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Bowie Eitrles ail Past Performaices for f riday, November 19. S WEATHER CLEAR. TRACK FAST. *j o — ■ The figures under the heading "Rec." in the I I entries below show the best time of each horse | I at the distance, since January 1, 1911. no matter j I where it finished. In cases where record was I I made on other than a fast or good track, abbre-I viations show track conditions. I o 1 — o Racing starts sit 1:45 p. in. Chicago mo, 12:45. Runs well in mud. ©Superior mud runner. M maidens. •Apprentice allowance. First Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. _ 2-year-olds. Selling. x " Track record: 23S85— l:07-"b— 2— 101. 1m 1. Horse. Wt. Ban, A.Wl.Han. l::s:H=* Letfetti Ill 148% I*6X7S Stxa Intention 1412 1:08% l«SX 2ft 22453 Miss At kin 10SX715 2.: ;7 ;- Bob Redtield 112 l:l«as 11.-.X710 23868* Marigold 1.x; 1:07 .-. 110X.10 2.I7.» Gal.-wii.thc M8 1: »7«.-. 1PIX710 2::so7 Inlidcl II 102 1:0s1.-, 1*8X7*5 2MB3* Bbatbcra Star utr.l Mis •.-. M3X706 OM «,,1. Gut.lids l l.~.;i:072.-. 166. .7*0 2:Mnts Semper Stalwart . .H« 1: 7 7. 111X160 BtB Stunner imtl:ti,.i ios..c.!mi 2:rtls* Scottish Knight .. 1»K» 1 :«!• .. PKiXtHW 2.-BMIK Wavfar.-r ill ltaOf* lllXdK 23K45 Queen Apple iMt . .112 lAOVi 1«5. .680 -: 7s Cora O KKt 1 :«•-.-. 102. .4S80 MM** Alt.:- Night RC 1:12s 103X«J»0 An open race. Second Race— 3-4 Mile. 2 year-olds. Selling. Track record: 2.".s"t7— 1 : 1 "■ — 4 — 112.1 2573K Impressive 93 1:13 168X125 238*5 -•» Tral. e «» 1 :15% 1»1 X *-° 23SM.V Maifou 188 1:17 I60X72* 2»»21 = * ltr.KMii Com 1»7 1:15% 185X715 2::ms- TiilK.l 1«»1:15% 18SX.15 ivtl-* Wil-a MM 1:14% 100x71j i::«.hi::- hn Baa* H2 1:10% ii:;x7io 238*0* No-lli MR 1:15% I80X7W 23NM* Shrapnel 104 1:15 MJGXJBI 3886M* Nellie B .2Xi!5 "::.-.75i t-uivator 92 1:15% KKtx.lO ••MI Y.ika « l:«H 1*7X71* 2.S!"ll Lilv Heavens 1«K»1:14% J°*--IJ2 23*00* i;r.«.i.i Straw 103 1:108k 10..K.10 ••: m lUKiurtK-r 105 1:14% l*;x7 5 SWC. Mayine W 11X1:10% lOextW Impressive evidently is letter than the average. Third Race— 1 Mile. All Age*. Maidens. Selling. Track record: 23S8K— 1:41 =»i— 3—99. 1 EWS Aldomis tVm2* 23882* Walloon 5 wSvsE 2::sst Lights »»ut 93 1:42% .1 W -.« .. 2.-KMI7 Falmouth „ . ,, :; a**.. " • .060 J- 23888* Primary 1011:44 3 23820 Moonstone - 1,«x •.,, 23807 t ot on fop ". ". 94 1 :42*i I 1 «4 x SB* 23*08 Molly » h ,;-• 10;. .090 Lhv ••"V7-i Tatinn.1 - :-;;sio SSSS eiri 5«1:**S* J!HX22 3 109. .ISO ••:v 4 Miss McGiggle 92 l:4:j«r. 22S53* lev oikwood 93 1 :42% 3 107. 080 2.".s24* Bronx yueeu • *■ •„ 2:at20 While i-:ye - «•»• •"«• lorut not worth much in a race like this. Fourth Race — 3-4 Mile. 2: hclipsc • : All Ages. E Tr.tok record: 23VJ7— 1 :13— 4— 112. | Ind. Horse. Wt. He.. A.Wt.Ihin. • V 2:K11= Kewcssa 109 1:11% 5 MS. .740 t 2:a»ll3t Hosier Prvnne ....112 l:10n-, . 