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STAKES FOR EMPIRE CITY MEETING The Empire City Racing Association proffers a fine list of stake races to close for entries at mid ¬ night of Monday June 21 The list is as follows For TlireeYearOlds and Over OverEmpire Empire City Handicap 2500 added 1 1S miles milesSuburban Suburban Handicap 3000 guaranteed 1 14 miles milesMt Mt Veruon Handicap 1500 added 1 mile mileFleetwing Fleetwing Handicap 1000 added 34 mile mileArrow Arrow Selling Stakes 1000 guaranteed 34 mile mileMelrose Melrose Selling Stakes 1000 guaranteed 1 110 miles milesTor Tor ThreeYearOlds ThreeYearOldsKnickerbocker Knickerbocker Handicap 2500 guaranteed 1 110 miles milesTarrytown Tarrytown Selling Stakes 1000 guaranteed 1 mile mileFor For Two YearOlds YearOldsWakefield Wakefield Handicap 2500 guaranteed 5 12 fur ¬ longs longsWhirl furlongsDemoiselle Whirl Stakes 2500 guaranteed 5 12 furlongs Demoiselle Stakes Fillies 2000 guaranted 5 12 furlongs furlongsFrivolity Frivolity Selling Stakes 1000 guaranteed 5 12 furlongs furlongsSteeplechases Steeplechases SteeplechasesMist Mist View Handicap threeyearolds and over 1000 added about 2 miles milesMidsummer Midsummer Handicap threeyearolds and over 1000 added about 2 miles milesFloral Floral Park selling fouryearolds and over l00t guaranteed about 2 miles milesThis This is quite a tempting array of good things to In handed over to fortunate owners in the course of the associations coming HUH ting which extends from July 14 to 31 Inclusive All classes of horses are well provided for and generous response in nominations is due Conditons of the events are published in the associations advertisement ill this issue of Daily Racing Form