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FOURTH RACE 34 Mile 3ycarolds and upward Selling 15011 113 4 113 ICING RADFORD br g 5 107 1072ilO By Radford Determination H Neustadter Neustadter5J 2ilO ConKht 31 l17slow 40 101 9 87 5J 23 J Acton 10 Gordon JosefZarate Beau Peru i 13 RlueHon 7S l2Sfast fid 100 14 12 12 10 1H llsi R Flint 115 Kedland Inquieta Burwwd 107S3 Dorval 1 141 fast 20 1U7 11 10 7 7 7 r i H Flint 10 Lucky George Bogart Spohn 20770 Dorval 1 l43fast 30 109 11 11 9 11 11 11 JK Flint 11 JHlIgliton Gcrrard LTravers 0717 Dorval 1 141 fast 5 100 8 9 S 7 7 CJ W Obert 10 JMVC Day Bogart Mcrcurlum 20645 Dorval 5 f l07fast CO 107 11 10 11 11 9i U Flint 1 Sleuth Inquieta Laura 20025 HdeUco 31 l15fast 40 109 10 11 11 11 915 R Flint 11 Sleuth Silver Moon Free Trade 19310 Havana 1 lt 0 slow 10 107 8 7 7171U Flint S Springmass Bacy Sepulvcda SepulvcdaBy By Buck Massic Gay and Festive I Striker 21007 ConKht 31 l17slow 23 100 5 4 G1 5 i E Ilaynes S Miss Chaucer Mrs Me Leialoha 20574 Delmicr CJ f l2Shvy 21 110 S Sr0313 G 551 J Howard l Duquesne Hazel C Col Lady r0313 Deliri r 01 f l2Igood 2 110 5 3 3s C Grand or Kussell Tankard Euterpe Euterpe3J 20432 Dclm 6r Gi f l2figood 12 114 3J A Murray 1 Bogart Blue Jay Yauker 19710 Juarez 1 l39fast 10 102 7 3 3 3196S9 3 = 2J A Mott 10 Art Kick Wavering Twilight 196S9 Juarez 7S l26fast 10 10G 7 C C CIJfiilS 71 Sl G AV Carll 0 Tnouglitrendcr Kiva Poutefract IJfiilS Juarez 34 l20hvy 5 10S 5 5 5Itfi02 i iItfi02 5 5 = 4iJ McCabe 5 A Curl T Belle Mercuriuni Itfi02 Juarez 1 1S lS3fast 4 91 C 1 1 119pl9 11 li Ji Garner 7 First Star Art Kick Mcruiiriuin 19pl9 Juarez 1 l43 l43imud imud 32 109 1 1 1 1ANDREW 2 25 J McCabe 7 Asallcrndon LMint Orbiculan OrbiculanBy ANDREW OBAY ch p r 4 105 105209S7 105209S7 By Andrew Mack Light of Day Hogan Ic Holman 209S7 Conght 5 f l10slow 40 103 7 10 10ItfiO 7 7 E Ilaynes 10 Vonctin A X Akin Deposit llfifiO ItfiO Jiiarcs 1151 hvy 1J 1C2 344 3443l 3441 21 333 V Stevens n KOucil Voladay II Hoisington 131 3l Juarez 1 l4rslop 4 96 4 S 7 719G23 G i 5 i T Henry S Mercuriuni Hard Ball J Nolan 19G23 Juarez 7S l31mud 3 IOC Itcfusc Refused Refused195W II Clark 7 Mab Dulweber J Nolan Lenorc 195W Juarez 1 l47hvy 12 106 3321 21 2 F Stevens H Mercuriuni AllceTcresa Flying 19538 Juarez 1 l39fast 5 102 3 S S i iMAZURKA 41 4 = 2 C Gross 9 Wavering Kek Davis Choctaw ChoctawBy MAZURKA ch g 5 105 1052USG2 By Ornament Tweedledum J White 2USG2 Pluellon 34 l14fast 111 102 9 10 1 101 9 J Smyth 11 The BusylxMly Vllev ConiBroom 20769 Dorval 5 f lOS fast S 109 1 1 10 9 ° A Sclmgrll Martre Blue Jay Ortyx OrtyxCnt 2C613 Dorval 34 lllfast 30 