Fourth Race [4th Juarez, Daily Racing Form, 1915-12-05

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I : I FOURTH RACE— 5-8 Mile. 2-year-olds. Allowances. Bttlf ITX ■ 111 mffwSS! b-/i,2,-4rn«t f?-7n B Stap Shoot-Ballerina G. Preece. o.:-ii r"1"10 34:1,vifa it-1.10. 4 S S »* W J McTagrtlt; Sand Vark. Tribolo. Dr. Grem-r 237M Laure 1 1:43 good 37-5 Ml 6 0 5 fi %» T« A Schugr 7 Water. Sand Mark. SottF ■n, "i I ". , -V r :r.%faSt, h Wt I !l ?! * S,l.ugrl2 High llorse. Nolli. Dr. Gremer 44. ;.,,■.• - :LHf i5 4 ! SiS-J Mi-Tag-rt 8 Kdna Kenna. EddieT.. Disturb,. 33239 H.deGee » uif l:07%fast 3-4 113 8 A "*r 4 3 53 fi«i I VrTurl a l iiVmuim llll,,r e ■ 23bi9H.det.ce ; -8 1 :01%good 6-5 109 I 2 1 14 13 J McTairrtC Ir Cremer J StrMtfh *il„r. * 21960 Aqueduct G-S 59 fast 17-10 10;. | 3 2 Is 1* J MeTstrt .8 V Kenna n Reilfiel.1 A r! , * m£ Belmont 1 £2 2? ! I 2 3 3» S " » Z*J££1Sl 21751 Belmont 5 6Jf W st st l:0»V4rast 1M101 8 2 1 1» 2» W Lilley 4 Tralee. Navigator, Venture * BAST CAL. b. g, 2 110 By Dorante— Pepita J. M. Shilling. 2::; 74 Juarez 5-8 l:01%fast 5 let; 2 2 2 2* 1*1 H Shilling 0 Prepaid, Veldt. Dolina 23738 Latonia 3-4 l:13%fast 47 110J6 7 C 6- 610 J McCabe ■ Impressive, Beauty Shop, Taka 23673 Latonia 3-4 1:16%hvy 44 108 1 10 10 10 Sls It Shilling 13 Beauty Shop, Veldt, Paymaster 23624 Latonia 3-4 l:15%mud 14 112 5 8 8 81 9" It Shilling V~ Impressive, Gewoman, AlPierce 22S77 Lexgton 5* f 1 :07 fast 33 106 8 9 9 9 9"« B Shilling 10 Poppee, Cardome. H Gardner 21301 Latonia G-S l:03%slop 27-5 111111 11 11 10 10"1J McCabe 11 Disturber, Savino, Illuminator 21097 Latonia 51 f l:08%good 29 112 5 3 5 4and 4T1 J McCabe G Cardome, H. Apparent C. Bun 21027 Latonia 5-8 l:03Vsmud 3 112 2 2 2 3l 4 J MeCabe 8 Ifldel II., Disturber. Illuminator 20899 Latonia 5-8 l:02«*mud 13 1091 3 1 1 i P] McCabe 7 Yermak, Lynn, A. Mancini 20302 Churchill 41 f 55 fast 14-5 110 6 6 61 6»J T McTagt 9 Tobacco Box, Paymaster, Savino 20090 Lexgton 41 f 64=ifast 21 112 8 8 7* 6»J L Gentry 8 Bulse. Gipsey George, Disturber SHELL DO. b. f, 2 10S By Waldo— Hose Pompon J. Pelter. 24025 Juan z 5-Sl:00%fast 10 K.N 8 4 4 35 21 A Pickens 1 1 Dolina. Bank. Thelma Marie 23195 SanFran. 5-8 1:02 fast — 109 1 111* l4 C Kirsehm 7 Bobt. Lee, Ojita. Von Ladv 23117 SanFran. 51 f 1 :08Vifast — 109 1 112" 3=1 C Kirschin 8 MaryJay, Toastmaster. L. Water 22995 SanFran. 