1611S Anaeda 5-8 l:Qlfast 40 105 6 6 6 5 5s F Stevens 7 I. Lavinia, AVildBear, PayStreak 15444 Butte 5-S l:00fast 60 109 713 H Wolfe S Manganese, Dominica. Dew Drop WEYANOKE, ch. c. 4 111 By Sir Huon Ameeras Smith and Farrar. 1S611 Juarez 1 1:40 fast 3-5 los 2 3 2 2 2!J2 A Mott 5 G.Hussell, It.Sumter, JudgeSale LS6G7 Juarez - 1 1:45 slow 31 111 2 2 2 2 221 2 M Mthews 5 Judge Sale, Mud Sill Ft. Sumter 1S519 Juarez 1 1:42 good 3 10S 3 3 3 3 34 1and M Mthews 4 Mud SiU, Judge Sale, Any Port 1S350 Latonia 1 1-16 1:46 fast 9 110 9 8 7 5 43 4 A Mott 11 Bonanza, Stout Heart, Beulah S. 18331 Latonia lm70y l:45fast 61 111 9 ll A Mott 14 W.W.Clark OSivan, H.Howdy 1S175 Latonia 1 1-16 1:47 fast 19 111 7 5 3 1 B 2t A Mott TO Joe Stein. Bon. Eloise, Milton B 17995 Churchl 1 1-16 1:51 hvy 11 111 8 G 5 5 5and G" C Gross S Erin, Jimmie Gill. Robt Kay 17913 Churchl 1 1-16 1:48 fast 17 108 13 13 9 8 51 541 J Collins 13 Copper town, Erin, Wander 17608 Douglas 1 1-16 l:46fast 4G-5 115 14 13 9 9 91 8"1WT W Tlorl4 Luther, Big Dipper, Roy 17248 Lexgton 1 1-16 1:47 fast 8-5 109 9 7 S 5 51 54i W W Tlorll Geo.Stoll. llust.Brass, BulaWelsti 17012 Lexgton lm70yl:50hvy 11 111 3 4 5 4 4l 3s W W7 Tlor 7 Gold Color, Boiy Hilli Geo. Stoll 16737 Anaeda 1 l:41fast 4 109 4 3 2 4 54 42J- M Mthews 9 G.Mmont. Fzgerald. D.ofShaJbs, 16340 Anaeda 1 1:42 fast 20 109 6 5 5 5 21 35 M Mthews 8 Electric. Ke:setta. Ora McGee s GORDON RUSSELL, b. c. 4 111 By Marchmont II. Tokalon J". B. Goodman, 1SG32 Juarez 7-S l:25fast 5 113 3 5 5 2 33 46i F Jackson 7 Channelise, Orb, Wavering 1SG11 Juarez l 1:40 fast 3 112 5 2 1 1 1" 1" F Jackson 5 Weyrnoke. Ft.Sumter Jud"eSaIe 18601 Juarez 7-S l:26fast 15 103 6 3 3 4 46 4-2 J Kederis 7 B.ofB.MawV, OldBen, Grosveuor 1S501 Juarez 3-4 1 :15slow S 119 2 4 3 32 33i F Jackson S Balgee, Wild Bear, Salon 17360 Vcouver 7-S l:32mud 12 107 2 2 5 4 5 5S1 A Pickens .3 Francis. Zoroaster, Felina 17232 Vcouver 51 f l:0Shvy 21 107 3 4 5 5 3J A Pickens G Sempsilla, Bertadano, Dotty 17203 Vcouver 3-4 l:lSh,vy 12 117 5 G G 52 53JG Molesth 6 Btodano. Med.Boy. Cfla"ration 17117 Vcouver 1 l:413islow 12 111 3 5 5 4 5 51 E Domink G L. Panehita, Thaka. VoKlav II 16977 Vcouvr Im70yl:44fast350-100 113 2 2 2 2 11 H E Domink G Melts. Zoroaster. ConuWtion 16SS4 Vcouver 3-4 l:13fast 13-10 112 2 5 3 ll Is E Domink G Ma.1. Belt. BirdMan. El Harwood 1GS22 Vcouver 51 f 1 :07fast 1-2 112 3 3 2 1 Is E Domink 8 T.Wfarth, Alchemist, LaEstlla 16792 Vcouver 51 f l:07y5fast 5 112 7 5 3 31 2n J Murphy 8 EIlz.Harwood, Adena, Gasket 16637 Vcouver 3-4 1:14 fast 5 110 4 3 2 21 2i J Donovan G Compton. Acumen. Sadie Shapiro VOLADAY JR., b. g. 5 105 By Voladay Kismet Queen J. Green. 