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GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY. A victory for tin- Italian forces which are attempting to i apt uiv Corisia was announced by the war otlii-e in Bonn- veslerday. A strong Austrian is -sitioii northwest of the city was eapturetl. The staliini-iit Then- was great a -tivitv mi tin-pari of the artillery on l„,i|, sides all along the front. The enemys artillery seeks not onlv to strike at our sMsssMS, hut ah., v.- :.ll tit destroy systematically tho country oiiqm-r. .I bv us even where tbiii- an- no effective garrisons of our troops. Thus. tu Nov. iiiIm-i- 14. the enemy tired 12 inch shells into the villages «.f L-m-c:i and s — 1 1 M. in Coiicei valb-y. Yesterday the enemys batteries . 1 i i-« -. -1 --. 1 bombanl-inotit- against th - astre-Aoarisliing towns of Moss.i nnd Liniuicn. on I he Isonzo plain. These towns are now heaps of smoking ruin-, our infantry took by as-aull a strong iutr. iichmeiil on the height northwest of Gorisia In this | m •-i 1 i it we found ;i heap of corpse- ami a large aiiioiiut of war material-. On the Gars*, in tin- Monte San Michelle zone, iluiing tin- night • f November 15-Hi. and on the following morning, tin- enemy renewed his attacks on the position* p-i-i-utly conquered by us. H - was repassed i • i •« ;i t .-. 1 1 • . leaving In our hands two machine guns :in,| sixty prisoners, one of whom was au officer. Aeroplanes of the enemy yesterday dripped bombs .hi Alia. There wa- ii.. loss ol life or damage to pro|tcrty. The English hospital ship Auglia was not tor-IM-ilocil. but came in contact with a tlo.iting Basse. A dispatch frsm Loudon savs of the niatter: The sinking of the Anglia. although the tirst case in the war of a hospital ship meeting disaster while carrying has caused great anxielv in the public mind, as it had been supposed that the Eng lish channel was entirely free of danger limn mines. The Anglia had 200 cf cases aboard. When the rescuing vessels arrived it was badly down bv the head. Ms stern was so high aha*e the sea that one of the rescuing vessels was aide to pass under, and forty men dropped alioard. Soon many boats came to the rescue, including those sent by the Lusi tania. Those watching the scene saw the soldiers coming up fnssa below, assembling on the dei-k. ami calmly waiting the order to pass iulo the lioats. Some of the wounded, unable to keep their footing mi the sloping deck, fell into the sea. and were picked up by the rescuers. Others jumped overboard. All the while the nurses worked with splen-deil devotion. The end came with dramatic suddenness. With wounded soldiers and doctors, nurses and sailors still clinging to the stern, the vessel appeared for a moment to stand on its Imiws. then suddenly went under, but bit the Risl Cross nag dying at the mast six feet above the water, marking the fatal stun*. A late Loudon dispatch of yesterday says: The British army at the Dardanelles has resumed the offensive and captured 2S0 yards of Turkish trenches. Official announcement was made this afternoon that the fifty-second division had successfully attacked the Turks in the Krithi-Niillnh. near the tip of the peninsula. It captured 180 yards of trenches east of the defile and 120 yards t" the west. Baron BanMesssuV said in lh# house of lords yesterday, in addressing a question to the Marquis of Lansdownc. that lie understood Lieut. -Ceil. Charles C. Monro, commander of the British ex| edition at the Dardanelles, hail reported in favor of the withdrawal of tin- British army from the peninsula. The Marquis of .ansd.iwiic announced that the government had inki-d Karl -Kitchener to visit the eastern Mediterranean lieeause. in its opinion, the report of Sir Charles Monro and the evidence accimipanying it did not seem sufficient to enable the government to come to a conclusion upon tin- great questions of policy involved. Paris reports that important successes both for l lie French and British forces in Serbia are re-portod by the Athens correspondent of the Havas agency. According to this information, which the correspondent says is unofficial, tin- Bulgarians have lost the town of Kasturiuo to the French and have lieen defeated by the British on the Valondovo-Babrovo front. The correspondent, whose dispatch was tiled Wednesday, adds that according to the latest news received by Athens newspapers, the French won a striking victory over the Bulgarians on the Tithirkowo-Schevo Krussevitza front. The battle was waged for two days. The French were greatly outnumbered, but used their three-inch guns willi great effect. The Bulgarians are said to have sustained such heavy losses that they gave up the fight and retired northward to the right hank of the Vardar river. British troops well supplied with artillery left Saloniki for Monastir Tuesday, says a Havas dispatch from Athens. The Fniteil States probably will make no diplomatic inquiry of Austria-Hungary as to its attitude toward the conduct of the submarine warfare as a rdsiill of the sinking of the Italian liner Anemia pending the receipt of detailed information concerning the attacked from the foreign office at Vienna through Ambassador Bentield. Sufficient information for an inquiry, state department officials believe, however, is furnished by the Austrian foreign office statement i-oiii-erning the tragedy, which was cabled to the department by Ambassador lellfielil. This communication "is textually the same as the Austrian admiralty statement received by Secretary Lansing. It says that the Ancona fled at full speed when a warning shot was tired across her how. and denies the Italian governments charges that shots were liri-d at the steamer after she came to n full stop or that her lifeboats were