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SEVENTH RACE 1 14 Miles 3yearolds and upward Selling 90209 201 iosi iosiBUCK BUCK KEENON ch c 4 110 By Stalwart Indolent C F Gardner 20229 Churchill 1 11G 147 fast 17 1O1 7 20180 Ixjxgtn 1 110 lISsow 7720 105 3 3 3 ° 22 W Lilley i Brave Consoler Raincoat MUD SILL b g 7 105 10520S91 By Captain Sigsbee Wyola W A McKi 20S91 BIueBon 1 1S l5GsloW 2 KM 7 720S2G G GU i J L Ilartwell 9 Burwood The Rump 20S2G BIueBon 1 18 lG5ffast 2120 110 2 5 21 2H M Mthews C Jain Flnt Bea Pere 20748 Dorval 1 1 43iirast 45 10G 5 520G1G PereI I l li 5 jICW8 J VoIIIiy Jr a Ser Cogs 20G1G Dorval 1 11G 1 9fast 4 108 3 3 3 L I1 M Mthews r Buz Around Lochiel Ciis 20150 Delmier 1 11G l53fgood 1 115 I3 CiisI3 C Knight 8 Tiger Jim LVaiiXamlt Mlinpq lflS3 Juarez 1 1 37fast G SHS 19H3G Juarez 1 1 39 fast 6 s s gsr 19SS3 Juarez 1 l39fast 10 3 3h 5 i O Gentry S John Heardon Boulah S Rasl RaslBy JABOT b g 7 By Ornament Tartlet J U Strode 20921 RlueHon 1 l10fast 2G 2G1S 7 52 33 F Cooter 11 Cuttyhmik Bushv Ileid Marti 20S2G BIueBon 1S 155 fast 31 105 111 1 Il I M McDott i Mud Sill FonK reYu iVre 20751 Dorval 1 1lG l49fast 110 5 3 1 I E CMMi CMMir ° r Vlla Asa i l iii Den Tncas 20G91 Dorval 1 1S 157 fast 4 101 1017S 4 3 221 B Ambrose 8 Sheprdess Electric T V riu 7S l31fast 3 115 1157S idcr AV Young S T ilure Blue Jay i7 of She b 20545 Delmier 7S l30fast G 115 115Gl 2 2 rstoso Tounsr V PCtri0 Thomas II 20151 Delmier Gl f 125 good 12 112 1125S S r t If Ifvec vec Euterpe Electric Ben Uncas are 19S90 Havana 5S 114 hvy 12 111 7 ° Oi 1J Pitz Our Ren Monereif Sackcloth RAINCOAT blk g 3 By Pink Coat Black Sleeves rH Oots 20S9I BhuBon 1 1S l5G = i slow 2710 99 888 7 I Vlf Vr 1 J1 11 IJ I TheHnmp BabySiste 20G1G Dorvnl Im70y llfiVJfast 5 I OS 7 4j S S 4 41 C VanDun 9 Fly Homo S of Ix ve Celebr tv 204G2 Douglas 1 11G 147 fast 91 90 fi n n 4 21 23 R Urqnlirt t Edith W CordieF 203G1 Churchill 1 1lG 11 mud 225102 S S G G Jin Un cScVtV cScVtVllmioc M llmioc 1 n u b lHr r 5 H Sf 20310 Churchill 1 11C 117 fast 11 105 G 11 10 S 51 433 r VanDuiii Manioc First Venture Tvite 20318 Churchill 1 1 I 2OGfast 21 M 7 5 5 G TviteG 43 3 = i R Urffuhrt l PiickKwnon Mars 202SG Churchill 1 1lG l4Gifast 9110 101 11 H 9 s ConsolerS 9 9 1C Van Dni Stal Hele CIiHslie on M Consoler Moru CUTTYHUNK br g 7 107 By Ogdcn Mariti W Walker 20924 BIueBon 1 l40fast 12 KM o G S 5 5 i tCUlf llKlJ1I a lJalMt Martian 2 3 31 Mn MntCUlf F Coorter 0 C livi ii n 4t i r G nd ndn 2W17 Dorval 1 11G l4 fnst 2 109 2 i 20191 Wdbine 1 1lG 147fslow SG 102 5 n j 20124 Wdbine 31 l135fast fid 114 13 1319S33 15 It 14 11 Goldstn in inG 19S33 Havana 1 14S good 2 116 4 41SF22 1SF22 Havana 1 l4Sslow G 111 2 2li7G9 G G I Z r I li7G9 Havana 31 142 hvy 135 112 5 5VOLADAY 7 G 5 S Carter 7 Sackcloth VOLADAY JR b K 6 105 10520SIG 20SIG BlueB n 1 1S lil = 5fast 11 1W R R2074S 2074S Dorva 1 l13 ffast G 109 C C20GSS 20GSS Dorva 1 1S l5Gfast G 107 S S20G02 20G02 Delm or 7S l31fast 7 115 l 20512 Delm er 1 11C l5l2Agood 31 112 G G20I0 5 McEweu 8 Melt 20I0 Delm er 1 11G l53Vfgood G 115 115199SG 199SG Juarez 1 1S l53 = fast 8 105 9 19925 Juarez 1 140 fast G IOC 5 FENROCK b p 3 By Hock Sand Ferment A B Stelle 20SGG Blue Bon 1 l4 H fast 15 1520S2G C3 5ei 1 Smyth S Ida Claire Fly Homo Anxiety 20S2G BIueBon 1 1S l55 ffast 105 105203S2 3l Csi A Collins Jabot Mud Sill Font 203S2 AVMbine 1 116 l4Sfast 9 31 21 I McAtee Balfron Bean Pore Joe Finn 20525 AVdbine 1 1lfl IMSVfefast 10 3 33 L McAtee 7 Black Iroom BeauPere Zodiac 0424 WMblne 31 llS fast fid S1 0s L McAtee 1 Brandywine Kgmont Ida Claire 20398 WMblne 34 111 good fid 14 14o R McDottll Richwood Dicks Pet Patience 0222 Pinilico 5S l01fast 4G5 S3 StolA NicklauslO Alliiia SWJohnson KouiHine 20130 HdeGce 34 liSslov 30 4 510 J Gartner Scallywag Fair Helen Ada Ann 20041 HdeGce 5i ol J Dreyer G Fair Helen lOhvab Jesse Jr 19C37 Havana Gl r l07fast 5 G 57 J Dreyer 0 Marjorie A Chitra Mac