111 3 4 Cnt 3 J Metcalf i Egmont Iiishlleart Mercurium 17336 Dorval Im70y 150 fast 8 107 1 2 Ji 3 3 = 4 G W Carll fl Strite King Cotton Irish Heart 172S1 Dorval 5 f lOSfast 20 105 1 3 Gi 710 W Ward Al Court Batwa Briindywliic 17102 Dorval 34 l15fast 30 105 3 4 51 G12 B Carter S Sackcloth Ford Mai Spohn SpohnBy SONNY BOY ch p 4 42CS93 105 1052CS93 By Nasturtium California H G Bedwoll 2CS93 PlucBon 1 l13slow 19 115 211 l tlllsSK JarlKi 32 Louise Travcrs Icgart B Belle 20770 Dorval 1 l43fasl1V2D7 l43fast 30 109 G 5 4 7 10 5S Woholmll JIIHghton Gcrrard LTravers 1V2D7 Pimlico 31 l14fast IS 102 5 2 G Gl3iR Shilling S MarCasca Monty Fox Patience 20215 Pimlico 31 111 fast C9 115 S S 51 7SJ E Taplin 9 PayStreak Silver Moon Dakota 20055 HdcGco 31 l141ffaslItKXIS l141ffast 100 110 10 8 i 12 II3 S Wolstmi Ada Anne Sherwood GBussell ItKXIS Bowie 31 lllfast 40 112 fi 0 8 S19 T McTagt 8 Yodcling Brandvwine MCasca 19450 Havana 31 l21hvy 5 107 G G C C E Taplin 0 TJim Pgrcssivo DrKLSger DrKLSgerBy STELLATA ch f 4 By Star Shoot Auvcrgne Mrs A F Dayton 19713 Havana 34 I3l7fhvy I3l7fhvyIIVXIS 5 G C Miller i Uncle Ben Lohengrin Tow Field IIVXIS Havana 51 1 f l07 l07fasl ast 30 103 4nt sllJC Miller S Encore ANAkiii Marjorlc A 17974 Laurel 1 l40fasl 323 102 2 S S S S 711t Miller 9 Executor Cliff Field Penalty 2 Laurel 51 f l075fasl fid 103 9 79 9 91 C Miller 11 JJLillis UiicleJinmtie Crossbun 4 Laurel 1 140 fast 3IS 103 7771 77711CC04 9 9 = ° Miller Ella Bryxon Orotund Penalty 16604 Anacda 1 l42fasl 3i 102 1 C C C CBRINY G G1S C Miller G Electric Kelsctta Fort Suuiter SuuiterBy BRINY DEEP br jr 3 90 By Cunard Glass Slipper G Swain 20713 Dorval 34 l10fast li IOC 2 43 43lrtiS9 52 43J II Snyder 15 Sluinlierer Wodan Paul uaiues lrtiS9 Dorval 5i f 1 OSfast 15 109 10 i i 7 4 i J Metcalf 10 Jefferson Deviltry Knergctic 20312 Churchill 34 l12fast fid 97 11 13 12 121S1M2 12 12501J Maloney 14 Undaunted Mex Grasmere 1S1M2 Latonia 5 lOSfast 43 109 1 3 10 101S09S 103 101 J Hanover 12 Long Kcaeh Jester Pcc Albert 1S09S Latonia 5 f 1OS fast 21 114 1 24 5l fij J Loftus 1 Baml oo Dundreary Osmontle 17327 Wdliine 31 l14V fat 5S 108 5 4 4 4172K8 ns fi3 L Meripole S SofLovc Don Cortcz Connnensla 172K8 DulTerin CJ l26fast 15 105 5 22 22KYLE 2l 21 W Dkson 8 Dom Moran NrllirC Eiderdown KYLE br m 8 103 By Kilkerran Big Filly W Walker lOS 2 HluoBon 31 l14fast fid 102i 7 45 453j7 45f 11 II13 A Schugrll The BnsylKjdy Viley CornBrouiu f 3j7 Wdbine 31 l15 5hvy S9 97 7 5 9 9rrMJ5 10 SilGruuip9l 1018 E Martin 11 WinWidow MasJIm SilGruuip rrMJ5 Toronto 31111 slop 87 10S 9 S 10 10Mir 9l 9 1V Doyle lli Lewis Inlan Flower Girl Mir Dufferin 7S