Second Race [2nd Havre de Grace, Daily Racing Form, 1915-04-17

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SECOND RACE About 2 Miles Steeplechase 4yearolds and upward Selling1 17510 57 1 BUCKTHORN b e 9 145 By Santello Escarola L W Garth J V I7 HdfGce Ab 2 4OSfast 3 11711 117111CS32 11 10 Kan out F Willmsll Astute Katobiook Abd ui 1CS32 Saratoga Ab 2 127 last 2 150 2 2lOliS 4 4 2 4 4 = L Franklin 5 agg Maltbie Son of the Wind lOliS Saratoga Ab 2 42S fast 1110 152 I ill 1 1s I1 L Franklin 4 S of theWind Humility Astute 10223 Saratoga Ab 2 420 fast 4 110 3 G 5 2 23 2 L Franklin S Wicknin The Prophet Astute li2 Relmont Ab 2 42375last 5 112 1 111 1 Il 2 P Kelleher 5 Shannon River Others fell 21 Belmont Ab 2 416 fast 1 149 3 3sn6 44 4 4 4 P Kelleher Malaga Shannon River Tom Cat sn6 Belmont Ab 2 422jfast 2i 143 7 754 3 21 33 P Kelleher 7 L Xavarre Sir Cieges Tom Cat HUMILITY ch m 5 138 1381G379 By Bryn Mawr Penitence II L Garth 1G379 Conght Ab 2 35tfast 1G5 134 G 13039 Conght Ab 2 35Cfast 115 i4 ft ft11W 11W Conglit Ab 2 354fast 3 132 5 11018 RlticUon Ab 2 124slow 8 130 3 3114JJ 2 I3 1 N Brooks Jiu JItsu The African Jomndl 114JJ Wdbinc Ab 2 413fast 1G 131 5 5121M N JomndlN Brooks 7 Turbine T Prophet W Worker 121M pipRk Ab 2 3ti fast fi 132 3 31JOH 4 5 T Gilbert 0 Repentant Ballet Sand Hog 1JOH PipKock Ab 2 359 fast 4 132 7 5 a 5 3 Gilbert 11 Ballet Sand Hog Repentant RepentantBy MYSTIC LIGHT b B 10 139 1391VI9 By Aldington Vesta Mrs J W DaytonX 1VI9 lldeilci Ab 2 tW fast 7 J52 7 7ISin 5 I3 7 C Grand S I Michael Orowoe Sencganibu ISin ILJeGce Ab 2 103 good 4J 143 1 1ixit 33u 331 C Grand 4 Astute Syosset Jesuit ixit HdoOro Ab 2 419 mud 3 112 1 1JS301 1 1 Il C Grand 7 I Michael Jesuit Brownie Girl JS301 Pimliuo 2 359 fast 1910 149 1 11M I 4 313 C Grand S Seiieganibian I Michael Foxcft 1M 1 1 Laurel Ab 2 420 last 2710 14G 1 3 3 4J C Grand Mo Seiieganibian Idle Michael 17533 Laurel Ab 2 421 fast Hi 140 3 3 I3 1 J Dayton i G Cotton JWalser BrowuGir 17411 HdeGce Ab 2 402 fast 95 141 4 417ti3l 4 3 36J W Allen i J C Ewalt Mo Frog 17ti3l BluoHon All 3 fi22 fast 4 li 2 2irs5t 432 M OConr 4 Garter Gun Cotton Tom Horn irs5t iiiui iiiuiin in All 2 4iisioi 12 137 4 41W 3 33 J Dayton 7 S River The African Piiiioramn 1W KirtKrio Ab 2 3isfast 117 G G149S2 W PiiiioramnW irgin 0 Frljilee Dor Webb Nottlngliam 149S2 Conght AbJJ 4M slow G 1 in 4 4 3 3 J Dayton 4 Luckola Kliigcadi Ragnsa 149 7 ConKht Ab 2 35tifast 21 144 9 914C3J I riderJ Dayton i Luckola Velsinl P itarllngtou 14C3J BJueBvn AU2J 515 fat 19 142 5 4 0 4 Fell J Daylou 7 Extvu Uryuao V3 KingcasU OWANUX br g 7 145 By Ogden Kahma C R FIcischman 11596 PlpRk Ab 2 3r6 = ffast 720 133 2 Refused Refusedl3 1 Haynes j Astute llaiidrunning El Bart 11216 Pimlieo 2 357 fast l3 151 2 4 G 3 2s 1 E AVolke l Old Sat R Pardee Idle Michael 11177 Pimlico 