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NOMINATIONS TO GREAT HANDICAPS. New York. Decemlier 4. — Nominations for the Suburban Handicap, which is to have a place in the program of the Westchester Racing Associations spring meeting at Belmont Iark next year, have lieen re vived as follows: Archibald Barklies Holiday. August Belmonts StromlNdi, Friar Rock, St. Rock and Tea Caddy. Beverwyck Stables Old Koenig, Lena Mislta and Henry Jr. C. J. Brockmillers C.ruinpy and Old Ben. Grant Hugh Brownes Magnet. James Butlers Iaddy Whack, Spur, Pebbles, High Noon and Last Coin. "apt. Edward B. Cassatts Trial by Jury. W. R. Coes White Hackle, Hauberk and Neville II. M. Dalys Kingly. Elk wood Park Stables Celandria. A. Carsons Half Rock. Greeutree Stables Tetan. II. C. Hallenliecks Ttie Finn. Kmil Hera Short Grass. I.ixhall P. Keenes Indian Chant, Churchill and Puss in Boots. D. J. Leairys Roly. Oscar Ijewisohns Boots and Benevolent. A. K. Macombers Star Hawk. John F-. Maddens Gillies. Andrew Millers Roamer. J. J. Mulrenans Sasin. Nevada Stock Farms Celesta. Sohuvlcr L. Parsons Sharpshooter. Quincy Stables Trojan and Double Eagle. C. H. Bobbins Buskin. John Sanfords Ge.irge Smith and St. Isidore. John W. Schorrs Kd Crump. John O. Talbotts Prince Henry and Slumber II. L S. Thompsons Bromo. II P. Whitnevs Clapiierbill. Borrow and Chicle. Wickliffe Stables Ghetto Girl. Richard T. Wilsons Tartar. Tor the Metropolitan Handicap, also to be run at Belmont Park, the nominations are as follows: A. Barklies Holiday. A. Garsons Half Rock. A. K. Macomliers Star Hawk. Andrew Millers Roamer. August Belmonts Stromboli, Friar Rock and Tea Caddy. Beverwyck Stables Lena Mlsha, Old Koenig and Henry Jr. C II. Robbins Buskin. •" j. Brockmillers Grumpy and Old Ben. cieveland Stables Whimsy. D J. Learys Roly. E. B. Cassatts Trial by Jury and Flying Fairy. E Hera Short Grass and Baddys Choice, liikwood Stables Celandria. F P Keenes Puss in Boots and Indian Chant. g" A. Millers Flittergdd. Greentree Stables Gainer and Tetan. H C Hallenliecks The Finn and Iron Duke. Il P. Whitneys Clapper Bill. Borrow and Chicle. 1, S Thompsons Bromo. j Butlers Paddy Whack, Spur, Pebbles, High Noon and Last Coin. J O Talbotfs Slumber II. J Sanfords George Smith, St. Isidore and Quartz, j" W. Schorrs Ed Crump. J E. Maddens Gillies. M. Dalys Kingl.v. Oscar Lewisohus Benevolent ana Boots. O W Parrvs Harry Shaw, oiiincy Stables Trojan and Double Eagle. M k Carmans Achievement. R T. Wilsons Tartar. S L Parsons Shnr|»shooter and Phosphor. k W B Coes Hauberk. White Hackle and Neville m. .