10.. . ..;. 2:S»17-- Iuilnx 105 1:12V; 3 io::x735 z ITKHI Sand Marsli 97 1:12% S MfXT* z 2M8S True as Steel ....114 1:12"-. 4 107x730 J , 23855 Carbide 104 1:12=-. 3 103X725 j ■, 2.:v.ts Koliert Bradley ...100 1:12% 5 109:720 J 2 23870 Pandean 5 1 i:;..720 2 2 2:«111 105 1:11% 4 103X720 J * ,: 23911t Pixv 9S 1:13% 3 95x720 2391 1 Aliara •• M*% 3 100. .720 0 « 23872 Brave Cuiiar.ler ...lo4 1:13 4 102x715 -, -; ill. T. Wilson entry. ;: Kewessa appears rounding to good form. ] Fifth Race — 7-8 Mile. 8 3 -vear-olds ami upnar.l. Spiling. a Track record: HOB— 1 :27-%— G— 105. • 23915 Maxims Choice ... 95 1 :2S 4 110.. 725 c 23*18 Mamie K 107 1:29% 3 100 X 720 0 2 V.MU.t* Penniless 4 105X713 J o 2:ai15= Batwa 10S 1:2S% 0 110X715 ■ z i:;."* Luke Van Zandt ..103 1 :2S-~-. 5 105 X. 10 • 23815 Springmass 114 1:27% 7 110x710 • t 2::s-s Mary Warren 108 1:28%« 4 110x7*0 V , • 27:!5- Little England ... .tost 1 :-".» 8113X705 » 5, 23815* .Tollv Tar 108 1:31% 5 105x705 . 2»W Al.l.otslo!d 1 1«- 1 • » •" 1 lo X 705 5 2..9i.; Blue |ouse 1«5 1:2S 7 110x70.. -. - 23815* Yellow Eyes 112 1:27% 6 105x708 m - 23015 Ford Mai lol 1:2S% 5 110X090 * - 2»12* Kneolet 3 101x090 0 ::E 12- Margaret Meise ... 4 105X008 0 « 2.:7!H»* Miss Cavana:-li ...102 1:29% 4 NBXOOO „ . j Maxims Choices last race Win below par, but * j his general form is best. | Sixth Race— 7-8 Mile. 3 year-olds and upward. Soiling. Track record: 13830 1:27% t 105. 23015 CLIFF HAVEN ..110 1:29% 3 112.. 725 23815* Pierrol 102 1:20% 3101. .715 : , * 23705 Belfast t»9 1:30 7 110X710 2:a»10= Carlaverock 3 180X710 : 23015* Sonnv Bay 10S1 :.". 4M8X705 ,- 5 ; 23910 C..1 Aslimeade ill 1:27 S 105x705 ,: ! 23871 Perthshire 112 1:24% I 113. .698 !; ! 21842 lidv Uaiikin 102 1:27%sy 6 110X090 , 23010 Pled Piper SO 1:29 0188. .01* 23677 Mus:aiiti 3 160. .6*6 „ ; 23667* Beaumont Belle .. # 105 .CO i 23800 Texas Tommie ... 4 110..6M ",; 23887 Higb Tide 90 1 :30»isy 3 M0..00* 23*14* Pav Streak 110 1:2::% 7 MBXOM 0 • 2H»1S Heenau * 106. ,66* ;q . Cliff Haven has little to l«-at here. Seventh Race — 1 1-16 Miles. .S-vear-ohls and upward. Selling. Tra.k record: 23919— 1 :4S%— 0— ST. tBOfl Klla Bryson 103 1:45% 7 114 725 2.5 ; 2:atl2i Ilinah Lo 100 1:49% 3M4X720 2 » : 22514* Fenrook *4 1:4* :: **X728 20 ! 23913= Surpassing 107 1 :4s 4 189X715 15 1 2:.01 n* Imke of DunUir .. •"■ 99X715 15 23*12** IVctless 100 1:53% 5 1*0X715 W ; 2*88* Bun r saiir 1*8 1:40% 5 I»! x7l0 l0 23843 OSuilivau MS 1:47% 5 117. .705 "• 2.".Sm;-» St. Lazerian 102 1:50 :: 99.. 705 £ 23*12* Task 07 1 :54 %li 3 99 X 705 •» 239O0* Sigma Alpha 103 1:48% 5 104X090 :,° Ella Brysou should race better.