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; ! • I I t I • • » • HORSEMEN TO CO-OPERATE GOVERNING BODIES TO COMBINE IN MAKING THE SCOPE OF HORSE SHOW NATIONAL. Increase of Stake and Purse Values — Probable Extension of the New York Racing Season Next Year in Contemplation. New York. November IS. — To enlarge Ihe scope of the annual New York Horse Show as a national influence in horse breeding, steps will be taken to obtain co-operation of the Jockey Club, the American Hackney Horse Society, the American Trotting Horse Association, the recognized hunt clubs a.ul the draught and pony breeding societies iu the United States, and Canada. The Hopeful Stakes for two-year-olds, a Saratoga fixture, will iu future be wortli 7,500. This is an increase of 0.1100 over this year. Both the West- Chester and the Saratoga Associations will increase the value of their overnight purses and their stakes for next year. There is every reason to lielieve the New .York racing season will begin earlier and end later next year. While nothing definite has been planned, suggestions to that end have been madu and are meeting with general approval. Arguments are still going on in the White Plains court In tliei case of the Empire City Racing Aaa» elation versus the New York State Fair Associatioi. whereby the former asks to have the lease granted to the fair association annulled. For three days lawyers have argued on the questions of law. Many witnesses have lieen suli-poenaed. among them members of the Jockey Club, including Messrs. Belmont. Knapp and Daingerfield. ED COLE.