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PROMINENT DOUGLAS PARK FEATURES. Louisville. Ky.. September IV After s.veril weeks of lose stteatioa and work Manager John iiai hni.ister has everything now arranged at Doug las Park for the convenience :,nd coml rt of the vast throng which he expects tm the opening day and througheiit the entire eight days of the Douglas iark meeting. In order to provide the proper selling for the greit sport anticipated. Manager Hachaehrter baa omitted no detail. The weather proof qualities of the big plant, which contains und r MM roof every essential feature save the track itself, has proved of exceptional value when called into pfcty by the changeable Kentucky climate. The Douglas Iark course in natural beauty can hardly ha 81 passed. The verdure-clad hills [n tin dig tan a touch of remarkable picturesqacneas winH« o flower spangled lawn, field and paddock par-touches of brilliance and color to the coune, ecu on the grayest day. Apart from the decorative features, the essentials of comfort have been provided in full una -lire. The luxuriously-furnished dressing rooms and well-eipiipped restaurant have added greally to tho plensure of the women visitors, who have likewise taken full advantage of tho opportunity presented by Hie grandstand balcony to view erery detail of every race, as shown on the sixty foot blick board .fust opposite the balcony. Erery varying development of every race, including horses, entries, jockeys, owners, number of tickets sold, value of each ticket, time. with. haw akt, elc. is flashed on the blackboard and. without leaving the grandstand, it is inissible to secure a miniite-by-minute history "f the afternoons racing. Another feature that has appealed to those who are willing t . back their Judgment on more than sac nee, is the two-horse and thne-atsne coasbiaatioaa, which provide a sort of cumulative thrill. The track at Douglas Park could not be in lict-ter condition than at the present time and. Willi fair weather during the eight days of sport, it is s.ite to aay that several tr:i.k records will probably l.e broken liefore the meeting comes 1 0 ■ close. The pari -niutucl machines in operation at Douglas Park are all patented by John I lachineisler ami consist of four different varieties. Om- derice is for the sale of 34.08 tickets and takes in horses iHdh straight and place on the same ticket. Another ■ device sells respectively 38, *K mid •••21 tickets; all selling straight, place and show tickets at the same booth. The 38.08 and machines sell straight, place anil show on the same licket. while the 0. ill machine has a ticket for each position, but they are all secured in the same booth. This innovation proved most pap alar with the patrons of the pari in ut uel machines at Douglas Park last spring. Faeh of the machines now up at this plant has a lolalizer for tickets sold, as well as dollars taken in oa the race. Of course there are an abundance Of the old-style machines selling different tickets on lepante positions of the placed horses in a race, in other words, straight, place and show. The ojening days sport will be followed by seven days of great lacing, on two of which other stakes are to be run off. On Saturdav September 25. will be decided the Reclim .nt Stakes, with 81,880 added, for two year-olds, at live and a half furlongs, and on the closing day of the meeting the Louisville Cup at two miles will he decided. In addition to the added money t the first horse and the subscription stakes, tile winner of this event will pull dow 11 for its owner a handsome solid silver k i bag cup. which has been designed for the management Of Park at a est of over 3888. Reginning :t noon on the opening day street cms will run from the downtown district to tlve entrance gates at Douglas Park in leas than a minute schedule.