Juarez Entries and Past Performances for Wednesday, December 8, Daily Racing Form, 1915-12-08


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Juarez Entries art Past Performances for Wednesday, December 8. WEATHER CLEAR. TRACK GOOD. o o The figures under the heading "Rec." in the I entries below show the best time of each horse j at the distance, since January 1, 1911, no matter where it finished. In cases where record was made on other than a fast or good track, abbreviations show track conditions. 1 o 1 o Racing starts at 2:30 p. in. Chicago time. 3:30. xHuns well in mud. ©Superior mud runner. M maidens. Apprentice allowance. First Race — 5-8 Mile. 2 -year-olds. Maidens. Allowances. Track record: Rials — 571.-.— 0— HO. In.l. Horse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.Han 24 i25" BANK lO.i 1 : 1 115.. 710 2402S Circulate «»:: 1:01 112. .B 5 24 i."»s Zud. .1 a 104 1 :01 % 112.. B 5 24it.rr Ixih Cochran KtS 1:02*. 105. .KH 22!»41 Kail Band 104 1:02 105. . HH 2:44 Thats Me 107 IStOlfc 112. .CM 2404!» Happiness 9H1: K»~ 105.. 680 2S**tt Fan 109 1:04"-. 10."». ..so 2.!7 « Jennie Small MS. .880 2.!4::7 Jose 112 1:03 10S..GS0 24n25 Rapid May Ritt 1 :02*f. 1 12. .6SO Bank is only one which has shown promising form of late. Second Race — 1 Kile. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. • Track record: 13724— l:30 f. — 3— 102. 21rt;i» Ronnies Ruck M ilOO 1 :39% 4 112x7 0 24i»:n Skinnv B 102 1:4 *Z 3 108x088 24300* Black Mate 105 1 :.»»-. 11 107X6:5 24o.-.::* ivter Stalwart M 03 1 :42=H 3 08. .400 10472* Airline 83 1:42-- 3 .IN x 000 2.:il ;« Zinkand Ill 1:41*. S Ri7x»K 0 VMM Charles Fox 112 1:41% 8 112X090 24« 44 Amliri MS 1:40-. 4 112X000 24t44 Downland lio 1:41 I 112XKM 24130- I.ad «J1 1:44 3 tISXONO Ronnies Ruck has lieen racing lietter of late than the others. Third Race — 3-4 Mile. 3-vcar-ol l au.l upward. Selling. Track record: lit I 00*0 8 i|H | 24»4 i* Auntie Curl 1»C. 1:1S% 4 102x725 2405D- Raima 112 1;15% 8 107x720 24050:* Hearthstone s 1:13% 0 102X715 84005* Hazel C 105 1:124. G102X71O 24o4.-.* Canaiia 105 1:14 7 102X710 24054 Ann Tilly ........ 9S l:12 i 5 107x71o Ind. Horse. wt. Rec. A.Wt.IIan. 24*80* Willis ins |;|M 5 105X705 2::i2 » Rro Roaiis 115 1:13% 0 110x705 Auntie Curl has Iteeii showing speed in better company. Fourth Race — 3-4 Mile. "-year-olds and upward. Selling. Track record: 12y.Mi— 1 :0»3i— li— 115. 24052 Charmeuso 1 h; 1:11*4 4 Ri7x725 24154-* Old Rob «7 1:10% : 07 X 720 2405! - Jake Argent 1R 1:13* 112x720 2402S- Ralgee m; 1:12V- 5 112X720 24052 Full-ng 110 1:12-. 7 112 720 24041* Charity Ward ... its 1:14% 3 M 715 240.13 Billy Joe 113 1:1::-, 3 102©715 23301 Ha r wood 107 1:13- 4 100 • 715 24O30r* Bertha V 107 1:13% 4 101X710 24052 Miss Fielder 105 1:12% 3 104. .710 Charuieuses last race may have put her ou edge. Fifth Race— 5-8 Mile. 3-.venr-.dds and upward. Selling. Track record: lJ.HS— 57 i— 5— 120. 24045=* Category 107 1:00% 3 9SX725 241 43: Mol ler 1 1 : 1 :00% 5 108 X 72» 24007* Aunt Klsie 100 1:00 4 108. .720 24035* Jennie Crawford ..102 1:00% 5 111x720 24054 Cordova las 1:01 £ 9 112x720 2405O* Miss Editli 105 1:00 5 103X715 24005 Cilhcrt Rose 119 1:01% 8 10S©715 2154s Safranor 109 1:00% 5 110x713 24041* Rag 103 1:00 .-. its. .710 230S33* Col. Randell . 107 1:02% 3 98x705 24028** Classv Curl 1ft 1:01% 3 M. .70S 2.;c.l4 Fi.kendale 105 1 :01 3 103. .705 2151 4 Nobby 10! :59% 5 108 X 705 24055= * Kel 100 1 -.01 8 103 X 700 0J8M Rone Star 10! 1:02% i 108. .090 Contenders are closely matched. Sixth Race — 1 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. Track record: 13724 — 1:30%— 3— 102. 24030 Mcrcuriunt 109 1:38% 5 112©725 24030** Mud Sill 95 1:37% 7 107X720 240.-;C.:1 J. Nolan 102 1:39% 4 105©715 24009** Transparent 100 1:39% 7 100X710 24031 Coppers 108 1:40% 10 105X705 24000 Key 112 1:38% 6 108© 705 24048 Kaoul 100 1:43$ 4 112x705 24050 C.re:!t Friar 112 1:38% 0 112X700 Mercnrium races well over a soft track.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1915120801/drf1915120801_4_1
Local Identifier: drf1915120801_4_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800