First Race [1st Havre de Grace, Daily Racing Form, 1915-04-17

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FIRST RACE 5 12 Furlongs 3ycarolds Selling 515S l057f o 105 Index Course Diet TimeTckOdds Wt St Srr Fin Jockeys Started Order of Finish FinishBy FAIR HELEN ch f 3 94 By Broomstick Belle of Troy C Phillips 1J9U Bowie 31 113 fast 3ii 21 W Lilley S StIazerian lnyrock Kiiergtic 19347 XOrlns 51 f 106 11 1i F Keogli 7 Linda Payne lirToo Estiinahle 19323 NOrlns 31 113 l13fast 95 109 1 21 2 K Goose 12 Nobleman Blackthorn SMcGee 19206 NOrlns 51 f 07V 07VIKJfiS 07Vigood 12 108 2 C3 6s A Plckens 7 KoscGoose Lin Payne PillyJoc IKJfiS NOrlns 34 14 last G 103 3 2i Il AV Lilley G Miltgomery Flyllome Mallard 19027 XOrlns 34 17 171S9S mud 10 94 1 5U 7 R Urquhrt 7 GohlGirl Itichwd Undaunted 1S9S NOrlns 51 f 07 07ifast C 1121 5 G1 5MJ Pengast JI Mtgomery Meelickn U Joe 1SS7G NOrlns 51 f 110 mud 75 101 3 3 2 ° t E Pool S UWlng Kns Agent Kstiuiable KstiuiableBy VIDET b c 3 3IOOIO 111 By The Picket La Grecque S Louis IOOIO HdeGcc 31 11 11IKI37 fast 3 102 2 3s 31 P Louder 5 Klwah Kagie Carltou C IKI37 Howie 1 Ml 147fast 115 10S 2 3h r l AV Lilley 5 Peiinyrock SofLove Flyllome 19911 Bowie 31 f Wi WiI9S3C 10fgood 33 1K 1 Il D StewardlO L Spirituelle P White Thrill I9S3C Bowie 01 f OS OSffast G IOC 1 2 2J D Steward i IdaClaire L Payne Hectograph 1S4C6 HdeGce 34 11 l11fast 1M 15 103 G G5S C1 51 U Shilling 12 Mamie K Meelicka Pennyrock 18439 HdeGce 5S 100 fast 30 107 2 4t 5U S Davis t Uellection farlone H Tomple 18435 HdeGcc 34 116 1161S408 good G 110 7 41 743 G Byrne 11 Minstrel Penny rock Meelicka 1S408 HdeGce 51 f lOS 1OS4 1OS41S25R fast S 110 3 1J lk G Byrne 14 Pennyrock Meelicka Fly Home 1S25R Ixiurel 58 100 1001S152 l00ffast 400 109 G G5S 7 7r3 S Davis 8 Hamiuct He Will Hanson 1S152 Laurel 5S 593 59fast 23 1 13 8 5 5 D Steward 0 Ho Will A X Akin Marvelous MarvelousBy STAR OF LOVE br g 3 31WC7 By Star Shoot Lady Vincent L W Garth 1WC7 Bowie 1 1M1 1M1ISilli 21 E Korehti 5 Pcnnvrcck 1lyl Ionic 1icdliper ISilli Howie 7S 128 128ISlfll l28sood WJ 111 G G C i E Forehd 0 JoeDciboId Locliiel IIiitTySlmw ISlfll HdeGcc 51 f 1OSV 1OSV1S1 lOSMfast 15 107 12 12M 11 97 J Siiiyth 14 Valas Surgeon Kncore 1S1 HdeGco 34 M 111ISM 111 fast 10 107 2 2i 92 S7 A Schugrl2 Mamie K Meoleka Pennyrock ISM HdeGce f1 i f l071i l071i1SJ21 l0716Bood M 105 7 7J 52 riJ G Uyrne 8 Dr Larrick Alliena Kellection 1SJ21 HdeGce 51 J f 1OS lOSjood = J 2 111 4 2t 4JJ 1 Butwell 10 Cliange Marvelous Fly Home 1S408 IIdeGce 5J f lOStast 12 107 Gi r rl3lE l3lE Forchd 14 Videt Peiinyrock Meelicka Sr7J Ilmllco 5 f lOSfast 44 110 4 G GJ E Forehd 7 Mamie 1C Change Fly Homo 18069 Laurel 31 l14fast 12 10i 8 4i 5S1 I Steward S Change A X Akin Fair Helen 17S50 Laurel 1 l39tast 3i 4 5 5 D Steward Kmliroidery MMgotnery Horgo 17481 Wdliine 1 l40fast lit 103 2 4 31 F