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RAIN MARS AT LEXINGTON HEAVY DOWNPOUR LEADS TO MUCH SCRATCHING AND DECLARING 0FE ONE RACE. Prince Harry the Only Favorite to Reward His Backer — The Grader Finishes Last in His Race — Many Departures. Lexington, Ky.. Bepteaaher is. — a hard rain, which eontinued steadily for ahead, an hour soon after mid clay, made the local track iniuldv and was responsible for withdrawals from the alre.nlv light card. The Hernando Handicap, at one setts and an eighth, for a parse of 00, and intended as a feature, was declared off as a result of Dr. Samuels withdrawal. The management did not think well enough of the idea to let the two remaining starters race and, as there was no time in which to provide an extra race, only six raits were run. Clearing weather followed the bant rain ami a splendid crowd turned out to hid farewell to the thoroughbreds in action in this section for this year. The meeting which terminated this aflernoon ansa, by comparison with recent fall meetings, less of a financial success. The betting dropped off con-sideraMy, nrobably because of the repeated tailm ■ of favorites and 11 reluctance on Ihe part of owners to fill the races in battel fashion. The seven ra -e idea, according to report, is not over popular and it woald not Ik- surprising if next year there shouid bo a return to the six race card, except on special occasions c r when the advance money fund necessitates an extra race. The backers of favorites again hail a disastrous experience. A favorite that escaped defeat was Prince Harry, which accounted for the fourth race. in which Poppee and J. J. Ifordock were his opponents. Poppe threatened to make a runawav affair of the race at the outset, but the favorite wore aer down in the last seventy yards. The worst apeet of the afternooa developed with the running or the three-quarters handicap, in which The Grader was an outstanding choice. He was a hopeless trailer most of the way. Vogue winning easily over Filigree anil Transit. IoU was the favored ea* in the opeuer. but snjfl never dangerous, the parse going to the outsider Harwooil. Milton Young furnished the winner of the second race in Charlie McCee. There were many departures during the day far Douglas Park, but the majority of the- stables will be- transferred tomorrow by special train. Most of the owners, trainers, jot-keys, followers and the crew of the inutuel department, with some of the paraphernalia, left On the Klrotl special tonight. Tory Maid. Broomsedge, othello and Mockery srera excused from starting after the change in track conditions E. W. Parsons parchssed at private terms from Milton Young the two-year-old Stunner.