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FIFTH RACE 5 12 Furlongs 3ycarolds and upward Selling 10S13 105 3 115 LADY LONDON br m 5 100 1002ttf0 By Hcrmis Lida B W Smith Smith7l 2ttf0 BlueBon 31 116 mud 4 108 7 7l S4J E Ilaynes 10 Goldenllnnie Gordon BlueWing 10790 Dorval 1 143 fast 3 110 1 3l 22 E Ilaynes S The Rump Balfroii Gerrard 20611 Dorval 5i f 1OS fast 2 110 7 72C520 3 = 1 = B Ilaynes IJ MCaucer KbiconlL VrStrome 2C520 Wdbine 34 l13fast fld 109 12 7 2h T KIce 14 YorKvillc York Lad Bondcl 20158 Wdbine 34 l14fast 53 112 11 13l 1215 T Hayes 14 Patience Pay Streak Burwood 20129 HdeGce 34 115 slow 15 100 4 41 4J P Louder 9 Yodeling MartinCasca Y Lad 10081 IIdeGce 51 f 107 fast 10 107 9 9OHUCKLES 71 9 = J Groth 10 Ada Anne Colors Sleuth SleuthBy OHUCKLES ch g 5 114 By Chilton Charite J 0 Byrne 20910 BlueBon 31 l16 slow 23 113 2 2lifi5 3l 78J A Schugr i York Lad Gold Cap Ada Anne lifi5 Dorval 51 f l07fast 15 115 12 lOlll13 J Metcalf 11 Sleuth Inquieta Laura 10012 HdeGce 34 lllfast 10 112 G 71 53 E Haynes 9 Thesiercs UncleBcn Newllaven 19891 Bowie 51 f lllslow 21 112 3 319S5S 13 133M Buxton l Colors Toddling Blue Jay 19S5S Bowie 34 lllfast 115 110 5 51S57S 3i 23 E Ambrosel New Haven Joe Knight Laura 1S57S Charlcn Cl f lOSfast C 115 C CCOLORS 7 SciJ McTagt 9 Gabrio Viley Gold Cap CapBy COLORS b f 4 102 By Yankee Mamie Worth Mrs J D Misick J071S Dorval 5 f 108 fast 710 100 G 21 11 L McAtcc 10 Inlan Mrs Me Bine Jay 20320 Wdbine 31 l13fast 10 102 4 3l G1 H Hanmerl4 Yorkville L London York Lad 20106 HdcGco 51 f 108 good 4S 101J 2 iu G = S S Wnholnill Col Cook Yorkvillo York Lad 20081 IIdeGce 5 f 107 fast 20 103 2 2 2 R McDottlO Ada Anne Sleuth Ortyx 20039 HdcGce 5i f l07ffast 35 110 5 Si 103 J Connors 14 Xew Haven SilMoon Yorkville 20001 HdcGce 58 l006faHt 40 103 G GROSEMARY 7 711 J Connors 7 Acton Viley Briar Path PathBy ROSEMARY b m 6 104 1041W2G By Marta Santa Country Fraud C N Freeman Freeman0s 1W2G Delmier Ab3S l024 fast 1 113 1132O311 0s C Knight S BlueNViug Francis Hearthstonu 2O311 Delmier AbGS 101 good 35 110 2 2IOllO 1 1 C Knight 0 Lucky George Uncle Dick Inlan InlanI1 IOllO Delmicr Ab3S IOSgood 113 111 111199S1 I1 C Knight 11 Oriinar Lad Hazel C Snip 199S1 Juarez 51 f l rfast 2 9S G G19r 1 13 M Garner 8 Nifty Orimar Iad Theodorita 19r rl Juarez 38 09fast Oo 113 5 G3 610XT McCabe 8 Marta Mac Nifty JndgeGhcens 19 l Juarez 51 f l05fast 3 10S 2 219S70 1s I5i J McCabe S Van Horn Concha Hazel C 19S70 Juarez 58 l00fast 5 113 7 7HEARTHSTONE 2ii 311 j Murphy 9 Marta Mac Doll Boy L Birdie BirdieBy HEARTHSTONE b B 6 111 By Ben Stromo Strychinia Yarrow Brae Stock Farm 09f0 HlueBon 34 116 mud 133 110 10 31 73J E Taplin 10 GoUleiiPlinuc Gordon BlueWing 207S1 Dorval 51 f l07fast fi 109 7 2Z 1 B Taplin S Viley Miss Jean Single 20720 Dorval 54 f l07fast C 114 7 33 3h B Taplin 8 Bird Man Viley Drvad 20r fi Delmier AboS 1 02fast 3 115 33 W Rosen 8 BVVing Francis Song of Kocks C0572 Delmier Ab3S 107 hvy 2 115 3 3b 1 I1 W Rosen 7 Jcs Burn Sir Dyke Lit Birdie REFLECTION b f 3 99 By Star Shoot Reflex Mrs A F Dayton 10M3 BlueBon 34 l13 fmud 13 7 5 7i T Hayes JO Prandywine Dicks Pet AlCourt 20703 Dorval 34 l14fast 5 111 G 33 331 M Mthews 8 A N Akin An Del Celebrity 10G12 Dorval 34 l14fast 32 107 1 1i I2 M Mthewsll Schnapps Jos Xarate Jefferson 20336 Pimlico 31 l13igood 10 103 2 G 5i C Miller 9 BriarPath MrtinCasca