2 336 fast 85 151 2 6 G 5 4 4J E Wolke S Bailybay Bryndown Mission 11139 Pimlico 2 405 fast 175 117 4 6 5 1 1CO I1 1J E Wolke Kxtun TProphet Handsallround 11075 HdeGce 31 lHiast CO 121 7 77 7 7 H Wolfe 7 L Travers Par Boy Rrlar Patli 11051 HdeGce IntfOylMI fast 100 97 10 10 10 10 10 10 J Ural 10 F Park Sir Blalso Waterbass 9831 Belmont Ab 2 413 fast 32 147 3 J iJ 2 2to olo Wolfe n George Eno Brossenu Garth 9611 Belmont Ab 2 415 fast 1 152 3333 3 3 Wolfe G G Eno S of the Wind M Pride PrideU 90S7 Belmont Ab21 450fast 115 141 2 3 3 1 U 1J Wolke 4 Hock Abbey L Navarre Colignv fcfast990S5 8031 Pimlico 2 357 fcfast 41 147 1 5 2 2 1J Colignv1J 15 E Wolko S SHlver Sof theWind CFGger 990S5 Pimlico 2 332 hvy hvy9S793 hvy9S793 8 105 2 3 3 G 4 41 McCahey 7 Ecus Sotemia Bounder 9S793 Pimlico 1 1S l54ifast l54fastGARTER 2 113 3 3 3 1 1J 1 McCahey 4 Montgomy Castanla DanDIxon GARTER ch g 5 136 By Golden Garter Fair Empress M Daly IS3S7 Pimlico 21 l52 = ifast ifast1S352 17 138 331 5 5Gi 4 43H MSryant B Brook Blankb Slianltiver 1S352 Pimlico 21 G01 fast Gi 132 2211 2211H I1 l k i Brytuit 4 Swish Seiieganibian JCEwalt 17875 Laurel Ab 2 415 fast H 130 fi r 5 5 3 3 1 Williams Shannon River Syosset Orowoe 17633 Laurel S C 418 fa t 15 133 345 1 12J 4 43 K Wolke Syosset Old Salt Leunuis 17119 Wdbinc Ab 2 403hvy 2J 142 3 332 23 2J G Archibd 4 Shan River Chtipadpro Cnswlno 17031 BIueBon Ab 3 622Vfcfast 622VfcfastWOOLTEX 12 131 422 2 I3 1 G Archibd 4 MystlcLight GuiiCottou THorn THornBy WOOLTEX b B 0 135 By Woolsthorpe Al Lone C W Otwell OtwellE 20007 HdeGcc Ab 2 lOSfast 20 13S1 5 Fell E Wolke 11 Astute Racebrook Abdon 18109 HdeGco Ab 2 406 fast fastIS419 20 147 233 4 31 5 JB Hayncs X I Michael Orowoe Mystic Light IS419 HdeGce Ab 2 412 fast fast17S75 20 132 G 1 1 3 430 pi K AVallser 7 Syosset Orowoc Idle Michael 17S75 Laurel Ah 2 415 fast Fell E Wolke Shannon River Syosset Garter 17310 HdeGcc Ab 2 357 fast 3 3 I Wolke 5 Astule Little Iliigh Gregg 17177 Belmont Ab 2 412vifast 4222 31 2 ° I Wolke T Footlights initiation Big Sandy 17013 Belmont Ab24ll fast fast160K I 4 f fi C G33 I Wolke 7 The Evader Astute Swish 160K Belmont Ab 2 419 fast fastM3 1 1 2 2 3 3 I Wolke r Ballet Zcllwood Nosegay M3 Belmont Ab21 501 fast fastFRIJOLEE 3111 310 304 1 Patton r Klnnelon Xagg San Angelo AngeloBy FRIJOLEE b B 5 5171S2 By Burgomaster Lady Frivolcs G Shaw ShawI 171S2 Wdbine 2 I 500fast I 43 N Brooks r Weldship S Itiver Juvercnce 16712 Conght Ab L 34slou 5 53 D Caddy C George Eno Luckola Kxlon 16622 Conght Ab L 351 fast fast1G010 2 23 D Caddy 4 Luckola Gnu Cotton George Kim 1G010 FortErie Ab I 357 fast 3 21 1 Diippi r Promoter THorn Portarlington 13915 Hamton Ab L 4OS7 fast fastMR II PortarlingtonII I1 J Dupee 0 The African Exton Aurilic MR SNIGGS br g 4 By Rock Sand Half Sovereign A Belmont 18112 HdeGce 31 111 good