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SIXTH RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards YardsRICHWOOD 3yoarolds and upward Selling 924S2 l425f 5 111 RICHWOOD b p 5 112 By Marathon Europa J Hanlon vuA 19997 Bowie 1 l4ifnst 1110 in 1 1lf913 2 2 2 I1 E McEwen S Fitzgerald PiedPipcriiEnergetic lf913 Bowie TilfliOS fast 1S5 1125 1 119S91 3 1 31 2 W WnrtonIO Vlloy Al Bldch Joe KnlghtV 19S91 Bowie Bi f 111 lov 2 107 7 4 4 41 42 W Lllley 15 Colors Toddling Blue Jny 19293 NOrlns 1 f l0fifnst 25 1111 G 5 r G1 GJ P Goldstn 9 Gabrio Meilicka New Haven 19155 NOrlns 34 112 fast 10 107 4 41JISl 3 3 3 3 i F Murphy 8 rneeli I Moonet BllVindle 1JISl NOrlns 31 l13fast 5 10J n BllVindlen 2 2i F Murphy 5 TTseelt Tpnrttillon DrTairrlek 1H2 NOrlns 31 114slow 31 115 4 4 1 3l 3J W W TMor S K K KufSavov MissDeelare W 3a NOrlns 51 f l07good 3 112 2 4 2 1 1s fF Murphy X Miss KruteV Vdors Vilerj ti 19027 X Or 1ns 31117 mud 2 107 G 5 l 21 2 G Warren 7 GoldGirl Uudnted K6fSavor7V 1 AL BLOCH br b 5 115 By Voorhees Georgia VI S Lewis 20102 H deGcc 1 11G 147 fast 31 110 G iu in j Butwell 11 Cogs Puton Hermuda 20072 HdeGce Im70yl44fast 2 104 8 82003S 31 2s M Buxton 12 Buzz Arotliid Cogs Orpttind 2003S HdeGce 34 l13fast 85 104 3 1J 2 M Buxton 8 Itrandywiue JFItiDi L London 19996 Bowie 7S li J tast 710 112 3 lut ih T McTagt 0 B Around RoLight YorkLad 19943 Bowie 51 f 108 fast 4 112 3 31S607 in 33 M Buxton 10 Viley Kicliwood Joe Knight 1S607 Charlen 1 143 fast 1851122 2 1 W Lilley S YellowEycs Astrologer Gerrard 18596 Charlen 34 l16 fast 41 112 3 31S311 li 1 AV Lilley 10 Perth Rock Stentor Priwer 1S311 Latonla 34 l134fast fid 108 7 11 11J J Hanoveri Coy Glint Rubicon II 17160 Lexgton 34 l13fast 4 114 5 71 7 i AV AV Tlorl2 Little Father Grosvenor Snreget 17007 Lexgton 34 119 hyy 125 11 2 2COCKSPUR 31 3s AV AV Tlor 7 Salon Curlicue Claxonette COCKSPUR b h G 115 By Broomstick Semper Victoire E TTtterback 19998 Bowie 1 14 2l2fast 15 112 1 1 11 A Schuter 1aton Daingerlield BillieBaker 19358 Bowie 1 18 l57fast 910 114 3 5 G l T McTagt BeauPere Cogs Henry Hchisou 10918 Bowie 1 116 153 good 65 113 1 119S41 Ill1 T McTagt 8 Cogs Love Day Rayeiial 19S41 Bowie Im20y l45last 40 112 2 2 = 2 = J McTagtl2 Daingerncld Ifcrmiida Wnoke 14116 Lexgton 1 1S l57hvy 31 116 6 7 711 C Turner 1 Kingling Prospect Ben Uncas 14098 Lexgton 1 14 212mud 2110 112 5 5ROLLING 410 4 c Turner 5 Disparity Areyanpke JStein JSteinBy ROLLING STONE br h 7 115 By Hermence Ruction C C Smithson 20005 Bowie Ini20yl46fast 13o luu S SJS53 1 1 A Schuter 8 Tom Hancock UenUucas Norus JS53 Bowie 34 116 fast 185 112 7 G1 5s A Schuter 8 Toddling Kderoseros Celebty 10930 Bowie 78 120 fast 115 115 8 4J 5 2 AV AVarton S RtistBrass Pharaoh Fitzgerald 19S5S Bowie 34 l14fat 20 113 6 4t Gl AV AVartonlS New Haven Chuckles J Knight 18141 Laurel 1 116 l47fast 1 107 5 71 S 5JA Schugr 9 Soldier PattyRegan QulckStart 18115 Luurel 1 11G l46fast 17 