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HAVANA OPENING TO BE BRILLIANT AFFAIR. Prosident of Cuba, His Cabinet and Members of the Senate to Take Part in Oriental Park Dedication. Havana. Cuba, December -1. With beautiful Oriental Park in the last stages of construction, the course Itself at the Marlanao track is ready for horses to work upon, and the landscape gardener and the tlorist following in the steps of the architect uid builder, everything is in readiness for the reception of the thoroughbreds. The latest venture of H. I, lsrown, and the one which he pronounces by ail odds the greatest track he has ever buiP. will open Its gates here on the afternoon of January 7 for Its big sixty-eight-day race meeting. Indications point to such an outdoor display of Htivana wealth and fashion as has not been seen in Cuba since the inauguration of President Menocal. The president himself, members of his family, suite and cabinet, and the Cuban Senate all will occupy boxes or have had space on the clubhouse lawn reserved for them. Those who recall previous racing In Havana will be amazed when they see for the first time the wonders that have been wrought in the construction of Oriental Park. It embodies many European idea, notably in the paddock and clubhouse lawn promenades, and the clouds of dust which spread dis comfort among the spectators when racing was pre vlousiy hejd mi the island will be missing. Green sward, bordered by tropical plants and wild tulips, abound In the landscape gardeners scheme. Mr. Brown himself will leave for Charleston in a few days to arrange personally one of the biggest winter movements of horses and racing folk that Ver went from one course to another. He h..-s received word from his representatives in Charles-t il, Who have canvassed the horsemen at Palmetto Park, which encourages him greatly. Judges Harry White and W. W. Lyles have compiled a list of horses which will till twenty-six Arms cars, aiid these Will form the main equipment of two special trains that will leave Palmetto Park for Key West mi the evening of January 2. The trip will be made without a scheduled stop. Several special Pullman car excursions have been arranged by S. S. Bender to leave Xew York, Washington and Charleston. Manager Brown has received word that the shipment of horses from Charleston to Havana will consist df more than 325 head. On the evening of Saturday, December 2G, two special Pullman cars filled With racing folk will leave Charleston for Havana via Key West and the ferries. Several prominent layers will be In this party, including Thomas Buckley, "Stoney" Abrams. Lucius Phil Hps, Charles Xorris, Charles Primrose, Fred Mel-tor nnd Ihll I.alllnger, besides W. It. Norvell, AI Foreman, J. S. Ownbey. W. 15. Mitchell, A. F. Dnvtop and others. A carload of horses will come on the same train, which will arrive here Monday. Dpcelilber 27, at 5 p. in. In addition, there will be one other special train of Pullman and express cars routed tlio some way shortly afterwards. The bulk of the turfmen will arrive from Charleston, hov-Iver, on two special trains which will leave that cltv on the evening of Jan. 2. A live-hour layover In Jacksonville on the following morning will give the racing folk an opportunity of enjoying their stliv there. Five twelve-section drawing room Puli-inait steel cars, one compartment car, one steel coach, and a diner will comprise the cqulpmen;. which will be handled special all the way. These trulliH will arrive here the followiug Monday eve- "in addition to the passenger movements. Manager Drowil has co-operated with the railroad and steam-V dilp lines out of Xew York, and as a result special tariffs have been Issued in which exceptionally low fares have been quoted for the racing folk. January 7 he has been Informed, a personally-conducted toiirlnir party from Virginia and Carolina points will leave Wilmington for this city. Local hotel proprietors report that reservations exceed Hint of any previous year. They have nor advanced their rates, and on all sides an attitude of cordial owpunigement for racing is seen. The weather here is warm and equable, straw hats and summer clothing being the rule on the prado and the Malecou. Within a few days the complete list Of the stable reservations will be made public by Manager Browns representatives at Charleston. The stabler of W. E. Suggs, J. L. iMcGinnls and Miss- A. M. Marrone will be shipped direct from Xew York by steamer. The list of horsemen coming here which the Havana representatives will issue in Charleston, will he final and autboratlve; Xp announcement has been made heretofore, because some of the horsemen themselves were uncertain as to their shipping plans earlier in the meeting.