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REGARDS TROJAN MOST HIGHLY Nexy York April 10 One of the biggest stables occupied during the winter at the Sheepshead Hay tracl was leaned out when the final con tlngcnt of the Quiucy Stable was shipped to Lexington where the engagements of the cracks include the Kentucky Derby on May K This marks the beginning of the end of Shcepshoad as a thoroughbred center for Supt Frank Clarke said yesterday afternoon that all the horses would have to Ito removed by the end of next week when the stables would be demolished and tin ground cleared for the erection of the automobile track and grandstands grandstandsTrojan Trojan and Double Kagle the Derbv candidates occupied the front stalls in the car the remainder of the eleven horses being composed largely of I woyearolds which will receive I heir first taste of racing at Lexington Trojan the Futnrity wiuner of last year looked rugged and Avell and the hope of the stable will rest on him in tlu big race Trainer Steve Iawler disuelled an or ronooiis idea as to his merits before leaving The question put was It is un lerstood that you think more of Double Kagle thai of Trojnn TrojnnNo No such thing replied La vler for Trojnn is the best race horse I ever ha idled idledTwo Two more Derby candidates are due to leave Sheepshead Pay for Lexington 01 Saturday These are Sharpshooter and Pliosnhor iwiid by Schuylor L Parsons They received th ir final preparation in the homo track yesterday a id Mr Parsons was there t see them work Th gallops of Sharp shooter have been particular pleasing and be I u iivin ri nr Tnr I he Derby