109 5 6S 41 A Schugr 8 Dan March Be Undercover 17937 Laurel 1 116 l45fast 72 108 G Sk 9 A SchugrlO Bushy Head King Box Holton 17543 HdeGce Im70yl44faiit 12 117 G 710 71 A Schugr 8 Orotund Chuckles Roy Meteor 16231 Saratoga 1 140 slow 8 106 7 7DAINGERFIELD 5J o5 A Schugr 7 Strong Andes Ambrose AmbroseBy DAINGERFIELD ch e 6 112 By Dolco Far Niente Cherry Wild J Kelly 191198 Bowie 1 14 212fast 115 109 4 Sl 33 H Bresch 0 Cockspur Patch Billie Baker 19019 Bowie 1 11G l52good 31 113 4 11 I3 H Bresch 8 Bean Pere Troviitb Hermuda 39811 Bowie Im20y l45 siast 7 106 1 11G037 1 1 = H Bresch 12 Cockspur Hermuda Weyanoke 1G037 Saratoga 1 l40fast 15 103 2 61 6T L Deronde 7 YEmlilcm Jawbone Northernir 139S7 Saratoga 1 l40fast 20 106 2 10s 10I L Derondei Brave Lovcland Kilcrea 15290 Aqueduct 1 l42siow 7 107 2 31 2 ° L Deronde 7 Goldy Heartbeat Ben Quince 15171 Aqueduct 1 516 21G fast 7 107 3 3s 3 L Deronde 5 Paton Any Port Tay Pay 14959 Belmont 1 116 147 fast 165 105 6 42 33 II Shmter S Oakhurst Uenrtbeat Goldy 14824 Belmont 1 l40fast 25 100 4 4COLONEL 22 2l II Suinter G Progressive Mr Specs YelEyea COLONEL COOK ch h 6 118 1181U10G By Previous Lydia II J Johnston 1U10G HdeGce 5i f 10 good 15 110 11 7 1 F Adams 12 Yorkville York Lad LTravers 20055 HdeGce 34 l14tast 20 110 12 t 11 9U II Bresch IS AdaAnne Sherwood GorUussell 1119113 Bowie 78 l29fast 1310 111 1 3 k G J J Butwell C Lady London Iob R Battery 1U971 Bowie lm20yl4Gfast 5 113 1 12 2 H Bresch U Petclus Peacock Trovato 19895 Bowie 5i f l0slov 31 112 10 71 7 = 1 H Bresch 13 Thesieres Ortyx Faithful 10394 NOrlns 34 lUCfehvy 4 109 3 I2 I3 H Bresch 8 Kneelet Beau Pere Salon SalonBy LAZULI ch m 5 110 By Knight of the Thistle The Lady iu Slue T TF F Adams 20003 Bowie 1 143 fast 10 107 G 3 5 51S092 5 543 F McAtee C Siuieeler Yodeling LitEngland 1S092 Bowie 1 116 l01fast 12 110 1 3 2 21 2i T McTagt 5 R Langdon TheRump Orperth 10944 Bowie lm20yi4Rfast 1 110 5 1 1 119S97 li I1 T McTagt 8 L Day TIlancock UoKirkdy 19S97 Bowie 34 l18Hslov 7 110 3 3 319S37 5l 4 = 3 J McTagtlS Henrietta W LLondon Stentor 19S37 Bowie 34 l14fast 25 109 S 9 4l 53J J McTagtlS TvRbody Northerner Thesleres 18482 HdeGce 51 f l07fast 30 108 11 11 11 II2 E Ambrosell Yadopeep Earlyniorn7 M Casca 18458 HdeGce lm70yl4G fast 20 103 11 S 5 5I7SOS 62 5 1W Hinphy 13 Uncle Mull Baifron Joe Finn I7SOS Laurel 1 116 l4Gfast 8 100 9 9 U 81 6i D Steward Sepulveda Dan March Un Ben 17498 HdeGce 51 f 108 fast 135 107 G G 1 1s A RhtmirelO BillWhaley Frontier CaroNome CaroNomeBy BALFRON ch g 4 105 10510J By Ornament Mary Street J Arthur 10J Havana 1 144 good G lul 1 1 1194G3 Ih 2l AV Ural G BCniiardcr Manassih UhcMnn 194G3 Havana 1 l49 gdod 1SG 98 1 1 ink ink AV Ural i Wander BiCuharder Unc Mnn 19441 Havana 1 155 hvy 3 98 2 1 2s 2J F Robinsn 5 Manasseli Uncle SIiiu Centauri 19431 Havana 34 l4 hvy 106 3 4 5i 4 J Pjtz 10 LPaul ChMcFerran Sackcloth 13390 Havana 1 l52Vfcslblv 85 37 1 2 2193GO 