good1SI23 15 13 1C 15 IS R Eslep JO Coy Graelle Kliss Harwood 1SI23 HdeGce lm70yl4S hvy 5 7 S 9 11 llMD Steward 11 BeiKJniiice EarlofSavov Napier 18110 HdeGce lm70yl4G fast 4 1 3 G S 81S1P Louder 11 P Around Ilolton Jol Deibold 1S337 Pimlico 34 114 fast fast1S30G 12 12 11 11G 81 G J McTagrti Grazelle Gold Cap Cannock CannockG15 1S30G Pimlico 1 141 fast G f G G15 G R Shilling 7 Star Gift Dan March Humilfn 17515 Empire 31 l13fast l13fast171S9 23 I3 J McTagrt 4 Unnilliation Sir Caledore Pliew 171S9 Empire 1 l41faKt 1 I3 J McTagrt 4 Beethoven MSrwood KPardeu 17426 Empire 34 l12fast l12fast1717G 23 23 J McTagrt rJImniie CSanson SofValley 1717G Belmont 34 UKilfcfast 1 11 ink n D Steward C Be Perthshire Mary Wanen 17022 I3elmont 1 l3Sfast l3Sfast1C511 1 1 1 1 3 41 D Steward 4 Easter Star Flitaway Iac 1C511 Belmont 1 l3S ifast ifast1GCS8 3 1 1 1 3 3 D Steward S Jawbone RoyalMeteor KingBox 1GCS8 Saratoga 7S 131 mud mudMY 2 1 1 2 23 2s D Steward 5 LSlcolny Ntherner HiiniUtion HiiniUtionBy MY FELLOW ch g 7 By Orlando Babbie W B Allen 20007 HdeGce Ab 2 403fast 1 S 9 S Fell T Cottmanll Astute Racebrook Ahdon 17876 Laurel 1 116 l4G fnst 1 3 9 10 10 10371D Steward 10 C Keid N Grand CF rainger 17530 HdeGce Im70yl45fast 8899 S SJA Sclmgr t King Box Sopulveda Battery 17411 HdeGce Im70yl45fast 7 G 5 G GI 0s GI01D Slcwanl 7 Batterv King Box Natiier 15471 FortErie Im70yl12ifast I G G 7 7 7m Shilling S SniiQneen UncBen DDeadwood 15134 FortErie Im70yl13fast Im70yl13fastBELRAY 7 G U 10 101 9JJ Metcalf 13 Uncle Ben Cogs Trovato TrovatoBy BELRAY ch h 5 By Hastings Beldame E J McGraw 17519 Empire 51f107 fast 7 7niA Mthews 7 P Rock Coreopsis SandSlripcs SandSlripcsf 17511 Empire 31 115 slow Left at tin f post A Mthews IlermisJr SStripes MCnagli 17425 Empire 51 f l06fast 1 G G 55 53 A Mthews 7 WaterLily Hapenny LilyOrme 16353 KingEd Ab5S SSIfcfast Refused 1 Rooneyll JMaladay StanlevIL Swiftsun Swiftsunllnkliii 159S7 Saratoga 1 lIOfast llnkliii M Buxton 1 Brave Ioveland Kilcrea I57G5 Emiire 1 141 fast 23 23 M Buxton 8 SofValley GoldPrime CRobin 15702 Empire 31 113 fast ynk 8IOJK Karrick 14 Mater Lohengrin JDWakelield I55G1 Empire 31 114 fast 2i 5s K Karrickll OHagan Bunch of Keys NHd 15345 Empire 34 114 slow 3 3IOB Marco Isidorn Gljisy Love 15189 Empire 34 l12fast 45 4i J Kederis S Granite Joe Roscnlicld Wilhile 13330 Aqueduct 1 l41fast 1 I2 M Buxton U Klvmorn Delegate MCavanagh 15253 Aqueduct 34 119 slow 53 G J J Butwell ID Rodondo Chupadero PrChilton 1491G Belmont 1 l421ifast 11 23 M Buxton l SStrlpes Caglstro JRosonfd 14S24 Belmont 1 l40fast 5 5ro J Kederis Pgressive Dngerlield MrSpccs 14771 Belmont 1 140 fast 23 451 J McCahey S LitNearer LilyOrme Monmouth 14719 Belmont 34 l13V fast 3l 21 J McCabe 7 Sixty Four Ossagleta Delegate

Persistent Link:
Local Identifier: drf1915041701_5_3
Library of Congress Record: