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: * , : ,- 5 ; ,: ! !; ! , „ ; i ",; 0 • ;q . 725 2.5 ; 2 » : 20 ! 15 1 15 W ; l0 "• 705 £ 705 •» :,° * , ■ ■ ° ia ™ ■ nt er ff n 2 nt he ™ «r ne ln to •e Hi th mi ,er un iie ga Her lpf sa » -T. |ga art la* Lynn un me ;er ay V.t ;:,r t?r r 10 try Cal Jal ion ion ner nt M. M. ner art rse se ure odo an* ant M M. no the one tta tin aui BBS It. M. •a une ,nI on« ,, he » t •luu n • •!• •r red It SECOND RACE— 3-4 Mile. 2-ycar-olds. Selling. 2:SS97— 1 : IS— 4—112. 1 IMPRESSIVE, ch. f. 2 106 By Hilarious — Hester W. Williams Bros.. 2373S Latonia 3-4 1-J3%*aa 4-5 UN 1 11 l1.. li K lapaille • Beaut vShop. Taka. 23824 iAtoate 3-4 l:15%mud 7-4 104 3 1 1 1= l5 K Lapailkl". Gtlewoman. A 1 Pierce. Tra|.|K.i.l 23517 Iatoiiia 3-4 1:13 fast 14-5 93 4 2 1 l1! I1! K Lapaille ! MarvTL. PhilUngar. B.Cbertson 23418 ChurchI 5 f l:07%fast 21 lot 6 3 2 U 1» K Lai.aillel:: Black Beauty. B. Velvet. Eulogy 23271 Douglas 51 f l:06%fast 111 95 2 2 I 2» 351 K Lapaille 7 Rochester. Poekiehoo, Cheeks 2::218 Uouglas 5-8 l:01%fast 13-10 95 7 9 7 81 li M Garner 11 Blanchita. Pmaster. Illminator 23158 Uouglas 5S f 1 :08%good 3-4 95 It Pulled no. M Garner 13 Paymaster. II. Gardner, Savino 21461 Latonia 5-8 l:00%fast 22-20 105 1 1 1 1» 1* M Garner i Dolina. M. Elliott. R. Strickland 20461 Douglas 41 f 54%fast 16-5 107 1 1 Is Is M Gainer 1 1 Bessie X., Miss Atkin, Yaca 20240 Churchill 1-2 48 fast 67-20 110 8 8 71 7« M Garner 12 Lit.Sister. MargaretX.. LuckyR. TRALEE, ch. f, t 101 By Celt— Sand R. T. Wilson. 28885 Bowie 5ifl:07%iast 11-5 IM 7 I .". 3* 2"t T Hayes 10 Broom Com. Maifou. ColdenList 22SS1 Pimlico 3-4 l:13%fast 65 % 9 9 9 6 8» T Hayes M T. P.lward. II. Horse, Broomvale •3848 Pimlico 3-4 l:13%fast 14 99 9 I 6 6= 68 J McCahey 11 Benevolent, Tie Pin. T.Mas-ider 23S26 Pimlico 3-4 1 :14%fast 91 104 10 9 10 10= 10!"?.C Watson 13 T.Elward, Gold. List. Broomvale 23035 H.deGce 51 f l:07Tsfast 12 104 4 4 6 6 51 F G SandMark. Benjamin. Stellarina 22884 Belmont 51 f stl:07%fast 11-5 109 2 3 3 3» 3s! J Butwell 7 Sal Vanitv. Maifou, Keziah 22732 Belmont 51 f st 1:06 fast 5 104 6 6 6 5* 5*1 L McAtee 8 Plumose. Edna Kenna. Recluse 22631 Belmont 51 fstl:C6%fast 13-5 104 2 5 5 21 21 L McAtee 6 EdnaKnna. D.sChoiee. Plumose 22530 Saratoga 51 f l:09%good 5 104 7 7 4 2- 22 L McAtee S High Horse, Servia. Edna Kenna 22492 Saratoga 5A f 1 :10%slow 11-5 105 2 3 2 li l1! J McCahey 7 Edna Kenna. Xolli. Bob Redtield 22424 Saratoga 51 f l:07%fast 2 103 1 6 6 61! 5»J J MeCahev 9 Ilaria. Good Counsel. EdnaKenna MAIFOU, ch. f, 2 108 By Hastings— Cathay R. Angarola. 23805 Bowie 51 f 1:07% fast 16-5 106 I I 6 5i 3J .1 McCaheylO Broom Corn. Tralee. ColdenList 33826 PImliCO 3-4 l:14%fast 30 109 11 11 9 91 941J McCahey IS T.Elward, ; ld. List. Broomvale 2.:«97 Laurel 3-4 1:20 hvy 16-5 109 4 I 4 52 57j J McCahey 0 DaddvsChoice, Disturber, Ilaria 2360S Laurel B t 1:11 hvy 26-5 105 9 7 2 3l I1 J MeCahev It Disturber, lolite. Ilaria 2S530 Laurel 5* f l:07%good 13-5 111 5 5 5 41 5»1 J McCaheylO D.sChoiee. J.Straith. Dr.Gremer 23139 H.deGce 5* f l:ll%mud 3 104 4 3 3 31 B J McCahey 9 High Horse. Servia, Chivator 22953 Belmont 5X f st 1:06 fast 7-5 104 4 4 3 21 21! J McCahey C. Benjamin. Southern Star. Nolli 22S84 Belmont 51 fst l:07%fast I 105 4 4 4 2l 2=1 J McCahey 7 Sal Vanity, Tralee, Keziah 22449 Saratoga 51 f l:07%fast 7 105 4 5 5 5l 51" J McCahey 6 S. Vanity. Broomvale. M.Philbln BROOM CORN. b. f. I 105 By Ben Brush— Tenawha J. W. Pangle. a*31 Bowie 3-4 Llisfast 14 113 I 2 1 SJ 2-J J Butwell S Sprint. PMIeia. Virginia M. 23886 Bowie 51 t l:07%fast 30 101 1 2 1 11 1"" C Watson 10 Tralee. Maifou. Golden List 88888 Pimlico 3-4 1:14 fast 39-5 107 1 4 3 31 3«* J McTagrtll Dancer. B.Sckland. M.ofDundec 23831 Pimlico 3-4 l:14%fast 29 109 3 5 3 ol 65S J Smyth 8 Baml.i. Puss in Boots, Alfadir 88888 Laurel 51 f 1:14 hvy 14-5 112 3 2 1 1« 1* A Schugr ! MavMcGee, ElsieBonero. Hanlon 23636 Laurel 51 f l:10 £slow 12-5 106 I 5 4 41 2 R McDott 13 Mv Donnie, Costnmer. M.McGee 22574 Laurel 51 f l:ll%hvy 12J 112 1 5 4 22 l"l R McDott 12 Schoolbov. Smoothbore, Donner 2ar.42 Laurel 51 f l:0S%fast 3 106 5 5 4 5VJii K McDott 14 Rose Juliette, Letfetti. Walloon 23 166 Laurel 3-4 1:21 hvy 31 104 1 2 2 2l ,» R McDott 9 Chivator, B.of the Ken. Vedado 23416 Laurel 51 f l:09» ;Sood23-10 HO 3 3 3 4s V F Moire fi B. Carrie. Moonstone, R.Juliett" 23376 Laurel 61 t l:14%hvy 27 107 2 3 2 21 21 F Moore fi B. Trooper. Delancey. Landslide 23206 Wdbine 51 f l:08%fast 14-5 98 1 1 1 1 3=1 R McDott 9 Casco. Lady of Lvnn, Trout Fly 23090 Wdbine 51 f l:08%fast 101 112 7 8 8 71 6«J F Moore 12 Typhoon. Trout FIv, Dehaven 2S244 Uorval 5-8 l:01%slow 22-5 112 4 5 5 41! 321 G Lonias 10 Greenwood. Tvpheon. Alex Geta 227C9 BlueEon. 51 f 1:09 slow 49-10 102 5 3 3 2»1 2*1 G Lomas 12 Shrapnel. Letfetti. Filly Delphia TRIBOLO. b. c. 2 108 By Puryear D. — Priceless Jewel L. J. Carey. 23888 Bowie 51 f l:08%fast 3-2 111 5 2 2 24 2- J Butwell 13 Mariana... Marigold. Nellie P. 238*1 Pimlico 3-4 l:14fast 33-20 109 4 4 3 4?. 4 C Turner S Lilv Heavens. Welga Letfetj 23S47 Pimlico 3-1 l:154/5fast 29 IK 7 3 4 lh 2* J Butwell Pi Baa* Mark. Br. Gremer Xolli 22125 Saratoga 51 f l:ll%slow 10 112 10 9 9 a* V» C Turner 10 Disturber. Ilaria, Elaek "Beauty 21629 Belmont 51 f st 1:07 fast 10 107 4 8 6 7s VI T McTagt 9 Hands Off. Success Tralee 21565 Aqueduct 3-4 l:13%slop 2 110 1 4 2 21 3? M Buxton 6 SunGod, E.Banmnn, Gaswintho 21210 Aqueduct 5-8 l:0iy3fast 9-5 108 5 2 4 41 3» M Buxton 9 Plumose. High Horse. Ataka 21191 Jamaica 51 f 1:08 fast 10 102 2 4 5 5 3l J McTagrt 3 Fernrock, Feminist. Ting-a-Ling 20903 Jamaica 5-8 l:00%fast 6 111 1 5 4 31 31 M Buxton 7 Fernrock. Sprint, Prohibition 20562 Belmont 5-8 st l:01%good 20 105 4 5 4 21! I1 C Turner 8 High Horse. Stellarina, Xolli 20333 PirnHco 5-8 l:02%good 14-5 110 4 6 6 6 64 J Metcalf 6 Mustard. lolite. Xolli WELGA, br. f. % 100 By King James— Wealth S. Ross. *J*M Pimlico 3-4 l:14%fast 26 105 3 i 6 5 2- E Forehd 8 Lilv Heavens. Letfetti. Trib.lo ZSM7 Pimlico 3-4 l:15%fast 35 102 5 2 1 21 72 ■ Forehd M Sand Mark. Trilndo, Dr. Gieuier 23794 Laurel 3-4 1:16 Kood33-20 110 7 11 1» 4=J 3 Butwell IS Ataka. E. Baumann. Dr. Gremer 136.-6 Laurel 51 f 1:12 hvy 39-10 104 I 4 4 4= 23 ■ Forchnd 9 6. Counsel. Important. 23.",29 Laurel 8] f 1:08 good73-10 104 7 6 7 9« 7M?.E ForehndK High Horse. Xolli, Jood Counsel 23242 Wdbine 3-4 l:l4»ifast 49-10 103 11 3 7 ID 12" . I Smyth 12 Gypsy Blair, Blue Cap Immune 23171 Wdbine 3-4 l:13%fast 22-5 104 7 7 10 10l S3 K Forehn.112 Jreetings. L. Bigger A Mancini 22715 BlueBon. 51 f 1 :074/sfast 49-10 102 2 1 I I1 li E Forehn.112 Investnint. CopperKing T Tnsii 22593 Conght 51 f 1 :12-r,mud 5 101 3 2 1 ll l1 E Forehnilll S.Stalwart. L.Bigger Galesnthe 21043 Hamton 5-8 l:032f,slovv S : 5 5 2 3 31 45 E Forehnd S Lit. Bigger. T. Tush Prohibition 83*8 Hamton 5-8 l:02%slow 3 105 6 1 1 4« 4» P Lowder 11 Luckv R.. WillCash Yermak 21527 FortErie R-8 1:04 slow 9 98 2 2 5 6 6"! E Forehd C. Investment. Greetings. B. Straw PAN HANDLE, ch. c. 2 113 By Peter Pan— My Baby W. Gerst. mm Bowie 3-4 1:16%mud 11 111 3 2 2 8" 1- F Robinsn 7 Black Coffee Favour. San.l.I j:;w4 pimiico 1 l:41%fast 53 92 5 5 5 5 5° 513 P Lowder S Spur. Indian Chant, St. Rock 3838PfaaHco 3-4 1:14%fast fid 112 6 7 8 61 4T P RobinsnlS T.Elward. Gold. List. Broomvale 237So Latonia 51 f l:06%fast 46 HO 7 7 9 7" 1*1 V Robinsnll BlackieDaw. Kathleen M Henrv 23520 Latonia 51 f l:07tifast 29-10 112 5 5 7 7° 6«| F Robinsn 9 Votarv. ThistleCreen C Wilmot 23122 ChurchI Sj f l:09%mud 14 113 4 2 2 2*. 3* F Robinsn S Primero. Cane Run Bi" Fellow-ten 21743 Windsor 5ifl:06%fast 41-5106 5 335 71 F Robinsn 7 King Neptune. lolite Mile-tone 21620 Windsor 5-8 l:00%fast 23-5 105 10 12 12 9h 10 !?.F Rob!nsnl2 Regina. Port Light Milestone 21130 Latonia 3-4 l:16-,mud 46-5 111 2 1 2 4» 5« F Robinsnll BlackieDaw. CaneRnn. B Smoke 21318 Latonia 5-8 l:04Uhvy 24-5 112 2 11 1* 1* F Robinsn 7 S. Rock. Traction. J. J. Mnrdock TOLLI, b. c. 3 106 By Voorhees — Nanna W. C. Daly. 23:to3 Bowie 3-4 l:16%aa*Jd 12] 114 2 4 7 7 ?jR McDott 7 Black Coffee Panllandle Favour EMS Bowie Bl T l:07%fast 12 l.V, 4 4 4 4"t 5*1 R McDott lo Brn.Mii Com. Traaw Miifou •3MB Pimlico 3-4 1:14 fast 67-10 110 7 10 8 10 3*»» E Forehd 14 Daaeer. Ruth Strickland. B.Corn 2Hfi Pimlico 3-4 l:lo%fast f Id 10S 14 11 5 P 41 R McDottlt: Sand Mark. Tribolo. Dr Gremer 23324 Iiiv.lico 3-4 1:14*41**4 34 107 13 12 11 ll3 ll-3 W Ward 1-. T.Elv.ard. Gold. List Broomvale 23736 Lau-el _ 1 :*! pood n R * 2 2 1 1 li 3i R McDott 7 Rose Water, SandMark. G Counsel 13713 Laurel 3-4 l:14%fast 59 108 6 4 5 51 33 W Ward 12 Highllorse, Stellarina. B.Gremer 236.6 Laurel 3-4 l:19%hvy 93-10 107 4 1 1 D D W Ward 12 B. Redtield. K.Tscan R Juliette 3*0* laurel B f 1:11 hvy 16 101 1 2 6 61 63J T Hayes 11 Maifou. Disturber lolite 23529 Laurel 51 f 1:08 good 54 101 4 4 3 2- 2- T Pargtonl* HighHorse. GoodCeunsel Ataka ??i«7Jaure! -11*S*"*. • » f * 1 ! U 2= K Weathy ! B.Wter. E.Kenna. B.of theKen S!S J-aurc 9 l J:13%rnud fe 109 5 4 3 41 4-1 K Hargfn S B. Redtield. Donner. S.Stalwart l. 394 Laurel 51 f 1:12 hvy 30 111 1 3 4 51 51"1R Hoffman : Sltrapiiel. Vginii.VL. S Stalwart 23331 H.deGce 51 f 1:08 fast 30 101 4 2 4 4""7SJP Lowder 8 M. Herrmann. T.Elward". S.Mark SHRAPNEL, b. g. 2 106 By Out of Reach— Ferrol C. W. Campbell. i:-S! Pltnlieo 3-1 l:13-Jf,iast 13 MB 1 2 4 8* 7"! R McDottlo Toie Elward. HtebHorse Tn-I.e 28828 PimliCO 3-1 l:il%fast 14 P 4 9 5 5 71 61" It McDottlS T.Elward. Gold. List. Btaamialll SS J-aurci .vi;:;!