Fifth Race [5th Laurel Park, Daily Racing Form, 1915-10-29

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FIFTH RACE— 1 Mile. 3 year-olds and upw-rrl. Allowances | lTs 1 :.:7 .. -8 l.e.i. , J ■ DISTANT SHORE, ch. g. 3 0« By Yankee— Lady Schorr Onrck StaMo. •; * i. .,..-] 1 I l« |:IAfa«l "1 •: I - - ; ,; u Wf*w « MaarWraa*. YV.i.-i ■*»* . W.Kham ■- I...UI..! | ltr--.hvv ::.. : !» :: -j •_• :: 3 5*3 R M« l • •!! «. [Imtgr, .d.lie M.. UMlraw _;.■-■ l.uii.l 1 ] It; ICi ].,;. v.; ir, |..;, :: | I l I - -l M l-in I pwFM, Trial l.y Jury. K..|y 3448 Laoral :: 4 l:is mud ::i KC 1 :: - -" - J J «N,i«*r t; Carnal ... v, iiei ie. Vaaetta 2Sfit H. deGce luiTOyl :43%good 20 HK i* 1 - " -1 -J • Mjialapjr • lluncs. Parle r.ryu. The Finn ;3 v: H.irtVi-e .: I i:i%fast S 87 t i I * 8***11 Wixlici K» t*aqa*tte, Btraaraa, BeaPrraaa 3S8B Ural— M liJTBOod H MS ". I 1 I *u B**|J McTasrt : LcacfcaVM, C. lower, Thornhill S84SSarataca 1-4 l:18«*mad 21 M 1 2 1 1* *■ 9 £*■£"* 3 Capra, Ed Cruuip. il«87 Kelmont 1 1:41 last 4 PJ 1 1 1 1 " I Loftus :t lledse. YVoodenShoes. OSnllivan | COMELY, br. f 3 110 By Disguise — Pretty Maiden J. Butlerl. _ :• P.. Imoot «ifl:tS%faat 4. IK 1 111* I* • ■"**? " K Mi" ; • Kik!lsk;:- Pt»Mald .i*74 Jumaica .". 1 1 : V. last :; Ill - 3 2 -- - • Dusan . HuaarataM, Il.lryiiuo. kkaskia •0789 Belmont 1 l:::!. ;fast C 113 S 2 I - V 8* C **anl • A.ldie M.. Botha, c. MaM l.auivl 3 1 1:12 last 4-5 in; :i 2 - o" " g"*** _ Utah N i. 11. Irynne. S. Hoard L7888 Belmaat 7 I 1 "4 fast IS-5 M 111 1 1 -" • Hnlwcll 8 Frederick I... Tartar 18811 IMaaaal 3 4pti:i. fast 18-8 1M - I 1 ll ll J M,*T*?y Parana. Haiai laaf. Oaraaaa HSR BantOfa Ml:n last J* m M 1« U i 4- • McJ a! W T.h.v.Fiy. L.Barhy . MIS* Saratoga 3 4 l:13*islov 7-10 1.7 5 3 S S» : "h J Ketloris 10 Cai U»y. Martyr, Ilist. Shore FLITTERGOLD, ch. c. 4 109 By Hastings — Fairy Gold A. Belmont. ...74:. LaarH ■■■ t IrtSKfaat H in 11 l" U •* WW l.iiu-y 14 Qaarta. Baa*, Bradley. Veaetfa 23S32 Laurel 1 t I :U%C*od 28-S 111 :• I I 7 l*| 1 Bh» 11 High Noon. Ihidgo, 3X32 H.daOee 1 1-K 1:M last 41- M 7 6 .". ." ■ »*l Bw»«ll . U. • the Walk, Lahore, Holklay Z38BC H.deCee 3-4 l:12%fa*t lo 5 112 I B B* 2: .1 lintwell B Oaaaiette, Hanson. Kot.t.Rradlcy .,» . H deGoe 3-4 l:12%feat 4 116 E S 6 ;.- 4 •• Butwi-U 10 Coquette, Ktrusian. Hes.Prynne SJM tletaaoat 7-S 1:20 fast 7-3 116 3 4 4 3 3= *»1 J McTaprt 4 The 1-inii. Iunle.v. Montresor 23339 r.-l.nont 3-4 st 1 :W%teat 1- T.S I 3 3 "- " J MeTag rt • Haruiouieon, II. 1rynne. Hanson MS3 li.-lniont 3-4 st HO last 11-6 114 4 5 3 -J 2J E Dujran ■ P.oy. Martyr. Pixy. CliarterMald YANKEE NOTIONS, ch. g. 5 115 Bv Yankee — Fairie Queen Oneck Stable. ■;;; |.;;U.-,.| ;;-i ]i; |iVy 21 - 1 J 1 !•; 2 1 3 V ---t • loftus 7 l.iK-khorn. P.. Hay. S.-riiitoiiil.-iit 233M H.doGoe 3 4 l:ll»ifast 3-2 111 1 1 1 11 tl W Of*"*** ; B« Will. Sarsenet 29M 11 ilcfioe lnv7 .v!:44 fast ."• US 111 - 21 4-J T Mclairt 7 Blue Thistle, Lahore, IT. Shaw 23MB l;«-lmont 11:39 fast 2 Mi 2 11 1 22 2= I* 1.ov,1.t 7 Harry Shaw. I.nhore. Runes •7 "7 P.. lmont CJ f 1 :2 .s5fast 1-4 113 1 11 l1 1J J Loftus 7 SirW.Johnson, Nephthya, Borax "1» Saratoga 11:42 proodll-10 J".", ill 2 1| 2° : B.vnu- 4 Lady Botha. Pom. Bleu. H.Shaw -••;.•. Saratoga I I I IBjill 2* 114 1 1 1 1 1 H -1 Loftus :: Montresor. Sea Shell 21531 A.iu-duct 3-4 1:14 fast 4-5 113 6 11 l1 li J Loftus i Lady Botha. Montresor. II.Barbee CAPRA. ch. f I 103 By Ballot— Cap and Belli J. Butler. 22*53 Belmoatt 1 l:373*fast 20 1..4 2 2 2 2 3 :::- U HofTmau S Slumber II.. Gain. r. HoUdaV ; B Belmont 3-4 1:13 last 13-0 K 1 3 2 21- 4*1 J But well li Fenmouse, R. Martyr. Kaskaskia " 44r. Saratoga 7-S l:25%t»a* 4.1. 103 12 2 1 1- 1 R Hoffman 8 Poinitt. Bleu. OinStep. Kilijrree 223CI Saratoca 11:42 Wood 10 1 17 3 4 4 4 I" 7a; C Turner 6 Rejrret. T. l.y Jury. I.ady Rotha 22*43 Saratocm 3-4 l:18%mud 2 H 9 2 12 --" 2J J P.r.UM-ll g Distant Shore. Ed Crump "-••11 iiiueduct 7-S 1 :27.*3fast 5 103 3 12 1 l1 2" V Turner r, Holiday. T. hy Jury. Surprising 217N belmoiit 3-4 l:13%faat 7 9Tt 2 5 3 3» l1" J McTogrt 6 Housemaid. Hes.Prynne. Isirose 21627 Ilmont 3-4 l:i::-5fast 15 IIS 5 5 4 51 5;J C Bgame 11 Polarius, Vladimir. Fenmouse ROBERT BRADLEY, ch. h. 5 109 By McGee— Lady Quex W. R. Miiall. 74". 1 aur»-l .".. f 1 « ifast fll M 4 3 3 ■•" - J Smyth 14 QaartS, VeaetU, Housemaid 2*245 H deGoe lm7«yl:42%fturt 12 !» r, C « S « «* L MeAtee •. Slumher II.. Tartar •■*■♦ ■ H deGc-e 3-4 1 : 12*-fast 30 ] h» 1 2 1 2I 4"i L MeAtee It o.piette. Flittersrol.l. Hanson ~". *r 11 «ieOce 34M*%tMt 50 10-» Left at the [K-st. O Byrne 1 Coquette, Ktrusean. Hes.rrynne 22M3 FortEHe 3-4 l:14sgood 30 Mi 6 5 6 ..» 4:; A Claver 7 Kewessa. Bar Edgar. Can Zar-ta 7" Hamton 3-4 l:H*,fast J5 KS 2 3 5 7° 78 L lentry s Sir Kdar. PanZareta. Dr.Larri.k 3721 Windsor 3-4 1 :12--fast 11 112 1 2 I 3J i*f L Gentry .1 P.Zar.ta. Cniinonada. E. Howard TTIM lafnla 1 1-8 13%good 14 106 3 2 3 7 7 7" J McCabe 7 Hodge. Bronzowing. Gcrest Boy TEO SKOLNY ch. c. 4 100 By Star Shoot— Lady Alberta R. J. Mackenzie. 277* Laurel I 1-K l:43%faat 22 KM 3 3 I ."• i •"." W I.iuey 8 thartfiraaa. Waterbaaa. D.Bhore __.»• Laurel 1 IlfWlVT 1" M4 »• B 5 I u t.-.l.W Lilley i Datkre, A.ldie M., Montresor ■ Y « laurel 3 1 1:20 hvv 22-5 MS 7 E 3 6*- 4,;i " Lilhy ? Baek Bay. W. I.ady. Montr.sor 23375 Laurel 3 4 1:17 hvv 24-5 Ml Lost rider. R M.Dott tv Back Bay. Dod-.e. Siliea ~-;Z." 11 deGce 5J t 1 :06»£fait 16-5 W, 6 5 5 5* P|W I.illey ; Quartz. Celt... Joe Blair • :"35 11 .IcCce ". f 1 :»6*s;fa--t H-5 113 2 6 4 4 1 W I.illey 7 Pa-Steel, Searamoueh. Xaushmi SW85 HdeGce lm10yl:l3%Caat 7 KB 7 7 7 S C I** W I.illey 8 Rly. C. o the Walk. R. Jiass 2252C SUatoaa 3-4 l:144igood 2 130 3 6 6 B* 3» J Loftus S Con. Towr, Grumpy. Aldeharan "24 -v, Saratoga 3-4 l:U*jfcaat 7 127 S 6 6 4i : C Borel ] Hanson. Luke. Superintendent :-V.- Saratoga 3-4 1:17 "slow 5 126 8 8 6 5- 4- . C Canz 11 Sii[iendent. L.Barl.ary. Crumpy 143 Saratoga 1 l:43S£slow 6 104 7 6 7 7 7 7iT W Lilley 7 Stai Jasmine, Montresor. Hanson

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Local Identifier: drf1915102901_6_1
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