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SAINS SIRE DIES IN ENGLAND. The aeath of the noted stallion SI. Serf was announced iii England. Augnsl t. This borae was not without fame in ibis country, being the of Barney Scfareibers highly-successful stud premier Sain. Of the dead hoise London Sportsman. • ! the dale i.. i;, led. -aid: St. Serf, which was foaled ill 1SS7. and was 1 r sr. Simon — Feroaia, raa once as a two-year-old without scoring. in the following Beasoa he won the Eps .in Grand Prise: Boca Memorial Stakes, Ascot: Midsummer Plate. Newmarket: S i-sex Stake-, i;.. dwood, and the free Handicap Sweepstakes at headquarters. . t the stud, to which he was then retired. St. Serf proved a success. One of his best representatives was Challacombe, winner of the st. l.eger. while the latter also appropriated the Ilinm Jack Stakes and four other events that year. Ian araa also by St. Serf, and in his first race ran a dead-heat with Star Shoot, the event being the National Breeders Prodace stakes at sundown. Ia.i ran Epsom I. ad to a head for the Eclipse Stake-, ami sired several useful performers, including PASSOB. Another of St. Serfs get was Thais. which was siakes for the late King Edward, including the One Thousand Guineas. Shaddock, by St Serf, annexed the Prince of Wales Stakes and the Harv icl.e Stakes at Aacet, also other good items in the Westminster -yellow, black cap." Among the evens won by Bice, by St. Serf — Wedding Bell; was a Triennial at Ascot ami the Limekiln Stakes at headquarters. Another useful performer was Landrail, a daughter of St. Seri — This-tlefield, among her socceaees being the Boss Memorial Stakes. Newmarket, with Sloan up. She also w.n ile- Great Northern l.eger al Stockton, and the Doncaster Stakes. On the same i!a Caholey. by St. Serf — Sandiway. captured the Do i ea-ier up. with St. la. by the same sire, the runner-up. Calveley also won the Pahrr stakes at Sandown, the Chesterfield "up at Goodwood, and the Irear Yorkshire Handicap. St. la was a g I I winner as a two Near old. She also took the Newmarket Oaks, and at Derby the IN veril of tli" Peak Plate. Lowood, by St. Serf Kvdal. credited tiie late Duke of West minster with the Coroaatii*a stakes at Ascot. Among other useful boraea sired bv St. Serf wen- Mesmer, St. Hem-re Great Cheshire Handicap. Bitters i.Vot Highweight Stakes: Whitsuntide Plate, Hurst Park: and Sandringnsm Staki Sandown Park, and Stephanas Sussex Stake-. Goodwood: Scarborough Slakes. Doncaster; and San d.-wn foal Stake-.. Among the races won bv fellow Slave, bv St. Serf Croceum. were the St. George Stake-. Liverpool: Park Hill Stakes. Don easier: and the Newmarket Oaks, while as a she laptured the Ac in Stakes, beside* other -o.d items. Freebors, st. Day, Laomedia. st. Ninlan Cheater Vase, Helot aae of the smartest traiend in the North for some tine I. Beuaissance, and St. Land! were by this sire, also Slave Trader and Strickland, the latter a winner of a Biennis] at Ascot. Winnings of St. Serfs Progeny, liar. Horace. Races, Won. IS!.",.. S 5 7.l..l 1896 1 -4 T.-J.i IS.IT s 1"i JL.:.ii istis I.. 2S .-.S.-S.-.o 1890 1:; 25 .".J.M" I.hxi 13 22 .vj.s.i , mill 14 23 32.20 1902 12 Hi 23.5MI IM:: it 28 ::.-i....i l!li»4 17 30 45.583 1P05 8 16 44.1B0 1JMBJ 7 1« 2C.C00 1907 ! 12 1 5.920 1908 12 27 :;r,. i;:i:. 1909 i; 15 :;t |sn 1910 11 It 23, 727 Totals 175 S23 8000,147