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GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY The United States and Great Britain It has be ¬ come known are negotiating an informal agree ¬ ment whereby Americans may m able to carry on a limited trade with Germany through neutral purls If London accepts the plan which is under discussion by the state department and the British embassy at Washington the allies will not enforce the blockade against shipments of cotton and a certain amount of foodstuffs destined for the 11011 comhatant population of Germany or against cargoes of dye stuffs and commercial phosphates con ¬ signed from Germany to the Cnited States One of the tondltons of IJritlsh consent to this pro ¬ posed arrangement is that these cargoes shall be carried in American ships to and frmi the ports of the neutral neighbors of Germany preferably Holland It has transpired that the Cnited States hasi been carrying on some commerce with Ger ¬ many under a similar agreement with Great Britain BritainLondon London ndvices are that the Russians although now faced by much larger forces than at the bo ginning of the battle three months ago are said to be continuing their efforts to force the Austro Germaii armies completely out of the Carpathians and oiHii the way to Hungary Having success ¬ fully taken the western passes they are bending their energies on an Attempt to capture the Tzsok puss and the heights to the northeast of that break in the mountain Petrograd claims that the Russians are making steady progress de spito the efforts of the AustroGcrniaus to ont link them but the Austrians insist that the re ¬ cent lighting has been in their favor and that they have captured another important height northwest of tzsok pass passAs As a result of recent developments in the ne ¬ gotiations between Japan and China President Wil ¬ son lias assumed entire charge of the liiatter in so far as the United States Is concerned The president has taken this step because China has declined to consider the last group of the Japanese demands md has thrown itself on the mercy of the United States In an effort to preserve not only its territorial integrity but its sovereignty Ac ¬ cording to advices from Peking China feels that the inquiries which the United States has made of the Tokio government has been too mild Prac ¬ tically every Chinese paper as well as practically every Chine c public man is looking to the United States for help helpGerman German aeroplanes were dropping Itoinhs in Kent within thirty miles of London yesterday after ¬ noon The machines first made their appearance over Ilerne Bay east of Canterbury and about fifty miles froift London Within a few minutes at midday they were reported over Canterbury closer to the capital and later they appeared over Faversham and then over Sittiiigltonrne not more than thirty miles away dropping bombs on each town Tills was the third German aerial attack on the eastern counties of Kngbinil within thirty six hours The two previous attacks were made at night bv Zeppelin airships This raid was carried out by aeroplanes aeroplanesThe The prediction is being freely made in political circles at Washington that tile next few months will witness the return of former president Roose ¬ velt to the republican party Within the last few days the former president has held a number of conferences with republican and progressive leaders on the present political situation Several of the progressives called on him and have announced their intention of rejoining the party Others have stated their willingness to support particular re ¬ publican candidates for the presidential nomina ¬ tion tionNelson Nelson W Mdrich former United States senator from Rhode Island and for many years prominent in republican political circles died at his home in New York of heart disease He held a seat in the United States senate continuously form 1SS1 to 1011 The influence exerted by him on govern ¬ mental affairs was l est illustrated by the fact that xvhen ho was satirically introduced to an audience us the general malinger of the United States that appellation lived through the administrations of McKiiiley Roosevelt and Taft TaftVital Vital statistics for the iirst half of 14 which have just been published at Paris show that there were 20 COO more deaths and 4000 mere births than during the same period of lll Mar ¬ riages decreased 2000 The net diminution in the population of France during this period was about 17000 while the imputation of Germany in ¬ creased nearly 500000 The Paris Temps says the problem of depopulation must receive most serious attention after the war warThe The general strike called at Milan as a pro ¬ test against the Injuring of several persons in the riots last Sunday when the police refused to let crowds assemble in a demonstration favoring war went Into effect and tied up the citys entire activities The shops were closed and even the street cars were stopped while the strikers paraded the streets and hooted the police but cheered the soldiers whenever any were met metTiio Tiio Washington administration seen no cause for concern in the Japanese naval operations in Turtle bay on the coast of Lower California Mexico The Japanese embassy at Washington authorized the statement that everything the Japanese vessels are doing at Turtle bay is in connection with the work of salving the wrecked cruiser Asama Olli ials of the government are satisfied that this is the case caseAsserting Asserting in no unmistakable terms that lie had nothing to do with the deatii of Francisco Madero Gen Victoriano Ilnerta former provisional presi ¬ dent of Mexico issued a lengthy signed statement setting fortli what he termed his side of the Mexican question General Ilnerta declared that he knew who was responsible or Madero s death but that he was keeping it as a professional secret secretResolutions Resolutions calling upun organized labor through ¬ out the United States to seriously consider at once the proposition of a general strike among tlioss industries employed in the production of anininiii tion and food supplies for the use of warring 1nropean nations were adopted at a mass meeting called by the Central Federated union of Greater New