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DETAILS OF THE FOLLANSBEE FUNERAL. Details of the funeral of the late John G. Fol-lansbee, turfman and financier, held on Friday from race Church, Broadway and Tenth streets, Xew York, are at hand. Rev. Dr. Charles L. Slattery, the rector, conducted the services. Interment was In the receiving vault of Woodlawn Cemetery, where the body will rest until its final disposition his lieen deeded upon by Mr. Follansbees nearest relatives, who are abroad. The church was filled. The pallbearers were: William Randolph Hearst, Fox-hall P. Keene, Algernon Daingerfield. Truxtou Beale, John Sanford. II. K. Knapp, D. T. Murphy, M. J. Corbett. Andrew Miller, F. Gray Griswold. John Livingston, Price McKinney, Thomas II. Williams nnd Philip J. Dwyer. The casket was of mahogany and was draped wltli purple and covered with wreaths of violets, while at the altar were banked large wreaths of orchids, red and white roses and other floral tributes. One wreath of vari-colored orchids and white roses was sent by the Jockey Club Juarez, and another was sent by the Xew York Jockey Club. Among those present were former Police Commissioner Rhinelander Waldo, State Senator Christoph r I. Sullivan, former Senator Martin Saxe, William Sulzer. Harry Stevens, George T. Wllsch. Mrs. William. Randolph Hearst, James Butler, Edward H. Clark and scores of others prominent in social, financial and sporting, circles. Tlie full clioir with organ accompaniment and a harp obligato opened with the triumphal "I Hear a Voice From Heaven Calling." Later the choir rendered "Peace, Perfect Peace" and finally "Xearer. My God, to Thee." Foxhall Keene and Algernon Daingerfield, for years associates of Mr. Follansbee in various undertakings, took charge of the burial arrangements and conducted the transfer of the remains from Summit. X. J., to the Waldorf-Astoria, Mr. Follansbees former home. In the funeral procession were forty automobiles. Among those who sent beautiful floral offerings were: Mr. and Mrs. Rowland Anderson, the Jockev Club. Jockey Club Juarez. National Steeplechase and Hunt Association, Harry F. Breivogel. Thomas Bailey, William Randolph Hearst, Cornelius O Callahan, .Tames W. Corrigan, Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Corbett, John W. A. Savis. Cruz E. Gonzalez and family. Mr. and Mrs. Donald B. Gilles. Mrs. Daln gerfield and family. Mrs. James R. Keene, PhiliD J. Dwyer, Foxhall I. Keene. Harry K. Knapp, A. M. Laurence, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Lent, Price McKinney. Mrs. Price McKinney. Andrew Miller. Mr. and .Mrs. Daniel T. Murphy, Mrs. Frederick Xeilson. Independence League State Committee, Allan Pink-erton. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Qualey. Mr. and Mr. Beblon Seymour. Harry and Frank Stevens, Harold A. Stevens. T. T. Williams, Miss Williams, Mr. and .Mrs. Clarence John Shearn. J. J. Sheridan, James 1 Burns, Mrs. Eugene D. Wood. John Walters, Mrs. Keene Taylor, Westchester Racing Association, Mr. nnd Mrs. Thomas II. Williams. M. J. Winn, Richard T. Wilson, iMr. and Mrs. George Wilson, Dauiel Horcasites and family, and a score Of others.