%?!ow 9J_ ]"s :: 4 • 7" T1"iu MeD-ott S Sprint. Franklin. Soconv gg l**S! filVW Svy S?3H Z 3 1 U U R McDott ; Virginia M., Fairweathcr. Ildiko SSlSSES HIVSJSZ P1 S I I * 2* H ■ *!£and* •llnlUmSL, S.Stalwart. Cantara 2.242 W dbUM 3-4 3 104 l:ll ifast I 2 2 21 5«J A Scbugr12 fjypsv Blair Bln» Can Immune 22,69 BlueBon. 51 f 1:09 slow 6i 102 8 1113 li It McDott 12 Broom Corn. Letfetti F Delphia -673 BlueBon. 3-4 1:15 fast fid 109 9 7 8 ■■*•*• R McDott 12 Damietta Greenwood G Blair L,™ B" b f- ? . , ,97 B? Sir Wilfred-Spanish Match fH. G. Bedwell. -a. , ,., , , . , 23M6 Bowie t| 1 l:os5last f 1.1 MB 2 4 14 4V. E For. hd 13 Mariana.,. Trttwle MartcoM •MB* Havana 3-8 BHlfaat 13-u 113 2 qnjFaw 8 Caroivn aV, Gold List Mariaaao rC71Havana 1-4 25 /sslow 4-5 115 6 g? and O Peak 8 TrabHcr, Utile «ML IrMaaa 19091 Havana 1-4 25 slow 1 1113 1= 5* C Peak 7 Tab Her. I.oniseCrGeen, Havana ?HPrTAT0R1 •*« f:. ?, __. 1A1W By Salvation-Escarola Mrs. W. J. Spcirs. 23.,. a Laurel 3-4 l:18?0hvy 41-10 m 10s 4. 5 4 3* 1» O Byrne 8 Iialnrber Virginia MS Stir 23466 Laurel 3-4 1:21 hvy M M 3 4 3 p 1 GBvrue ! P..Corn B of the Khen V-ado S4 19 Laurel 3-1 1 : 14 good 81 ! 4 4 5 r, 5 5»U Callahan 5 Sarsenet Cornea n 23295 H.deGce 51 f l:0S%fast 20 los 11 11 10 10* 1B*»G Byrne 11 High Horse Beiijaniin ™ Sei" * Om H.deGce 51 f l:liy5mud 20 107 8 7 7 7* 4 | G Byrne ! Maifou Hih Horse Servia 22531 Saratoga 7-8 1 :31%good 41 991 2 7 5 6 6«* 6*1K Martin 7 Kris Kring ie B.Vdnn-e lonBhie 124SS Saratoga Hf «and*Wl 10111 9 10 8* P E Martin H B.Biit" InPtant Brf tlSS 22467 Saratoga 2-4 1:13 fast 30 92 8 S 9 9 83 K Lapaille W. Pi tier. Frnmou" 1 Birl. e r,s SaratOKa Mi-MifMBii mm 12 9 u 93u -• — - *vHSr ■ IL-_ ATAKA. b. f, 2 107 By Dr. Loggo— Princess Alma G. A. Alexandra. 3843 Pimlico M l:U%faat 8M 182 13 15 16 M 16=1L Mink K Ban* Mar*. "MkafaTDr. Gremer TO4 T.-.ure » * £2*9 1 V- 10 s 7 S « I- Mink 15 E. Baumann. Dr.Gremer. Welga 235*5 Laurel 3-4 1:18 slop .. 114 10 :o 8 81 S3 . 1 Butwell IO Kd.lie T Dr Gremer G Counsel a5»Lanre :.• t IM 6000X-M 107 9 IlorseT X:«lli GoConiTil 8 s 7*1 4* E Hnynea 10 HiKh 22273 Laurel * Ug*»»*i 8 7 1 7» J Callahan 8 tioTd.-n I.isr i mose GrrVt l-t 2.:S2 Mt.Uoyal u: f 1:0. fast 6-.. 