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HISTORIC KENTUCKY DERBY TO CLOSE FOR ENTRIES TOMORROW Louisville Ky February 27 On Monday March 1 the Kentucky Derby and the other stakes to be run hiring the coming spring meeting of the New Louisville Jockey Club which will begin this year OH i Saturday May S and conclude on Friday May 21 a period of twelve racing days will close for en ¬ tries triesAs As in 1014 the Kentucky Derby will this season carry an added value of S100UO which with the advance money of 25 for each threeyearold en ¬ gaged and the additional 0l starring fee will make the gross value of this classic event not far from ir0ll Of the 10000 iu added money the second horse will receive 2000 the third horse SI 000 and the fourth horse will save his ttake of ofThe The Kentucky Derby is the first Kentucky three yearold race to carry so much as 10000 added Kver since M J Winn has Iwen manager of the Churchill Downs track ho and Charles F Grainger president of the New Louisville Jockey Club have bent every effort towards making this the leading racing organization of the American turf turfThe The Downs as a result has been the pacemaker for other tracks in recent years and many of the innovations introduced there by Messrs Grainger and Winn havp been taken up by other courses with marked success Hie Kentucky Derby annually draws to Churchill Downs a crowd not duplicated on a single day on any other American race track Like its prototype the famous Kpsom Derby in lOnglnnd it is the only rich stake In this country the running of which may be viewed from n free field open to the public publicTo To see the Derby decided from the field at Churchill Downs is really in the nature of a treat In fact many racing patron enjoying everv privi ¬ lege at the New Ixmlsville Jockey Club course pre ¬ fer to see the big race lecided from the inner field From this beautiful enclosure nt the Downs at is possible to see the Derby cracks run every inch of their mile and a quarter journey IN limy be here noted that there are never any walkovers for this great race In the history of most other big races in this country there have been times when the con ¬ tests were most onesided in character Not so however with this race as In its history of more lliau focty jciirsvthecehasJiivejJie uvaseB in thut the cVent has failed to be productive of a sterling contest contestThe The Kentucky Derby Is perhaps witnessed annu ¬ ally by as many different types of people as witness the great race of similar name at Epsom Downs It culls out aside from the real lovers of racing many thut are on amusement bent Those who go to see the race for the first tlnte frequently become regulars and this explains why each season the attendance has Increased until finally it has be come necessary to greatly enlarge the quarters pro ¬ vided for the occupants of the grandstand and the parimutuel betting patrons The crowd that will see this great race run next May will break all records for the reason that there will be room for more people to witness the race with comfort than ever before Speaking of the hold the Kentucky Derby has taken on the patronage of the public it is only necessarv to note that this race day lias become a society fete in Louisville It is an occa ¬ sion when the belles of the Falls City come out in gowns of the newest pattern which stand as the approved spring styles each season seasonThe The event this year will likely overshadow all Kentucky Derby races of the past There are more oligibles of quality than were eyer before entered as candidates for the big race Many of them will for the first time meet in the rich stake having never come together as twoyearolds last season Some of these are regarded by their respective own ¬ ers as well nigh invincible as the winner of the fortyfirst running of this great race will likely be a champion championThe The coming Derby will see for the first time the colors of Jaines Bntler going to the post in this race and his starter or starters will be the first bred by the late James R Keene to start iu this classic event Price McKinney and his racing part tier James Corrigan also have made an entry for the race this year and there are several others who have already sent in entries who are new as nomi ¬ nators io the rich stakes stakesIn In all probability within the next ten days Secre ¬ tary II C Applegate will be able to furnish the press a complete list of the Kentucky Derby elig ¬ ible and then speculation will at once begin as to the winner of the event this season seasonThe The other events which are to be run at the Downs this spring and which close simultaneously with the Kentucky Derby Stakes include the fol ¬ lowing lowingKentucky Kentucky Oaks for threeyen rold fillies 2 00 added 1 111 miles milesFrank Frank Fehr Stakes selling for threevearolds and upward 1000 added 1 mile mileClark Clark Handicap for threeyearolds aiid upward 2000 added 1 lli miles milesBashford Bashford Manor Stakes for twoyearolds colts and furlongsDebutante geldings 2000 added 4 12 furlongs Debutante Stakes for twoyearold fillies 2000 added 12 mile mileJuvenile Juvenile Stakes soiling for twoyearolds 1000 added aS mile mileAll All these events are established features at Churchill Downs and the Kentucky Oaks and Clark Handicap are both events boasting of a history as long as that of the Kentucky Derby having like that great race been first run in 187r iu which year the New Louisville Jockey Club held its first meeting Louisville was then a village compared with the great city it is today anil tne Churchill Downs course has kept step by step with the growth and prosiierlty of the metropolis of the blue grass state stateThe The seven fixtures which close for entries Mon ¬ day will leave only live days of the meeting at the Downs the coming spring on which no stake event will be run On these days there will be pro ¬ grammed among the overnight purses and handicaps a special race which will be conditioned so as to bring a field of stake horses to the post As a consequence every day of the spring racing season at this track will be marked with a race which will possess as much interest for regular racegoers as a stake event eventThere There will be no purse of less than COO in added money at the Downs this year and during the twelve days of racing there the overnight handicaps and feature races will range ip added money from 1000 to 1200 1200There There will be more horses of high class nt Churchill Downs this season than have ever been housed on a Kentucky track All the races decided will be of a merit to make them worthy as a sotting to the great Derby stakes It will be a brilliant meeting from beginning to end and further establish the New Louisville Jockey Club track as one of the leaders in American racing of the pres ¬ ent day