Laurel Park Entries, Daily Racing Form, 1915-10-17


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LAUREL PARK ENTRIES. Probabilities: Weather cl.udy: track heavy. Racing starts at 2:3o p. m. Chicago time, 1:30. Fir.=t Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. 2 Selling. Track record: 1W.76-1:05% 2 11S.1 Intl. Harar. Wt. Re. A Wt.Han. •.•:;577 * I.iiiH keiiua 189 Ids. 112 .2.. J2*-s4. Sl auitr lot 1 07 • . 1WX728 2:1444 • St. Hi. ma MB 1 07 « . 101. 72.1 2333* l"lile 103 1:16% 111-715 •S--~ ~:.: l»i~tiirl»-r 110 1:09 181X715 88388" KoUi Ml I4IS% 101x715 23.VM Maifou Ill 1 :OK% 105X710 235S0* Eddie T 105 l:0b% 105X710 ! | , In.l. Horse. t. Kec. A. Wt.Han. 23513* Creetings 84 1:11% 102x710 23550* Maria 11111:07-, Kh; v 70:, | i::74» Mater Mar MS 1MB 188 X 70S 23555 Important 188 148% 186x788 23148 Dr. Sullivan M.. MS 1:88* MB..8B8 1 23529 Maynie V 97 1:10 188X888 88874 Ronner Ml MB l:M MSX8BB K.lna Kenna runs well in the mud. Sal Vanitv haa had a rest. Stcllarina probably prefers a fast track. Second Race — 3-4 Mile. 3 year olds and upward. Selling. ; Track record: 178*3— 1:12— 8—114. 22626 Prevuiiiption MB 1:11% 6 112-725 ] 23546 Ciossbun 109 1:12-. 4 112a720 : 234*6 Menlo park 101 1:13% 3 106X720 ; 23576* Jim Rasey 103 1:11% 7 1O5072O 23543= Edmond Adams ...115 1:12 7 107x715 23491 Rerinudian 100 1:12% 4 107X715 23247** GaUap IM 1:18% 4 113X7*5 23387* Kryad 113 1:12% 4 188-X7BS 23353 Batwa : KW1:12% 6 107x705 23543 Jim 1 106 1:12% 7 107X705 2;." 11* Mr. Sniggs 93 1:12% 4 MB. .788 2::i4« Sepulreda 109 1:12% 8 1MX8M 23813 Lou Ijuiicr 107 1:14% 8 118X888 23534 Kavderoseros 112 1:13% 5 107X6!M 21888 M".M..Ifair Ml 10! 1:15% 8 881. .888 lresump! ions general form is best and has had a rest since his aaar races. Third Race— 3-4 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. Track record: 17888—1:12—8—114. 23543* Fair Helen 88 1:18% 3 101X725 28487** Carl MB 1:13 4 110X720 23B18 Tinkle Roll R2 1:13% 3 181X72* 23192= Marlin Casca IM 1:13% 4 112X715 23333 Cheater!** MB 1:13% 3 109X715 2351o Lily Orme 106 1:13% 4 107X715 20*15 Pharaoh MB 1:13% 7 118X71* 23343* WiNlnii M KH. 1:14 3 101x705 23543* Old Rob MB 1:14% 3 BS..78S 22858 Captain Parr 107 1:13% SMS. .888 2:m".iU* Dr. Dougherty ...188 1:12% B 105X690 EMB8 Pag- While 110 1:14% 3 1010690 209i:: Reni Mora 88 1:ls% 8 M4..8B8 2::47* * Rolna Ml MS 1:14% .". 88. .888 Fair ll-h-n should race belter tliau she has. Fourth Race — 3-4 Mile. 3ycarolds and upward. Selling. Track rc-or.I: 17593 -1:12—8 111. Barer Rey 105 l:M% 4 112X725 235K Cohl Cap 105 1:13% 7 110x720 22761= Knw 105 1:13% 5 115X715 23483 Salon MB 1:13% 4 1870715 23576=* Ladv London 110 1:12% 5 105x715 23482* Laura 184 1:13% 4 112X715 2::::: 7 Donald Macloiiahl.109 1 :1 I !ll7©7Hl 23543 Pontefract MB 1:12% 6 117X705 2:.54:: Par Streak Ill 1:11% 7 M7X74H 23515 Col. Aslimeade 114 1:13=-. 8 1O7X705 28884 Ren Lew IIS 1:14*3 I IM..SBB 23488 Carlarerock 103 1:14% 8 MlXSM 23578* Anxiety 102 1:14%s 3 !»X69fl 22737* Muzanti 102 1:16% :; !6XKVi 23467 Miss Caranagh ...104 1:15% 4 I87X8B8 Enrer Rey has less to beat here than in his recent starts. Fifth Race— 1 Mile and 20 Yards. "-vear-olds. Selling. Track record: 28338— 1:42—3—114. 23579 Valas lOS 1:43% 105X725 88888* Jesse Jr 109 1:42% 103x720 23514* Rorax 188X713 23247= St. Lasertaa 105..715 23512 Mabel Dalareber .. 103x715 23576= * M i list rel MX 712 23333 Yodel.s 115 1:43% 111. .710 23576* Or ail 103X705 88838 Xorus 112 1:41 111X888 23SM Deviltry 83 1:48 MSX888 21914* Aswan 8S..8SB EMBB* Voluspa !S..6S Valas is rounding to form and likes the mud. Sixth Race — 1 1-16 Miles. 4-vearolds and upwanl. Selling. Traek record: 17BSB 1:48%— 8— 117. 23581* MARSHOX 188 1:47 S 116 T725 23501= Carlton Q 103 1:45% S 1870715 23584** Steiiohenjre 109 1:47% 4 114x710 23387* Robinelta 102 1:46% 4 113x710 23517 Cuv Fisher 1 1S 1:45% 9 112X710 2357!* Ralfron MS 1:46% 4 188X718 S:VM- Dartworth 102 1:45% 7 !l!X710 23478 Canto Ill 1:48% 4 107x700 23501* Kildav 103 1:47% 4 184x780 23512* Cliff Edge 104 1:48% 8 188X888 22S59* Kabada 109 1:46% 10 8SXSB8 Marsh. .11 is extra good in mud.

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Local Identifier: drf1915101701_2_4
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