17 3 | * » W RlM • Mari».d,l. C. Morgan S. Magge aSBS Dorval K!1!! f;ist 63-10 K.6 7 5 5 43 1" J Callahan 9 P. A war. Gtlewoman. S.Margie 228*3 Dorval ..-4 63-10 I02 ** 1 | |t «m r McDott » GypeyBmir, larAwav. Troi/tFlv 1274.. BlueBon. Ufl7*4faat I 9.: 12 i: 12 li» liM A Merger 12 Welg.i. Investment. CnnncrKac 22 538 Con «ht o-4 1 :16?igood 4 MB 3 2 3 5 5rJ J Acton B Besere. Earlv Sight. Lvnn LILT HEAVENS, ch. f. 2 106 Bv Great Heavens— Lillian E. ij. WhMeni. •pimlico 2-1 l:I42-,fast 1 MB r. | g Xt ]1 J McTagrt 8 Welga. Letfetti. Trihoio Pimlico _..-4 l:15*ifast 24 IP. 16 16 it 13* Ml C M Snni Mark. Tribolo. Dr. Gremer 23469 Laurel ,, f 1 lhvy 81-10 93 5 6 6 6 »:» P Lowder i ColdenList. SkvPilot. Greeting 23292 H.deGce 51 f l:07%fast 15 9!» 6 6 6 6 f L Mink J Fernrock. Skv Pilot. Plumose 2M37 H.OCG C« KJllil mud 30 !.5 s 10 10 10 10== P Lowder 10 Slipshod. King Xeotane. Pesky 23081 Ii.deu ce ul f 1:08 fast 3 109 2 2 2 3» 4= C Fbther 7 Tom Elward. Success. Plumose •388* Il.aeG ce 6-0 l:0iysfast 13 107 7 7 7 7 PIC Fbther 7 Col. Vennie. Adroit. Broomvale 227.2 Belmont o-S st 58%fast 20 107 4 4 5 53 5" C Fbther 7 Puss in B.Kits. Malachite Grasn 21101 Jamaica 5-8 1:01 Vkfast 10 107 3 4 3 3» 2 » C Fbther 5 Tea Cnddv. P. of Como. Kilmer BROOM STRAW, ch. f. 8 105 By Broomstick— Urania A. B. Stelle. 2H28 Pimlico 3-4 l:14%fant fid Bjf | m ir; ?, Q** M Mthewsl.S!. Gold. List. Broomvnle --Laurel 2-4 l:124,5fast 166 103 5 6 6 6 8*» M M I hews 1; Ceo. Smith. Anita. Col. Vennie --19 Saratoga Bl f 1:13 hvy 8 110 | r, R 6 «« W J OBn 6 Skv Pilot. Chivator. Poppee 21664 Windsor H f l:11S£mul 14-3 107 1 111* li M Garner 8 M.Estelle. A. Astin. J Z Wiggins 21645 AVindsor .5-8 l:03%slop 8 112 1 1 1 |l| ji W Obert 11 MissAtkin. Servia. LittloP.igger run FortKrie 61 f 1 :I15islow 12 105 4 2 2 2 23 W Obert 7 And. Austin. Larkin. JohnBunnv 21..27 FortKrie 5-8 1 : n slow 57-10 100 1 1 1 11 3? W Obert 6 Imestment. Greetinirs Austin 21311 Hamton 5-6 lzCfltteat I 104 4 s 4 31 4*; BJ McDott » Greetings. Servia. Gl.-nier 21222 Ham ton 5-8 l:0l-.last 8 !S 3 2 2 3* 5* J Acton S Genii. -worn in, WillCash G f ht 2MS6 ConfM 5 8 1:o4;,slow3 1.12 4 4 4 5*1 3 J Acton » Gntlewuinau. W.Caau. S.Maggie 209I9 BlueBon. 5-8 1:03 fast 12-5 106 I 4 4 31 1 L Hart well « F.l.lie T.. Medea. Tar Brush 2*784 Uorval 4 f 54%fna4 41 ins 2 1 2 2* 2J 3 Smvih i» Phil 1,ngar, Damietta TirRrush BBBB Uorval 1-2 49fast 6-5 102 6 3 34 li M Mthews 9 U.Uatdeu. P.ofGrwav, H.Klata* DISTURBER, b. c. I 106 By Nasturtium— Meddlesome She S. Louis. 