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Empire City Racing Association AssociationOFFICES OFFICES BROADWAY AND 70TH STREET NEW YORK YORKStakes Stakes to Be Run at the theSUMMER SUMMER MEETING 1915 1915JULY JULY 14 TO JULY 31 31TO TO CLOSE ON MONDAY JUNE 21 1915 1915EMPIRE EMPIRE CITY HANDICAP 52500 ADDED For thrccyoarolds and upward By subscription of 25 25each each Weightsto additional to start with lrilH added of which IO to the second and i 0 to the third Weights to be announced live days before the race Winners after the announcement of weights to carry f Ihs lra Ono Mile and a Furlong FurlongBy By Courtesy of The Coney Island Jockey Club ClubTHE THE SUBURBAN VALUE 53000 A Handicap for threeyearolds and upward By snbscripton of V each additional to start Guaranteed cash value 0i of which lHi to the second and 200 to tho third Weights to be announced livo days before the race Winners after the announcement of weight j to carry r Ibs extra One Mile and a Quarter QuarterMT MT VERNON HANDICAP 1500 ADDED For thrcnycarclds and upward By subscription of 1 icli r additional to start with 1500 addetl of which 250 to the second and 150 to the third Weights to be announced live days before the race Winners after the announcement of weights to carrv r Ibs extra oiio Mile MileFLFETWING FLFETWING HANDICAP 1000 ADDED For thrccycarolds and upward By subscription of 10 each additional to start with 1000 added of which 200 to the second and 100 to the third Weights to bu announced live days before the race Winners after the announcement of weights to carry Ibs extra Sir Furlongs FurlongsARROW ARROW STAKES SELLING VALUE 1000 For thrcoycarolds and upward By subscription of 10 each additional to start Guaranteed cash value lOliO of which 20O to the second and 100 to the third The winner to be sold at suction fir 2C 0 If for less 1 lb allowed for each 100 down to i0 Selling price to be stated through the entry IMIX by the hour of closing entries on the day preiedhuj the race Tlie winner of a stake race at the meeting not to bo entered for less than 2000 Six Furlongs FurlongsMELROSE MELROSE STAKES SELLING VALUE 1000 For thrccycarolds and upxvard By subscription of 10 each if lii additional to itart Guaranteed cash value 1 M of which 200 to the second and if KKI to the third The winner to be sold at auction for HJO If for less 1 lb allowed for each 3100 down r 800 Selling pritL to be stated through the entry box by the hour of closing entries on the day precedim the race The winner of a stake race at the meeting not to lie entered for less than 2200 2200Ono Ono Mile and a Sixteenth SixteenthKNICKERBOCKER KNICKERBOCKER HANDICAP VALUE 2500 For threeyearolds By subscription of 2r ah C additional to start Guaranteed cash value 2iJ O of which 0 Jo the second and 150 to the third Weights to be announced live days before the race Winners after the announcement of weights to carry fi llS extra Ono Mile and a Sixteenth SixteenthTARRYTOWN TARRYTOWN STAKES SELLING VALUE 1000 For thrccycarolds By subscription of 1O each 1 additional to start Guaranteed cash value 10lt of which 200 to the second mid 100 to tin third The winner to be sold at auction for riOO If or less 1 lb allowed for each 100 down to 10t Selling price to be stated through the entry box by the hour of closing entries on the day preceding thy iace The winner of a stake race at tjie meeting not to be entered for lesa than 2500 Ono Mile WAKEFIELD HANDICAP VALUE 2500 For twoycarclds By subscription of 2T each 50 addi ¬ tional to start Guaranteed cash value 2500 of which 50 to the second and 150 to the third Weight to he announced live days before the race Winners after the announcement of weights to carry i lb extra rive and OneHalf Furlongs FurlongsWHIRL WHIRL STAKES VALUE 52500 For twoyearolds By subscription of 2 each r 0 additional to start Juaranteed cash value 2r 0 of which ifJoO to the second and lrO to the third Weiuhts 7 Ifis below the scale Winners of two races of the value of 1400 each or one of 1750 tj carrv lb extra of two of 1750 or one of 2500 5 Ibs extra or two of 2rOO or tine of 4000 S Ids ixtra Xonwhn ners r 1510 or two races of the valeu of 1000 each allowed o Ibs of one if i ll s of tun of r00 0 Ibs maidens 14 Ibs Five and OneHalf Furlongs FurlongsDEMOISELLE DEMOISELLE STAKES VALUE 52000 For twoyoarotd filiics By subscript on of 10 each 1T ldltioiil to start Guaranteed cash value 2000 of which oo to tin second and 15 to the third Win nirs of two races of 1000 each or a race of 150 to carry Ibs extra two races of 15M iacli 7 extra Nonwinners of a race of 1000 allowed a Ibs a race of 750 f Ibs two races of rOO at any time or four races of any value since May 1 His maidens allowed 11 Ibs Five and OneHull Furlong FurlongFRIVOLITY FRIVOLITY STAKES SELLING VALUE SlOOO For twoyearolds Iy subscription of 10 eiirli 15 additional to slart Guaranteed cash value 1000 of which 200 to the second and i t JH third The winner to be cold at auction for 2500 If for less 1 lb allowed for each 100 down to 500 tjMllu price to be stated through the entry box by the hour of closing entries on the day preceding the race Tho winner of a stake race at the meeting Ji t to be entered for loss than 2000 Five and OneHalf Furlongs STEEPLECHASE STAKES TO BE RUN AT THE SUMMEE MEETING 1915 1915JULY JULY 14 TO JULY 31 UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE NATIONAL STEEPLECHASE AND HUNT ASSOCIATION ASSOCIATIONTO TO CLOSE ON MONDAY JUNE 21 1915 1915FLORAL FLORAL PARK STEEPLECHASE OF 1000 Fcr 4yoarolds and upward Sellinjr About Two Miles MilesFASTVIEW FASTVIEW STEEPLECHASE HANDICAP 1000 Added For 3ycarolds and upward ALout Two Miles MIDSUMMEil STEEPLECHASE HANDICAP 1000 Added For 3ycarolds and upward About Two Miles MilesADDRESS ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS TO TOSECRETARY SECRETARY Empire City Racing Association Broadway and 70th St New York