Pharaoh 20291 Pimlico 34 l14Vifast 4710 100 3 35i Il 2nt C Miller 10 York Lad Al Bloch Supreme 20014 IIdeGce 5i f l07 fast 12 102i 2 2m 33 3 C Miller 5 Marjorie A Alhena Nephthys NephthysBy MARTRE ch m C 109 By Anak Tremar R P Dodtos 20963 BlueBon 34 l151 mud 16 109 0 G3 S12 W Obert 10 Brandywiue Dicks Pet AlCourt 207GS Dorval 55 f lOSfast 13 112 11 5 1 J Metcalf 11 Blue Jay Ortyx Miss Chaucer 20038 Delmier GI f l24fast 7 113 113Cl 7 H Snyder S O Tis True Knisseau Tankard lOT99 Delmier Cl f l25V fast 3 113 5 2 33 W Young 1 Daylight IambsTail Llaxton 2 307 Dolmicr 58 105 good 3 110 3 3 SJ C White 11 Jewel of Asia Abdul Ls Tail SINGLE b g 4 100 By Cesarion Al Lone Clinton Stable IlOlO Conght 34 l17slow 10 1 4 3 1 9 C VanDunlw Gordon KKadford JosefXaratu 107G1 Dorval 51 f l07fast 30 107 5 5l 41 G VanDun 8 Hearthstone Viley Miss Jean 20720 Dorval 31 f Id7fast 13 112 4 5i S111C VanDun 8 Bird Man Viley Hearthstone 17416 Wdbinc 31 lllhvy fid 103 S 11 11 G W Carllll Gordon Grazele Dicks Pet 15962 Hamton 1 l3SVifast 20 10S 5 10 103 J Hanover 0 Water Lady CliffEdge Bonanza 15917 Hamton 31 l13fast 30 115 4 l i I2 J Hanover 8 Chilla Thesiercs JBKobiusou 15336 FortErie 31 l14ifast 9 103 1 7l 73i H Gray 9 Joe Knight Cecil Arrau ArrauBy APRISA b f 4 102 1027S By Kiamet Elsie L J C Fletcher MS30 BlueBon 7S 130 slow 11J 1121 S 9l 421 G Burns 11 Paul Gaiius Wodan Kuffo 207R7 Dorval 31 115 fast 7 93 4 4i G1 E ForehndlO Kildtiy Gordon Freda Johnson 20700 Dorval 31 115 fast 15 107 4 21 5 ° J Smyth S Hts of Oak Kts Differ Gordon 2fr34S Wdbine 31 l13fast 265 110 5 41 02J T Acton i JIaxim Belle SirLJoe Schemer 201S5 Wdbino 31 iMjow fid 105 4 32 2lu J Melealf 11 Anxiity Knffo Slumbercr Slumbercr7t 171SO Wdbine 34 114 fast Cl f 7 9 9m 7t 8s A folllnfi 9 VStrome CliasCannell CSance CSanceBy EUTERPE b m 5 104 By Oit Wells Halcyon R Hanley 20783 Dorval 1 141 fast G 110 2 Gnu 5 J Smyth M Lucky George llogart Spohn 20770 Dorval 1 linfast 12 112 S 9 83 J Smyth 11 Jnllhton Gerrard LTravers 20013 Dorval 31 lMfast 13 I0510 I0510GI Gh 79 S AVoholmi Egiuout Irish Heart Mazurka 20513 Delmier GI f l2lgood 2 105 4 4GJ 4 4 Mcehau 9 J Kussell Tankard CMeDugal 20151 Delmler GJ f 123 good 2i 103 I3 Meelian 10 Electric Ben Incas Sir Dyke 19S91 Havana 31 127 hvy 4 109 2 0 7 = ° iF Rob son S Sau Jou LoauShurk Muskuielou PERPETUAL ch g 4 109 y Ornament May Hcmpstcad Thorncliffo Stable StableS 20786 Dorval 31 l14fast 12 102 1 S 9 10 3 A Chiver 1C Mrs Ale Tlie Governor KKrass 20013 Dorval 34 l14fast 10 108 G 10 9 11201A Clavcr 1 Egmont Irish Heart Mazurka 20320 Wdbino 31 l13fast 42 106 3 3ll 5 9 14 iA Clavcr 14 Yorkville L London York Ixid ll m Wdbine 58 l01fast 52 113 2 7 72 715 II Skirvin 10 EnierGcm Fathom Privet Petal 10295 FortErie 51 f lOSslow 50 108 2 G G G22 P Moody 5 Hodge Miss Gayle Uust Itrass 10020 Hamilton 34 lllfast 25 103 5 5CAIN 4 42 419 P Moody 5 South Maid BlkTouey Cciitauri CciitauriBy CAIN CHASER b m 5 109 By Otis Chablis F J Pons 20S90 BlueBon 7S 130 slow fid 111 11 10 11 11 II1 12 J Connors IS Paul Gaines Wodan Kuffo 207S5 Dorval 1141 fast 30 110 9 9 9 9tfast 10 10 1018F Murphy 10 Lucky George Bogart Spohn tfast 30 110 14 14 14 14 11 JF Murphy 15 Slmnbcrer Wodan Paul Gaincs 20643 Dorval 51 f lOSfast 40 110 9 10 11 11 II21 F Murphy 11 lirwnnsedge Un Dick Ford Mai 204S5 Wdbine 34 l14slow 71 105 11 11 11 11 II30 F Murphy 11 Anxiety Aprisa Kuffo