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1 1 1 1 1 • 1 1 • . • 1 DETAILS OF JUAREZ RACING PLANS. Louisville, Ky.. September 18.— Col. M. J. Winn has wired from Laurel announcing the plans of t becoming meeting next winter at the Jockev Club Juarez track ill Mexico. As has been the ease since this winter track opened for racing, the sport will begin there again next Thanksgiving Day. November 25. ami continue lor a hundred days or more of rating. During the meeting of 1015 -lOHi. no stakes will be given, but Hit- purses will aggregate £2,000 per day. with no purse of less than $..tM . Overnight handicaps with liberal added money will I..- given in place of stakes for the better class ..r horses. The I rack at Juarez has been resoileil ami regradod so that in the event of rain there will be no cessation of rating any week there the eoastog winter, a-, was tin- case last winter. As a matter of ra-f there is no track in this country in battel order from a horsemans standpoint. Its cushion of new soil will make it fast and safe. It has been decided to discontinue tie- feci stare "ti Ihe trak and ample facilities will be given tho horsemen for delivery of feed from the outside. This will prove satisfactory to a number of turfmen, who prefer to ship their feed along with their horses or else purchase it in Jearea, Kl Pas., or California in Ihe- opea market. There will be six days racing each nook instead of seven as Formerly. Hereafter OB Mondays there will be a clay of rest. It has been found that a hundred straight days of racing is tc inch tif a strain Ixitli far the horses anil h isemen. Prespeets for the coining Juarez whiter meeting are as bright as ever. No disturbed condition 111 Mexico has ever affected the Juarez track and seae of the recent border troubles have leached Kl Paso. or the western part of Texas. 11 Paso was never si prosperous in a business way. The laruc- amount of army supplies being furnished Mexicans and I In-big increase in the population, due to Ihe fhowiends of woll-fo-tio refugees from Mexico, patting a large sum of money in circulation. Eugene Elrocl will, as usual, look after the speciil train for horsemen and their horse-, which will leave the Lafonia rate- track at the close- of the fall meeting at that Kentucky lenirso which winds up on October 27. Tin- Juarez track for five years has held winter meetings of more than a hundred days duration. which is a record. When the coarse was laid out anil opened for the sport with the promoters, under the guidance of Manager Winn, spending thousands of dollars on the aew plant, this outlay came when it leaked like that course was the last stuncl 1 i-hot semes in this or on the border of this country. If there was over a racing plant that horsemen owe ■ debt to. it is tho Jockey club Juarez coarse in Mexico.