5-8 l:02Vfcfast — MS 1 I 4 4 4* C Kirselim 8 Bas Blancs, Brooks, Bobt. Lee 21S09 Reno 41 f 66 fast 22 110 4 | 5 4=1 8*1 S Martin G Mary Jay. H.Andv, Toastmaster 21415 Denver 4* f 55%fast 23 105 8 7 7 7* 7"1B Feeney 9 Little Blues, F. Patterson, Lola 19170 Juarez 3-8 36%slop 30 112 8 8 S=» A Hollister 8 Lola. Divan, Ladv Blanche 19072 Juarez 3-8 35%fast 30 112 11 11 11 « A Hollisterll Ciruella. Marigold. Test 19051 Juarez 3-S 34«4fast 20 11 5 6 6=°1A Hollister 6 Baby Cal, Mena, Brooks THANKSGIVING, b. g. 2 106 By Migraine — Busy Girl S. M. Henderson. 287*2 Latonia ll:40%fast 21-5 105 S 10 8 4 3J V C VanDun12 Brown Velvet, Taka. GvpsvBlalr 28878 Latonia 8-4 l:16%hvy 8 104 13 13 9 91 CUA Mott 13 Beauty Siiop. Veldt, Paymaster BOB I-at .nia 3-4 l:14%fast 63-10 104 11 8 7 2J l5 0 VanDunll Asp.Sam, Circulate. JackBeeves IMW n—llll 3-4 1:16 hvy 113 106 10 10 8 S1 6=3 D ConnellylO Veldt. Industry, Dolina 28888 churchl 51 f l:10%mud 34 111 8 5 6 61 5° W Andress S M.B.Trman, M.Mullen. Cossack 23070 Lexgton 3-4 1:18 mud 19 1 111 4 7 7 7 71* W Andress 8 Charlie McGee, Cossack, Bernini COSSACK, b. g, 2 110 By Dorante — Half-a-Sovereign J. W. Goidblatt. 28887 Juarez 2-4 1:14 fast 8-5 lo3 2 1 1 Is 1* A Mott 8 Bon. Buck, II.. J. Walters 22782 Latonia 3-4 1:14 fast 87-10 107 I 6 5 31 3« ] Metcalf 11 M. Mullen. BusvJoe. Run.Queen 8M I-itonia 1 l:42%good 15 107 6 5 4 1 3s 3= J Metcalf !t II. Thompson, J.Oakley. TutFly 23561 Latonia 3-4 1:17 mud 10 M 8 8 7 75 7C1 J Metcalf 11 C.MNab. Sansyniing. Stephens. 23535 latonia 3-4 1:14%fast 8 Ml 2 I 3 7" and~h J Metcalf 11 Tnksgiving, Asp.Sam, Circulate 2335S Church 1 51 f l:10%mud 43-20 107 4 3 I 3» 3» J Metcalf 8 M.B.Trman. M.Mullen. Cculate 23296 Douglas 51 f 1 :0S«£slow 16 107 6 4 6 6"= 61* I Metcalf 7 Primero, Col. MeNab, Al Pierce 23255 Douglas 3-4 1:14 fast 121 106 2 4 5 41 4" J Metcalf 11 D. Williams, AlPierce, Asp.Sam 23070 Lexgton 3-4 1:18 mud 53-10 109 2 2 1 11 2» J Metcalf 8 Char. McGee, Bernini, Asp.Sam 23049 Lexgton 3-4 l:14%fast 39-10 109 5 3 4 4s 3C1 J Metcalf 5 Votary, AsparagusSam, J.Bunny 22939 Lexgton 51 f l:06%fast 64 106 8 7 6 71 8lk J Metcalf 8 Checks, Franklin. Big Fellow INDUSTRY, br. f. 2 105 By Hilarious — Lacene Glick and Buxton. "2764 Latonia 5 f l:07%fast 19 M8 9 10 10 7* M *ftM earner 12 S. of Pleasure. 1!. Fellow, A.Getz 23383 Latonia 3 4 1:17 hvy 13-5 9S 4 2 2 11 D K Lapaillell Asp. Sam. P.edCross, Jas.Oaklev "3.