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FOURTH RACE 5 12 Furlongs 3yearolds and upward Selling 20074 105 7 122 PALANQUIN b g 5 By Planudes Oneck Queen J 0 Talbott 13172 Charlen ol 115 good 15 IOC 1 a 481 M Buxton 5 Wilhite Dojxislt Sherwood 131J9 Charlen 34 inCigood G 113 3 411 5U C Borel 11 Cangh Hill Slierwoo1 Chartier T Charlen 34 115 good 5 104 10 10 10 J CallahanlO Sherwood Czar Michael Tarts 13081 Charlen 34 lla gopd 20 105 4 41056S 7s 713 AV Ward Czar Michael PIIennis Old Ben 10o6S Saratoga 34 l12fast lo 112 2 2103CS ul 42 C Borel 7 Isirose Roamer Sebago 103CS Saratoga 7S l25 fast 2S 112 1 21 3 1 1C Karrick 5 KBrysou Genesta Brookfleld 10260 Saratoga 34 l13fast 3 111 5 51012G 33 2h K Karrick 5 Scallywag BPath Irogressivo 1012G Saratoga 34 l13ifast 45 114 G 52 G11JJ Wilson 5 Hobnob OliverLodge Scallywa ScallywaBy YADOPEEP b m 5 105 10520S73 By Peep oDay Lady Bramble Palace Stable 20S73 Jamaica 34 l13Vsfast 135 110 14 14181S2 10 1012G Corey 15 Dinah Do Outlook Tinkle Bell 181S2 HdeGce 5J f l07fast 710 108 1 11S401 3l I1 A Schugrll Karlymorn MartinCasca Soldier 1S401 HdeGce 34 l13 fast 1710 110 2 22 2t A Schugrl 1 Striker Undaunted Briar Path 17878 Uiurel 34 l13Vffast 3120 113 G 5nt 521 A SchugrlO Briar Path Water Lily Prairie 17010 Uelinont 7S l24fast 8 104 3 23 2l J McTygrt Blue Thistle Progressive Strong A2YIADE b m G 115 Bv Cactus II Miss C H C Hallenbeck 20793 Uelmont CS f l20 = fast 135 07 2 73 7 S G Byrne b Orotund Dist Shore EllaBryson EllaBryson2s 20754 Uelmont 34 l14fast 12 108 2 21S4W 2s 23 G Byrne Feninouse Lily Onne OnneG5 1S4W IIdeGcc 34 114 fast 15 104 4 41S40G G5 G1 J Dreyer S Kewcssa Tas Steel Stal Helen 1S40G HdeGce GJ f 107 fast G5 104 5 51S29G 42 41 U Shilling I Yorkville Useeit Prairie Prairie2J 1S29G Pimllco 34 113 fast 8110 112 2 2J 331 C Turner 5 D Kagle Slumber II Cap Ben 18210 Laurel 34 l12 fast G5 102 1 33 2 J Callahan f Scallywag Sherwood Briarlath BriarlathBy PLANTAGENET b g 3 102 10220JOI By Ogden Mamie Worth R T Wilson 20JOI Jamaica 51 f 107 fast 15 107 1 120S27 3s 22 J McCnbey i DistShorc KlMahdi SofValley 20S27 Belmont 31 113 fast 20 98 4 4L07S2 7 715 C Watson 7 Forecast Lily Onne J J Lillis L07S2 Uolmont 34 st lllf fust 25 97 G G2W97 G3 G7 C Watson 10 Amaus Suphuman Ix stFortune 2W97 Belmont 34 st l10fast 40 102 2 9 S22 C Watson 0 Striker Forecast Ahians 2090 Behrjont 31 l13 fast 20 109 4 G G18JJ McCahey 7 He Will Chesterton Forecast ForecastBy TALECARRIER br h 5 115 115COM3 By Armeath II Jumbly Girl G J Day COM3 Pimlico 34 114 fast 140 118 4 415Si p 4C3 M Matths ii Andrew II Prynne It Maiden 15Si Kmpire 5J f l fast C 113 4 G20 5 B Alley Mater Lily Ormi Garl 15293 Aqueduct 1 l42slow 2G 122 3 314SS5 7 7 K Alley 7 Goldy Daingerliold Heartbeat Heartbeat43JB 14SS5 Mboro AbVS lOI tfast 10 107 43JB Alley Bof ItMawr Roy Dolly Skcets 12472 Pimlico 1 14 207 fast 7 103 3 oh i it AValdronlO Ambrose