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CANADIANS TAKING KINDLY TO MUTUELS. The prime feature «.f racing in Canada just now i II tcudod adoption of n,e mutiiel system of wagering. Beyond cavil the fairest and most do-sirabie luetic! of spoeulation on the horses, at first there wa- ii"t only the opposition of the bookmakers •• overcome, but also Hie unwillingness of a large se.-tion of ih race going public to take kindly to I h.- system. Bettors said they liked to know what they MM going to get if they won liefoic staking llieir money. Km in view of the etideiil fairness of die mutiiels this latter feeling is gradually giving way and the s stem is growing more and more in favor. Before the second meet-iug in I be approaching year it is more than prob-able that the totalizator, us it js termed ill Ails tralia. will have lieen installed bv all the niemliers of the Canadian Racing Associations. Hamilton has lieeii the most determined opponent, but the aiiuoaiicemeiit has been made that installation of the iron men will have taken place baton next spring. Coniiaught Park. too. has made the same promise. With their installment the circuit will Ik- .-oniilete. Wheth-r the hall-mile tracks will fall into line js vet to be seen, li. the west the system has been adopted and it would not lie surprising if lie fore two NIC years have passed the IxH.kmaker in Canada will have I me a genus of bird that is exceedingly rare a sort of dod. lit fact. — H. P. Good in Montreal Mail.