-.4S Latonia 51 f 1 :0S%fast 13-5 K 5 6 7 71 4* K Lapail1e12 Lady Mildred, Trout Fly, Lachis MR Churchl 3-4 1:16 hvy 39 YH 1 112= 2= K Lapaille M Veldt. Dolina, Lachis 3105 Douglas 5-S l:01%fast 23-10 98 1 2 3 4= 4= M Garner II L.Wingtn, Cirlate, M.R.Tmn "1209 Latonia 41 f 54%fast 7 104 8 3 71 6-J M Garner 12 J.C.Welch, Miss Atkin, Traction "0834 Latonia 41 f 54%fast 26-5 105 5 3 31 3*1 M Garner 12 Brown Velvet, BcssieN.. M.Atkln r 0699 Douglas 5-8 l:oe%fast 39-5 no 8 4 4 4* S11 M Garner 11 MoinenStar. GypsyBlair, B. Joe 20240 Churchill 1-2 48 fast 67-20 110 1 5 61 8»1 E Martin 12 Lit.Sister. MargaretN., LuckyB. BROOKS, br. g, 2 107 By Leonid — Insolence W. McLemore. "•«t74 luanz 5-8 1 :01"Kfast 3-2 Ml 7 8 8 E*l**j ft Guv !t Bahv Cal. Prepaid, Veldt ■•VK SanFran. 5-8 l:02%Ca*t — 112 I 6 I 5= B»l B Carter 8 L. Water. Tstmaster. F.Pterson ••"W, SanFran. 5-8 1 :02fast — 115 6 8 3 33 2" It Carter 8 Bas Blancs. Bobt. Lee, ShellDo rr;ixS FanFran. 5-S 1 :022sfast — 115 4 4 4 4 fill Carter 4 Carl Roberts. W. Belle. "•661 SanFran. 5-8 l:02%fast — lost 5 111* 3=1 W J OBn 7 La njih. Water, Tonstmaster, Lola r,%ol SanFran. 5-8 1 :03%fast — M7 2 1 1 l3 lh A Palms 5 Toastmaster. L. Water. Lola "41-, Denver 41 f 5: %iast 43-20 108 5 Fell. W Kelsay !t Little Blues, F. Patterson. Lola i".946 Juarez 1-2 47%fast I 10S 3 4 4* 2« J MeCabe 6 LittleBlues, Lola, F. Patterson 198-2 Juarez M 49"Sifast 4 112 2 2 2« In R Carter 10 Maceabee, J.D.Sugg, Tstmaster J | l 754 Juarez 1-2 4S%fast 8 107 7 4 52 6TJ G MolesthlO F.Patterson, Lit. Blues, A.Austin 19673 Juarez 1-2 SUandslow 4 112 5 3 3 21 ] McCabe 7 Quiz. Letfetti. Veldt 19655 Juarez 1-2 52%hvy « 110 1 4 3nk 2« L Gentry 7 Little Blues. Savino. LittleLuck 19544 Juarez 1-2 49%mud 7 99 1 8 71 6« A Mott 10 Shaban, Sehuleuburt;, Megaphone ZUDOBA b. f, 2 100 By Waterboy— Star J. C. Ferris. ■VMS luarez »-* 1 :Of»Sjfast 10 104 3 7 6 5« 5* G Molesthll Dolina. Shell Do. Bank rV»" luir.z 5-8 l:01%fast 6 |M 2 5 4 ::« 2° G Molesth S Staranise. RapidMav. L.Cwhran ""-8 I atonia 1 l:40%fast fid MO 3 2 10 10= 1015 k Lapaille 12 ft. Velvet, Taka, Thanksgiving «SI 1 atonia 3-4 1:13%fast 90 WJ 11 11 H 9= 7"? C Hunt 11 Blue Cap. Cardoine, LouiseStone SMS! latonia 3-1 1:17 mud 64 109 10 10 10 10 10=» E Pool 11 AlexGetz. Sausyming. StephenB.

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Local Identifier: drf1915120501_4_5
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