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LATONIA ENTRIES. Probabilities: Weather clear; track good. Racing starts at 2:00 p. 111. Chicago time. 2:00. First Race — 3-4 Mile. 2 va r olds. Maidens. S|iecial Weights. Track reeord: I5i26-l:ii — 5— 1M» Ind. Horse. Wt. Rec. A.Mt.llan. EMM Sansnning 112 1:17%m 112X725 23588* Rusv Joe ]0!X720 23588* Trout Ilv 97 1:14% 109X720 28381 Alex Geta 112 1:17%m 112. .715 28581* Stephen R 188 l:17%m 188X718 23581 apt. Beta 112 l:19%ui 112.710 23381 John W. Klein ...107 1:16% 112.. 705 23561 Manfred 10! 1:16 112. .705 2326S Jennie Small MS. .8*0 2351s Bajroaarra 100.. 690 Spadix, ch. g. by X a s t 11 r-tiiim — Scatter- cash MS Zudora. b. f. by Waterfaojr star.. 109 Saiisyming is improving. Second Rac* — 1 Mile and 70 Yards. 3 vear-olds and unward. Selling. Track record: 98155—1:42 3—88%. 28837* Ri msedge 1011:45% 4 IBS. .728 23540 Ooblv MB 1:44% B 1110720 23581 • Iran.-port 103 1 :45% B 1*8 X 71 5 23582 Rirka K7 1 :44% 4 MSX715 13522 ChOla HI 1:44% 9 10S/715 23488 Consoler Ids 1:45 7 MBX713 23MB* White Crown 88 1:47in 3 90x710 23554 Reau Pere 188 1:44% 4 MBXTM 23504 Miini.M- 112 1:45% 3 104X705 235*81* Joe Stein 10! 1:44% 7 188X7*5 2354*** Patau 1111:47% s 111x705 23127 Margaret Rurkley Mi 3 101.. C75 The general form of KrcouiKcdgc is liest. Third Race— 3-4 Mile. 2 year-olds. Selling. Track record: 15120-1:11—5—110. 23517* Impressive 93 1:13 104. .725 88242 CentlewoDian 98 1:14 188X720 23828 Al Pierce 8S1:14% 112x715 23399* Josie 104X71U 23052 Lucky R 109X710 28473 I-adv Vandergrift.. MS.. 710 28877 Bah* 0*1 112x710 23006* Tusii Tush 103 1:17%* 104X705 28183 Deliver 188X783 23428* Imrol 187X780 23475 TrapiK.i.l 9Sl:lS%h 188..8B8 23242 Lynn 1011:15 109X690 Inipre-isives recent form appears ln-st. Fourth Race— 3-4 Mile. 3-vcir-ohls and upward. Handicap. Track record: 13128—1:11—5—118. 23473 ; Luke 10! 1:10% 3 122X740 23505-; Rringhurst 105 1:11 4 115x735 2353!= Vogue 10*1:12% 8 112X738 23506 Prince Ilermis 10111:12% 5 1140730 2::519 Graver Hughes ...lis 1:11% 7 104x725 23582* Ro-.ce J.iose 106 1:12% 3 1080725 23382 Cruiiipv 106 1:13% 3 82X780 23384* Coiiiinotiada 105 1:12%, 3 100x720 23818* Lou Rlue Ml 9911 :14 3 S7..715 ;.f. X. Camden entry. It looks as though either of the J. X. Camden en try could win. Fifth Race— 1 1-16 Miles. 4-rear-olds and unward. Selling. Track record: 3220— 1 : 43%— 3— 110. 23583 BONANZA 18841:45% 6 1870725 28*88* Expectation 103 1:46 4 107x715 23587 Transit 187 1:48 4 110x715 23541* Father Riley 106 1:45% 4 182X710 28888* Reulah S. 104 1:45% 5 107:710 23387* La Mode 97 1 :45% B 102 X 705 22911 Tavolara 104 1:46 4 107©705 Bonanza is in rare form and revels in the muddy going. Sixth Race — 3-4 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. Track record: 15126 -1:11 — 5— 116. 23585* Mar- Cassidv 110 1:12% 3 105X725 23553 » Ho-nir 116 1:11% 4 109X720 23537 Clmrtier 112 1:12 6 112x720 28588 Conning Tower ...106 1:12% 3 114x72" 235K5* Anna Kruter 1M-1:13% 3 97X715 23558* ireriaa 109 1:13% :: 87x718 2355.:" IfteeR 110 1:11 ■ lo4. .710 Jl.-.vl Mai.ass.h 88 1:18 i 107X7H* 23.36 liide .liinuii.. MS 1:18% 4 107X710 2099S. ltusv Edith 9111:13% 3 188X785 23518** Santo 1M1 MS 1:15 3 1oox69: 28848 Roval lulelcsi 101 1:13% 3 102X690 Mars OaaaMy is right on eilge. Seventh Race — 1 Mile and 70 Yards. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. Track record: 99155—1:42—3—9!%. 23594 Little String 104 1:43% 3 107X725 23264 Sl.vness 111 1:45 3 184X788 23382 Flitaway KM 1:45 4 188x728 23554 I Ian.lijia I07 1:46% S loii ■ 715 235*8 Coaaterparl MS 1:48% 5 111-715 23554 Raoul 102 1:43% 4 111 715 23683-* AUi .11 1114 i;45 :: 88X718 23533* Arts 104 l:4s%m I 103x718 23588* Ci.lg.-t 102 1:44% 3 08 ■ 7o.", 2351S Rank Rill 112 1:44% 4 188X703 83828 Altainaha 110 1:45% 7 10* y 705 88848* Malabar 93 1:45% 3 19X700 Little Strius runs well iu. tuud.