l34fast S 111 1 11 11r197 lh 2l J Dreyer Duncraggan Jim L Dust r197 DulTerin i f l2lfast 111 2 33 33r083 3i 3 = J W Warton 7 Curious Soug of Kocks Donation r083 Dufferin Al 3S I0iy5fast 8 111 2 G 52 43J W Warton 8 ModPriscilla Glipian Fanlllall 113 DulTerin AKrS l02Kfast C 112 7 5 54fiV 4b 41 Wr Mondon 8 Teninicraire M Bright Irishtown 4fiV Hillcrost Al 58 l01hvy 7 109 109BENDEL Il W Warton 7 Curious Leialoha T Thompson ThompsonBy BENDEL ch c 4 103 103SISG2 By Uncle Bremen J R Walker SISG2 BlueBon 31 l14fast 25 9910 11 11 1120S23 91 lO1 Dodd 11 The Busybody Vilev ConiBroom 20S23 BlueBon 1 l41fast 44 111 10 9 7 S SU olsiW Obert 11 Penalty J II Hoiigliton Elwah 20320 Wdbine 34 l13fast 10 109 7 87 41 41 C Finch 14 Yorkvllle L London York Lad 2039 AVdbine 1 11 148 Rood 13 99 4 1 2 5 G3 Gl = JJ Acton 7 Tactics Luther Progressive 18170 Laurel 1 141 fast 100 108 8500 G G1 D Steward 10 D March Dr Ducnner N Grand 17900 Bowie 51 f lOSV6fast 12 110 585 585PLIANT G l 553 II Wolfe 9 El Mahdi Shadrach Grazellc GrazellcBy PLIANT ch m 6 103 103151S7 By Tho Commoner Flexible F J Pons 151S7 Latonia 1 3l 1596fast 19S 103 7778 77781510S S 7 ° J 1 Connelly 8 BP Verena Trausiiortation 1510S Latonia 1 18 l52fast 81 101 fi 0 0 0 K G D Connelly 7 Be Reno White Wool 11923 Latonia 1 l2233fast 23 101 144 5 5 = 59i W W Tlor 7 Be Dilatory Outlan 14837 Latonia Im70y l41fast GO 109 8997 73 713 D Connelly 9 Goo Stoll Ovation PineBrigadc 14784 l atonia 1 11C l4fifast 15 104 9 10 9 7 711R1S S1 7 J A Neylon 10 Dilatory G Treasure Kingling 11R1S Douglas 1 11R 14C fast 12 107 G 0 Si 5 G 43 I Connelly G Furlong Tnsportatloii Dilatory 14007 Douglas 1 11G l4Gfast 54 113 5 7 7 7 7JNO G G3 D Connolly S Wander Hortonse TBKobinson TBKobinsonBy JNO McGINNISS ch f 4 105 105IfJCSl By Cesarion Ethel Levey 1C Woodford IfJCSl Dclmier AbGS 103 fast 20 112 112LENSHENS 01 Meelian y EAdanif Indif ent LdesCncls LdesCnclsBy LENSHENS PRIDE b f 4 103 103203G9 By Deering Clever R E Graham 203G9 Delmier Ab3S 107 hvy S 113 C 1 1JSOHGABIBBLE LuiidorCarnes S Cliiribel Cesario Belle Bird BirdBy JSOHGABIBBLE b c 3 104 104209S7 By Giganteum Kerchief Mrs J L Bryan 209S7 Conght M f l10slow 40 W 1 77 G1 57 A Claver 10 Venetia A X Akin Deposit 20718 Dorval C1 f 1OS fast 12 102 4 59 592CfMl 9 781 C VanDunlO Colors Inlan Mrs Me 2CfMl Dorval ui f 103 fast 10 101 3 8 8 81S292 10 7JJ t VanDunll LIxiudon MChaueer Hbieonll 1S292 Latonia 1 l41fast f Itl IOC 3 4 5 G C G C Gross I Cannonade GoldGlrl WCrown 18214 Latonia 34 l13ifast fid 112 4 01 SlnJG VanDnnli Cannonade Nobleman WCrown 1S21G Latonia 31 113 fast 33 112 S 7 713iA Neylon S Converse Hank ODay One Step