Buskin Barnegat BarnegatBy GILT EDGE b f 3 105 By Cunard Roman Gold J MacManus 20251 Churchill 34 1 13fast r95 105 2 21 C10Jl McTagtll Maznik Manioc Superhuman 20110 Lexgton Gl f 107fast 7i 10SS 3 31S322 1 2l W W Tlorl2 Amazon Busy Kdith M Lo xr 1S322 Latonia GJ f lOS5fast 3710 110 3 31U170 I2 1 J MqCabe 11 Wat Witch Gertrude Dimity 1U170 Latonia GJ f l07good 51G 112 G 41 4 J MeCabe 12 Fidget Water Witch FCrocket FCrocketBy LILY ORME blk f 4 115 By Monsieur do LOrme Web of Fata H W WWarner Warner 20992 Jamaica 34 115 slow 7 115 1 1OS75 5 7M Buxton S Allicna Superhuman Minstrel OS75 Jamaica 24 IrKifast S 110 S 71 II13 M Buxton 15 Dinah Do Outlook Tinkle Bell 20S27 Belmont 34 113 fast 7 Il 2t M Buxton 7 Forecast J J Liilip WaterLIly 20751 Uelmont 34 l14 fast S 3 38 II Sninter Feumouse Azyinde 20G1S Helmont 34 113 fast 40 117 3 41i G5JH Sumter 7 Royal Martyr Broomleaf Rolv 20339 Belmont Ci f l20fast 30 105 1 in 22 H Suinter 10 Hurakan S of Valley Striker 20391 Belmont 34 l14slop 2i 105 1 1MR 21 331 II Sumter 5 Apple Hermis Jr Rosemarine RosemarineBy MR SPECS ch K 7 112 1122034S By Woolsthorpe Jill Greenwood Mrs A C Blume 2034S BelTer AbaS fast 21 158 22 MrTWrt 10 Feninouse Olto Floto Culvert 20259 MBrook Alt 5S fast 1 1C3 C 2i 2s Mr T Wht 7 Culvert Chopin Muskmelnn 201C9 Hockwy 12 fast 73 ICG 2 22 ink T Wright 7 Culvert Kxemplar Iokomis 1V2J3 Belmont 31 l12fast 7 10G 5 4 ° 46J K Karrick 5 Water Lily Striker Connemara 17020 BelirJnt 34 113 fast 2S 107 G GC4 4l 32 C Fblber 7 Connmara LTravers Perthshire 1GS13 Syra use C4 112J fast 8 101 2 2nk 22 W Ural 4 Bac Flitaway Yeliow Kyos 1C7S8 Syracuse 31 112J fast 35 113 1 3S 31 C Bgame 4 Counemara Master Joe Frontier FrontierBy DERVISH blk p 3 By Delhi Coppelia J Butler Butler5s 20904 Jamaica f 107 fast G 5s G ° W Lilley 0 D Shore Plantagenet El M ahdi 20793 Belmont Cl f l20fast 20 41 54 F Hopkins S Orotund Dist Shore ElliBrvson 20730 Belmont 1 141 fast C 9G 5 3J G75 P Lowdcr ij Chesterton DrDnncr Jawbone 20C5S Belmont 1 142 fast G 95 4 3l 4 ° S P Lowdcr 5 OSnlllvaii Guy Fislicr Ilurakan 201C4 Uelmont 1 140 good 40 110 3 3nk n 2 iiorei n W Shoes Dr Diienner Orotund 20411 Belmont 1 l43mud 12 9G G G f2 ° F Hopkins C AlRloch Robinetta Stonelientre 20270 Churchill GS f lOCsIow fid 110 10 10GAINSBOROUGH 91 9172C Borel 14 Hawthorn Chartier BusyEditli BusyEditliBv GAINSBOROUGH b g 3 107 1071SUS Bv Canopus Picturesque R F Carman 1SUS HdeGce 3S l02fast GO 10S 9 91SU2 102 10I2U Dreyer 11 Meelieka Siuino Mrs Campbell 1SU2 IldeCJcc GS l03 mud CO 10G 1 11S35S G G8 E Ambrose BFlower JBIIarrell Refctn 1S35S Pimlico 51 f 108 fast 17 102 C C1S114 G2 C0 R Shilling 12 Mamie K Boxer Fair Helen 1S114 laurel 51 f 107 fast 14 10S 2 2ISOGi 7 t 913 S Davis 11 Tie Pin Fair II lon rapt Parr ISOGi Laurel 31 l14 = fast 24 10S 5 5BRONX Gl S10 S Davis S Change A X Akin Fair Helen HelenBy BRONX QUUEEN b f 3 90 By Ogden Stars First start