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PROTECTING THE MARES IN ENGLAND It is now considered that a mistake was made in sending such a number of mares out of Kng bind with the expeditionary force and with a view to encouraging and assisting tin breeding of light horses the board of agriculture and fisheries has been authorized by the war otliie to arrange fer the selection in Franco and the return to Kngland of marcs which are no longer suitable for use with the expeditionary f nre but which appear to tin board to be suitable for breeding purposes Tiic mares an to lie kept under the can and ob sorvation of the board for a mouth after their re ¬ turn from Franco and will then be sold by public auction for brooding purposes on condition that they arc not at any time to he exerted out o tin country To seoiin observance of this condi ¬ tion the mares will be branded with a distinctive mark of diamond shape The mnres will be war ranted to have pasted the mallein test for glanders and to be free at the time f sale from contagious auil infectious diseases