22.-M Pimlico 3-1 l:l;;;ssfast IK l«J3 u I ;• 3* S"I B Hayn.s In I lilwar.l. High! |..r-e. Tralco 23872 Pimlico 1 1:12 fast 77 K ■ 3 I 7 7-g 717 L McAtee s S. W.Jiishh. B.tJaiarC. Sprising 22713 Laurel 3-1 l:ll»Jfast 15 115 1 I 6 ti 9-"l K llaynes 13 High Horse, Stcllarjiia. Nollj :M Laurel 3-1 1:20 hvy 71 10S 2 3 2 2"" 2« E Haines «i P.s Choice. Ilaria. Calif ■ List JMLuNl 51 f 1:11 hvy MM 4 4 3» -" .1 Butwell ;i Malfou. Iolite. Ilaria 3573 Laurel 3-1 I ITMlUJ 12 112 2 2 1 1* 2 J Hutwell 8 Chivator. VirgiuiaM.. South. Star 23530 Laurel 51 f 1 :o7isgood 7* IN 7 7 6 » 6«i J BatWeU 10 D.iQulee. J.Straith, Dr.Gremer 23414 Laurel 51 f 1:12 mud 12-5 116 1 3 1 4- «**l Butwell S EdnaKeima. EddieT.. Stellarina 23084 H.deGce 51 f 1 :0S fast 12 109 1 I 5 f." tir J I.ntwell 7 Tom Elwnrd. Success. Plumose 228S1 Belmont 51 f st 1 :07«£fast 7 110 7 9 8 8 a"!* But well Iff Fair weather. Benjamin. Recluse 22266 Saratoga 5J f 1 inflow 3-2 110 1 r. 5 4* 4».I But well 7 Important, Tralee, Iolite 22191 Saratoga H t 1:13 hvy 3-2 118 1 2 2 3 4" J Butwell S sky Pilot. Chivator. Poppee 221:3 Saratoga 61 f l:llHslow 11-6 112 1 3 2 1* 1* J Kederis 10 Ilaria. Black Beauty. Servia MAYME W.. br. f. S 102 By Mint— Effie M. C. B. Campbell. SSK Bowie .*... f l:«7%fast lio MS I 7 7 7- Sl H HahmcrM Broom Corn. Tralee. Maifou 23394 i-aui.i Midi good rid iij 12 12 • 9» l*lH HauamerlS Atska. V Iiwmh. Dr.Gremer 22608 La up .1 .V. 11:11 hvv fid 1"2 7 a 8 9- !» II llamner 11 Ma if on. Disturber. Iolite 23524 LmtH 51 f 1:on good 107 100 6 !i 9 S4 9,S|T Hayes in High Horse, Nolli, Good Counsel tan LaanH Si f l:M*4atap 233 M 7 « 5 t* tM H Hanmer 8 OaMea List. Plumose, Greetings 23047 Dorva! 5-8 LolVsfast 21-5 99 1 2 1 l1 l1 • Morys 8 K.Olga. L.oiLvmi. P.ofGcnwav 227C9 BlueBon. 01 f 1:08 slow S 106 3 6 6 Si 814 K Cooper 12: Shrapnel. Broom Corn, Letfetti 22673 BlueBon. 3-1 1:1.7 fast 70 112 4 3 2 3h 4*1 W Kelsay 12 Damietta. Greenwood, G. Blair 221S1 Conght 5! f 1:11 hvv 20 111 7 7 7 61 6"1W Kelsay !i C.aleswinthe, Reserve, P. Sight 22191 Fort Erie 51 f 1 :09ysiast 7 97 7 6 5 71 94i J Morys fl Illuminator. Tush Tush. Eddie T. 22133 FortErie 5-S UMfHMY 12 96 3 1 1 ll 21 J .Morys I Margery, Uncle Will, Bernini