1 1i W Ural 11 TheMonk FloralDay DofSholby 193GO Havana 34 l23slow 15 10G 4 4 S 512Hirat 11 Ben Uucas Parlor1 Parlor1Boy Boy San Jon Jono 19178 Havana 51 f 39hVy 8 IOC 4 7 o 6301J Connors 0 Wander Sackcloth Gol Lassie 19092 Havana 58 l15hvy S 98 4 5 51XS06 51 5 ° 1 F Robinsn 7 B Cunarder Shadraih YelEyes 1XS06 Charlen 78 l31hvy 115 106 2 2 1 1BATTERY ink 2t J Connors S Nash Hildas Brother Ortyx OrtyxBy BATTERY b g 5 112 By Faraday inconstancy H Rites 1000 Bowie 7S l29fast 13 10U 2 G G G10i54 4 3J T McTagt G Lady London Bob R Petclus 10i54 Bowie 34 l 5rast 135 100 3 7 7Ii315 2 2 T McTagt 8HpbU PalinLna MolRichards Ii315 Bowie 31 l15goqd 50 108 4 10 101S4G4 8 = S M Buxfon 10 Star Gift Brandywine UnMUn 1S4G4 HdeGce im70yl4ifemst 60 1021 9 S 10 10 ° 9 AV Hinphy 11 Jim Basey Orotund Uoldy 18423 HdeGce lri 70yl4ShVy 15 109 7 G 5 71 91UJR Estcp 11 BenQuiiiee EarlofSavoy Napier 18389 Pimllco 1 l42 fcfast 225 107 2 4 4 4 4C1 J Butwell 10 KInmdy Coreopsis CaptElliott 18344 Pimltco im70y 147 fast 24 109 6 4 4 6t G ° l J Butwell 11 Supreme Putclus Napier 18308 Pimlico 1 l4l 4fast 5110 108 2 4 3 3s 3 1 J Butwell 8 Galaxy Aurora Hudas Brother BrotherBy SEPULVEDA ch h 8j 110 By Prince of Melbourne Dinawick E K Bryson 10120 HdeGce Iih70yl good S 110121212 101 8 = 1 H Laffertyi LoKirkedy Mycenae Claribel 21053 HdeGce 34 Ii4 tast 60 103 13 13 92 103 J Pita IS Ada Anne Sherwood G Russell 18910 Havana 1 150 glow 2 113 4 7 5 3s H Lafferty S Springiness Racy Louise Paul 19822 Havana 1 l48slow 710 109 G 4 41980S 3 ° I2 H Lafferty G Cooster King Radford P Regan 1980S Havana 1 15C hVy 12 106 2 5 I20 I25 II Latterly 7 Mocklcr Racy Apiastur 19733 Havana 34 124 hVy 115108 8 7 715S2 G ApiasturG 2s H Lafferty 8 UncleBen CliarBrown IShark 15S2 Havana 1 l42 6fast 115 112 7 6 4Bk3 J H I afferty 7 Penniless Ycl Eyes Banjo Jim 19543 Havana 1 l44fast 7 108 3 8 8I94S5 6 5J H Lafferty 8 Jawbone C McFerran Supreme I94S5 Havana 1 l45good 8 109 5 4 43 3J H Lafferty 7 Jawbone Supretne Napier LITTLE ENGLAND b gi 6 112 Br Stanhope II Lizzie Elliott G C Brenton 20003 Bowie 1 143 fas t 5 110 1 3 2 43 33 A Schuter i Squeeler Yodeling Rust Brass 19972 Bowie lm2Qyl46Vfast 135 113 1 1 1 1s 1s J McTagt 8 AAeyaiiokc Ahbotsford L Day 19913 Bowie Im20yl15fast 21 112 2 2 2 2U 3 ° i A Nicklaus 7 Rich Langdon Patch Trovato 10898 Bowie Im70yl32 slow 3 112 1 2 1 2S onk T McTagt 0 Cogs El Oro Zodiac 18391 Pimlico 1 116 149 fast 71 109 2 5 3 31S3S6 3 3J J Butwell S Holtph J J Lillls Afterglow 1S3S6 Pimlico 1 1lfi 1 47fast 7J 110 3 5 5 4 53 G Byrne 7 Armament Amhrpse G Fisher 18309 Pimlico 1 l41Hfast 71 114 4 G 3 i 32 U C Grand 10 Al Court Supreme Napier 18097 Laurel 1 116 l46fast 10J 111 4 3 4 4 4 = J J Biltwoll 7 Working Lad KhlgBox Orotund 17861 Bowie 1 116 l49ifast 45 108 4 2 1 1170G1 1s 1s A Nicklaus fl nil Baker TheBusybody Ariiior 170G1 Bowie Im20y 144 fast 135 308 4 4 417ffi9 4s 3r J R Troxler G T Busybody Confide Astrologer 