1S601 Juarez 7-S l:26Mfast 15 87 7 5 5 3 521 o"JO Gentry 7 B.otUriiMwr u.Ben. Grosvenr 18553 Juarez 7-S l:31hvy 5 92 3 2 2 2 2i 33 G Bezansn 4 Hocnir, Ringling, Brynlimah 17001 Vcouver 1 1-2 2:34 fast 19-10 113 6 4 3 2 22 Is L Gentry 7 Zoroaster, Dalston, Black Mate 16S23 Vcouver 1 l:39fast 9-5 107 5 5 5 5 31 ll I, Gentry G Hardv. Melts, Southern Gold 16639 Vcouver 1 1-16 1:47 fast 21 103 G 6 G G G 57 A Pickens G Lackrose, Ctlagration Zoroaster 16573 Vcouver 1 l:39fast 9 110 5 5 5 5 41 55 E Domink G T.Bsybods-. Ctlagration IHlstoii 16316 Vcouver 1 l:415fast 11-10 104 3 3 3 3 1 l2 R Carter 0 Burnt Candle. Melt Gcrd 16138 Vcouver 1 l:38fast 21 100 5 6 4 4 42 571 S Johnson 7 The Busybody Truiv Ruvoco 15100 Denver 1 l:41fast 12 103 3 4 4 4 2 m E Gentry G Waldo, ilardy. Burnt Candle 13645 Juarez 1 1:38 fast 20 10S 5 2 2 4 42 421J OBrien G Christophine. T. Belle Jim Gill 135SS Juarez 11:39 fast 12 5 4 3 3 3 321 433 A Neylon 6 B.ofB.Mawr Trulv Cousin" Puss 1353S Juarez 1 liast 15 109 2 4 3 4 41 43 J Kederis 7 L.Marchmon t, H. Street, S. Cliff FLORIN, b. f, 3 93 By Hamburg Fiesole J. Livingston. 1S532 Juarez 3-4 1:19 livy 10 102 4 4 4 3 4 J Metcalf G Bermudian, Balgee Jinl-c Sale 18371 Latonia 1 1-16 l:46fast 27 90 2 4 5 5 2i2J Acton 10 Indolence, Rob Kar JoeDeiboId 1S243 Latonia 3-4 l:12fast 31-5 106 2 11 9 .51 SJ F Murphy 13 Miss Kruter Birka Cov 1S1 32 Latonia lm70y l:44fast 31 103 1 2 1 3 2" 43? L Hartwelll3 Mockery. Robt. Kav B Latimer 1S103 Latonia lm70y 1:44 fast 37-5 103 1 2 1 1 2h 31 A Neylon 7 FirstDegree. MockerV indole ee 1S015 Churchl 3-4 l:15hvy 43-10 102 3 6 5 41 4-J E Martin 7 Oakland, Morristown Couv.uolence 17942 Churchl 51 f l:0Shvy 22 101 5 6 8 42 31 A Neylon 10 Colle, Royal Tea This Belle 17558 Douglas 3-4 l:12fast 37 101 G 7 6 71 7" J Metcalf 9 Othello. Thistle Belle Bolala 16063 Saratoga 3-4 1:12: fast 30 9S 4 6 8 .61 93 A Neylon 11 Star Jasmine. F Fairy II Prvniie 14296 Churchl 1 1-16 l:45fast 72 112 4 7 6 6 61 61A Neylon 10 Bronze wing, Casuarina B Belle 13700 Juarez 3-4 l:llfast 12 93 S 6 7 52 44i A Mott 9 Roadmaster Colauitt Hardv 13G10 Juarez 3-4 1:11 fast 10 110 5 5 5 63 S12 A Neylon 8 Orb, King Worth Milton Roblee 13490 Juarez 3-4 1:12 fast 5 98 3 2 2 2h 4J P Ford 6 Capt.BurSs. Colquitt RoalDoIIy l?3S2 Juarez 3-4 l:13sfast 3 10S 1 1 3 34 23 P Ford 4 M.Roblee, LiUleWill Manganese 13346 Juarez 7-8 1:26 fast 31 97 5 2 2 2 21 34 P Ford C NewIIaven. Nan McDee Coin ill tt 13310 Juarez 3-1 l:12fast 6 102 2 3 3 22 lh L Gentry 7 Theodorita, G. Love FV Fortune