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C CURRENT NOTES OF THE TURF J I iii. i T. I. lloalov Ium brakes foartaea rearlisga for K. T, Wilson ;,i Karataga. v. II. Rows, regiatrar of the lackey Crab, aaa Ul-u ted r« Maine n his annual vacation. Algera n 1 ».. i 1 1 vit-i-ti.-i. l . assistant secretary of the Jockey Club, returned to Now York with si ■ « -lag .I., n- 4. i in- Saratoga meting. ! • BxpooitkM moot af :it FraneJaca will lx* far tareay-five days, Instead of thirty, aa originally planned, ami tbe closing daj will be September 18. The itiioi k Stable** Distant Shore araa scratched ■ •in of the Mohawk Selling Stakes because his torn peraiure Tliursdaj foresaoa was 102%. Harn Payne Whitneys Rood two-year-aid, Thunderer. Is credited with baring worked three-qsarten in 1:13 mri the Saratoga track following his re-real rietory. Starter C. D. Stevens was the manager of Jockey I,. Jackson when that boy rode the bite Cesar Y ana: - r nil t" victor] in the Barns Handicap at Oakland in IMS. A report fans i:i Paso says thai villa has made sarb demands from the Joares Jot-key Clnb that the data i - sertounij considering the abandonment of racing al the Juarei track for next winter. Paal .1. i:aiiio.. who nm-o raced a stable, was aae of the visitors al Saratoga Thursday. Another lis ting iahed arrival was William 1". Mcloinlis. chair-j 1 1 : 1 1 . of the National Democratic Committee. It is cascaded that the preaest Saratoga meetlag is baring ■ greater degree of success than any meeting held ai that aoted Amertcaa resort since tbe iMNsage of the Hnabea aati racing legislation. Senator Camdens sprinter Lake, which ran of a adle in 1:10% in Kentucky in tbe ssrlj Hammer, bled at tbe nostrils after galloping ball a mile in -17 second! at Saratoga Wednesday. IVimero. which Oa Iahed second to Chlchs at Saratoga Tharaday, is Major Thomas C. McDowells I uturil candidate, lie is a home-bred son ..f Voter ami I. aily Anne. Major McDowell bred Lady Anne ab-o ami earned the mare after his oldest daaghter. Batnreil has resume, I riding at Saratoga after a layoff, rsased bj an iUaesa contracted while work iim oa the roads in the cold and rain al the Ural two weeks of the no-H in-. II. ». Ilalleabeck has taken third call on Batwells services for the re-maimh r of the Beasos. The oaeeera af the Saratoga AsaoebUloa hare h-rided not in .isU the Jockey Cliih for permission to extend the cnrrenl meeting t»-o days, Angus :; i ami 31, as requested bj tbe merchants of Saratoga. The meeting will terminate, as scheduled, ua Saturday, A - us! 28. .1. w. ParrtnVa g 1 eaW Balse baa developed a ••leg." mill Mr. Parrbm, who retnrsed from Ken-tacky to Saratoga Tharaday . has aboal made up bis mind to pal him by for the remabtder of the csrresl racing sea-en. Charles T. Patteraoa, who trains the stable of racers in which ». K. G. Billings and Frederick Johnson are interested, has left Saratoga for Now York. He was to sail yesterday for England, when he intemis to lniy about 0,000 worth af thoroagt bred resrlkajca for his employers. "licky" BabJwiaa daughter Anita has Bent a stable of fifteen boraea to Sas Praadseo to be raced at the bxnositan meeting. Ueorge Berry I in charge ami a partial list of name-, is Sorito, Idlld, I ibabu-. Beise do Lea Asgelee. Bebae d. Santa Aalta, Jesqne, Mahruss, Nedjress ami Ncd- .iine. "Bare mad" i- the express tea used on every hand. San Prasdaco ha- been without raiing for over fciir ears. and the old-time fans can hardly Wail for the bugle to all the horses to Hie post i the tir-t race Saturday. Thp ininien-e grandstand hi coafldently predl ted to be taxed t its utmost !■• accommodate the throng that will as-ist in the re-christening of the sport hereabouts. — S; u ir lncisco Chronicle. Thomas .1. Love, pi-eminent in the steam laundry business al Montreal, has arrived at Saratoga. Mr. I. i.M is a great believer in thoroughbred blood, lie has lift seven ex race borses pulling his laundry wagons iij. ami down the Montreal hills. One of these is Negi. a s..n of Commando and Lady Beed ami a hall brother of Hamburg. Mr. Love says that Negi. which was bred by the late .lames K. Keene. an outwork, between shaft-, three cold-blooded boraea. In the Saranac Handicap The l-inn made a dash at Regiei and lapped her for a few strides. Thereupon Notter released her from restraint ami. stretch • u u herself she ran as eighth in ll1-.. That settled The l-inn and -he was taken under a pull again. Itegrets brother. Thunderer, showed an even greater measure of speed, being credited with ma sing the second eighth of hi- race the same day in 10%. He is said to be already larger than Regret. The curtailment of horse raefsg in Great Britain has resulted in a BChCme "ii the part of the English borne office to use the tracks for the internment of alien enemies. Gatwick, situated in one of the in. .si beautiful pans of surrey, with a large grandstand and members buildings and a plentiful water sup ply, i- now being put in order for their reception. About ::o. km Germans, Anstrians and Turks have been rounded up in London alone, but the task is not completed, at leas; not according to late reports. The Rxpositioa race track at Baa Prasciaco is n tiie Presidai military reservation and SO under the jurisdiction of lie- United Stales and not subject to slate ami city coniiol. It is ibis cir cumstssee to which wdl be due son-interference Srith Bach betting as v III take place. It is under stood I hat something like the present New York -v t. m wii! be used. The i ininiinit v of the l! p.. sip. n track is piiiiiiar to its location and not shared by oilier traits in California. Ibis is a feature ilia! seems to stand in the way of the proposed meeting at the Santa Anita track, to follow the Exposition meeting. hide, winner of the mat race at Saratoga Thnra-day in the colors of I., s. Thomsons, is a handsome colt Of II. I. Whitneys breeding. He was bred ill England, his dam beiag Lady Hamburg II.. a daughter ol Hamburg. Mr. Whitney sent Chicles dam across the Atlantic in 1900. As a two-year-old, in 1910, she stalled ill four races, of which she well three and wa- beaten a half length in the ether. She w ui the Iitzw illiam Stakes at tin Newmarket Craven meeting. Wilbrahani I late at the Newmarket First Spring meeting. Marsey Stak s at the I.iv.ri 1 .Inly meeting and was beaten by st. Nat in the Fifty-third Ascot Biennial siakes at Ascot, tin- famous Prince Palatine finishing third. She was rated the best two-year-old filly in England, but bad bus pi-evented her from further racing, although she started aace in 1911.