17ffi9 Bowie 1 142 fast 2 115 1 1 1 1 = 1 R Tioxler G Y Eyes Netniakcr Northerner 17488 Empire 1 11G l47 4faist 1 110 1 1 1 II C Grand 5 I Gardner Undercbvor P Rock 17427 Empire 1 l4flfast 3 110 1 1 3 3LOVE Z 2 S Davis G Northerner TayPay Undercover UndercoverBy LOVE DAY b h 0 115 By Peep 6Day Lovclight M B Hjbwser 20035 HdeGce IniiOyl 45gt od 15 HO 2 7 10 1019U72 9 8IIJL HartwelllO Hermuda C F Grainger Paton 19U72 Bowie lni20yl4tfaSt S 113 367 i G3 4 3 J Metcalf S LEland AVcyiinoke Abtsford 10044 Bowie lm20yl 6fast 113 112 3 3 2 23 21 AV AAarton S Lazuli THaueock LoKIrkdy 10918 Bowie 1 11G 153 good 5 111 4 8 5 3 5 3 AV Lllley S Cockspur Coss Ravenal 19550 Bowie Im20y 146 fast 93 112 144 32 2s AV Warton 0 Slieprdess THancock Peacock 19841 Bowie Im20yl45fast 20 112111212 Gl G8 W AVartonl2 Daliigcrflcld CocKsjmr Ilermiidn 19325 NOrlns 1 11G l46fast 6 lt3 8 S 4 i 51 6 = iW OBrien D March The Rump Ins Mn 10250 NOrlns Im20y 145 hvy 4 110 S 7 7 i 44 G1 R Goose 8 Jacob Biinh Mallard Joe D 19240 NOrlns 1 11G l47 fast S 110 S S 6 6ELLA i 3 J 33 AV OBrien 8 Holton THancock HlguClass HlguClassi ELLA GRANE br m 5 105 i By Filigrane Ella Duke N B Davis 19168 NOrlns Im20y l42 fast 8 108 4 G S Bl 58J A Schiigr 13 June AA IlMiirancu Man Bogart 19144 NOrlns ImLOy l42fast 12 105 S 8 8 8 G5i AV Spain 8 Dan March Surpassing Petelus 19103 NOrlns 1 1S l58ilivy 83 104J 1534 I 4s 45J E Pool 9 Antnniii Puck Manager Mack 19003 NOrlns 1 18 l5Ggood G 110 2 1 2 5 i 5s 57J R Goose G Tom Hancock Consoler Trovato 19041 NOrlns 1 11G 152 hvy 4G 111 3 5 3 5 51S915 i 3s 2 C Dlshmon 9 Rake EarlyKnightK of UncaH 1S915 NOrlns Im20y l42fast 13 109 5 5 5 G GABBOTSFORD i 2ii 3J AV Spain 7 Love Day Puck H Brother BrotherBy ABBOTSFORD ch s 5 112 11220J01 By Hippodrome Sister Frank Miss M Oliver 20J01 HdeGce Im70yl4fast 12 108 2344 1 4 3 J Butwell 4 Amalli Boxer Carlone 2005 HdeGce Im70yl45good 10 107 0 9 8 8 i 7 6 2H Hammer 10 Hermnda C F Grainger Paton 20011 HdeGce Im70yl45fast 10 99 9 S S 7 1 5l 43 AV Lilley 12 Jawbone Joe Finn Mercurluiu 19972 Bowie ImJOyl 46Vfcfast 7 108 a T G 5 5 2h 35i H Hammer S Lit England AVcyanoke L Day 19932 Bowie 1 116 lG2gfast 7 107 3 3 2 2 21980S 2 2 2J H Hammer 7 Kl Oro Weyanoke Ben Incas 1980S Bowie Im70yl52 slow 12 105 2346 5nk 6 = 1 H Hammer 9 Cous Little I igland El Oro OroI 18073 Laurel 1 18 l52fast 37 110 4334 433417OG I 41 G3S Davis 7 Mud Sill Goldy liicle Ben 17OG Bowie 1 116 ISlfast 7 108 4 G 3 2 2GOLDEN 2 1 E Ambrose 8 B Mouse ColHblloway SIIirsch SIIirschBy GOLDEN CASTLE ch g 9 107 By Hawkswick Advance G E Brunner JC083 HdeGce Im70yl45 fast 20 107 5 4 3 2 I 2 2st A Hanovcrll Klliiod IInnncci LoKcaldv 20000 Bowie Gl f lOSfast 100 109 3 34 I 5 6 ° i P Louder 7 Brandywine AlCasca ElMahdi 13968 Bowie 34 l14fast 200 107 1 56 i 1 713 J Connors 8 Yodoling Brandywine MCasca 15837 Bowie 34 l14tffast 150 10G 9 10 9 1 95 J Connors 1 TBtody Northerner Thesictcs fDisqualifiod for foul