York and vicinity to consider a peace move ¬ ment bill providing for the submission of state ¬ wide prohibition to the voters at the April elec ¬ tion in 1917 was killed in the Michigan senate The bill passed the house but when it reached the senate several amendments were attached to the measure which in the opinion of the drys defeated its purpose ami they voted solidly with the wets against it itThe The Rome correspondent of the Amsterdam Tijd says the German embassy in Rome has asked the Belgian government through the Belgian legation to the Qulrinal whether in the event of the Ger miMi armies evaetiiating Belgian territory Belgium would remain neutral during the remainder of the war The correspondent adds that Belgiums answer is unknown unknownThe The greatest battle in the history of the world in which 5500000 men were engaged for four weeks has resulted iu the checking of the Russian offensive in the Carpathians according to oliieial advices from Vienna1 which adds that Russian losses were enormous GOO trains having been re ¬ quired to carry wounded soldiers to interior mili ¬ tary hospitals hospitalsCount Count Zeppelin has arrived at Cuxhaveii ami is In personal charge of aerial operations against Kngland according to advices received at Amster ¬ dam from Berlin Seiniollifial reports state then Is great activity at Cuxhaven ami Emden two of Germanys chief Hying bases while there are indi ¬ cations that the German fleet is about to make i new sortie sortieThe The Society of German Engineers has declined an invitation to participate in the congress of engineers at San Francisco by preparing papers to be read there It adds that beruuse of Mnerleaii shipments of munitions to Germanys enemies it would be ditllcult to get German en ¬ gineers to contribiito papers for the congress congressAn An answer to the German charges that the United States has violated the true spirit of neutrality in favor of the allies has been com ¬ pleted and approved by President Wllsui and his cabinet advisers The communication will be trans ¬ mitted to the German government through Mr Gerard the American ambassador to Berlin BerlinThe The British government has offered a full and ample apology to the Chilean government for the sinking on March 14 in Chilean territorial waters of the German cruiser Dresden the intern ¬ ment of which had already been ordered by the maritime governor of Cuu berland bay when the British squadron attacked and sank it itFive Five thousand of the enemy dead were counted during the movement northward from the city Six thousand prisoners and forty field pieces were captured This is Goneral Obregous summary of the result of the lighting about Celaya where he is reported to have gained a decisive victory over the forces of General Villa VillaSince Since the opening of the Panama canal the expenditures have been in excess of the revenues approximately 1O per enJ due to the cost of maintenance and operation if the waterway In the ptri4 flow JuJv J tv March i thy v USl authorities have spent 255000 and the canal has earned 23M000 23M000The The Japanese cabinet has fixed November 10 as the date for the coronation of Kinperor Y itiilti Tlie ceremony was to have taken places lar No vemhcr but a postponnicnt was iimdL i iieie urj by the death of the dowager empress Tin iu has appropriated 2000000 for the expenses of Hie ceremony i iAccording According to the Aorwaerts the sociiili t party management in Germany has advised jSiilioiliute organizations to omit the Mayday cclcjbniti n this year owing to the peculiar clrciiiusuiiues it is understood that pei nliar circumstances refer to the need of keeping the arms SactuiKs iu operation J JHarry Harry K Thaw slayer of Stanford Wlrtlle yestir day lost hi the New York Supreme Jwirr n pellate Division his to be light returned Xi v Hampshire The court sustained the Orjer Justice Page who tried Thaw for conspiraiv ii reeling that Thaw lie returned to Mattetinun asylum asylumThe The statement of the FiMich ministry of r asserts the allies have won an important m I IT T north of Arras with a bi3onet charge and li clarcs the German attempts to retake the jo t lions recently captured by the French near St Mihiel have failed A trawler has brought into Aberdeen seven men and women part of the crew of the Sv I KI steamer Folke which was blown up off Pelerhead on Wednesday night Whether the steamer was torpedoed or ran into a mine tlie survivors are unable to say sayRenters Renters Telegram company has received a dis ¬ patch from its correspondent at Berlin win says the Gentian government has liegiiii an Investigation of the torpedoing of the Dutch steamer Kalwrk in the North sea by a German submarine on the night of April 14 14More More favorable weather iomlitons in northern and western Poland have resulted in a renewal of lighting there after a lull of several weeks Russian successes In the Mlawa region and west of the Vistula river are announced bv Grand Duke Nicholas NicholasDetectives Detectives arrested a man earrving four sticks of dynamite and other explosive materials as he was entering the grounds of the Cudahr Iaek ing company in Kansas City Kan Two explosions Sunday nght wrecked a portion of the packing plant plantA A dispatch from Copenhagen states that a large German cruiser and torpedo lioat Hot ilia is reported to have been sighted moving northward between the Island Bornbolm and the Swedish coast Birnliolni is a large Danish island in tin Baltic sea seaTwo Two Zeppelin airships visited tin east ccast of Kngland shortly after midnight dropping bombs on several towns close to London and doing consider able damage to property Only one person u woman was injured and she only slightly slightlyThe The United States Circuit Court of Appeals at Detroit has ruled that the owner of a patented carton cannot dictate the selling price of the goods which carton contains containsSeven Seven hundred men of the Indian army were list in conflict with 15010 Turks iu Lgypt the Indian oilice announced announcedThe decidedto The ci noil council of Philadelphia lias decided to allow the historic Liberty Bell to be seut to tlie PanamaPacific exposition expositionTiie Tiie late Nathan Mayer Baron Rothschild loft an estate of 12500000