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NEW DIRECTOR FOR OTTAWA CLUB. Ottawa. Ont.. October 28. — At the annual meeting Tuesday afternoon of the shareholders of the Con-naught" Park Jockey Club all the directors, with one exoepticn .were reelected. F. E. Paradis of Buffalo, resident engineer for the New York Central Railway, being chosen in succession to Albert Rohrhack. former manager. Mr. Paradis is the onlv American on the lioard. AH the other dl rectors were re-elected, and to the advisory board were added the names .if Dennis Murphy. P. J. Bnskerville. »■. E. Stacey and Captain Press, all of Ottawa. The election of aetive officers was deferred until the next meeting of the directors, but it is under stood that Hon. Senator Belcourt will continue as president and Sir Clifford Sifton as viee-presideut. C Ross will continue as hoiiorarv secretary. He-ports of the various committees showed the club to have had a most successful season.