General News Notes of the Day, Daily Racing Form, 1915-11-17


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GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY. There has been a revival of hard lighting on Ihe western front. The Ceriuuiis claim to have cap- ] tured 3iiO yards of a French trench near i;curie. while the French report the repulse of Herman at- ! tacks against "the labyrinth" in Artois nnd also against Taliure in Champagne. Attacked in tremendous force, sometimes as often as twenty times in one day. with every imaginable engine of death. Ihe French held their lines unbroken against the . Hermans in Artois and Champagne regions through- j out the week. An official communique summarizes j the fighting up to Sunday night. Iu uniformly re- pulsing the Teutonic attacks the French forces claim j to have inflicted losses averaging 2,000 to each unit j of the kaisers tron|M engaged. g Sir Cecil Spring-Rice, the British ambassador, accompanied by Mr. Hohler. charge of the BrltHa legation at Mexico City, called at the state de- 1 partinctit Monday and discussed Mexican questions with Secretary Lansing. They were particularly • interested in prospects for settlement of claims growing out of the American occupation of Vera Crux. It is understood the date of recognition ,.f s the de facto government in Mexico by Oreat Britau I and her allies will depend upon the nature of the • report to be made to Secretary Lansing this we k I by Flisen Arnedondo. just back from a conference v with Oeneial Iarran/.a. A Petrograd dispatch of yesterday says: "Fearful . that plotting and counter-plotting by the Germanic and enl. -nte allies representatives will end in bloodshed in Teheran, the shah has left the Persinn capital with his ministers. A Teheran dispatch received today says the Persian rulers departnr-. virtually a flight, took place yesterday. It i. understood he will seek refuge in Ispahan. The :1 Russians are iu control at Teheran. The Germa .s and Turks at last accounts were preparing to flee." s The Serbians have recaptured Kalkandclen. taking | 388 prisoners and large quantities of munitions, according t«. ihe Athens coiTcstK.nilcnt of the Paris J Journal. The Bulgarians again have oceuploil To- . tovo. which already has change, I hands several times, nci-ordiiig to report surreiit at Salotiiki. says the correspondent of the Petit Journal, who adils that no great significance is attached to the jiosses. sion of this town, since the forces engaged on either j side are small. | On the eastern battle front the Russians are eon- tinning their offensive in the north and have d-iveti - the _ Germans back several miles further from Riga. besides gaining some ground southward along the I Dvina river to Hvinsk. In the center the Germans have repulsed Russian attacks. In the south the t Austic ;. rmans have thrown Ihe Slavs back across i the Styr river in the Russian province of Volhyni:!. i In Galici* there i n te worthy activity. | Preliminary arrangements for an Anglo-American banking cre.lil to relieve Ihe exchauge situation hae act* c.inpleted. the Ixiiid.n Times uinler- stands. The plan provides for the raising of a t :1 s | J . j | - I t i i | t first credit of 0/100.000 in New York in behalf of eight clearing banks on that side, but subse ipient credits contemplated bring the total under the control of ;m international committee up to about 00,000,000. Says a dispatch from Queliec: "There are onlv si-sttrviving members of the original Princess Fats regiment." declared Oscar Heiinings of Toront... "When the second universities company joino ] ps at Armrni ierns in July there were a score left of Ihe 1.188 who received the colors from the prince s in August. 1014." lletiuings was on.- of son Can-j-ilians who were invalided home. The average .lailv laaaaM in the Dardanelles for the entire period from May to October were 705. Harold J. T.nuant. parliamentary undersecretary for war. told the house of commons Monday evening. The great bulk of these men. Mr. Tcnnant said, were the sick, who aggregated 00.000. Of the si -k. he added. K0 per cent, might be expected to return to the fighting ranks. The entente powers are seeking guarantees from the Greek government, the Athens correspondent of the L.ndon Mail explnins. Iieeause they have decided to establish an entirely new front in the Balkans, entailing the presence of a large number of troops ami desire something re definite than mere promises of benevolent neutrality. IIermo j||o. capital af Sonera was the objeclive of iroop movements by both Villa and Carranzu forces yesterday, according to advices at Was;-,. iiigloti. • General Diegitez. with S.OOn men. is ,:.| to In- intrenched in the capital to defend it against Villa, win* is said to have opeaeal his attack witj a force of U.ftMi men. The British steamship Diinelm. which left Sydney October 10 with steel products for Munches er. his not reported at any |«irt in England or Ireland Fear is expressed that she has been sunk bv a Mil,. marine or bus foundered. She carried a -rew ,,f twenty-five. A Stefani dispatch from Canea s.-iys: "Th. aaa] boatload of passengers and sailors from tt si.-.-. . ship Bosnia has reached the south coast of t ,,, Isle of Crete. If now has been establislici il,,, ,l persons who were almard the vessel hare ., ,.„ saved." It was feared yesterday that the German -t#i1 « Hermaiiia had been destroyed by a British sui.-,, M, with tlv loss of her crew. An empty litebo., rt the Hermaiiia was found at the mouth of the*lfn|,. river, northern Sweden. H People are dying in the streets and fmKi rfcaH a,-, of almost daily occurrence in towns throughout n„. state of Chihuahua, .-outrol.-d by Villa forces jt y stated iu dispatches from the border. Tbe Milin. Italv. forriere Delhi Sei:i reports |!,„ Earl Kitchener, the British war secretary, has .... ,it Miidros. on the Island of Lemtuos, Ki .i. Assjaaai se». "•»

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Local Identifier: drf1915111701_2_8
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