shelled. Carranza military authorities at Saltillo. Mexico, are holding daily conferences with General Carranza in an effort to determine what disposition shall be made of l.ucio Blanco, formerly ■ general in the Villa-Carranza constitutionalist army. who. after the Aguas Calientes convention, evacuated Mexico City, refused to fight for either faction, and disbanded his army. Oeneral Blanco was arrested and taken to Torn-on. where he still is incarcerated. Saltillo reports indicate one faction of the military autliorities demands the death of Blanco, while another demands he 1m- liberated with a reprimand. beenswe of his previous service to the constitutionalist cause. Confirmation has been received at Saloniki of the re| ort that the Bulgarians have entered Prllep after a junction with the Bulgar army coming from Tetovo, according to an Athens dispatch. Serbias IHisitiou is growing steadily worse, according to information obtained by the Renter correspondent at Athens. The population of Monastir is fleeing to Fiorina, sixteen miies south, across the Oreek Iwinler. and Saloniki. A Bulgarian force is advancing from Krushevo to cut off the Serbian line of retreat toward Kresna and the Albania frontier. At the northern front the Serbians are lighting desperately, contesting every inch of territory. To Berlin from Copenhagen conies the story that Oeneral Crigoriew. the Russian commander of Kovno. Sfba gave up that inqiortant fortress without having made a serious defense, has lieen sentenced to fifteen years imprisonment for sur-remleriiig tlie great stronghold so readily. According to I lie reiHirt from Copenhagen the Russian snarl martial was held at Witebsk. The charges against General Crigoriew declared that he deserted the garrison at Kovno. thus preventing a complete defense of the stronghold. The death aenastp was asked, but the apart found circumstances warranting the exercise of leniency. From Paris yesterday a cablegram says: Premier Asquith and his associates in the British war council, who have been in conference here with their French official colleagues, left today on their return trip to London. The departing British cabinet members were cheered by large crowds as their train pulled out of the station. Nothing litis been given out concerning the proceedings of the council as they naturally are held in the greatest confidence, but it is known that the conference resulted in complete accord between the representatives of the two nations on certain diplomatic, military anil naval questions. A dispatch from Belluno. Italy, says: An Austrian aeroplane threw five bombs on the city, but only one of them exploded. Three persons were slightlv injured. No material tlnmagc was done. This information apparently clears up the Rome dispatch sent out by the Stefiani News Agency, which said an Austrian aeroplane appeared "over the city" ami dropped live bombs. Tho name of tlie place bombarded was not given, and it was inferred the dispatch might refer to Rome. Belluno is mi the Piave. fifty-one miles north of Venh-e. Tentative plan- have lieen made by the University of Chicago to invite President Wilson to come to Chicago next June and participate in the twenty fifth anniversary of the founding of the institution. David A. Robertson, secretary to president Harry Pratt .linlsoii. and the undergraduate council are in charge of the plans. In con junction with tlie celebration it is planned to hold an exposition of tin-work of tin- university. Several reunions of alumni otgaiiiza lions BBSS are planned. The Cerman merchant steamship Irinz August Wilhelm. which tied for safety to the Colombian pari of Santa Marta at the beginning of the war. sti-anii-d out of the hsWhat in tin- direction of Haiti on the night of November 11 according to word brought to New York by Captain Drake of the British stc-imc- Tirtugero. Winston Spencer Churchill, former first lord of the admiralty and chancellor ol the duchy ot Lancaster, in the uniform of his regiment, left for the front yesterday morning. His wife hade him farewell at the railroad station, where he |«assi-d unrecognized on the platform as he waited to enter a s|iecial car. According t . an Amsterdam newspaper report tlie Norwegian steamer. Ilrikeu. IMS tons, from New-York for Rotterdam, has been sunk with the h»ss of five members nf her clew. The steamship Olellliiore. on arriving at Rotterdam from New York, reported the Flriken struck a mine near ialloper Light. Augu-t Weegliinaii. C.i years old. father of Charles Weeghm.-in. restaurant owner and prc-uhiit of the Chicago Federal league baseball club, conimifled suicide at his home. !i::i Argyle street, by cutting hi- throat with ■ razor. He was ■ retired MaehnasMh and man of comfortable means. A Ccrmaii naval lieutenant from the Cerinau converted criiisi-r Irinz Kilel Frieilrieh. who broke hs parole at Newport News, is in the hands of the British naval authorities, according to information gleaned in Loudon yesterday. An Austrian submarine has been sunk by an allied torpedo de-troyer in the Mcditcrnnean. B was announced in Rome yesterday. It is rumored that the destroyed vessel was the sill irino that sank the Ancona. The council of ministers has decided to suspend all the remaining commercial and industrial enterprises in Russia belonging to subjects of enemy ci onirics. These number over 1.»HH and employ .•JII.IHHI person-. A di-patch from Copenhagen gives a report that a flotilla ..f 2."i Gersaan karpeah aaata and a big cruiser passed on the southwest coast of Sweden, proceeding at high speed northward. A correspondent at Rome says that during the last few days tour Italian steamers have I n sunk by submarines, but that the newspapers have not yet In-eu permitted to publish the news.