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JEFFERSON LIVINGSTON NOT DISCOURAGED. Horse r.teir g has always been called the sport of tiass aud those who have bed a taste of it fully b i ■ - • _ . • - 0 1 I „ " nt it of if ; _ agree with the man who first made the assertion. • It is an expensive luxury, and unless e„e has a big. fat bank roll ne cannot hope to keep strides with tlie I,:gh tjyors oi the turf. The other day, while rlelt-Bkjt at i.atoma. featfeea Liingston. former Cin-rfaaauaa. eraa asked if the stories that he was going 10 retire were t,;,K.. •Ketiring from the tar] is as ; arfiom nry ariad at Jumping off the Suspension 1 Bridge, said Livingston. "When I decided to enter r the game I went into it with my eves wide open . • It is net new to me. I WM in jt twenty-tive years I ago. an.! n.uii.i great plenum in racing trortern. I have a 1 lot ol business worries, and find racing a good tin nt- to get my mind off the dally routine. 1 la-ve siifii .he matter a whole lot of consideration. and will sti-k it out no* Uiat 1 am in deep. And : what is Bare, 1 want to say that 1 have ne mgrets for toe Past and feel hopeful of the future. Anv en- waa lias liad the exiKiience of winning a Decay :»f T :;i,1 ;••! Royal 11. at Ufiaata, eaa teU yea that tjM leeling bj worth the price. I think that t something out of the atdtaai* was accomplished 1 wiien I sent my man to Kngiand to get a Boree to , win the Derby. How manv other owners have ac- - omtliflifd thie feat? There is a lot of expense nt-.. - tacked to I lacn.g atabte of the calibre 1 cocIict. but 1 am not a quitter."