Murphy 8 LCnroh Handier Stal Helen 173S4 Wdblne 31 115 slop 95 105 1 2 23 F Murphy 7 An Del DCortez Ischgaliibble 17327 Wdliine 31 lH fast 2110 104 2 Ink i j Murphy S DonCortcz Commensia Italncoal 17033 BlueBon 34 115 fast 20 105 R 4 = G3 U Shilling 7 Shyness XinetvSimplex SFdgnr 1C753 Conght 34 l18hvy 115 106 6 21 25 F Murphy 8 KatharineG DCortcz EdWelss 1CGS1 ConBht 34 118 hvy 3 110 4 4i 431 P Murphy 0 EthniiAllen StaKIIelen Redland 16254 KortErie 31 l17hvy 6 3 3 F ilurnliy 5 Gold Boy Orniulu Stal Helen HelenBy CORSICAN b S 3 By Golden Maxim Personal W P Burch 17S07 Laurel 5 f 1OS fast 45 3 us 1 1uS 2 lV llhtmiro Carlaverock DrCann Kstimale 17o 17oX X lldcGce uS l01rast 3 10S 3 3SS 31 21 V Hlilmirell J I Harrell Hiker Mamie K 17410 HileGce SS lOOJfcfast G 105 4 4uS 21 23 V Khtmife S Chantciise Encore Hnrersack 17311 HdiGcc uS 101 fust S 101 3 = V Ulitmirel Egmont Chantcuse Fair Helen 51 f l07fast S 101 7 3 33 V RhlmlrelJ It First Chantfiise Inez 11227 Pimlic li f fM sfast 32 112 I3 I1 1 Butwell S linrwood Tie Pin Frill 14064 HdeGcc 12 4S fast 10 1061 9 7J 7 J J Butwell Category Foldorol Plantagpnet PlantagpnetBy JESSE JR b g 3 110 By The Commoner Bessie McCarthy J W Hcd Hcdrich rich richC 1US21 Havana 51 112 slow ll 1 C S1J Gartner t A Akin SlierwtKid Vel lyes VfM llaviuia f l23livy 12 01 4 i 4ll Gartner C all ISrave Cnnardcr Manasseh Iliiil2 Havana 31 iinist x loo G 8 Sll Drcyer 8 Kiner Gem ISriarlatli Clark M 11217 1imlico 41 f 55 fast C310 1 U 5 3 3r 1 Butwell Sir Kdgar Scorpii Sorrento IIIXI timlico 12 4S fast 1310 115 1 33 31 J McCabey 8 Hiker Disillusion Kair Helen 11077 lldcGce 4i t 51fast 12 IO 4 3 2 C Knight 5 Surgeon Tie Pin Kthan Allen 11015 HdeGce 4J T f5 fast fi i 101 1 119S9 in 11 1 McCahey 1 Sir BdCJir Deviltry Taran 19S9 HdeGce 12 49slop 21 105 3 313WO 2 2 J McCahey 0 Jiin Savage Dr Larrick Hafiz 13WO HdeGce 12 61hvy 95 103 5 4 ° 2l J Frach Hectogph Plantagenet FInalep 13W9 09 Jamcsn 12 49 fast 31 111 4 413S9G 4 25 A Nicklaus 7 Commonada Category Gen Villa 13S9G Jatnesn 12 f 0Rood 7 10S 8 4i 3 S Davis 8 Commonada RoyIilne Category 13SSO Charlcn 12 0 good 4 109 4 3d 95 H Wolfe 8 Jim Savage Alledo Kewpie 13872 Charlen 4 f 5GVigood 85 109 1 113S29 Il I5 H Wolfe 7 DrLarriek Netherbow Gainsboro 13S29 Charlen 4J f 67 mud 3 103 4 41XS05 2i 21 A Nicklaus i Page White Tetan Hapsburgll 1XS05 Charlen 12 61 good 45 112 4 4KAZAN 3 31 J HanoverlO I May Santo Higlifalutln HiglifalutlnBy KAZAN b c 3 106 10619S21 By Filigrane Sautcuse Mrs A F Dayton 19S21 Havana 51 110 good S 10 7 71M91 G l I Miller MPmity KHwd DrKLS 1M91 Havana 1 01hvy 2 102 7 7ISG31 fi3 3IS C Miller 7 Marg Meise Transport S Kid ISG31 Havana 31 l13 fnst 12 IOC 7 7 G5 C Miller 7 hlwah Kay oLight Minstrel 19G11 Havana 51 f lOSfast 31 114 1 7 4J3 C Peak StCharlcote BrPrince Minstrel 11C02 Havana 51 f 111 good G 106 S SSCORPII 33 Il