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r •- on n d h •r a at it it d S p e ,s up ,, ,i It „ ,. -. ? I | | I I I I J r. at DISASTROUS FXBE AT BENNING TBACK. Washington. I. .. November 10. — Many of the stables at the Benning race track were destroyed by tire last night, bringing aliour the death af one man and a dozen horses, beside- injuries to other men and race horses, George J. Day was the heaviest loser of thor-e oughbreds. The fire started iu hi- stable and it was there that a negro named Bayliss was burned to death. He was well known ammt the race courses and. ai one time, wu- in tin- aaaaaaj • Ed Tntter. The Day horses that were ib-troved by the flames were Talecarrier, Coy, Joe Dei-l. bold and Frog. E. J. Crawford lost Pride of Oreenuay. Dr. Sullivan and Lillian Kripp. C. C. Smithsons Bat- lingstoue and Captain II. H. Emmons good handi- cap horse Rudolfo. were others that were 1--- stroyed. F. J. Colemans G- od Day broke a leg when lie was running across a trestle not far from the course and had lo be destroyed, while I.. We-.-. Miss Clara met with a like accident and was shot. Many of the other horses thai were turned loo-e during the fire are still astray and it is aJBaat inevitable that some of them will receive injnrie-. Richard F. Carman had a serious time iu finding lo-t big string, but all of them were rounded up, with the exception of Achievement, early in the fv- ■aaaj. N. B. Plunkett was to have -hipped hi- horses to Havana, but he was unable la find then: la time to load them on the live-car special that left. during the day. There were fourteen stable- in all destroyed ard the flames stopped at Dr. Tyrees stable, which is equipped with a slate roof. The fire will cause many owners to change their winter plans, for it Will not be BoaaMa to retail I |a lime to take care of the hor-.-s thai it had been intended to winter at tin urse of ihe VY.i-U ington Jockey Club.