Latonia Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1915-10-17


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| 1 ; ] : ; LATONIA FORM CHART. LATONIA. KY., SATURDAY. OCTOBER 16. 1915. Seventh day. Latonia Jockey Club. Autumn Meting of 16 days. Weather clear. _ Stewards. K. C. Ibippi r. Charles F. Price and John T Ireland. Presiding Judge. W. ||. Shelley. Sartor. Hurry Morriss.y. Racing Secretary. Walt r H. Pearce. Racing starts :iT~2:o0 p. 111. Chicago time 2:H g. ni.l. *ludicates apprentice allowance. 4J Q fT f Ik O riBST RACK 3-4 Mile. 13128 1:11 3 llo.i *6Hl SS5E 2 year ..his. Maidens. Zi O 4L/ O Selling. Net value to wiiiuei 8508; second. 813SJ third. »7I. Index Horses AWilISt % % % Str 1 In Jockeys Owners Kipiir. Odds Strt 23548* IN Dl ST RV W »s I I -" -- 1 . 11 K lapuille Williams Rros .Mt loo 23535-. SPARACI S SAM wis 107 "• - 41 : . :;■■■ -•. Mott Milam At .-y 875-SB 23450 KKD CROSS w Ml 11 1*1 1 V ol B Martin .1 B Beapaa* Sm , •»• 22874 JAM KS OAKLKY W 8B| 1 "• V ;• 1 A- f Jenkins M C Moore ; ■■ 23535 TONY FASHION W MSl 3 •■ S ■ ., :,- n Iiennler R H 5rav sT |.». J. C. CANTRILL w MS s • Vt . i- i« J Acton D K Mulhollan.l 47 ". DHi 23399 II KLKX THOMPSON w 107 2 W M * S.. 73 T- K Pool I. Marion M pa 23503 OL1VF. M16F.K w MB 1 7- 7 s« s» L Gray W B Duke tSSB-M 23389 JN OF TUB MIST W 102 1! !i ! ] i« !« !i» C VanDun.l 8 Hawkins fjsaaj *M 20354*1 •■ONNKRSADK ivn 100 ti 11 11 11 ]iu 10 1 h Stearns G XV Fonn.r 1G42V PH 23520 RI T1H.KSS w 102 I :! :;" !• 11 11 F Herbert L 8 Seligstein | fMutuel field. Time. 24. 49%, 1:17. Track heavy. *2 mutucls paid. Industry. .20 straight. .10 place. .M show: Asparagus Sam. .00 place. .40 show: Red Cross. .10 show. equivalent booking odds- Industry. 200 to 1O0 straight. 105 to 100 place. 40 to 100 show; Asparagus Sam. MS t KO place. 70 to 100 sho.v: Red Cross. 55 to 10O show. Winner— Br. f. by Hilarious— La ease trained bv R. D. Williams i. Ment to |Mist at ?■•" At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. INDTSTRY. while racing in eteaaat pursuit, disposed of RKD CROSS in the tirst half, then outstayed ASPARACIS SAM in the final drive. The latter ran well anil made a game tinish. RKD CROSS tired after setting the pace to the stretch. IAMBS OAKLKY came with a rush in the last quarter. 1IKI.KN THOMPSON was away poorly. The winner was entered f..r 8MB; no bid. Scratched 23561 John W. Klein, MB. Overweights James Oakley. ■". pounds: Tony Fashion. 31.. 6 *_ K»*h/| SKCOND RACK 3-4 Mile. 15126 1:11 5 116. 00 Added. 3 year olds and up- **S OrJ tyraV ward. Selling. X-l value to winner 75: seoii.l. 21: third. . index Horses AW tPPSt V, u. 34 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Kpuiv. Strt 2327 6 :: A. N. AKIN w 3 10S 7 4 11. • ••:. |a K PobinsnA P. Trotter BB-B8J 23537*KORFHACK w* 4 100 . 1 :; :;- :;..•■ f .lu.iv .1 Sp.-nc. r H8B-1** 23564-* DR. CARMKX w3 MB :: i V 4.. 4* 3= K lapailhL Phelps 125-B8 23519*DR. LABBICK W 3 MM - :! J* 1i I* ]- T Henry Klkins .V .lolins« n :::: , | o 23400Si.SHS w4 MS ■ I 6*15* 5* .-..•. J MetcaJf B naliiaaa* ill", phi " 23455 I. FIT l.K STRINC wit 3 10! 17 7 7 «• *» |j Small VV II Maker n* H* 23451-1. ADY JAMB GBET« 3 101 1 I C. 1; 7 7 .1 Morvs W 11 Harris j ,..:, pH TI 23%. 48%. 1:14*4. Track heavy. mutucls paid. A. N. Akin. 5.20 straight, .:: place. .90 show: Korfhage. .so |,la«c. .60 show: Dr. Carmen. .60 show. Kipiivalent iKKiking odds— A. N Akin. 660 to 10O straight. 2*8 t RK place. 85 to HO show; K-rfhage. 110 to MB place. 188 to MB show: Dr. Carmen. 30 to 10O show. Winner 15. g. by Algol Trcinnr trained by " K. Trotter. Went lo post at 2:30. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the mini. A. N. AKIN set the earlv pace and. after being headed, came again and outstayed KORFHACK in a dose tinish. The latter was forced wide on the turns and finished fast. DR. CARMKX was knocked back on the lower turn and closed a big gap. DR. LARRICK tired after racing into the lead. SOSICS was outrun all the war. The winner was entered for .5QO; no bid. »QPir.r THIRD RACK— 1 1-16 Miles. 3220 -1:43.-. --3 110. , O0 Added. 3-year-olds. ag O * J *J O Selling. Xe: value to winner 65: second. 15: third. 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt V*, % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners KouiT. Odds Strt 23424-* ;ol.RCKKST ROY w ia3 4 :; ::! :;•• I1. PI 1- F Judy J W Schorr .". IM 23554 SYRIAN w 107 2 4 2h h VI 2* 2° D ConnellvC, XV J Dissell SSS-K4 23509 RKSICX wn 106 1 1 1« 1" : , 1* 3nk J Jentry J B Reap*** 4:: t P»» 8S*S8**COMMAUBETTA wb 88 I 2 1 4 4 4 4 C Hunt XV 3 Weber M95-MI Time. 24, 48%, 1:14%. 1:42%. 1:49%. Track heavy. mutces paid. Coldcrest Roy. .10 straight. .51 place; Syrian. $."..40 place: no show mutucls sold. Kipiivalent booking odds — Coldcrest Bay, 55 to KM straight. 2" to 100 place: Syrian. 70 to loo place. Winner— Br. f, by Plaudit — Polly Prim trained by J. F. Schoiri. Ment to ik st at 2:55. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Win easily: second and third driviag. COLRCRKST ROY. close up from the start, raced into the lead when called on and won going away. SYRIAN showed much speed and held on well in the stretch. RKSICN set the early pace and tired ba.ilv. COMMACRKTTA would have been third in a few more strides. The winner was entered for 81.400; no bid. Scratched — 234001 Disillusion. 90. fc~h Q CQO FOURTH BACK- 3-4 Mile. 15126— 1:11— 5— 116. Sixth Running Fort Thomas Stakes. OOt/O ,000 Added. 2-year-ol.,s. Handicap. Net value to winner ,915; second. 50: third. 50. index Horses AWtPPSt /1 V-i % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Kqtiiv. Odds Strt 23301-Rlt; SMOKE w 122 13 U V II |« 1 ?. It Small T C Dradby im « KB 23507 -COSMIC w 115 1 .". 8 l 8* 8* 2* A Mott J Q C.reener 2131 1* 23538 CIIKCKS W 112 11 4 t"k 5*1 •".■ ol P7 Martin T C McDowell rS-im 88488 PBIMBB0 ar 118 IS • 1*4 2] 8*. 4 G Garner T C McDowell | 8S888BLAOKIB DAM wb 124 5 2 2" 48 4 5i L Gentry J BaeattS r BRIM 23533-1. ADY ALWAYS w 107 12 7 31. Z* 6h B J Metcalf Mhblbton and Jones fuBB-RB 8SMS*POCKICHO0 wb 110 10 1 R* l | I" 7i W W TlorT C Hra.ll.y tt 22840 HOPS w 106 7 S IP 11 » Sn« J HanoverR I* Raker 205-KB 23538 MARSF. HENRY w 121 9 S € » 10 7 M XV An.lress.I N Caiinbii m Ph 83588 ILACtHIS w !5 ii II L" l1 111M C Hunt M Qulnn t 23507 POBTLKJHT ar* 102 S B 15 81 K IP C VanDun.l J Timinerman f 23538 MABOABBT X. wb 95 1 10 ! 7" 13 ll"i J Morvs J S Hawkins t 23472111 IFAKKR w 100 It B 7h »?.12= 18* K L8*i*flteW T Cisco | 234C2 ELLISON w 109 Z It 11- 11- If 11 W J ORn.l F Schorr 2R8 BB SSBST KATHLEEN w 115 :: : W tt" b» 81 K lool G J Long BMK y.Mutuel field, tj Added starter, ft JCoupled in al 111*8. Time. 24. 48%. 1:15%. Track heavy. miituels paid. T. C. Rraillt v entry. 4. x straight. 0.70 place. . SO show; Cosmic. 6.90 place, 814.38 sl:ow: T. C. McDowell etilrv. $::.:;o" sliow. Kouivaleni Ixx.kiug odds T. C. Rradby entry, 1188 to KM strr.iglit. 435 to KM place. 190 to loo s;„,w; Cosmic. 1245 to R:0 place. 015 to 108 show; T. C. McDowell entry. 65 la 10O show. Winner R. c, by Duke or Ormonde Cold Lac- trained by XV. M. Wallace. Went to post at 3:22. At post 2 minutes. Start g.« d and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. BIC SMOKK moved up fast on the stretch turn and drew awav decisively iu the last sixteenth. COSMIC closed ■ gap :iid came fast in the last iptiirter. CIIKCKS raei d forwaidlv and tiiiisli.d gamely. . IRIMKRO set a last early pace and tired. RLACKIK DAW ran well to the last eighth. LADY ALWAYS! sliow.-d speed, but ipiit. MA BSE HENRT was prominent for a Iialf mile only. Senitehed— 2.:53S Rochester. 112: 2353S ane Run. 188; 231SS I ay master, 92; 2.3561 -Stephen R.. 9". Oviwcights Hops. 1 pouiiil: Port light. 5: F.llison. 2L OQri7 F1ITII RACK— 1 1-8 Miles. il4!.77 -1:58*4— S— MS. Parse *70O. 5 year olds and up- 5Q»J j I ward. Handiiap. Net value to winner 50: second. 0: third. 888. Index Horses AWtPPSt A % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners F.quiv. Odds Strt 23506-SIAR JASMINE w 6 110 5 I f ". K :,- 1.. p. i Marlin T C McDoweq S IM 23563 HANOVLV w 3 KH :; 5 4 U «- L"ii- K Robins nM A Colton lUs. Ph 23487-HODCK w 4 126 4 :: ::■ :; I1?. V ?, . C VanDunW .1 M.-ber SB KB 23551 I.RONZKWINC we. 4 103 1 2 7 .V. V v.- 4" A Mott A P Humphrey Jr 1 3M KB 23539-IADY BOTHA w 3 10S 7 « » p| :;b r,= ., I Henry .1 M Henry Br SR KB 23551 WATER WITCH ar 3 92 1 tii 1 7 •;- 8* JMorvs W J Young 298-MI 8S881*I1ANK ODAY wit 3 100 C 7 P V _i 7 7 K Lapaille.I S Hawkins 89C M Time. 23%. 48%, 1:14%, 1:41%, 1:54%. Track heavy. 82 tuiitiiels paid. Star Jasmine. .00 straight. ::.;. 70 place. .70 show: llanovia. .!Ml place. .70 show: llodgo. $:;.lo show. Kipiivalent hooking .mIiIs Star Jasmine. 200 to loo straight. 85 to KH place, .35 to loo show; llanovia. 315 to KM phlC". 138 to 100 show; Hodge. .55 to KM show. Winner -Rr. in. by Ogiien Star Cat trained by U. Denny. Ment to post at 3:52. At p-»st 3 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and tliii.l the same. STAR JASMINE was outrun for the tirst three uuarters. and .aine arttfe a ru-h tliroiigh the stretch, but tired and just lasted long eii.ugh to win. I1ANOVIA linished fastest « r all and wnhl have won in a few strides more. HODCK ran a go cd race, but found his weight too much and was tir ing at the end. BRONERWINU showed speed and linished dose up. HANK ODAY. ami I.ADY KoTHA iptit in the last .ptaiter. Overweights llanovia. 3.1 im.iiii.Is; I.ronzewnig. 3. rt Q PC ih O SIXTH RACK 1 Mile and 70 Yards. 88155 1 : 42 3 -!!.. Added. I vear- 50f*70 olds and upward. Selling. Net value t » winner H; second. 36: third. 1. Index Horses AWtPPSt 4 % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners K.piiy. Otlils Strt " 23518 STAN1.KY S. WW 1 K 3 :: 1 M .". P P J Morys I E Stewart -" -RJ 23549* HARD RALL wsi: 4 lft5 i . 7 5 4 4 V H Stearns J X Mounce 34*-*Rj 23536 P.KNDKL w 4 111 7 3 1- 1J 1 ju ;: . E Pool E XV Moor. tta KB 23536 YORK LAD wt: I 111 ! « 4"- Z- H 3: 4= A Mott P M Civill -» KB 23508 CI IKK POST wb 5 111 . 4 Bj 4s .V f.= P W AndressB Rosenthal 433 K* 23567 RLY1NG FRET w 7 111 1 1 ti 7 71 I* 8" J HanoverT M Irvin i:J3Vl8 23485 CROSVKNOR wb 5 IU 4 I ." 6 « ; . 7* R Small J M Henrv Sr 1*3 KB 23159 IRANSPRTATIOX w 4 JOS 8 7 !i ! ! i s- F Kobinsn.I F QaJBaey IBB l«»* 23518 ORANGE wstt 4 10S J S a* s« s,! s y F Herbert L J Drown 2RB US Time. 24%, 49%. 1:16%, 1:42»5, 1:47%. Track heavy. mutucls paid. Stanley S.. 3.40 straight. 81SJM i.lacc. .S0 show: Hard Ball. .20 place. 88.88 show: Rendel. . SO show. Kiniivaleut In-oking .xlils Stanley S.. 2070 to Rto straight. 590 to 100 place. 340 to NO show: Hard Rail. 200 to Mf place. 175 to 100 show: Rcmlel. ltO to 1O0 show. Winner- R.k. g. by Jack Piint — My Cem trained bv I. K. Stewart. Ment to post at 4:21. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. STANLEY S.. after racing forwardlv to the stretch turn, came away with e*aa into a long lead. HARD RALL. away poorly, gained steadily ami was going fast at the end. RKNDKI. set a gco.1 paee, but ouit in the stretch drive. YORK IAD tired iu the stretch. CITDK POST dropoed back in the last quarter. CROSVKNOR was alwajra outpaced. The winner wa entered for ,M; no bid. Scratched— 23507 -Any Port. Ill: 23028 Altaniaha. los; 23328 Rig Dipper. IPS. OQPiQO SEVENTH RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. 19155- 1:42— 3—99.. 1 8000 Added. I y.-ar- OOdO elds and upward. Selling. Net value to winner : second. 36.: third. 4. index Horses AWtPPSt /« a- str Fin Jockeys Owners Epuiv. Odds Strt 23146 SURPASSING wu 4 10s :; lo :■ rM 8 S 5 A Mott J C Hansen !"T". KB 23522 CHILTON KING wb 5 108 « 1 Pl- 1 1 1* ;ii E Iool C Rills !743-K* 235491K. CKNTLKMAN w* 7 114 1 4 8* 41 .:■ J :- J Metetilf J H Mead 38J KB 23567 WLDS WONDER w 5 114 ". S ::u 3?. 4-" 3i 4;, It Small J T Looney -415 I"1 23412*KATK K. wb 8 M8 2 I 4. r.l B k* .-, N P.urger F Staton RB» KB 23554*.! KSS IE LOUISE wn 4 106 4 2 L= 31 R :,J. «t. H Stearns J M Coode 531 P*i 23518 = ERIN w 4 111 I 7 M 71 7; 77 72 j, Gentry A L Kirby SM KB 23567,RENO w 5 111 7 8M » S S3 8 C VanDunW II Hogan B8-K8 i23518COCNTERPART wit 5 111 ! « 5* St »J *a M J HanovcrH Car.ln. r **8C 8R 23175*DICK DEADWOOD w 5 106 10 S 1* lo lo 10 * C Hunt J Cuda 855-KB Time. 24. 49. 1:15%. 1:42%. 1:47%. Track heavy. *2 mutiiels paid. Surpassing. 0.10 straight. 1.20 alacc. .0 slmw: Chilton King. 6.00 place. 8.38 show : Irish Centleman. 88.88 sliow. Kipiivalent booking odds Surpassing. I!*.", to KtO straight. Ml M IBB* place. 388 to 1" *ha*r; Cliilton King. 12 to 100 place. 415 t Ko sliow: Irish Centleman. 88 to KH show. Winner — B. g. by I TDmus— Dancing Water trained bv XV. R. Sallee. Went to post at 4:4::. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving: sccoid and third the Fame SURPASSING, from a slow beginning, moved up with a rush in the stretch and overhauled CHILTON KINO in the last twenty yards. CHILTON KINC showi d the most st d. but tired slightly in the una! drive. IRISH CKXTLKMAX" ran a good race and bad no mishaps. MORLDS WONDEB raced well in all the wav. JESSIE LOUISE |uit. RENO was forced back oil tin tirst turn. The winner was entered for 00; no bid. S.ratcl e.l --23530 Coreopsis. Ill: 23562 Rirka. 106

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