C Miller 10 1 Prince StClnirlcotu Mortgyie MortgyieBy SCORPII b g 3 103 10319C17 By Astronomer Karma J 0 Talbott 19C17 Havana 51 f lOGifast 30 95 6 6HC33 7 7JF Hopkins S Wanda Pitzer Briar Path all HC33 Havana 34 115 fast 25 97 7 7So7G 7 G14 F Hopkins 7 Briar Path Cliff Field Kncore So7G Charlcn GS l01fast 8 102 7 S4 Si F Hopkins Useeit Colic Dr Carmen 16228 Saratoga 51 f l06slow 5 107 4 23 2 = C Fbther 7 High Noon Kazzano Mallard 16007 Saratoga 51 f 106 fast 12 106 3 4 55J C Fbthcr 5 Cliartcr Maid Ilnzzano Luke 13193 Empire 58100 fast 65 107 1 115G 21 24 C Fbthcr 1 Gnat Shoddy Rnzzuio 15G Aqueduct 5S l01 fast 10 106 4 4HtiV 51 54 C Fbther 7 LBarbary Latniraon T by Jury HtiV Belmont 58 st l00bfast 710107 1 is ii C Fbther H Lady Itotha Harleiuin Hatiz 14352 Belmont 41 f st f 1 fast 4 107 4 414I7 5 4s C Fbther 11 Encore Trial by Jury Sea Shell 14I7 Pimlico 41 t 55 fast93100 105 3 2a 2j c Klther Sir Edgar Jesse Jr Sorrento 14038 HdeGce 12 48 fast 2J 106 6 6JEM 41 2 C Fbther 0 Sir Kdgar Deviltry Plantagenel PlantagenelBy JEM ch c 3 107 1071GS32 By Ogden Fair Catherine Quincy Stable 1GS32 Syracuse 5 f 10 fast 13 103 1 1Ki7S3 3 S1 Siimtcr Alliena Luxury Ki7S3 Syracuse S 1011 fast 3 112 1 11G2S6 3 310 C Bgame Luxury The Marchioness 1G2S6 Saratoga 1114 fast 25 109 5 51CI23 10 103 = C Bgame 10 Spun Glass Chivalrv Sand Bank 1CI23 Saratoga 5 f lOG fast 20 112 5 5AMANS 85 S C Bgame Montrosa Koyal Martyr Dimbiet DimbietBy AMANS b f 3 102 By Bryn Mawr Miss Doone Milltown Stable 1866 HdeGce 1 11 Infant U 101 10 103S386 Ill niiu Neanderl2 Mamie K Meelicka Pennvrock 3S386 Pimlico 1 lI3 fist 17 92 7 7liSSS S S1K McAtee 10 TasSteel Slumberll M iasca liSSS Pimlico 5 f lt7fast OS 115 1 33 3 1 Putwell C Between fs He Will Bromleaf 18136 Laurel 5 f 1 07 fast 7G 100 5 517fi5 4 k J McCahey Protector Pnllux Eagle 17fi5 1 Laurel 5 f 107 fast 87 112 1 1174S5 7 75 G Iiirns 10 H Junior Hanson Disillusion 174S5 Wdbine 4 l14 fast 185 112 7 3 in G Burns 11 Tie Pin Tartarean Wodan 17420 Wdbine 5S l01sow 9 102 7 7 471 A Collins Venetia Kagie CommeiiHia 17067 Dorval 58 l0l fast 31 115 G 3 2 G Hums 8 Ashokan Brooih Flower Argpnl 17033 BIueBon 31 115 fast 4i 100 2 2rRrl n G A Collins 7 Shyness N Simplex Sir Edgar rRrl KlunKmi 5J f 109fdop 5 113 3 3ANTISEPTIC 2 i 3s J G Hnrna 10 Venelia N Sliniilor M Twiiikl TwiiiklBy ANTISEPTIC ch f 3 105 1051ST By The Commoner Ice Water G P Sherman 1ST 13 HdKce V f nOS fast 100 yj 11 111SIGO 10 = W Hinpliy II Estimable MissKranees KnitIda 1SIGO HdeGee 5j f I09VfIast IW 107 11 11IS1I7 11 = 11S1U Estej 17 BIames HalfKock DofDnnbar IS1I7 HdeGce 51 f lOSgood 100 10S 13 13171S5 H3 13 W Ward I Thrill Kivcr King Volant 171S5 Wdbini 31 l11 fast fid 109 11 H 3UIsiW Ward 1 Anians Tie Pin Tartarean

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Local Identifier: drf1915041701_5_2
Library of Congress Record: